Without A Doubt

By kacimachele

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Evangeline Carter wants nothing more than to make it through her final year of college in one piece figurativ... More

C H A P T E R F I V E : P A R T I
C H A P T E R S I X : P A R T II
C H A P T E R E I G H T : P A R T IV
C H A P T E R T W E L V E : P A R T O N E


2.6K 73 5
By kacimachele


Tre lets out a disbelieving laugh, annoyance laced in his tone—as he glares daggers down at the neon green ping pong ball that's staggered on the table, like that's somehow going to change the outcome.

Gritting his teeth as his runs a hand through the brown-blonde strands of hair. "Fuck" He mutters audibly—visibly fuming as he snatches the solo cup of the table, gulping down the contents inside.

I can't help but laugh because he's pissed.

My lips turn up at the corners as a scowls because this shit is funny to me, he's been boasting all night—talking shit for the past thirty minutes. It's entertaining get under his skin even more.

It's me and Andre vs. Tre and Keegan, who might I say currently looks like he couldn't tell you his left from his right. If the way his shots are sloshed and off chartered is any indication, but honestly I'm probably right behind him with the half of bottle of fireball and cups of beer I've chugged. With three years of practice under my belt and enough early morning hangovers and drunken mishaps you learn your limits.

"Well this is fucking bullshit, it's defective or something" He counters, like that's the most logical answer.

"Nah" I muse, "your just ass at the game Carter" my lips pull into a smirk, as he groans disapprovingly sound, muttering whatever before clasping his hands together focusing back on the game.

"Yo get your shit together T" Keegan scowls, nudging his shoulder.

"Dude, I got this would you calm the fuck down" Carter scolds back, I have to dial back the laughter because their expressions are so serious.

"Can you two pussy's stop arguing so we can get back to the game" D' Andre rebuts, as the noise of the crowd drowns out the rest.

The living room is dimly lit, the faintest bit of light shadowing from the kitchen. Strobe lights hang from the banisters and staircase, highlighting the room in a multicolored array of flashing lights various blues, reds and greens.

Scanning the room, my eye's looking over the dancing bodies grinding against each other, a group of girls linger near the staircase, one with hella curly hair grabbing my attention — as her friend leans into her ear, eyes lingering towards my direction before her friend looks over her shoulder, giving me a sinful grin.


I tip my chin, either I'm horny as hell or I'm looking for a distraction.

Probably both to be honest as I shift looking  towards the front.

My gaze shifts towards the door—the attention and atmosphere seeming to almost change, as my eyes fall on a pair of undeniably blue ones that seemed to worm their way into my thoughts as of lately.

Evan looks around nervously fidgeting with her hands—something I've noticed a lot when the attention is on her as she disregards the others stares, looking obviously relieved when Hannah walks back up to her, grabbing the drink she hands her before slinging it back.

Maybe it's the chase—the way she has the ability to keep me guessing or the witty comebacks. I'll be the first to admit Evan Carter isn't someone I've payed attention to the last three years, but that may have everything to with that she's made it abundantly clear she will never be "one" of the many girls that occupy my bed.

Easier said than done.

I'm not a chaser, it has no appeal to me and I usually would have lost interest because I couldn't care less about the chase it's never entertained me. Girls look past it for more than a one and done situation and are vying for more than sex, but this back and forth with Carter is intriguing the hell out of me and I don't know how to feel about that.

I coast over her body—her fine ass body and that single sight alone has my dick sporting a semi.

Probably not smart considering her brothers in front of me.

Her outfit is as easily tempting as that undeniably hot halloween costume or those seemingly impossible leggings that always seem to steal my attention—hugging her curves and perky ass in all the right places.

Evan's a relatively small girl probably five-five give or take— at least compared to my six-seven frame. The clad material of her denim shorts hug her frame—giving me a far greater appreciation for her ass.


Combined with the sight of small cursive print of black ink decorating her skin—only adds to the sex appeal she has going on.

It's hot.

I can't make out with the inscription words say, but I'm intrigued because Evan Carter doesn't strike me as the type have a tattoo. But that just add to ever growing list about Carter that I know little about, but more I want to uncover and I'm not talking about how much I want to see her in my bed.

Bumping into Carter yesterday wasn't my intention, but an added bonus—to be honest I forgot she was in the class to begin with. Seeing as it's a one-hundred person class at nine am in the fucking morning, but she sits in the front of the lecture hall Professor Grier teaches in, something I've avoided all semester long.

The constant questions of whether my knee is healed, if I'm capable of leading the team to another championship under my leadership, my potential draft projection, the start of the season all seems to be a popular topics of conversation still.

I get it It's a big deal for the university to have someone projected to go this high up in the draft, but I don't need people hounding left and right and every goddamn second about it, I've got enough on my mind.

I've gotten somewhat used to it on campus the stares and murmurs, and since the draft boards on ESPN after last season ended went up it's become more occurrent when I'm out. Interviews, calls—text with some current players in the league—it's insane really.

Grier is notoriously known for randomly asking question about the material throughout class to see if you're paying attention or read the previous night's material.

The class itself though?

Is as basic as you can possibly get—apply a couple theoretical theories and analogies, it's an easy grade. With the way practice is running over and coach has been killing us in practice for our first game against Stanford in a couple of days, I don't get started on any of the work until ten or later.

And the fact that I was already running behind for practice to begin with hence, the reason I didn't actually see Evan exiting the aisle until she was pressed up against my chest about to have a very uncomfortable meeting with the carpeted floor.

The feel of her small waist gripped between my arms left impossible images run through my head and with those leggings that should honestly be a crime because damn do they hug her ass perfectly, couldn't help but check her out and when the flushed hue of crimson flooded her cheeks   at my words, I knew my words had an affect on her.

The sound of the crowd jarring of approval drag me out of my daze, as Tre shot sinks into his next cup allowing his big ass ego to grow even more. Grabbing the cup the brightly lit cup—downing the contents inside, as D'andre steps up to take his shot.

Whips of blonde and brown hair move in my peripheral, as D' makes his shot, before Keegan steps up for the next, missing it by a long shot.

"Nice shot Keg" Reese snickers, as Keegan glares at him. The sight of Hannah appearing beside Reese squeezing his waist in a side hug, "boo"

He startles slightly, a grin parting his face, "Hey baby" he leans cupping her chin down kissing her. "Hi" she grins, breathlessly.

"Ugh, you two are disgustingly nauseating, It's sickening" Tre comments, causing me choke on laughter as Hannah glares at him and me, I shrug my shoulders "what" I smile, as her expression deepens.

  "You know what I mean Ja—" she doesn't finish, as a flushed looking evan appears at Hannah's side. "Sorry I'm back, what did I miss" she turns, eyes colliding with mine, and I get a better look at her outfit up close and the fact that her black crop top is loose, fanning open at the bottom— I can tell she's not wearing a bra. 

I have to choke down the groan I feel in base of my throat when I see the faint outline of her very hard and beaded nipple underneath.

"Nothing more than your brother and Jaxson being a inconceivable asses"

"You love me han-han" Tre smirks, as Hannah says, "bite me." 

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Evan says, glancing between me and her brother, "I extremely offended that you would insinuate something so awful about me considering I'm your brother" as she simply rolls her eyes at him.

"Ay" I tease, "see that where I think your wrong babe, I think you love it" I say as her blue eyes sparkle—dancing with mischief, as her cheeks flush— the faintest bite of red, blossoming around her neck as she juts her chin out. 

"Please, I beg to differ" she bites on her bottom lip, drawing my eyes down to the plump smooth skin—when I look back up to see a small smirk playing on her lips when she notice where my attention has diverted to.

Fuck, Is she teasing me right now?

"Wanna find out?"  I find myself saying, wanting to actually find out the answer to it. Her breath hitches in the slightest—gotcha.

Her eyes fall towards the floor, towards Hannah who's eyeing us curiously with a giddy expression on her face looking ready to pounce.

what's that about?

"Yo" Tre claps, "quit flirting with my sister, so I can get back to beating your ass J" Tre stammers.

Grabbing the disregard green ball, this is the last round and their only one neon cup between the both of us. Carters been sporting that smug ass smirk all night and it's really starting to annoy the shit outta me, time to wipe that off his face. Eyeing up his one remaining cup, I pull my hand back lining it up to get the perfect angle as the ball descends—falling with straight trajectory.

"Drink up, bud" I gloat, as he snatches the cup off the table, flipping me off—grumbling in the process. The unmasked feeling of buzzing in my back pocket consistently.I pull it to peak at it, and immediately push it back when I read the name.

Dad, Ignore.

I clench my jaw so hard, I'm surprised it doesn't crack— I suppress my irritation. The feel of a hand on my shoulder causes me to turn around, and I'm met with the sight of Makenna Mason.

"Jaxson" she drawls with a seductive small, "why do I feel like your avoiding me?" I furrow my brows, shit the brunette from earlier.

I'll admit Makenna's a smoke-show, hella curly hair, bit tits—any logical guy with a working dick wouldn't pass that up not even me, but jersey chaser's I stay away from and Makenna is a certifiable one. Most of the guys on the team are more than pleased with the groups of girls that are waiting after games, and I've had my fair share but you don't mix business and pleasure or however the saying goes.

Point being that shits notably going to backfire on you and trust me I've learned that the hard way. Freshman year was a shit-show in a memorable way—my first real taste of being D1 athlete on a major college team, that had the hype and representation of being a championship team with Brookes as captain, although me came up short my first year in march madness and vowed to bring it home the next, and we did. The line of girls practically waiting to drop their panties and the indication at the end of the night. It was hot and fun, but after enough hangovers, late practices from dealing with the fallout the next morning—I had to cut my losses, didn't stop me from sleeping around, but it quickly snapped me enough to ensure where my mind need to be at.

"Mhm" I smirk, "sure about?"

I look over Makenna shoulder, seeing Evan watching us with her face pulled into a slight frown— a stoic expression replacing it as her shoulders tense in the slightest I probably would have missed it.  She diverts her eyes, engrossing herself in conversation with Hannah before Alex appears with multiple shot glasses, handing them out before the each throw them back as I turn my attention back to Makenna.

"Very—it would be a shame, why don't you enlighten me" She says, giving me a sugary smile.

"Damn your persistent" I say, in a very causal tone because damn is the forwardness kinda a turn on and especially hot. Knowing I would never turn down no strings attached sex when it's being flashed with a green sign in front of me, but I seem to want to give into it—at least not yet.

She shrugs, "and I know what I want" she suggest simply.

"Um and what's that that you want" I muse, although the writings clear on the wall, she's looking for some fun.

"You" she says, as I hear a couple of the guys, grunt damn and practically choke out, fuck that's hot. She clearly hears them, as her eyes practically dance at the challenge of it and the other guys attention. "You know where to find me if you change your mind" she touches my forearm, walking around me—putting more sway in her hips, as Nate stands beside me in total amusement, making a choked sound as he watches her ass. I let out an amused chuckle, cause who would have thought I'd turn down a guaranteed good time.

"Did I really just witness that—cause I for sure believe that my eyes didn't just witness that—you turned down that" He says, turning towards me, "and the fact that you haven't tapped that already is beyond me" He finishes, the dilated ring around his eyes, I can tell he's faded, more than likely high too.

I shrug, "isn't what I want" I state as he gives me a knowing look— I roll my eyes.

"What, don't tell me that any of you were thinking differently?" He questions with a shrug. "Heard she has a super bitchy attitude" Keg comments.

"Doesn't mean where about to have a fucking heart to heart, it's just fucking. Two people exchanging pleasantries—sharing a couple of orgasms end of story."

"Dude I really don't want to hear this right now before you catch a boner" D'andre says, as Nate shrugs.

Hannah swats at Nate giving him a pointed look, as he winces holding his side "don't be crude Nate it's not cool to objectify a girl even if it is Makenna" she rolls her eyes, her face twisting in a wiry expression.

"Damn babe, what's that face for?" Reese says, his arms draped over her shoulders, she looks around contemplating, biting on her lip to see if she should say anything

"Nothings it's just—" she sighs, "Makenna and Evan aren't necessarily friends and she's especially vulnerable right now after everything that's happened the past month and I want her to have a good time tonight, this is the first time I've seen her really laugh and smile since her breakup" she looks over her shoulder, making sure Evan's not listening. Before cutting my eye's seeing Evan walking back over standing beside me. 

Reese coughs, cover it up the previous discussion—"well who's up for another round"

"I'm down" Evan cuts in.

"Nah, sorry Ev" Tre states, "bring your ass back over here reed I want a rematch, unless you two are going to be partners"

I swear this kid hasn't learned yet, but fuck it—I bump Evan's shoulder, "well then let's see what you've got babe"

I see the challenge brighten in her eyes as she regards me, game on.

• Authors Note •

Ahhh, my babies I love them!

Hey guys!!
One more part to this chapter, which will be relatively short! What do we think? Are we liking the progression of the story so far?

I'm super excited about the next couple of chapters because this is when things start to really get good 😌! You are in for a roller coaster! Also I'm interested what are some of you guys theories?

Pls follow me on Instagram @kacimachele I post a lot of teasers for future chapters!

Xx Kaci

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