By Bloodsuckingfairy

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Hy•bri•sto•phi•lia -a sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes The sequel to NYCTOPHILIA... More

Chapter 1 - FREEDOM
Chapter 3 - MEDICATION
Chapter 5 - WOMAN
Chapter 6 - CLUB
Chapter 7 - VICTIM
Chapter 9 - DINNER
Chapter 10 - PROUD
Chapter 11 - EMOTIONS
Chapter 13 - REUNITED
Chapter 14 - LIES
Chapter 15 - ROADTRIP P.1
Chapter 15 - ROADTRIP P.2
Chapter 16 - MEXICO P.1
Chapter 16 - MEXICO P.2
Chapter 16 - MEXICO P.3
Chapter 17 - AFTERMATH
Chapter 18 - MINE
Chapter 19 - REALITY
Chapter 20 - BEG
Chapter 21 - GUILTY
Chapter 22 - HURT
Chapter 23 - RUSSIA
Chapter 24 - ADDICTION
Chapter 25 - REVENGE
Chapter 26 - CRIMINALS
Chapter 27 - FRIEND
Chapter 28 - MOTHER
Chapter 29 - BROTHER
Chapter 30 - LOVERS
Chapter 31 - SUSPICION
Chapter 33 - TRUTH
Chapter 34 - DANGER
Chapter 35 - HOSPITAL
Chapter 36 - CONTROL

Chapter 4 - BROKEN

2K 90 68
By Bloodsuckingfairy

Asher's POV:
"I didn't know my mom... Before and after she died. My dad never told me who she was, or even showed me any pictures of her... I have absolutely no idea who she was."

"It's nice to see you again Asher." She smiled at me as she opened up her notebook.

"Yeah let's just get on with it..."

She nodded, then crossed her legs as she looked at me.

"So your mom's dead. How does that make you feel?"

Was she she not listening to what I just said?

"Nothing. I didn't know her." I told her nonchalantly and she raised her brow.

"Just because you didn't know her, it doesn't mean growing up without a mom wouldn't affect you. You had a step mom?"

I clenched my jaw as I looked up at her.

"Why are you asking about her?"

"I just wanna know more about your life Asher. If you don't feel comfortable answering any of my questions, just let me know and we'll move on."

If I don't answer it, she'll just start assuming things...

"She was my dads wife. He had his first three kids with her, then cheated on her and had me. My dad forced her to raise me as her own, but they all hated me for it. My brothers and sister couldn't stand me, but she... she at least pretended to care sometimes... until I got older."

"What do you mean, until you got older?"

All these fucking questions...

"I don't wanna talk about it, move on." I told her as I looked back down at my hands.

"Okay... let's talk about your wife. How did you two meet?"

Now that's something I can talk about.

"At school. She had just moved to California and it was her first day at my school. I never really used to go to school, but my dad pretty much forced me. Looking back, I'm glad I did go to school that day..."

"What happened?"

"I saw her walking into school with her brother, and instantly knew I wanted her, so I got her. We let her brother start hanging around with us, then I slowly wormed my way into her life so that I could ruin it. It's only now that I'm starting to regret it."

I really have ruined her life...

"So you wanted to ruin her life?" She questioned, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. There was this innocence about her that I wanted to ruin, but also darkness, you know?"

"What changed? You said you're starting to regret it."

"I fell in love with her... I thought I loved the drugs and the alcohol, but I never knew what love was until I met her. She made me feel things I never thought I'd be able to feel... and I hated it."

She nodded as she wrote down her notes, then looked back up at me.

"Why did u hate it?"

"Because it was weird." I shrugged honestly. "I don't like feeling things, that's why I drown myself in drugs, alcohol and sex."

"Sex? Would you say you have an unhealthy relationship with sex?"

"I, uhh... I don't know- probably... It's kinda my solution for a lot of things."

"Mhm... have you ever cheated on your wife?" She questioned further.

What has this got to with anything?

"Yeah, multiple times."

"And why did you do that? Is your sex life with your wife not what you want it to be?"

"No, it's great. We have amazing sex all the time, I just... I don't know..."

I'm just an asshole...

"Tell me about the times you cheated on her."

"Uhh... the first time I did it was when her dad sent her to some place in Spain... She had just miscarried our baby for the first time, but I didn't actually know she was pregnant that time. Anyway, long story short, she started to loose it so I took her to her dads. I didn't see her for about a year, and I didn't even know if she was coming back. I felt like shit so I slept around to distract myself."

God, I'm such a piece of shit...

"She's miscarried for the first time? Did she miscarry again?"

I nodded and looked down at my hand as I began to tap it against the leather.

"Yeah... that's why she had to go away. She completely lost it this time, and she wasn't coping well." I explained whilst she nodded.

"And how did the miscarriage make you feel? How did you cope with the loss of your baby?"

I looked up at her, kinda taken aback at her question.

No one had asked me that...

"I... it doesn't matter how I feel. I wasn't the one that had to give birth to my dead baby..." I muttered as I looked back down, my chest tightening like it usually did when I thought about it.

Celeste is the one who had to go through the worst of it.

"But you were there? And you still lost your baby, Asher. It's very common for men to be forgotten about when miscarriages happen. Most men may even feel guilty for feeling bad, just because they don't have to go through physically loosing their child." She explained softly as she looked at me. "Tell me how you felt after the miscarriage, Asher."

"I felt... empty. Emptier than usual. I wanted to talk about it with Celeste, but... she didn't want to. Every time I brought it up she just dismissed it like it was nothing... so I just pushed it down too. Then everything happened with her, and she had to go away... I was all alone again."

Loosing the baby made me realise how badly I wanted her... I wanted to be a good dad.

"I never told anyone this, but after Celeste gave birth to her, then told me to leave her alone... I went downstairs, sat out on the balcony with a glass of whiskey and just cried... I didn't want to but I-I couldn't stop it..."

I know it's selfish to think like this, but I thought she could be my fresh start... my chance to do something good for this world... I wanna be good so badly...

I saw her push a box of tissues across the coffee table, and that's when I felt the tear running down my face.


I looked at her with a clench jaw and stood up.

"I'm done." I told her, then ignored her calling after me as I left the building and went straight to my car.

Why did I tell her all of that? Why did I even go back there, what's wrong with me?

I hit the wheel of my car, then huffed as I ran a hand through my hair.

I looked in the mirror and wiped my face to get rid of any evidence of me crying, then fixed my hair and my tie.

I've gotta get to college...


Celeste's POV:
After finding Ashers stash, I was now rolling myself a nice fat blunt.

I deserve it, my heads killing me!

Everyone's either at college or work so I may as well just get high.

I examined the blunt in my hand and smiled at it.

I'm getting better.

Just as I was about to light it, my phone began to ring, making me sigh.

For fucks sake...

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see it was Asher.

Weird... he hates speaking over the phone...

"Hello!" I greeted as I answered the phone, waiting for him to reply.

"Uh, hey. I kinda need you to pick me up..." he mumbled down the phone, and I frowned.

What's wrong with his car?

"Why, where are you? What's happened?"

"I'm in the hospital... I tripped and broke my arm..." he mumbled the last bit, and I paused to make sure he was being serious.

He was actually being serious...

I couldn't stop myself from beginning to laugh as I held a hand over my mouth.

"You fucking tripped and broke your arm!" I exclaimed between my laughter, then heard him sigh as I began to laugh hysterically.

"It's not fucking funny, I can't even drive now..."

I just continued to laugh at the though of him doing something so stupid, then heard him end the phone.

Oh wait- no!

I quickly rang him back, but he ended it instead of answering.

I guess I was kinda mean...

So instead I just messaged him and asked him which hospital he was at.

A few seconds later he message me back and I sighed as I stood up, then grabbed my keys from the side table.

Of course he has to ruin my high by breaking his fucking arm.


I glanced over at Asher's right hand which was covered in a cast.

He's not gonna be able to drive for months...

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for laughing earlier, I just couldn't imagine you tripping and breaking your arm..." I told him sincerely as he looked out the window with a clenched jaw.

"Yeah, it's fine... I'm just not gonna be able to drive myself around for the next two months."

"You won't be able to do loads of shit, that's your right hand! Like how are you meant to roll a blunt? Or write shit down?" I asked as he glared at me, then my face dropped as I realised something else. "Oh no... how the fuck are you supposed to finger me!"

This brought a smirk to his face, but it just made me frown.

"That's not funny Asher!"

"Oh so now it's not funny?" He scoffed in amusement. "Don't worry, my other hand is fine, and my dick still works. You're just gonna have to a lot more riding."

I smirked as I looked at him.

"I guess that'll have to do..."

I hate riding dick... it hurts my legs.

"I'm gonna have to get fucking Uber's everywhere now though." He groaned and I glanced at him again.

I guess I could drive him to college and back... it's not like I've got anywhere else to be.

"No you don't, not everywhere at least. I'm gonna drive you to college and back home."

"Yeah?" He asked with a raised brow and I nodded.

"Yep. And I actually won't forget to pick you up like someone."

He sighed dramatically as I gave him a look.

"I apologised for that..."

"And I forgave you." I replied as I smiled back at him.

I looked back at the road as saw a McDonald's in the distance.

"You wanna go to McDonald's?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course."

Things are good between us... I like how things are now.


The next day...

I sat outside of Ashers college, waiting for him to finally leave.

It's too fucking hot... I've been waiting in this car for ages!

I got out of the car with a cigarette, then lit it as I leaned against the car and looked back at the entrance.

All sorts of people started walking out wearing suites and professional looking attire, making me roll my eyes as they gave me funny looks.

Fuck them.

Then I finally saw Asher walk out, but he wasn't alone.

In the only hand he could use, he held his briefcase, and walked out with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a girl close to his side.

What the fuck...

She held his little black skull lighter up to light his cigarette as he leaned down for her to do it.

This bitch.

Some of the guys were talking beside him, and Asher probably wasn't listening like usual, but I was more interested in the girl.

She was pretty, but not Ashers usual type. She had tan skin and wavy brown hair that reached her shoulders, and wore a pretty matching skirt and blazer.

I glared at her as she looked up at me and gave me judgmental look, then looked back at Asher whilst he continued to walk towards me.

"Hey babe!" I shouted over to him once he got closer.

The girl frowned as she looked over to me, then back at Asher.

I bet you weren't expecting that bitch...

"Hey, you're early..." he smiled as he put his bag on the floor, then pulled me in for a hug.

I hugged him back, then looked at the girl again with a smirk, before pulling him down for a kiss.

He kissed me back, then gently pushed me away as he smirked at me.

"You miss me that much?"

"Mhm... who's this?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around him and looked up at the girl.

"That's Diamond," he said as he pointed at her, then pointed to the others. "That's Slater and that's Harrison."

Ugh... they all just sound like posh assholes.

"Nice to meet you all." I forced a fake smile as I looked at them all.

"You too." The blonde boy said with an obviously forced smiled as he looked me up and down along with the other one, whilst the girl just looked at me.

Asher looked at her and her face instantly changed, forcing a sweet smile.

"Wow it's so nice to finally meet you, Celeste! I have feeling we could be great friends."

My smile dropped as I looked from the boys and back at her.

"Yeah, I don't think so, bitch." I told her straight up, then turned around and got back in the car.

Fucking fake ass hoe...

I started the car as I stared ahead, and waited for Asher to get in the car.

"Was that really necessary, Celeste?" He sighed as he got in the car, and closed the door behind him. "Did you have to embarrass me like that?"

Embarrass him!?

"Are you being serious?" I spat as I began to drive away.

"Uh, yeah, are you fucking drunk or something? There was no need for you to be rude to her..."

I glanced at him in disbelief, then clenched the wheel tighter.

"Can't you see what a fake bitch she is? She obviously wants to fuck you!"

"Oh my God- you're jealous... Celeste, pretty much everyone I meet wants to fuck me- get over it!" He shouted back, and I scoffed.

I can't believe him!

"You are so goddam full of yourself, you know that?"

"No I'm not, it's a fact. Both men and women want to fuck me- I can't control that!"

He's right... but there's no excuse for her to be around him like that...

"Well I'm sorry for embarrassing you, Asher- I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not fancy enough for you and your fancy fucking business school friends." I muttered, then heard him groan loudly.

"Oh my god Celeste- it's not like that!"

"Yeah? Then why were they looking at me like I'm fucking trash?" I shouted at him, and he sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"No they were-"

"Yes they were!"

"Well maybe it's because you're dressed like some fucking emo whore!" He snapped back at me, and I looked at him in shock before I began to laugh.

"A fucking emo whore?" I repeated in anger. "You know, you don't usually dress like that, so don't start switching up now just because you're wearing a goddam tie and put a bit of gel in your hair! Most of the time you look like a junky, goth piece of shit!"

Asher sighed again, and ran a hand down his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.... I just can't have you doing this shit. They're important for the future."

I huffed as I tapped my fingers against the wheel of my car.

He's right... I don't wanna fuck things up for him.

"I'm sorry too... I promise I won't do it again."

He placed his hand in my thigh and I rolled my eyes as I held onto it, but then he slapped my thigh.

"What'd you do that for?" I asked as I glanced back at him.

"Keep both hands on the wheel. I'm not trying to die because of your reckless driving."

I looked at him blankly, then put my other hand back on the wheel.

"Asshole..." I muttered and he slapped it again.

"Don't think that just because I've broken my arm, I can't punish you."

I smirked then bit my lip as I looked at him.

"Maybe I want you to punish me... daddy."

"Hurry up and drive your ass home then." He growled and grip my thigh tighter as I giggled.


I've been feeling so depressed- ugh!

But anyways what do you guys think about this chapter, and what's some things you'd like to see happen in this story?

Also I've been playing around with the covers for all my stories but I don't know if I like them yet, what do you guys think?

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed and please don't forget to vote/comment :)

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