Attraction One-shots

By Evemildred

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Scenes missed from Polar and Stubborn Attraction More

~First day at Beauxbatons~
~Rosaleรฉ 5th Year~
~Leaving Beauxbatons~
~7th year Train~
~Rosaleรฉs return~
~marauders and babies~
~Godmothers and Godfathers~
~discoving Waterfalls~
~Cho Chang and Harry Potter~
~saying Goodbye~
~full moons~
~uncle James~
~Father and Daughter~
~Husband and Wife~
~one last time~
~loss of a sister~
~ Resurrection Stone~๏ฟผ


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By Evemildred


Rosalée sat alone, her back against an old oak tree, gazing out onto the rolling hills that waved and curved before her.

She watched Fred tease Maisie, Lily, Sirius and her husband, now free of scars and young once more as he was when they met at seventeen all laugh and joke together while Marlene slept in the warm sun.

"You alright Devaux?" James asked sliding down to sit next to her, looking at her unsurely

Rosa waited for a few minutes before beginning to speak, James would understand. He understood more than anymore.

" I miss them both" Rosaleé whispered, closing her eyes before fresh tears could form, stopping her from watching Maisie run around laughing as Fred chased her.

James nodded and smiled sadly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and giving her a reassuring squeeze, "I've missed Harry for years" he said back quietly

Rosa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I wish I could've said goodbye to her"  she said

"I wish I could of said goodbye to Harry as well" James whispered back

"But he looks happier" Rosaleé smiled watching remus laugh with Sirius and Lily, "his scars have gone. His aches and pains have gone. In a horrible way, I think he was ready to go... you know. The full moons had gotten so bad. I know he loved Viola and Teddy. But he's so happy" she whispered again looking to Remus, "he's finally free of it now. But I know I wasn't. I didn't want to go James" she sniffed, "I can't watch Viola struggle with it all and..."

Rosaleé stopped taking, resting her head backwards against the bark, stopping tears from falling.

James nodded sympathetically, "I think if there's anything I've learnt it's that Harry and Viola will always be okay. Look at them now, raising Teddy. Succeeding at work. There's nothing that the two of them have failed at yet. And they may have their wobbly moments but they're not weak children anymore Rosa. They've got it" James smiled softly

"You've gotten mature while you've been here" Rosa laughed as she sniffed

"I've always been mature"

"Have you fuck?!"

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