Strength doesn't make a hero

By PromisedNeverland04

98.3K 3.1K 2.2K

Hawks life was hard, he was born with a powerful quirk and was the puppet of the Hero Commission. But after y... More

Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.6
Chapter 1.7
Chapter 1.8
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4

Chapter 2.2

5.3K 187 227
By PromisedNeverland04

"I'm on my way, see ya later."

Keigo watched as Izuku jumped out of the window, dazed. He couldn't help but frown. Of course he knew Izuku had wings, however, his papa bird instincts ringed in alarm. After all, he wasn't used to seeing his kid jumping out of a window.

After the first moment of shock had passed he shook his head to collect his thoughts. Now, that Izuku was gone, maybe he should finally catch up on his hero work. Even though he had told Izuku he worked no less than before, in truth he had been slacking off for the last few weeks. And he definitely had to do something against it. He was the number two hero, after all.

But how could he not slack off a little? Izuku was his little fledgling, his little nugget, his baby bird, and the truth was that Keigo couldn't imagine his life without him anymore.

Keigo was aware of the fact he wasn't the best cook or the best role model, but he would for sure do his best to be the father Izuku never had. He wasn't certain about what to do or how to act, he had never had a good father nor had he been in the position of one before.

But he would handle it, he would be the best father Izuku could imagine, and together they would be a family they both had never had.

For the first time he didn't feel like something in his life was missing, it felt like the missing piece of all those years was there. Right next to him.

He felt complete, and nothing could shatter this feeling anymore.

After a few seconds of being absorbed in his thoughts he jumped – just like Izuku –out of his window. After stopping by on the floor below to change into his hero gear he did the same move again, landing not far to start his patrol.

It felt good to patrol again. People would wave at him, some asked for a picture and of course he wouldn't reject their hopeful faces.

After a while a call reached him about a hostage incident in a bank.

With an apologetic smile he excused himself and started to said bank.

When he arrived, he saw a tall man, about 6'7, with a black mask. The first thing he noticed was the little girl, captured by the thick arm of the man. A gun was pressed against her temple.

Keigo took a closer look, noticing the slight shaking of the gun. Keigo's appearance had made the villain nervous.

Understandable, after all, he was confronted with the current number two hero. Probably he had expected to be faced with an inexperienced sidekick rather than one of the top heroes.

But all that wasn't actually important. Important was only the fact that the little girl, maybe half as old as Izuku, looked at him with wide, pleading eyes, begging him to get her away from this man. It made Keigo's heart ache.

In an attempt to push the gun away from her head, Keigo sent out a feather. What he didn't expect, though, was the sharp sound of a sword cutting though the air, splitting the feather in midair.

Keigo turned to the side to see a slightly smaller man, a katana in hand. How didn't he notice the man before?

He had to be more careful. He himself might not know the quirks of those villains, but they definitely were aware of what he was capable of. The downside of being a famous top hero.

But he wouldn't be a true pro hero if he only had one trick up his sleeve.

So he switched to something he was really good in; talking. As long as they kept the man talking they wouldn't do anything, and maybe they were distracted enough to not notice his attack. "Why are you doing this?"

The taller man was the first one to answer his question. "We need money, obviously, but why should you care? You are a hero. You don't know the struggles of normal citizens."

Keigo answered while he slowly guided some feathers behind the man. He made sure to never leave the men with his eyes, though. "It's true that I don't know what you are going through, but why didn't you just work for money? I mean, breaking the law isn't the solution for everything."

This time the smaller man answered. "You don't understand us. Just work?! Didn't you think we tried to work? But how could I help my daughter if I don't have the money?"

"I'm sorry that you have to go through something like this, but if its for your daughter than why do you endanger this young girl? She didn't do anything, and she just wants to be home and safe. What would you do if this was your daughter?"

The moment of distraction was enough for Keigo to guide his feathers to the weapons. Before they had the chance to answer, he successfully disarmed and captured them.

A little part of him felt bad. But it was quickly gone. No matter what reasons those men had, they still threatened to kill an innocent child. The time when he would pay such people the energy of pitying them was long in the past.

The moment the villains were under control, some policeman entered the bank, including Keigo's favorite detective Tsukauchi and his right hand – or should he say paw? - Sansa.

But that wasn't his concern right now. He had to made sure that the girl was fine, so he slowly approached her. Stopping a few feet in front of her, he crouched down so he was on her eye level.

"Hey," he said in a soft voice. Only when the girl looked him into the eyes, he continued. "I'm Hawks. You are safe now."

Tears filled the girls eyes and streamed down her cheeks. Her lower lip quivered, but she remained silent.

"Shh, little one, it's okay. Can I hug you?" When the girl hesitantly nodded, he crossed the little distance he had kept and embraced her in a tied hug, trying his best to calm her down.

Eventually, her sniffles became quieter, and she began to ask for her mother. "It's okay. We are going to find your mother." So he picked her up and sat her down on the left side of his hip.

As soon as she was safe in his arms she covered her face in his hero suite.

Not even a minute after they left the bank, a tall woman approached them. She had brown hair just like the little girl in his arms. "Oh my god! Kohana! Kohana!" The little girl, apparently named Kohana, in his arms looked up. "My baby, are you okay?"

Kohana began to squirm in his arms, so he let her down.

As soon as her feet touched the ground she ran toward the woman. "Mommy!" She jumped into the arms of the woman and hugged her as if she was her lifeline.

Hawks smiled at the adorable sight in front of him. Then the little girl began to bubble about what had happen. "Mommy. There were two scary man with masks. One had a sword and the other one had a gun, and I was so scared, but then Mr. Hawks came and he just talked to them. I don't really know what happened ..." She paused for a second, thinking. "But Mr. Hawks was like kaboom, and then the men just lay there. He was so cool!"

From the way she talked she didn't sound like a victim of a hostage situation but more like a little girl who just watched her favorite hero save the day.

"Call me Hawks. Drop the Mister, I'm not even that old." Keigo smiled his signature smile, and an embarrassed little blush appeared on the little girl's cheeks.

The mother looked up, a sincere look in her eyes. "Thank you, Hawks. So much. I owe you so much. You saved my daughters life." She bowed, holding Kohana a little tighter to her body.

A little bit embarrassed, Keigo scratched his neck. Somehow he had adapted this habit from Izuku. "Don't worry, it's my job. No need to thank me."

"But you still saved her, didn't you?" The woman let her daughter down and bowed again, gesturing for her daughter to do the same. After a moment she straightened up again and looked into his golden eyes. "So thank you so much."

"Like I said, no problem. I know how you must have felt. I have a fledgling on my own, and I didn't know what I would do if someone threatened my fledgling's life like this." Hawks smiled brightly, mumbling under his breath: "I would probably kill them."

"What was that?" The woman asked curiously.

"Nothing." He tried his best to cover his obvious lie with a laugh.

The woman luckily was polite enough to discreetly ignore it. "So the rumor about you having a child is true?" After a second of silence she continued. "I didn't know you were married or something like that." She sounded a bit disappointed.

"Well I'm not," Keigo retorted, feeling slightly uneasy. He hadn't yet thought about how to handle the reporters and everyone. "I'm not," he repeated in lieu of something else to say, before he started rambling. "It's a long story, and I would love to tell you more about it, but look at the time, it's getting late. Hero work and so on. I should really get going now, but it was a pleasure to meet you. Make sure to check your daughter by the paramedics. And maybe consider going to a therapist with her, but I have to leave now," he said, already turning to go. "Uhh... Goodbye?"

Before the woman could answer he flew away. He hated when fans wanted to know more about his private live – or wanted to flirt with him.

He flew over to Tsukauchi and gave a quick mandatory statement. Shortly after, he left the crime scene and flew back to his agency to write the report.

When he finally arrived at his agency, what he really wanted to do was nothing more than to lie on the couch and sleep. But he couldn't. He still had to write this stupid report.

So he sat down at his chair with a sigh and opened his laptop. Before he could turn it on, though, his new sidekick, Silver Beak, stormed into his office.

He just graduated from Shiketsu High. His quirk was literally a silver beak, so his hero name was kind of uncreative, but Keigo preferred to have people with bird quirks in his agency.

Keigo was about to ask what's wrong, but Silver Beak spoke up before he was able to. "Hawks-sama. I'm so sorr-"

Keigo sighed and interrupted him. "How many times do I have to tell you to drop the formalities? Use -san or, even better, drop it completely like everyone else around here."

"Okay, Hawks-san." Keigo couldn't help but shake his head. "So, I'm so-"

Keigo interrupted him another time. "You don't have to apologize for everything. It's fine. Now breath and then tell me what's going on."

After a few seconds the sidekick was able to calm down and continued. "Well your son, you know, brown wings, green eyes and hair and fre-"

Keigo didn't know if he should laugh aloud or facepalm. "You know, I was surprised myself, but, apparently, I know how my son looks like."

"Right, I'm sorry. Well, what I mean is that he is in a villain attack right now and that he is on TV."

"WHAT?!" Keigo screamed at the now intimidated sidekick. "Why didn't you say that right away?"

"I tried to, but yo-" Before the sidekick was able to finish his sentence, Keigo pushed past him and ran straight over to his TV. He turned it on and didn't even had to search long. The attack was all over the news. Keigo's heart dropped.

"-oy who ran toward the villain mere seconds ago is now in serious danger," the reporter's voice came from the speakers. "We don't know yet why the heroes are inactive, but this is for sure a very dangerous move made by the wannabe hero."

"If you don't know, the sludge villain is holding a middle schooler hostage. He probably is the same age as the boy who just ran in there to help him." The screen switched to Izuku, jumping towards the sludge villain, and Keigo's heart skipped a beat.

He was frozen in shock, unable to move. When the villain aimed an explosion at Izuku, he was unable to move, just staring at the TV for the whole fight.

It hadn't lasted that long. In the end, Izuku had been relatively quick to stop the villain and capture him.

Only when Izuku turned around after his fight, though, did Keigo finally let out the breath he had been holding, probably for the entirety of the fight.

As soon as Izuku had captured the villain, the heroes approached him. "We don't have any information about why the boy ran in there," the news reporter continued, "but we know for sure that he isn't just a hero wannabe. In our hearts he already is a hero, and with people like him our future is in safe hands."

Keigo had always known Izuku had the potential to become a great hero, in terms of strength just as in terms of charisma. Still, he wondered when the reporter had turned into a fan within the last minute. It had to be some sort of record.

"But what about the boys quirk?" The question of the reporter jerked him out of his thoughts. "There are rumors about the number two hero and his secret child. Maybe we can confirm those? Let's see if we can get any information from the boy."

Right then Keigo got a bad feeling. He just knew something bad would happen. To be hassled by reporters was never pleasant. Even more so if one wasn't used to it. Wasn't used to crowds in general ...

The unsuspecting reporters cornered his son. "How old are you? What is your quirk? Are you planning to be a hero?" But the next question made Keigo suck in a breath. "We heard rumors about Hawks. Supposedly he has a son with wings. There aren't a lot of winged kids, and in addition to that you know how to fight. So, I ask you, kid. Are you Hawks son?"

The thing that happened next broke Keigo's heart into pieces. He watched as his son froze at the question, and how he began to hyperventilate. Keigo was sure if nobody would interfere, his son would have a full blown panic attack on live TV.

Izuku's eyes darted frantically from one face to the other, scanning the whole crowd in the matter of seconds just to repeat it right afterwards. As if the thing he had been looking for hadn't been there the first time, and he was still hoping for it to appear.

It took Keigo a whole ten seconds to realize that the thing his son was looking for was someone who could get him out of there.

Out of the attention of dozens of eyes.

Out of the hassle of the reporters.

Out of the loudness of all those questions.

He was looking for him, for his father.

The moment he realized this he turned to leave and help his son. To be the person Izuku was looking for. But the appearance of a new voice made him hesitate. He turned back around, only to be confronted with a screen filled with black hair and piercing blue eyes.

A man had appeared, now standing between Izuku and the cameras, discreetly shielding him from the reporters. "Don't ya think it's enough?" the guy spoke up, leveling the reporters with an icy glare. "You are about to give a child a panic attack. Tch. Reporters aren't better than low class villains. Now back off!"

The reporters took a step back, intimidated by the cold stare and harsh tone, but didn't leave the duo alone. "I said back off!" Striking blue flames flashed up his hand and lower arm, and the reporters backed off. "Thank you very much," he said dryly. With those words the man grabbed Izuku's wrist who seemed to have been jerked out of his upcoming panic, and the both of them walked away.

Keigo let out a breath of relieve and sat down on his couch, reassured by the fact that Izuku got away from the reporters. Until he realized that his son just walked away with a man Keigo didn't know anything about. And Keigo for sure didn't like that. Luckily, he broke out of his frozen state and without further hesitation he ran to his window and just jumped out.

This was for sure the fastest pace he had ever flown, but it was still too slow for his liking. He couldn't waste a single second.

After a few minutes he finally reached his goal, but Izuku was nowhere to be seen. He could only spot some firefighters, putting out the fire from the explosions, some citizen, who stared at the heroes giving interviews interviews and the blonde kid with spiky hair who screamed at the paramedics. Something along the lines I don't need your help. I'm fine. Leave me alone. Only that this was the child-friendly version if his actual words.

Keigo hoped that Izuku would never get in closer contact with those kind of people. He was too pure, and he should stay this way.

Luckily for him Kamui Woods stood a few feet away from the cameras, so he took the opportunity and landed next to him. "Hey, Kamui Woods."

The wooden hero looked at him and smiled. "Hey, Hawks. What are you doing here?" The curiosity was clearly audible in his voice.

"Well, by any chance, you wouldn't know where the winged boy from before went, would you? You know, green hair and eyes, absolute adorable freckles and a bit smaller than me. He was hassled by reporters before he went with some scarred guy." Keigo smiled a bit insecure at the other hero.

Kamui Woods looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Hawks. Actually, I was a bit distracted. I wasn't even aware of the fact the reporters cornered him. I don't know where he went. I'm really sorry."

Keigo wasn't happy about it, but he couldn't change it. "It's okay. But can you give me at least a direction where they went? It would be extremely helpful. I don't know this guy, and I don't want Izuku to be alone with some random guy."

The other hero looked at Keigo once again. "Understandable. Uh... I think they went this way." The hero pointed to his right.

Keigo smiled his signature smile and spoke his thanks. After that he didn't waste a second longer and took off. He flew with high speed in the given direction, careful not to crash against anything – which had actually happened multiple times before.

A few minutes later he noticed a sign on which was something written about some beach. Something clicked in his brain. He remembered the night Izuku had been missing and Tsukauchi's call. Tsukauchi said something about a beach where they found a feather.

Is it possible that he went there? What was the beach called again? Tacco- no, Keigo, that's food. What was the goddamn name? Taka beach? No that wasn't it. Toba ... or Takaba. Or was it Takoba? Shit, what was the fucking name? He couldn't waste another thought about the name. In the end the only important thing was to reach the beach as fast as possible.

Another few minutes passed and Keigo realized he didn't knew where said beach was. He had only been flying towards the ocean, but the coast was long. This beach could be everywhere.

And now he had even lost all sense of direction! Not even the street signs were helpful. Of course he flew above the city a lot, but how could he possibly know every place in this goddamn city? He just moved here a while ago. A year back or something like that he lived in Fukuoka and not in Musutafu.

He realized that the best decision would be to ask somebody for the direction. Otherwise, he would waste time, and he knew it. After all, he wasn't in a situation in which he had much time to spend.

What he didn't expected was to be swarmed by a group of women as soon as he landed. Don't get him wrong, Keigo of course loved to interact with people, and all in all he was a very social person, but now just wasn't the right time. All they wanted was to flirt with him and take pictures.

With his signature smile he cleared his throat. "Excuse me, ladies. But I really don't have a lot of time. I'm on a mission, so please listen. It's really important." The women in front of him closed their mouths and looked at him. "Thank you. I already said that, but the mission is really important. So can anybody tell me where the Tacco or Takoba beach, or whatever the goddamn beach is called, is."

A woman in the back spoke up. "Sure. It's in this direction." She pointed to her left side.

Keigo nodded and smiled. "Thank you, my lady." He winked at the blushing woman and took off.

He reached the beach in no time, and there he was. His son sat on a... fridge? What the hell is he doing on a fridge? Right next to the scarred guy from before. The beach was full of trash and Keigo couldn't help but wonder why they would go here but this was not the right time to ask the question, so he sped up a bit and snatched Izuku away from the guy.

A few feet away from the guy the both of them landed. Keigo couldn't help but to overflow him with his worry. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did this guy did something? I can kill him if you want? Like, for real, just tell me, I make it look like an accident." Keigo inhaled deeply and searched for any kind of injury Izuku could probably have.

Regardless of the slime it seemed that Izuku didn't have any other injuries. That was at least something, so Keigo continued. "Why did you ran in there? You could have gotten yourself killed, do you know that? I was so worried, I swear, please don't do something like that ever again. The first thing we gonna do is take you to a doctor, and then you tell me everything. Oh my god you're full of this nasty slime. And back to the point from before, do you want me to kill h-?"

Izuku rolled his eyes at him and laughed. "You act like such a dad."

Keigo put his hands on his hips and looked at Izuku. "First of all, what do you mean I act like such a dad? I am your dad, and therefore I have every right to act like one, too. Second of all, don't roll your eyes at me. That's not nice, and you know that." Keigo fake pouted and continued. "And last but not least, where does this sass came from?" Keigo laughed a bit, unsure of how he should handle this as a father.

As soon as he said those words he already regretted them, because tears filled Izuku's eyes. "Uh," Izuku made as soon as he noticed. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Sorry. So-" But before Izuku could apologize even more, Keigo embraced him in a warm bear hug.

Keigo petted Izuku's fluffy green hair while the boy hugged him like his life depended on it. Keigo already noticed that Izuku loved hugs, and he was more than willing to give Izuku as many of them as he needed. "Hey, it's okay. I just wanted to tease you a bit." He tried his best to talk in a soothing voice to assure the boy that he didn't mean it like this.

Izuku's sniffles became quieter, and it was a wonderful moment between the two of them. Of course only until it was interrupted by a cough.

The duo turned around and looked at the black haired male.

The man looked Keigo deep into his golden eyes and began to talk with an emotionless voice. "No, I didn't hurt him, but you can still kill me. I'm Dabi by the way."

It took Keigo way too long to process what the other man had said. But when he finally did, he couldn't help but snort at the words.

Now that he had Izuku in his arms, he was able to take a better look at the man in front of him. Who actually looked quite handsome and really ho-. Nuh-uh. No. He couldn't allow himself to think like this. After all, he still wasn't sure if the handsome man was a threat or not.

Before Keigo could answer anything, Izuku spoke up. "No, don't kill him. Please. He is really nice, and he helped me." Izuku looked at him with those big green eyes. And the thing was Keigo couldn't say no to this look. And Izuku knew this.

"Fine." The Hero rolled his eyes. "But if he ever bothers you, don't hesitate to tell me." Keigo looked away from Izuku and back to the man called Dabi.

"Keigo!" Izuku waved his hand in front of his eyes until Keigo looked back at him. "Dad, please, no."

Keigo shrugged. "Okay. I won't kill him." A little bit quieter he continued. "For now."

Izuku's face switched to an insecure smile, and Keigo was sure that he heard him. But if he did, Izuku didn't comment on it. Instead, he changed the topic. "Well actually. I asked him if he wanted to eat with us."

"You did what?" Keigo raised an eyebrow.

"I as-"

Before Izuku could repeat himself Keigo interrupted him. "No. I understood what you said, I was just confused why."

A nervous laugh escaped Izuku's mouth while he began to scratch his neck. "Well. This is actually the second time he saved me. You remember the time I ran away?" Keigo nodded. Of course he remembered it, it was the shock of his life. "Well, he was the one that made me come back to you."

To say Keigo didn't expected that was an understatement. He nearly choked on air. "He?" Keigo pointed at the scarred man, and Izuku nodded. Every bad feeling Keigo had ever had against the man was gone. "Oh my god. Thank you! I owe you so much." He looked back at Izuku. "Of course he can eat with us."

Izuku hugged him. "Thank you. I already asked him and he would be okay with chicken."

"I like this man. He has taste." Keigo smirked at the other who just rolled his eyes. "Then let's go. I want my chicken." Keigo clapped his hands together and chirped happily.

Keigo was just about to fly when realized that Dabi wasn't able to. After a second of hesitation he just internally shrugged and flew over to pick him up.

"What the hell, man?" Dabi exclaimed, struggling against Keigo's grasp on his arms.

"Nope, hell is supposed to be deeper down," Keigo retorted. "We're moving in the wrong direction for that." Dabi didn't stop complaining and resisting. "Unless you keep on moving. In this case you might end up there pretty soon."

The dark haired man didn't answer to this. But he stopped trying to free himself. Keigo wondered what he looked like right now. If he was offended by Keigo's act or if he would pout. But somehow he had the feeling this guy was more like the passive type. Accepting his fate and probably watching the scenery with a deadpan expression.

With Izuku behind them, they made their way to Keigo's and Izuku's apartment. When they reached the apartment, Keigo let go of Dabi and told them he would be back in twenty minutes with the food. The others nodded, and Keigo jumped out of the window for like the thousandth time this day.

He flew over to his favorite diner, and greeting him, of course, was no other but his favorite cashier and one of his closest friends. "Tooru." Keigo smiled a real smile when the other waved at him.

Normally, they would show like they weren't really close. It was never a good idea to have known close friends as a pro hero. Especially if they were civilians. The risk of being kidnapped was extremely high if people knew one was friends with a top hero.

But right now the diner was empty. So there was no point in acting.

Oikawa smiled back. "Yahoo! The usual for you and Izuku-chan – or how you like to call him; your little nugget?" Oikawa began to laugh.

Keigo fake pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You are so mean. And actually, no."

Oikawa, who had already turned to prepare the usual order, raised a elegant eyebrow. "Huh?"

Keigo's smile turned a bit sheepish. "Well, I want the usual, but like ... more, you know what I mean?"

A smirk crossed Oikawa's face when he got Keigo's point. "But more. 'Kay." He winked at Keigo.

Keigo blushed a bit, but waved his hands in front of him in a defensive manner. "It's not like this. You probably heard about the sludge villain incident earlier that day." Oikawa nodded and obviously waited for the other to continue. "Well there was this boy who saved the other and of course it had to be Izuku. Afterwards the press cornered him, and there was this guy who saved him. And long story short, Izuku invited said guy to eat with us. And now I'm here."

"Okay, let me get this straight. You left your son alone in your apartment with a guy you don't even know, because you just met him a few minutes ago. And you really think that this was a good idea?" Oikawa raised an eyebrow.

Keigo got nervous. "Well, when you put it like this, it sounds kinda bad I guess but..." He began to fidgetly scratch his neck. "But I really have this feeling that I can trust him."

A laugh escaped Oikawa's mouth. "So he is hot." Oikawa said that as if he was stating facts. Which he actually was, because Oikawa knew Keigo pretty good and knew exactly what he meant.

Keigo turned bright red, but he tried to keep himself together. It certainly wasn't the first time the two of them had this kind of conversation. "Yeah, he has this messy black hair and, god, his blue eyes. He is so fucking hot. I mean I would let him rai-"

In this moment the doors to the back of the diner opened and Iwaizumi walked over to them. "Oi, what are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." Keigo said, a little bit too fast. "Tooru was just about to give me my food, and I have to go now. I'm sorry, but Izuku is waiting, you know?" He laughed nervous. Oikawa gave him his food and Keigo secretly made a call me symbol to him."Bye." He waved at the couple and left the diner.

On his way he couldn't help but think about Dabi. Something about this guy seemed off and his name didn't really sound like a real name. But maybe Dabi wasn't comfortable with sharing his real name or it had some other reason, who was he to judge.

Lost in thoughts he didn't realize that he was home and nearly crashed into his window. But, luckily, Izuku opened it just in time, and Keigo landed in the apartment. His landing wasn't really elegant. To be honest, he pretty much crashed into Dabi, but he didn't regret it.

Dabi, though, just pushed him off. No sense of chivalry.

"Watch out." Izuku crossed his arms in front of his chest. "If I hadn't been here, you would have crashed straight into the window like a pigeon."

"Sure." Keigo stood up straight and walked over to the table. "I just bought the usual but more."

They all sat down to eat their dinner. Aside from smaller conversations it was mostly silent throughout the meal. But it wasn't the uncomfortable kind, more like a relaxed atmosphere.

After a while, Keigo began to feel eyes on him.

At first he ignored it, acting as if he didn't notice it. But when he finally did look up, he found himself confronted with the very eyes he had been thinking about so much on his way home.

Oh god, those eyes would be the death of him. They were blue as the ocean, and Keigo wanted to drown in them. The eye contact was short lived, though. As soon as Keigo looked up, the other turned his gaze back down on his food. Keigo couldn't help but stare at him in return.

When they finished dinner, Izuku was about to stand up and put his dishes away, but Keigo interrupted him. "Just go to bed Izuku, it's late. I will do it later." Izuku shrugged and left the table. When Keigo was sure that Izuku couldn't hear them anymore, he approached Dabi. "So, is Dabi your real name or an alias?"

Dabi raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Why do you care?"

Keigo copied the motion. "Why not?" A smirk adorned Keigo's face.

Dabi looked him deep in the eyes like he was looking for something. It was silent for a second, but then Dabi answered. "If you really wanna know, it's an alias." Keigo was about to open his mouth when the other continued. "And no, I'm not going to tell you my real name."

Keigo fake-pouted and crossed his arms. "No fair. Then I'm not going to tell you my real name."

"Okay, that's fair Takami Keigo." Keigo's eyes widend, until he realized that Izuku's name was Takami, too, and that Dabi probably had heard how Izuku called him Keigo.

Keigo mentally face palmed. "Now that's embarrassing." He could not help but laugh.

"It is." Dabi smirked at him. "I should probably get going. It's getting late."


Both men stood up and walked to the door.

Before Dabi could leave, though, Keigo spoke up. "Wait." Dabi turned around. "Can I have your number?"

Dabi tilted his head, and Keigo realized what he had just asked. Hastily, to play it down, he continued as fast as possible. "Of course only for the case that Izuku gets lost again. You know, it is what it is. Well, yeah ..." He tried his best to sound confident, but he probably did a pretty bad job – if the look on Dabi's face was anything to go by.

After a second of hesitation Dabi answered. "Sure." Keigo gave his phone to the other and after a few seconds he got it back, new number saved. "Bye." And with this single word, Dabi turned around and left a slightly blushing Keigo behind.

A warm feeling filled Keigo's chest as he closed the door and a smile found it's way onto his face. He walked back to the table and cleaned everything.

After a quick check on Izuku, he changed and went into his bedroom, his phone already in hand.

It didn't take long for the other side to pick up. "Yahoo, Kei-chan!"

"You won't believe what just happened," Keigo stated, flopping onto his bed.

"An alien invasion? Yes, I do believe you!" Oikawa retorted without missing a beat.

"What? No!" Keigo turned around so he was lying on his stomach.

"Oi," Iwaizumi's voice rang through the line, albeit muffled. "Stop encouraging his obsession with aliens even further! It's bad enough as it is!"

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whined. "Stop eavesdropping on my calls! And I neither have an alien obsession nor is this liking" - he stressed the word which actually only was his synonym for obsession - "bad in any way!"

"Hell yeah, it is!" he retorted. "And if you don't want me to listen to your calls, then stop putting everyone on speaker every single time you are on the phone with someone."

"Mean, Iwa-chan!" Keigo could clearly hear the artificial pout in the other's voice. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly. It wasn't as if their banter was anything serious. Actually, Keigo began to think it was just a fundamental part of their relationship to bicker half of the time. "If you are so incapable of just not listening in on other people's calls, I'm gonna go," he declared, probably already on his way out of the room.

"Love you, too." The words were barely intelligible, because Oikawa had probably left the room by now. Still, he was sure he heard a little fond laugh in Iwaizumi's voice.

After the sound of a closing door, Oikawa spoke up again. "So, I guess there were no aliens, then?"

"No. Just some guy with scars," he said.

"I'm all ears!"

So Keigo told him about everything that had happened this evening. "I even got his number in the end."

"Well, that's something," Oikawa commented, smile audible in his voice.

They continued to talk until the both of them got sleepy. It was far into the night by now. Keigo's eyelids got droopy and Oikawa yawned practically every two minutes. Still, neither of them ended the call, occasionally speaking when they remembered something they hadn't yet talked about.

Keigo didn't know which time it was when he heard rustling on the other side of the line. He was too sleepy to really bother, too.

It was only when he heard Iwaizumi muttering something about "idiot" and "always falling asleep during calls".

A low "Takami?" caused him to slur some words he didn't even remember anymore, he had probably just said Iwaizumi could end the call or something.

The moment his phone vibrated a single time, signaling the end of the call, Keigo drifted back to sleep.

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