Make it with you [Sooshu]

By cheongsojomhaji

28.4K 1.2K 376

"I'm sorry." === "I wasn't even aware that I'm already in love with her." === Love is very complex and that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

1K 49 18
By cheongsojomhaji

Shuhua was checking herself on her mirror when she heard a knock on her door. "Young lady, Ms. Tzuyu is already here." Shuhua took a deep breath before opening her door.

Grabbing her bag that was on her bed,  she roams her eyes around her room one last time. As much as she wants to get out of this hell she will also miss her sanctuary.

Her room.

Dragging two of her suitcases, she saw her mother was talking to Tzuyu. "Oh you're leaving now." Shuhua turned around and saw her younger brother Henry holding his phone. She didn't paid much attention to him but she was sure she saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"I'll be going now." Shuhua blankly said dragging her suitcases, Tzuyu went to help Shuhua after having a so not important conversation with her friend's mom. Tzuyu isn't really okay of how Ms. Yeh treats Shuhua but it was Shuhua who said that they should just let it go.

Shuhua knows that she can't do anything at all. Her mother is very close minded.

"Ready to go?" Tzuyu asks as she closes her car's compartment. "Yeah." Shuhua answered as the two both entered the car.

Henry watch the car disappear from his sight.

"She's gone also." he mumbled as he sits on his bed, staring at the ceiling like it is the most fascinating thing in this world. He just wanted to have a big sister. He hates himself for saying things that is opposite of what he's thinking.

He wants her older sister to stay.


Inside the car Shuhua was just staring outside. "Did you eat your dinner?" Tzuyu decided to start a conversation. She feels like Shuhua is inside her own world again. She hopes that Shuhua will have friends while she's there.

Because she won't be there to protect her, to scold her and to guide her.

"Yeah I did." Tzuyu could only shake her head hearing that same tone of voice. She knows that the girl was lying. She looks at the monitor of her car and they still have two hours before Shuhua's flight.

"Eat." Tzuyu simply said and Shuhua knows she can't argue with Tzuyu especially when it comes to food. Tzuyu always makes sure that she eats her meals regularly.

Tzuyu's phone started ringing and Shuhua couldn't think of any other person of who's gonna call Tzuyu other than her first love's girlfriend. She have already given up even before starting pursuing Tzuyu because she knows Tzuyu only sees her as a friend.

And staying with just friends isn't really a bad thing though there are still moments where Shuhua's heart would beat so fast because of Tzuyu. Flying to South Korea it can actually help her forget of her feelings for Tzuyu completely. She wants to support Tzuyu's relationship without her feelings for Tzuyu being involved.

Tzuyu turned her phone towards her friend. Shuhua raised her head up and stopped eating. She smiles when she saw Tzuyu's girlfriend. "ShuShu I will miss you." Shuhua couldn't help but giggle at how cute Tzuyu's girlfriend is.

When she first met Tzuyu's girlfriend which was two years ago she didn't felt jealous at all. She got to meet her two years ago because Tzuyu's girlfriend came for a vacation. Shuhua admires how stable their relationship is and how they are still getting stronger as years passed by and if she isn't getting it wrong. They are nearing their fifth anniversary.

"I will miss you too." Shuhua sincerely said. Tzuyu turned her phone around facing her. "Shuhua's eating so let her eat." Tzuyu said leaning her back on her chair. Shuhua just continued eating.

[Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 8:30 pm]

Shuhua has her passport on her hand as she pulls her luggages with her. She insisted that she'll be fine from here though Tzuyu strongly said that she'll assist her.

It was boarding time already and the more she takes a step, the more she feels relieved maybe because just for awhile she can breath air not the same as her mother.

Shuhua smiled seeing the airport crowded. She's ready to start her new journey away from Taoyuan.

Glancing back she couldn't help but shake her head seeing Tzuyu standing far from her with an annoyed expression on her face. "I will miss you." Shuhua mouthed to Tzuyu which the tall girl luckily caught on.


[Seoul, South Korea]


Shuhua have arrived safely and she's grateful that the taxi driver understood her words earlier. The university was notified that Shuhua will be arriving early in the morning.

"I believe you're Yeh Shuhua." Shuhua immediately stood up and bow to greet the Dean politely. "Don't worry about your things, they are being taken care of by our personnel. You have two dorm mates who are also foreigners. Since it's monday today and you just arrived, there is someone whose gonna tour you around the whole campus so you can get familiar of it. You're not obligated to attend classes for today but tomorrow you need to attend the orientation then proceed to your classes. You can get your schedule at the registrar." Shuhua listened carefully word by word which she didn't find hard to understand at all.

One month studying is quite helpful though there are some hard words that she still needs to practice. "I got a letter from your university that you're a varsity from the swimming club so if you want you can join our swimming club here while you're here and before I forgot let me introduce myself, my name is Bae Joohyun." Shuhua nodded.

"More on like Kang Irene." the door suddenly opened revealing a tall woman wearing a formal lady suit. "What are you doing here?" Irene fires at the gorgeously looking woman who just entered. Shuhua watch the two and she really couldn't catch up of what they are talking about since she can't comprehend it all.

She she just sits there and wait for the two to stop bantering. "Fine fine, I'll be going now but I'll be back."

"Don't mind her, anyway let me walk you to your dorm. It's still very early that the sun isn't even up yet. Let's go." Shuhua stood up following Ms. Bae outside of the office.

So far she likes the campus ground, she likes how it was very eco friendly. There are so many trees surrounding the whole campus. It was quite chilly considering that it's still early in the morning.

"I heard that you're very consistent in academics and sports." Shuhua's train of thoughts were cut off as she glance to Ms. Bae. "Yes ma'am." Shuhua responded. Tall buildings were here and there. Shuhua is a second year student in college and her course is engineering.

She actually wants to be an architect when she was in middle school but of course our vision changes as years passed by.

"I hope that you'll enjoy your stay here. Welcome to DALE University." Ms. Bae smiled as she stop in her tracks. "This will be your shared room with the other two foreigners. They are probably still asleep or maybe not." Ms. Bae let out a chuckle. They don't really have so much restrictions so students really enjoys theie free time.

Knocking on the door first, of xourse she didn't expect that there would be someone who'll open the door for her. Shuhua holds onto the doorknob when it suddenly flew open revealing the cutest human alive.

"Hi do you like giraffes and corgis?" Shuhua was surprised still registering what the hell is happening right now. Another girl showed up who has that very mesmerizing beautiful eyes that seems to be cold.

"Don't annoy her Yuqi, she just arrived." it was a mature tone but the said girl didn't stop at all. "Do you dance? sing? draw?" Yuqi continues to asks questions. Shuhua was overwhelmed by it.

"Sorry if she's too hyper, she drank a lot of coffee just to stay awake to welcome you. We haven't really had any other dorm mates aside from the two of us. I'm Nicha Yontararak but you can just call me Minnie and this hyper girl here is Song Yuqi. Come on in." The girl named Minnie opened the door wider letting Shuhua in.

Yuqi was jumping around excited to have a new dorm mate aside from Minnie.

"My name is Yeh Shuhua, I'm from Taiwan." Shuhua introduced herself slowly earning an enthusiastic nod from Yuqi and a smile from Minnie. "I'm from Thailand." Minnie calmly said.

"I'm from China, we can speak mandarin to each other." Yuqi clasped her hands together and Shuhua was quite comfortable than she expected. "They brought your luggages here and we put them beside your closet. Are you hungry? We can go outside to get some food." Minnie offered but Shuhua kindly declined the offer saying that she wants to rest first then maybe after they can all go out together.


"We don't have any curfew at all here." Shuhua just listened to the two. Yuqi was more 'normal' now unlike earlier. They decided to eat breakfast a nearby cafe.

"Three pancakes and hot chocolates for three beautiful ladies." Shuhua raised her head as there food is being served to them. "Thank you unnie." Minnie thanked the woman which Shuhua perfectly remembers.

"Oh you're the one who was with my Irene earlier. I'm Kang Seulgi." The woman smiled to Shuhua which Shuhua returned. "Anyway enjoy your breakfast ladies." Seulgi left the table so the three can enjoy their breakfast. "She's Ms. Bae's suitor, we've known her since we entered the university. I still wonder why Ms. Bae isn't accepting Seulgi unnie, I mean Seulgi unnie is gorgeous, cooks good food, a very great unnie and though we have heard some rumors that she's kinda stupid sometimes but other than that she's package." Minnie explained and Yuqi could only nod.

Shuhua still wasn't used to eating breakfast like this. Like she's actually speaking while eating breakfast though she only says a few things but she couldn't deny that the corners of her lips are going upwards.

Her heart feels light.

She have called Tzuyu awhile ago informing the girl that she arrived safely and she doesn't have to worry at all. 

The road was slowly being filled with cars passing by. She sips on her cup of hot chocolate. She doesn't want to think too much and just let the time flow like always. "Can I call you Shu?" Yuqi spoke up her eyes were sparkling from anticipation. Shuhua removed her gaze from the window as she face Yuqi.

"Yeah of course." Shuhua smiled and she's letting people in her.

"There is someone who'll tour you around." Minnie said as they walk back to the university. Entering the gates, Shuhua looks around and was fascinated of how modern the buildings are.

"Her name is Cho Miyeon, she's in the same year level as mine. Third year student in fine arts." Minnie continued as they walk back to their dorm. Opening the door they enter the room flopping down on their own beds.

Shuhua had a great breakfast. They have gotten to know each other more. Shared some informations about each other. Shuhua have carefully listened to every thing that the two have said to her.

Nicha Yontararak/Minnie is a third year student and is studying business, currently in a relationship also which surprised Shuhua.

Shuhua observed that a lot of people are very much open to what their sexuality is even though it is a conservative country. It gave Shuhua the courage and she doesn't want to hide anything to both Minnie and Yuqi so she told her that she's into girls.

Yuqi and Minnie both welcomed her and even said that they will never treat Shuhua differently because they are all in the same circle.

Song Yuqi is a second year student with the same course as Shuhua, she's also in a relationship. Shuhua feels like she's the only one single which she really is.

They all turned their heads towards the door at the same time. "I'll open it." Yuqi exclaimed as she stood up to open the door and welcome their guest but as soon as the door was opened, Yuqi was pushed to the side.

"Minnie~yah." Minnie opened her arms welcoming the girl in her arms. "Oh gosh not here." Yuqi complained.

Shuhua just watch there still on her own bed. She's amused of what she's witnessing right now. She's not fully out of the closet so seeing things like this is quite surprising for her maybe because her mother have always been by her side.

"Hi, I'm Miyeon and I guess you're Shuhua." Shuhua have her eyes focused on the girl who's standing in front of her but there is this kind of energy telling her that Miyeon is not a person who's filled with superiority. "Sorry for what you just witnessed, this girl right here isn't answering my calls last night." Miyeon ranted to Shuhua as if they were close friends already.

Shuhua smiled as it is obvious already that Miyeon is Minnie's girlfriend. "We can come with the two of you right?" Yuqi asks but Miyeon firmly said 'no'.

"You two still have classes and you Nicha Yontararak your class starts in thirty minutes so you better move your ass now." Miyeon sternly said with her index finger pointed at Minnie.

But the three foreigners wasn't fazed by the stern voice most especially Minnie because she views it differently. She giggles before pulling Miyeon closer to her. "Why are you so cute?" Minnie gushes out as she gives Miyeon a chaste kiss.

Shuhua let out a laugh seeing Yuqi acting like she's throwing up.

"Shut up, so Shuhua let's go?"

Shuhua can see a lot of students around. "So this is your building, this isn't that far from the dormitory." Miyeon said as they enter the building. There were students chattering at the side holding some blueprints.

"Each building has its own cafeteria but students mostly go to the main cafeteria located at the main building of the campus. There's no difference when it comes to food but the main cafeteria offers foods that are sometimes not in each building cafeteria that is why most of the students prefer eating at the main cafeteria. I'll walk you to your supposed to be class so you won't get lost tomorrow." Miyeon smiled as they walk side by side. Shuhua never expected to be treated like this here.

Shuhua observed how the classes were going on.

It feels different for her yet she likes the environment but as much as the environment was really good Shuhua was still brought back to the reality that she will not stay here that long and only for two years.

They went on with the tour and Shuhua could say that the university is indeed huge.

"I think students here already fell in love with you." Shuhua almost spit out the water she's drinking. "Aigoo here." Miyeon offered her hanky to Shuhua.

"Since you aren't oblige to attend classes for today, join us for lunch." Miyeon suggested. She doesn't want the younger to eat by herself so taking Shuhua with her will be a good idea and besides she can also introduce Shuhua to two of her friends.

"Okay." Shuhua shortly answered.


Lunch came and Miyeon got a text from Minnie that they are already at the main cafeteria.

Shuhua just followed behind Miyeon but Miyeon doesn't want the girl looking like that so she decided to cling her arm onto Shuhua. "I'm gonna be your unnie okay?" Miyeon beamed a smile.

Shuhua have experienced being the younger one every time she's with Tzuyu and her girlfriend but it seems like right now she's really the younger one.

Entering the said cafeteria, it was filled with students that it makes Shuhua dizzy.

Minnie spotted the two so she immediately raised her hand up waving it so Miyeon can see them which the latter did. The two walked to where Minnie and Yuqi are.

But Shuhua saw two other people sitting in front of Minnie and Yuqi, thinking that it was the 'friends' that Miyeon have mentioned earlier. "So this is Shuhua, she's an exchange student. She'll be joining us from now on." Shuhua bow in respect.

But there was one girl who was focused only on Shuhua.

Her long dark hair

Her pale skin

Her face

'She haven't change.'

"Soojin!" Soyeon nudge Soojin. The said girl look at her friend clueless. "Shuhua is offering her hand." Soyeon whispered as Soojin's gaze fell on the hand that was in front of her.

Soojin came back to her senses as she accepted Shuhua's hand.

'Still the same soft hand.'

Soojin look straight in Shuhua's eyes like they are talking through each other's eyes but she was kinda disappointed. It seems like Shuhua doesn't remember her but as far as she knows it's only been four years since then.

Or maybe Shuhua was mad at her because she didn't showed up anymore.

"Ehem." Yuqi cleared her throat causing for the two to let go of each other's hands.

'Why does she look so familiar?' Shuhua thought as she stares at Soojin. She doesn't know how long she's been staring not until Yuqi whispered something into her ear.

"You like her?" Yuqi whispered but Shuhua shake her head. "She just look familiar." Shuhua mumbled.

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