Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Fog o...

By Raging__Wolf

56.2K 1.4K 753

The Chaldea crew return for the fourth singularity. This time they're dropped in London 1888. New faces and... More

Into the Mist
Crazy Jihadi Clown
The Shota That Roasts Kings
The Alchemist
Sakura Matou
The Evil Within
The Steam Mech Inventor
Fury of Abzu
Ten Rings Vs Zero Fucks

Jack The Daughter

6K 160 68
By Raging__Wolf

Picking up immediately after where we left off.


Everyone laughed nervously as Mordred looked around frantically for confirmation of what Y/n was saying.

Y/n: "Mordred, I think you should explain something as well."

Mordred: "Currently having a meltdown, save it for later."

Just as she said this however, more automatons showed up, so Y/n slapped her in the face to snap her out of it.

Y/n: "Is there anywhere we can lie low for now?"

Mordred nodded before slapping her head with both hands. She then motioned for the others to follow her. They ran through the empty streets of London until Mordred led them to a flat. They all got in as Mordred announced her return.

Mordred: "Yo, Doc! I'm back!"

From the sitting room, a rather well dressed man walked out and was slightly startled by seeing so many people.

???: "Friends of yours, Saber?"

Mordred: "I'm neutral with all but this guy."

She motioned to Y/n, whose arm she still wasn't letting go of.

Y/n: "Name's Y/n von Einzbern. I'm a master from Chaldea. Those three are Gudao and Gudako Fujimaru and Ophelia Phamrsolone. Another three masters from Chaldea."

???: "Ah, I see. You're here to fix the singularity, yes?"

Y/n: "Yeah, that's right."

???: "Ah, I see. Good. Come in, come in. I have some tea ready if anyone would like any."

Raikou: "Some tea would be much appreciated, sir."

???: "Please, just call me Jekyll."

Mash: "Where have I heard that name before...?"

Y/n: "Doctor Jekyll, the victorian doctor who split himself in two using alchemy. Your other half's Edward Hyde, right?"

Jekyll: "I-... It's not something I like to discuss. Even now I can feel Hyde clawing at me to let him out..."

Y/n: "Well, take it easy, alright?"

Jekyll cautiously agreed and the others got set up. Henry set out some tea for anyone that wanted some, Raikou lay the little girl on the couch before beckoning Y/n over.

Y/n complied and sat next to the berserker before she gently lifted the little girl's head onto his lap.

Raikou then taught him the basics of parenthood, considering that Voyager basically acted like Y/n's adopted son, it was a skill that Raikou thought would be good for him to learn.

A while later, the little girl's eyes fluttered open and she looked up to see that Y/n had fallen asleep on Raikou's shoulder.

She slowly sat up and saw that a few others were still awake and chatting amongst themselves. She didn't see Ophelia watching her every move like a fucking hawk.

The little servant then saw that Y/n's shirt was lifted slightly, revealing some old surgical scars. She then looked down at her own abdomen and saw a more rough-looking scar in roughly the same place.

Ophelia watched as the servant then proceeded to rest her head back on Y/n's lap.

A few minutes passed before Y/n woke up with a start. A cold sweat dripped down his face as he looked around.

Arthur walked over and knelt in front of his master.

Arthur: "Is everything alright? You seem distressed."

Y/n: "I- It's nothing. Bad memories is all. This ain't exactly my first trip to London after all."

Y/n shuddered slightly as memories returned to him.

Arthur: "If I could be so bold, I'd like to offer a suggestion."

Y/n: "Go ahead."

Arthur: "Perhaps you should face this memory of yours head-on."

Y/n thought for a minute before nodding. The place he remembered wasn't far from Jekyll's apartment anyway.

He then looked down and saw that the assassin servant was looking right up at him.

Y/n: "Looks like somebody decided to wake up, huh?"

???: "What happened to you, Papa?"

Y/n could feel his heart doing backflips at a trillion miles per second as she said that.

Y/n: "I- It's not something you really need to know about, uh..."

???: "Jack. We're Jack."

Arthur: "I believe there's a serial killer around here with that name."

Y/n: "Jack the ripper. So that's who you are?"

Jack nodded adorably before Y/n sat her up.

Y/n: "First thing's first. You need actual clothes, young lady."

Y/n used his denial of nothingness to manifest some new clothes for the mini murder-machine. She took them to where the bathroom was and got changed before coming back into the room.

Jack: "These feel comfy."

Ophelia: "I'm surprised you're so trusting of her, Y/n."

Y/n: "I think Raikou's had an effect on her. The perks of having a motherly berserker I suppose."

Ophelia laughed lightly as Jack plopped herself onto the couch between Y/n and Raikou.

Zhuge Liang and Jekyll then walked into the room.

Jekyll: "Ah, you two are awake. Good, there's something I need to check if that's okay with you."

Y/n: "Sure, Gudao and Gudako can stay here. Whaddya need?"

Jekyll: "I've recently lost contact with one my friends that lives elsewhere in London. Mordred knows where he lives so she can lead you there."

Ophelia: "We'll get right on it."

Zhuge: "I'll be sure to keep everyone well supported."

Mash: "I'd like to come along as well if that's alright. As I've said, I've never been to London before and I'd love to have a look around."

Y/n chuckled before nodding to her. He then gently woke Raikou up. By gently I mean he jabbed a finger into her side, causing her to wake up with a start.

Arthur volunteered to stay with the others in Mash's absence, to which Y/n agreed, and the group headed out.

Jack refused to leave Y/n's side and perched herself on his back. Ophelia was very on-edge around her since she had just tried to kill them not too long ago.

Mordred was at the front of the group. She knew the streets of London well, so her taking point made things easier.

Mordred: "Hey, there's some Homunculi out there. How ya wanna handle 'em?"

Y/n: "As quietly as possible. We don't wanna attract more."

Jack: "Oh! We can do that, Papa!"

Jack then jumped off of Y/n's back and vanished into the mist.

Ophelia: "Mash, stay on your guard."

Mash nodded and kept her shield up before the homunculi all fell dead in the street. Jack then reappeared in front of the group with an adorably proud smile on her face.

Y/n: "Good work, Jack."

The assassin giggled before climbing up onto Y/n's back again.

The group then continued on. Mash was marvelling at the sights in London, especially places of importance, meanwhile Y/n was looking at different areas.

Y/n: "That building got bombed. That one was set on fire. Some idiot blew himself up over there."

They eventually found the river Thames and Mash marvelled as she could just make out Tower bridge in the distance.

Y/n on the other hand...

Y/n: "Some retard tried to stab people on that bridge. Oh! And someone ran over a group of people with a van!"

Raikou: "Must you say such things with a child on your back, Master?"

Y/n: "Oi! She's a famous Thot destroyer!"

Ophelia burst into laughter.

Ophelia: "Why is that accurate!?"

Mordred: "We've gone too far I think. Let's double back and try and find the place. I know it's around here somewhere..."

Y/n: "Still horrible with directions as always, huh?"

Mordred: "I- I'm workin' on it!"

Y/n chuckled before putting his arm around her shoulder, causing her to blush profusely.

Back at Jekyll's apartment, Gudako slowly opened her eyes and looked around. No sign of Mash, Ophelia or Y/n anywhere.

Gudako: "Those three better not be doing anything dirty without me."

Arthur chuckled as he walked over with some tea.

Arthur: "No, Dr. Jekyll sent them to go check on his friend. Mash wished to go with them so I was left here to help Astolfo guard the place."

Gudako: "Don't tell Gudao he's a guy remember."

Arthur: "I've been made aware. Not to worry, I know not to say anything."

Gudako's comms then pinged and she opened them to see Roman as he sighed in relief.

Roman: "Good, we can get through now."

Gudako: "I guess the mist blocks our comms?"

Roman: "Yup. Is Fou there with you guys?"

Fou: "Fou!"

Gudako: "When did you get here?"

Roman: "He followed you through the rayshift. Anyway, that aside, I need a sit-rep. What's going on over there?"

Gudako then explained what had happened so far to Romani. He understood and leaned back in his seat.

Roman: "I see. So a little girl attacked you and you met up with the bastard son of King Arthur."

Arthur then cleared his throat.

Roman: "O- Oh! Arthur, I forgot you were there, eheh..."

Arthur: "Allow me to fill in the blanks while Gudako was asleep. As it so happens, that little girl that we brought with us is none other than Jack the Ripper."

Romani: "Wait, HUH!?!?"

Da Vinci: "Jack the Ripper was a little girl? Huh..."

Arthur: "She refers to herself as 'we' though."

Roman: "I see..."

Arthur: "Ophelia and Y/n are with her and the other servants right now. Jekyll, Astolfo and I are the only servants here."

Da Vinci: "I see. I would've suggested the mist to be Jacks noble phantasm, but that seems unlikely now."

Arthur: "No, I believe her noble phantasm is a form of mist. However her mist is toxic to breathe in. Since Ophelia and Y/n had no issues when they went out without their masks on."

Da Vinci: "Huh... Yeah, that'd make sense then."

Arthur: "You also missed Y/n and Mordred hilariously scolding Jack for her lack of decent clothing."

As the Chaldeans laughed while giving a sit-rep, someone watched the ones in the streets from afar. Their eyes were locked onto Y/n as they watched him interact with Mordred and Jack.

???: "I found you..."

Another figure appeared behind the person watching them. In her hand was a huge lance covered in wicked crimson barbs.

???: "Don't attack them, Alter. We'll make ourselves known when we can."

???2: "Very well, master."

The two then vanished back into the shadows of the alleyway as another pair of individuals showed up on the other side of the city.

???: "You said this trip to London was going to be fun!"

???2: "How the hell was I supposed to know that this place was fucked six ways from Sunday!? *sigh* Look, let's see if we can find any mages or even another servant around here and we'll be golden!"

???: "Hmph."

The larger one sighed in exasperation before the two moved on. The pieces were now all in play, London was about to become a battlefield.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Crazy Jihadi Clown!

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