Blood Brothers

By metalcountry

15.9K 843 139

This is the last installment to "Baby's On The Way." This is after, "Shake It For Me." This story starts off... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Bo Bryan
Chapter 2 - Awkward
Chapter 3 - Signed
Chapter 5 - Bad News
Chapter 6 - Lost
Chapter 7 - Dinner With Mr. Williams
Chapter 8 - Full of Thoughts
Chapter 9 - ACM's
Chapter 10 - Truth Comes Out
Chapter 11 - Ending The Night Right
Chapter 12 - Bryson's Problems
Chapter 13 - Hospital Birthday
Chapter 14 - Come With Me
Chapter 15 - Precious Darlin
Chapter 16 - Big Fights
Chapter 17 - All Couples Have Problems
Chapter 18 - Make It Right
Chapter 19 - Bryan Family Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - The Big Question
Chapter 21 - Tate's Set Back
Chapter 22 - Reporter
Chapter 23 - Old Dates
Chapter 24 - Perfect Wedding
Chapter 25 - Really Pays Off
Chapter 26 - Tate's Leap
Chapter 27 - Thomas James Bryan
Chapter 28 - On Her Own
Chapter 29 - Entertainer Of The Year
Chapter 30 - The Bryan Family (Finale)

Chapter 4 - Dinner For Two

554 28 3
By metalcountry

It's been three weeks and I've been busy as hell. Kendyl and I talk daily. I've been signed to the company and they want me to start doing an album which I had a meeting earlier for. I was beat. I didn't feel like doing anything. I just wanted to sit back, drink a beer, and watch baseball. I was hungry though. I might stop and get food on the way home. Maybe I'll order delivery.

My parents wanted me to come over but I didn't feel like dealing with them today. I felt like having a calming night. I made sure I had a full tank before I got home and instantly took my boots off. I threw my hat on the couch and slouched into the recliner. I closed my eyes and felt like I could possibly take a nap but my phone ringing took me out of it. I groaned. It better not be Tate. If he is asking for more help in college he better start asking mom or dad. I looked at the caller ID and it said Kendyl and everything I was just thinking went out the window and a smile plastered on my face.

"Darlin." I answered and I could tell she was smiling from the giggle she gave.

"Cowboy. How was your meeting?" She asked.

"I'm tired, hungry, and exhausted feeing. It was long and treacherous." I said.

"Awe poor cowboy. How could I make your day better?" She asked sweetly.

"I don't know. My mind is gone today." I honestly had no clue. He coming over alone would be better.

"I got a great idea. I'll be over in 30 minutes." She said. I smiled wider. Kendyl coming over always made everything better.
"Okay. I'll be waiting for ya." I said and she diffidently smiled again.

"See ya soon Cowboy." She said hanging up.

Okay, in three weeks I have grown feelings for her. I have had sex with her again, well a couple more times but that's not why I have grown more feelings. She treats me great. She does things for me. She calls me or texts me to make sure my days are going great. Hell she is coming over now to make sure my day is better. How could I not fall for this woman? She is gorgeous, sweet, smart, talented, and funny. Those are things I want in a woman. She also is pushing me to work harder for my dream of being a country singer just like my pa.

I haven't told no one about her and I having sex and always talking. I know Tate would tell me I'm falling for a Williams girl. Jason's going to hurt me. If I hurt her dad will be mad. I don't know. I can't help but want her. I want to treat her right too. I make sure I text her good morning and good night because I know she'll either wake up or go to sleep knowing that someone does that. I also have picked her up a few times just to go get some lunch or dinner when I was free. She's even come over here to watch movies. I normally buy us take out. I just have so much fun with her.

I turned on the TV and went to take a shower before she got here. I had to smell good. No, I don't have the attention in having sex with her. I actually have more intentions. I really do like her so I think I need to just be a man and ask her on an actual date. I got to look at my schedule and make this Saturday and Sunday free which it 90% will be. I can do this.

When I was putting on new Jeans my door was being knocked on. I walked quickly zipping them and buttoning before opening the door. Kendyl was standing there with a bag and a smile. I moved to the side looking at her confused. I shut the door and followed her to the kitchen area.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me and then just smiled going back to what she was originally doing She laid out a bunch of things on the counter and was looking through my pots and pans. "Darlin. Hello?" I said more confused now. She stood back up with two pans in her hands and smiled.

"I'm making you dinner Mr. hard working man." She said turning around and putting them on the stove. I raised an eye brow.

"What? You don't have to do that. I could have ordered out. I'll order out for both of us and you don't have to cook. We can just sit back and relax."  I told her. I didn't want her coming all the way over her to make my lazy ass food.

"I don't have to but I want to Bo. You've been working real hard lately and I have even noticed you've been too busy to even drink anymore so, I think you deserve a nice home cooked meal. "

"At least let me pay for the food." She shook her head.

"Just go sit down. I'll bring you a beer." She said. "No buts'." She said before I could even say what I was going to. What am I to do but listen?

"Fine." I said walking into the living room area and sitting down in my recliner. Within 5 minutes I could already smell things and I heard her come by me. She even opened the beer for me. She handed it over and smiled. "Thank you Darlin."

"You're welcome Cowboy." She said and moved away.

I just let her go. Everything was going good. I was watching TV fully relaxed. I had a beer in hand. It smelled amazing in my house and a woman was cooking the food for me. I really like this woman and she must really like me if she is doing this for me. I turned my head around and watched her checking everything. I could help but smile and get up.

I set my beer on the counter walking into the kitchen and walked right behind her. I put my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder. Her one hand was stirring what seemed like noodles in some Alfredo sauce. Her other hand was now holding onto mine. I looked at her and she had a huge smile on her face.

"What do you think you're doing Bo?" She asked me. I kissed her cheek which made her blush.
"Watching a beautiful woman make lazy me some food." I said. She let go of the spoon and pried my hands off of her. I frowned when she turned around.

"Well Mr. Lazy Cowboy. How about you get me two plates, and set the table. Also get us two drinks." She smiled. I nodded.

"Now I'm able to help?" I said. She nodded and then turned around to go back to cooking. I chuckled and then went to set the table.

Whatever she was cooking smelled amazing. She bent down to the over to get something out and I couldn't help but stare. She had a nice round plum behind to her. When she would move it would move in the right ways. I brought over the two plates like she wanted and looked and saw what she made. It was two pieces of chicken, with Alfredo noodles, and green beans. Wow this woman knows food that I love.

"Go sit. I'll be at the table when I fix the plates." She said not looking at me.

"Alright Darlin." I went and sat at the table. Within a few minutes she was bringing over two hot plates. She placed one in front of me and one in front of her. It looked amazing. The chicken was baked, the green beans were steamed, and the Alfredo and noodles were just so delicious looking. "I got you a beer; I hope you'd be okay with that." I said smiling.

"I know that you only have beer and water. Beer is fine." She said teasing me at first and then smiled.

"How'd you know I'd like this?" I asked her while cutting a piece from my chicken and dunking it in some Alfredo sauce.

"I paid attention to you. What you've ordered if we were out, and what you would say your mama would make. I also remember when you were younger, and my sister and I were over there. Your mama baked chicken because you hated it in a pan." I smiled. Wow she remembered all of that?

"I hardly remember what I ate yesterday but you can remember something that is over 10 years ago." I smiled.

"Typical man." Kendyl said giggling.

I looked at her with a glare and she just smiled away. I ended up smiling too and shaking my head. I took a bite of the chicken and it just melted in my mouth. The sauce and how juicy the chicken was alone made me want her to make it every day. I have to say it taste like my mama's. I tried the noodles and then the green beans. Those were just steamed but perfectly steamed. I looked up at her and she was digging into her meal. She looked at me and gave me a questioning look.

"You're amazing." I said then she smirked.

"Well thanks, but how is the food?" She asked being a smart ass. I liked that a lot about her.

"Oh shit. You know. I wouldn't wanna eat anymore." I said putting another bite in my mouth being a smart ass right back. She rolled her eyes. "I was calling the food amazing actually. It's just like my mama's. I have to say, I might keep you here just to cook." I smirked at her. She laughed.

"Well thanks for liking my cooking." She said then turned back to her plate. She might think that I didn't mean to call her amazing. Shit.

"You're better than your food you know." I said then realized how stupid that came out she just looked at me. "I mean since it's amazing you're wonderful." I said saving my ass. She blushed.

"Thanks Bo. You're not too bad yourself there cowboy." She said going back to her food still blushing.

We ate our meal in silence. It was really good. I kept looking over at her and she was being all shy since I gave her that complement. I noticed I've been complementing her more and she would get more and shyer. If she didn't believe any of this about herself she better start looking in the mirror.

When the meal was done I said I would do the dishes but she said no, and that her mama said that it is the woman's duties. I looked at her weird because my mama and daddy would switch. My dad would even cook and mama would clean unless he said she needed to rest.

I went into the living room with a fresh beer and sat on the couch this time. I was waiting for her to get done. There was basically nothing to watch. I then went through my DVR and saw I had two movies on there. One was my dad's old favorite Forest Gump, and the other was The Avengers. I looked into the kitchen and saw she was putting away the last few things.

"Hey Kendyl." I said. She looked back at me.

"You wanna watch Forest Gump with me?" I asked.

"Uh, the old movie?" She asked.

"Yeah, the only other one on my DVR is The Avengers Cold Wars." I told her. She frowned at that one.

"Forest Gump it is." She said drying off the last plate and putting it away. I took a sip from my beer and put my hand over the couch. She hopefully will see that and sit close to me.

She comes into the living room and does in fact sit on the couch but, she sits on the other side away from my arm. I frown but I leave her alone and start the movie. We got to the part where Forest is outside his house and makes fun of his principle fucking his mother and Kendyl laughed.

I wanted to find the right moment for me to tell her that I wanted her to come closer so I could hold her during the movie but for some reason it was weird for me to ask. I was getting up to get myself another beer when Kendyl noticed and jumped up.

"No let me get you another one." She said going to the fridge.

"You know, you don't need to be my servant." I said smiling to her.

"I know I just want to give you a very relaxing day because you're going to be majorly busy." She said coming closer.

"Well would you like to know what would make this movie better?" I asked her. She handed me the beer and started to walk away but I grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the couch. She landed perfectly next to me and I put my arm around her waist. "Me, being able to hold you." I told her softly. She looked at me and smiled.

"Bo, I gotta ask you something?" She said all shy like.

"What is it?" I asked her. She looked at my hand which was on her stomach and played with it. She didn't say anything for a little so I spoke up again. "Kendyl?" I asked her.

"Bo am I just a…" She started to say but my phone rang.

"Hold on. I'm sorry." I said grabbing it from my pocket. It was my dad. "It's my dad. I can take it later." I said denying it.

"What if it was important?" she asked.

"He calls at least once a week. He probably wanted to see how everything was …" I started to say but he called again.

"Important." She said moving away to give me space. I answered it and put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey dad." I said kind of annoyed. I heard sniffling. "Dad?" I asked. Something was up and I wanted to find out what it was. I stood up quickly and was going to get my shoes on when he finally spoke….


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What do you think she wanted to ask Bo? What do you think is important?

Thank you all for reading!

- Pup

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