Way back when..

By Roselyne5001010

175 2 2

Sarah Ann Is just a normal 16 year old girl. Well if you call normal being taller then most people, and a ve... More

Way back when..

Chapter 1

36 2 0
By Roselyne5001010

Hey!~  Roselyne here, i hope you liked it so far, please please comment or  rate ^.~

~~~~Chapter 1~~~

"Sarah Ann, Don't look so down" Mike looked at my with compassion and sympothy in his eyes , his blue eyes glistening in the sun set. 

Here we were, sitting on the joyess beautiful mountian , full of flowers as he slightly raised my chin, so i was looking up at him.  I giggles and nodded

"I need to tell you something, that I've been meaning to tell you for a while now."  Mike's soft voice murmured into my hair, covering my ears.  And I looked into his eyes softly with a smile*

"Y..Yes what is it?"  I chocked, I wasn't meaning for it to come out this way, but sadly i did and i blushed.

" I. Lo~" 

Beep, Chirp, Beep, Chirp  I uickley snapped my head  up from my soft lucious pillow.." Ahg!  What the Hell?! "  I mummbled to myself as I turned my head from my dark pink wall and turned my head towards the side table as I saw the screen of my touch screen telephone light up.  The room was pitch black and i reached over to my table, stratching my arm to the table as i picked up my cellphone and looked at the screen. "Alarm at 5:00" I Thought about this for a second, and why I was waking up so early. 

" Agh!!!"  I yelled silently, remembering that I hadn't finished my homework for today.  The light from my cellphone screen was still burning my eyes as i squinted, trying to read the small letters as they got blurrier.  I Groaned as i put my cellphone down and i rolled out of bed from my 7 covers of blankets, that warmed me, like nothing else I've ever felt before, my skin instantly felt the coldness of the basement as goosebumps sprouted on my arms. ( Not mentioning i hate the snow, and living in Pennyslvania, i was used to the snow, which didn't make things any better)

I started to stumble throughout the dark room as I looked down at the ground, to make sure i didn't step on any clothes that i was to lazy to normally pickup.  I heard the T.V and sounds of little kids from Disney Channel My sister favorite channel ever.  I looked over to see the bright screen, my eyes now used to the bright glare.

I kept walking along the clothes and rags that layed on the floor as i looked to see my sister lying in bed, that was up against the lght pink wall.  I then walked stright forward as i pushed open the wooden door as i walked throug my bothers room, that was green and i giggles as i heard him snoring, all curled up into a ball,  I then headed out his door and started walking up the carpeted stairs .  I slowly pushed open the basement door as i walked through the kitchen and into the living room,  Right by the door there was a wall that held all our backpacks and I grabbed my blue one with black dotts.

It started to jingle from all the small trinkets that i own and keep on my backpack.  I quickley put it on the brown couch, it was Also dark in the room, and i quickley walked down the floor of the hallway as i passed my parents room, and i tiptoed to the bathroom that was across from my parents room.  I ran into the dark room as i shut the door and locked it, like i always did, and I Flipped on the lights to see the brown and white tiles on the wall and on the floor.  A dark brown carpet was infront of the toilet .  I walked over to the sink as i washed up my face.  The bathroom was the warmess place in the house for some off reason.

I Looked up at my complection in the mirror as i nodded.  I turned off the light, still in the bathroom, as i locked the bathroom and sighed slightly.  I ran back to the living room and picked up my backpack and i started walking towards teh kitchen.  I flung open the door as i ran through the dark kitchen, passing the microwave and the oven.  I then ran down the stairs with my backpack on my right shoulder as i giggled.  I dashed through my brothers room as i ran past all the clothes, narrowng down my target, my bed.  I jumped up on my bed as i flung my backpack on the left side of my bed,  Since i slept on the right. 

I looked over at my backpack as i unzipped it with a yawn and took out my mathbook.  Normally i wake up at four, but the thing is that I only had like three questions left on math .  I looked down at the book as i couldn't read the letters.  I Sighed a yawn of confusion as i turned on my light that was also on my table as i blinked.  I then took a pencil out the pouch of my backpack.  I store at the math book, utterly confused as i realized, the reason i Didn't finish it the day before was because i didn't understand how to do them.

" Agh!"  I screamed to myself as i shut the book and threw it back at my pack. I shook my head and fell back onto the pillow with a slight sigh or sadness on my expression.  I store up at the wall and i yawned again.  I slowly closed my eyes, my head resting back into my pillow.  Only to feel like 5 seconds later i was getting yelled at to wake up.

"Sarah!" Yelled my annoying brother as i coughed and blinked,  That was not enough sleep at all. 


Hey hey, hope you liked it, please tell me what you think and like it, I'll finish the next chapter tomorrow, I'm super tired.


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