By Shadow_Lust

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when the world started falling towards darkness then Arceus decided for the past to once again repeat itself... More

chapter-2 (Birth of the chosens)
Chapter-3 ( WANNA BE FRIENDS )


758 32 231
By Shadow_Lust

Hello friends this is the fourth chapter of my story. In this chapter we will see the professor Oak summer camp In my style. From next chapter we will be starting the journey of our heroes. There are a lot of important information told in this chapter so read it carefully. Please don't ask me that how can our heroes do certain things that you will read in the chapter. Well my answer to that is we all have seen in the anime that age is just a number for them. A ten year old becomes a champion. Even Clermont is shown as a inventor and a Genius. He even created the whole prism tower and clembot. So just go with the flow. I have covered all the three years of the kids from the time of summer camp at which they are seven year old till the time they turn ten. I haven't shown anybody's birthday. I am not gonna follow the four moves system. Now a important thing, I am putting this story on a hold for over a month due to exams. This is the reason I have made this chapter the length of four chapters combined. So enjoy it. The chapter is 34000 words almost so I hope you enjoy it. And with that let's start the new chapter. In the ending part I haven't highlighted the words so sorry for that.


Happiness. This was what Lillie and Serena had felt from past one week since the time they had come to Pallet town. Right now both are sitting together while watching showcases and coordinators videos.

"Serena I guess I have founded what I want to do when I start my journey. I will travel through Kanto and become a Pokemon performer" said a happy Lillie.

"You are right Lillie I am sure you will do great. I have also decided that I will become a Pokemon coordinator" said an equally happy Serena. Then they both squealed like children. But then again they are children so ofcourse they would.

Suddenly the door opened and "what's with all the screaming girls we could hear you downstairs" said Grace in a concerned voice while Lusamine also looked concerned.

"Mom we have found what we will do once we become trainers" said Lillie with a smile "really that's awesome girls. Tell us what is it" asked Lusamine happily while Grace also nodded as they came inside the room and sat on the end of the bed with thier legs down and closed the door.

"I am going to become a Pokemon coordinator" "and I am going to become a Pokemon performer" said Serena and Lillie in a proud tone at which thier mothers brought them in a group hug as they shedded a few tears. They just couldn't believe how much the girls got changed after meeting the boys in just one week. They were always shy and scared of Pokemon's but now they are so confident and even play with different Pokemon's and dosen't get scared at all.

"We are so proud of you girls. I hope you do great but remember it is lot of hardwork In the field you are going in" said Lusamine "as Ash always say mrs Lusamine 'never give up until over' we will just keep giving our best until we become the best. Don't we Lillie" said Serena in a confident to tone "yes we will mom just watch us as we take the world by storm" said Lillie with a proud look causing the two mother's to chuckle lightly at them.

"But Serena what about your Rhyhorn racing practice" said Grace in a stern tone " I di-didn't think ab-about it yet mom. I will tell you after the ca-camp" said a stuttering and unsure Serena causing Lillie to look at her in concern. 'maybe she is not ready yet' thought Grace.

"Alright girls we will make something for you to eat. We will call you once it is ready" said Lusamine to cut the tension that has build up after Grace's question. She grabbed Grace from her hand and took her outside while closing the door behind her leaving the girls alone.

"Why didn't you tell her you don't like Rhyhorn racing Serena" said Lillie in a confused tone "I can't say that. I just don't know what mom will do if I said no. Who knows maybe she will never let me go on a journey" said Serena in a depressed.

"We will never know unless you try. And she is your mom Serena I am sure she will let you follow your own dreams" said Lilllie in encouraging tone. "Maybe you are right Lillie I don't know yet. I will think about it after summer camp" said Serena with a sigh.

"Alright Serena let's talk about something else. So what do you think about summer camp" asked Lillie while thinking herself about it too " I guess it couldn't hurt to meet new people. Professor Oak is very caring and is a grandfather for us but I would still prefer to stay with Ash, Gary and you instead of someone else" said Serena while looking out of the window.

" Yeah I also prefer to stay with Gary and you guys but maybe we might make a new friend. It couldn't hurt to have new friends to play with and Gary told me Leaf girl will be in our group. So we will meet her too." Said Lillie as looked at the paused video of Wallace the previous champion of Hoenn and Pokemon Coordinating champion. He was defeated by Steven Stone the son of Devon stone, the owner of Devon Corporation. The leading technological manufacturing company in the world only challenged by Silph corporation in Kanto.

"Yes we will meet her. But we can't judge her without knowing her as Ash and Gary says she is very sweet and bubbly in nature. Maybe we can become friends." Said Serena thoughtfully "maybe we can but if she tried to take my Gary away from me then she will be in black book" said Lillie threateningly.

" My Gary well that's new. But still I have a good feeling that she will be not a bad person" said Serena smirking at Lillie to which she blushed and "if she tried to take Ash away from you then what" said Lillie hurriedly "nobody takes my Ashy away from me. And if she tried to do so then maybe I cannot control my powers yet but I know good enough tricks which is enough to make her regret her decision" said Serena almost screaming to Lillie "so my Ashy huh and you were picking on me for calling Gary mine" said Lillie in smug tone at which Serena sheepishly smiled.

"Well we both know how we feel about the boys but do you think they will accept us when we tell them that we have powers" said a concerned Serena at which Lillie's face also turned into a concerned one "I don't know Serena. They both are very understanding and has helped us alot. We did things that we could only think and see others do with thier help. I just hope they understand and accept us. I can't live without Gary" said Lillie as tears build up in her eyes "I can understand your feelings Lillie. I also can't live without Ash. He is my light in the darkness" said Serena as she also had tears in her eyes.

Both Serena and Lillie confessed thier crush on the boys to eachother on the first night only when they came to Kanto. Since then they had been spending thier time with the boys whole day either playing or taking care of Pokemon's whether of ranch or wild ones. They had been very possessive of Ash and Gary. It didn't went unnoticed by the mothers but they haven't said anything to them yet. Both girls didn't knew that they had this possessive side due to thier powers.

Soon came the voice "Girls come down the food ready" said Lusamine while the girls looked at eachother. "Let's make eachother a promise Serena that we will make them our no matter what" said Lillie in a stern tone "yes we will" said Serena confidently as they shook there pinkies with eachother. Then they both stood from the bed and went down.

Next day at Professor Oak Laboratory. Yellow entered Gary's room and saw Gary on the floor sleeping with his blanket wrapped around him while Ash lower body was on his bed and upper body on the ground as he was also sleeping while his blanket was lying beside him on the ground. Ash came for a night stay at Gary's house so that he dosen't get late for the camp and they both can go together to the camp.

" Wake up boys it's time for the camp" said Yellow in loud voice causing the two boys to stir but didn't wake up. "Oh Serena and Lillie look they are not waking up I guess you both have to attend the camp alone" said Yellow again in a loud but sad voice so that the boys could here. Hearing the name of the girls caused the boys wake up suddenly but Gary fell back down on the floor on his face because of the blanket as it came in his legs while Ash suddenly jumped after hearing Serena's name only to fall back down on his back hard as he forgot to see that his upper body was on the bed so he couldn't made the jump. The boys then looked around only to found no girls and only saw Yellow laughing hard at them which caused the boys to get annoyed.

" Mom did you have to do that" said an annoyed Gary who again landed on his bed " you should have looked at your faces boys. I can see you both are very anxious to see the girls" said Yellow laughing causing the boys to blush "and here I was thinking of seeing Serena's precious face first in the morning and have a great start" said Ash still blushing " strange you took the line from my mouth Ashy boy" said Gary also blushing. Yellow sighed "get up quick boys your grandpa is gonna start the camp soon" said Yellow causing the boys to groan as they both got up and then Gary to his bathroom while Ash to went to the guest bathroom to get ready.

"Ash, Gary look here" came a voice they both recognise " hey Lillie and Serena how are you" said Gary as he and Ash made thier way over to the girls. "We are totally great guys. We were really excited for the camp. We couldn't even sleep." said a smiling Serena "we were really excited too weren't we Gary" said Ash nervously "yeah we were" said Gary chuckling nervously remembering thier morning causing both the girls to nod.

"They would surely be excited I am sure of it. That is if these two could have woken up on time" said unfamiliar voice to the girls while Ash and Gary smiled "Leaf how is our sister doing these days" said Ash and Gary at the same time causing the two girls to sweatdrop while Leaf gave them a toothy grin " I am doing great my dear brothers" said Leaf as she gave those two a tight hug which those two returned "mind introducing us boys" asked Serena and Lillie to which the boys and Leaf looked at them "oh I am sorry Serena. This is Leaf me and Gary's sister in all but blood. The one we had been telling you guys about and Leaf these are Serena Yvonne and Lillie Aether me and Gary's best friends. They accepted us Leaf can you believe it" said Ash grinning ear to ear while Gary also nodded furiously confirming the truth causing Leaf to smile brightly as she started jumping squealing "oh my gosh I am so happy for both of you. I am so thankful to you for being my brothers first true friends. Thank you thank you thank you" screamed Leaf happily as she quickly took Serena and Lillie in a tight hug causing both of them to get stunned. They didn't think that Leaf would be like a sister to the boys. They were feeling guilty now for being so selfish and thinking badly about Leaf without even meeting her. They looked in eachother eyes and nodded "its alright Leaf. Actually we should be grateful to these two that they became our friends. We couldn't make any friends before due to our shyness and the fact we were scared of Pokemon's" said Lillie as she and Serena hugged her back. "Leaf do you know that we all five are in the same group" said Gary ruffling Leaf's hair at which she pouted cutely then smiled and said "that's awesome brother. We all will have a blast" causing the rest four of them to nod at her. There were a total of 30 children in the camp in group of five each.

"Welcome to you all my dear children. I am Samuel Oak. You all can call me Professor Oak. I have organised this summer camp for you kids so that you all can know about Pokemon's before starting your journeys and there will be many activities we will be performing which you all will enjoy. We have our camp scouts here. These four will take care of you all. So if you have any problem ask them and if required then me. Nurse Joy have specially come here for your safety so if you got hurt go to her immediately and she will treat you. Am I Understood children" said Professor Oak in his kind and old voice after all he was over sixty years. Everyone including our heroes nodded. "So get in line you all. One group one line quick" said one of the scout as all of them formed lines according to thier group.

"Today's activity is that you will meet the starters of all the regions" said Professor Oak as all the starters were released from thier pokeballs and were intently looking at the children.

"Squirtle is a small Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle. It typically walks on its two short legs. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell that forms and hardens after birth. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves." Explained the professor.

"Charmander is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a primarily orange body and blue eyes. Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw. A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. However, if the Pokémon is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain" explained professor Oak.

"Bulbasaur is a small, quadrupedal Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. It has red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws. On Bulbasaur's back is a green plant bulb, which is grown from a seed planted there at birth. The bulb also conceals two slender, tentacle-like vines and provides it with energy through photosynthesis as well as from the nutrient-rich seeds contained within" said Professor Oak.

"Now I am going to show and explain about the starters of Johoto region" said Professor Oak as three other Pokemon's were released.

"Chikorita is a small, pale-green, quadrupedal Pokémon with dark-green buds around its neck. Its head is large in proportion to the rest of its body, and it has big red eyes. Chikorita has four short legs with a single nailed toe on each and a stubby tail. On top of its head is a large, green leaf that is usually longer than its body. A soothing aroma wafts from the leaf, which can calm battling Pokémon. The leaf is also used to sense temperature and humidity. Chikorita actively seeks out and enjoys the sun's warmth" explained Professor Oak.

"Cyndaquil is a small, bipedal Pokémon with bluish fur on top of its body and cream-colored fur on its underside. Its eyes are usually seen closed, and it has a long, thin snout. Its arms are short, but its legs are slightly more developed and have a single nail on each foot. On its back are four red circles that can erupt into flames. When the flames are burning, its back seems to be covered in spines. Cyndaquil is capable of defending itself using these flames, and the fire grows more powerful as it becomes angry or defensive. However, if it is tired, the flames are not able to burn properly. It is usually timid by nature and often curls into a ball when intimidated. Though rare in the wild, it can be found living on grasslands" said Professor Oak.

"Totodile is a bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon with well-developed jaws. It has red eyes with ridges above them, black markings around its eyes, and several sharp teeth. On its chest is a yellow, V-shaped marking that extends to its arms; there is a thin line through the center of the marking. Totodile has five fingers and three toes. Down its back is a row of three red spines with a small, red ridge on either side. The tip of its tail has a single red spine as well. Totodile tends to be playful by nature and has a habit of biting anything it sees, including its Trainer. However, its jaws are capable of crushing anything, so it sometimes causes serious injuries. Totodile is scarce in the wild, though it can be found around bodies of water like rivers, ponds, and lakes" said Professor Oak.

"Now children we will meet the starters of Hoenn region" said Professor Oak as he released three more Pokemon's.

"Torchic is a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back. A male Torchic will have a small black speck on its rear that is not present in females" said Professor Oak.

"Treecko is a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes that it uses to sense humidity. This ability allows it to predict the next day's weather" said Professor Oak.

"Mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. Mudkip has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks. By using the fin on its head, Mudkip can detect changes in air and water currents as well as bodies of water. Its fin can also point in a certain direction, as seen in the anime. Mudkip is capable of moving or crushing boulders larger than itself. Its large tail fin provides powerful acceleration to propel it through the water" said professor Oak.

" Now it's time to meet the starters of Sinnoh region kids so get ready" said professor Oak as he released another set of three Pokemons

"Turtwig is a small, light green, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a turtle or tortoise. Its eyes, feet, and lower jaw are yellow. Its body is covered by a brown shell that is composed of earth. The shell has a thick black stripe and a black rim. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist. A small seedling grows on a brown patch on its head. This seedling will wilt if the Pokémon becomes thirsty. Since it is a plant-based Pokémon, Turtwig usually nourishes itself through photosynthesis. It also drinks water, which hardens its soil-based shell" said professor Oak.

"Chimchar is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. Its fur is primarily a shade of orange, though its face, outer ears, underbelly, hands, and feet are light yellow. Its rear has a small, round, red patch that is usually obscured by flames produced by burning gas in its stomach. These flames go out when it goes to sleep, and burn weakly when it feels ill. Chimchar's ears are large in comparison to its head size and red inside. It has two pointed teeth in its upper jaw. Chimchar has red markings nearly surrounding its eyes, a swirl-like symbol on its chest, and five fingers on its hands with three toes on its feet. It has a swirly crest of hair on its head. Being very agile, it is able to climb the rocky ledges of tall mountains, where it lives" said professor Oak.

"Piplup is a light-blue, penguin-like Pokémon, which is covered in thick down to insulate against the cold. It has a dark blue head with a primarily white face and a short, yellow beak. The dark blue feathers on its head extend down its back and around its neck, which causes it to appear to be wearing a cape. There are two white ovals on its chest and a small, light-blue marking resembles a crown above its beak. It has flipper-like arms and yellow feet with three toes each" said professor Oak.

"Now time to meet the starters of unova region children" said professor Oak as he released three Pokemons.

"Snivy is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a slender build. Most of its body is green with a cream underside. A yellow stripe runs down the length of its back and tail, and it has yellow markings around its large eyes. Two curved yellow structures that resemble leaves or small wings protrude from its shoulders and bend backwards. Its slender arms have three fingers, while its tiny feet have no digits whatsoever. It has a large, palmate leaf with three prongs on the end of its tail. This tail is capable of performing photosynthesis, which allows Snivy to move more quickly. However, the tail will begin to droop when Snivy loses energy. This Pokémon has a calm, collected demeanor" said professor Oak.

"Tepig is a quadrupedal, pig-like Pokémon that is primarily orange. It has oval eyes, a red nose, and a thick yellow stripe on its snout. The upper portion of its head is dark brown, and its long, pointed ears are positioned closely together. Tepig has short legs, and its front feet are dark brown. A dark brown band covers its lower back and rear. Its curly tail is tipped with a ruddy red sphere" said professor Oak.

"Oshawott is a bipedal sea otter-like Pokémon. It has a spherical white head with small, triangular dark-blue ears on the sides. Oshawott's eyes are dark and its dark-orange nose is shaped like a horizontal oval. Several freckles cover its cheeks which may be premature whiskers, and two pointed teeth can be seen when it opens its mouth. The light blue fur on its body forms bubble shapes around its neck. Its arms are white and rounded, while its feet are dark blue with three toes each. It also possesses a rudder-like dark blue tail. It carries a pale yellow seashell called a "scalchop" on its belly. This shell is made of the same material as its claws, and is used for both battle and cracking hard berries. If heavily damaged or lost, Oshawott can grow new ones from its body, though it can take weeks" said Professor Oak.

" Now let's meet the starters of Kalos region" said professor Oak as he released another three Pokemons.

"Froakie is a quadrupedal, frog-like Pokémon. It has light-blue skin, white hands, and a dark blue stripe from the center of its oval head to its nose. It has three fingers and two toes on its hands and feet. Its eyes, which have yellow sclerae, black irises, and white pupils, protrude vertically from its head due to their size. Froakie produces a large mane of bubbles from its chest and back and has two small bubbles on its nose. The delicate yet flexible bubbles, called Frubbles which reduce the damage Froakie takes from attacks. Despite its carefree attitude, it is vigilant of its surroundings. Froakie is both light and strong, making it capable of jumping incredibly high" said professor Oak.

"Fennekin is a small, quadrupedal fox-like Pokémon. It is covered in pale yellow fur that is longer on its haunches. It has a white muzzle with longer fur on its cheeks, large, dark orange eyes, and a pointed, black nose. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in its upper jaw. Tufts of dark orange fur cover the interior of its large ears. Fennekin also has small paws with no visible toes and slim legs. Its tail is fluffy with a dark orange tip" said professor Oak.

"Chespin is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is primarily light brown with darker arms and three triangular markings around its face. It has oval, brown eyes; a triangular, red nose; and rodent-like incisors. Its arms have three fingers, while its feet have two long claws. Covering its back is a tough, green shell, which extends from its head to halfway down its tail. The tip of its tapered tail is orange. There is a small, off-center hole in the shell on the back of Chespin's head and, around the face, the shell has four leaf-like spikes. On the back of its head is another spike split into three parts" said professor Oak.

" Now time to meet the starters of Alola region" said professor as he released three new Pokemon's.

"Rowlet is a small, avian Pokémon resembling a young owl with a round body and short legs. Its plumage is primarily beige with a white underside and facial disc. The facial disc itself is in the shape of two overlapping circles. It has large black eyes and a stubby beak. The top part of its beak is white, while the lower half is orange-brown. Its feet have two forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe; they are the same color as the lower half of its beak. Two leaves sprout from its chest arranged to resemble a bowtie. Additional leaves form its tail and line the undersides of its wings" said Professor Oak.

"Litten is a quadrupedal, feline Pokémon covered with primarily black fur. It has a short muzzle with a tiny, black nose, red eyes with yellow sclerae, and short, pointed ears with pale gray insides. There are two red stripes around each of its legs and two horizontal stripes with a vertical stripe across them on its forehead. The lower part of Litten's face is also red, and there is a large tuft of fur on each cheek. A tuft of fur sits at the end of its long tail. When it arches its back, three pointed tufts of fur with red tips appear along its spine" said professor Oak.

"Popplio is a blue sea lion Pokémon. It has large eyes, a long white snout with a pink round nose and black whiskers. It has two ears on each side of its head. Around its neck is a light blue ruff collar which extends out past its shoulders. It has four flippers which are the large ones with white markings isolating its toes and the small rear ones. It also loves to blow bubbles and bounce them around" said Professor Oak.

"Now last but not the least I present you with the Galar region starters" said professor Oak while releasing the last set of three Pokemons

"Grookey is a small, monkey-like Pokémon with a green body, a brown tail, brown, wedge-shaped ears, orange hands and feet, and an orange snout. Each of its hands has five fingers, while each of its feet have three toes. It has two large eyes with black irises and white pupils and sclerae. A lime green mask frames its eyes and, in a small bump above its snout, extends towards its forehead" said professor Oak.

"Sobble is a small Pokémon that has light-blue skin with darker teal patches and a lighter blue belly and face. It has similar teal eyes with white pupils and sclerae. Sobble also has a yellow fin-like protrusion from the top of its head bordered in dark blue, as well as a curled blue tail tipped in the same dark blue. Sobble has thin limbs, each of them ending in two thin appendages. It can use these to stick to walls and easily climb them" said professor Oak.

"Scorbunny is a rabbit-like Pokémon that has a predominantly white body with orange and yellow markings on its ears, toes, and neck. The markings on its neck resemble a collar. It has buckteeth, an orange nose, and irises, black sclerae, as well as a yellow band shape across its nose, resembling a bandage. It has long legs with long feet and the same yellow band on its nose under each paw pad. It also has a small, white, poof-like tail" said professor Oak.

All the kids were amazed at the vast knowledge of the professor and were clapping when "Finally now it's time for a breather" said professor Oak as he started taking deep breaths and acted like he couldn't breath when suddenly one of the scout gave him a pump from which he inhaled oxygen and recovered. Everybody was a little scared but what they didn't knew that this was a joke that he was doing after all he was also a Soul Knight so what else one could expect from him. Only Gary and Ash knew what he was doing so they reacted casually.

"Alright kids these are all the pokemons you will get as a starter in all the regions. You will get four Pokemon's to play with you for the rest of the camp but they will choose you themselves" said Professor Oak when all the pokemons went to different groups.

Our heroes got Scorbunny, Treecko, Piplup and Chespin. As they came closer "They are so cute" exclaimed Leaf, Serena and Lillie as they picked up Piplup and Chespin in thier hands as Chespin was more than happy with that but Piplup puffed out his chest but it went back to normal as soon as he did it because Leaf tickled him. They started playing with them.

Scorbunny and Treecko looked at them in amusement then turned to the boys with firm gaze which the boys returned and no one backed down as they slowly made thier way to eachother. Scorbunny jumped in Gary's hands while Treecko jumped in Ash's hand.

"I can see it very well that you both have serious nature" said Gary with a smirk which the Scorbunny said "you have no idea kid we will become more skillful than we are" causing Ash and Gary to smile as they said "we can understand your feelings very well. We also want to become the very best" causing the two Pokemon's eyes to get widen as "how in the Arceus did you understood what we said" screamed the two Pokemon's but Serena, Lillie and Leaf only heard screams in thier poketoungue that is "scor bu sco sco, tree tree co kree" which confused as they looked at the boys for answer which they replied nothing so the girls went back to playing with Piplup and Chespin.

"Don't tell anybody this but we can understand what Pokemon's say" said Ash quietly which confused the two pokemons as "how is that possible. I haven't heard before that humans can understand what we say" said Scorbunny as quietly as he can while Treecko nodded at which Gary replied "we have powers of Aura and dark type. If you don't know this then maybe you must have heard the terms Aura guardian and Soul Knight. Have you" causing the Pokemon's eyes to almost bulge out of thier sockets "we thought that was just myths. We have only heard stories about them" said Treecko as Scorbunny nodded while Ash and Gary chuckled and "we are standing in front of you in flesh. Do you still think we are myths" said Gary sighing causing the two pokemons to go in deep thinking as they said " can we become your Pokemon's" causing Ash and Gary to get surprised at thier request "but we are seven year old guys I don't think we can make you our Pokemon's. If we were trainers then it would have been different but it is not possible yet" said Ash causing the two pokemons to get sad but then "well if you both really want to becom our Pokemon's then we can talk to Gramps. I am sure he can do something about it after all he will be the one who make us the official trainers" said Gary causing the Pokemon's to get hopeful again "and you say you wanted to marry my brain you Smarty" said Ash causing the four of them to laugh "alright we will talk about this to him at the end of camp meaning after seven days so that we can make a bond with eachother by then and confirm that if we really want to be together. Is that okay with you two" said Ash causing Gary and the Pokemon's to agree at his logic.

Meanwhile the girls were playing with the Piplup and Chespin. "I want to eat something" said Chespin and Piplup agreed but the girls didn't understand. "I guess they want something but what" said Leaf causing Serena and Lillie to go in deep thought as they thought whether they should do it or not and soon nodded at eachother. "Leaf we are going to tell you both something that might scare but please don't leave us. This could be scary for you so will you promise that you will not tell anyone about this and dont break our friendship" asked Serena seriously causing Leaf to look in her direction then looked at Lillie who was also giving her a serious look. "I promise on the bond between me and my brothers that I will not betray you" said Leaf confidently while the two girls still kept thier firm gaze on her then sighed " alright Leaf I will tell you. Have you ever heard about The psychics and The mystics" asked Lillie causing Leaf to nod "yes I have heard. Mom told that they are real" causing Serena and Lillie to get surprised. "Well Leaf I am a Psychic and Serena is a Mystic" said Lillie. Leaf looked at them with a expression less face then burst out in laughter while the two pokemons were in awe but didn't knew whether the girls were lying or not. "Don't you believe us Leaf. Do you think we are lying" said Serena in a disbelieving tone while "oh no no it's not like that. I was laughing at the irony" said Leaf still laughing causing the two girls to get confused "what do you mean Leaf" asked Lillie "Nothing. Tell me have you told this to my brothers yet" asked Leaf at which both girls shaked thier heads in a no fashion causing her to laugh harder "oh believe me you will be surprised as I am sure they both haven't told you thier secrets yet. There was a reason they didn't had friends. Didn't you two ever wondered why they didn't even after being such good natured and loved by Pokemon's and still didn't had friends" asked Leaf now in a serious tone. Both girls had thought about this before but never got an answer from the boys. "I hope I could tell you but its not my place. They will tell you themselves whenever they are comfortable just don't force them to tell it okay" said Leaf causing the girls to agree

"So now you both do something and tell what they are saying" Said Leaf "right you two listen to me I am gonna make a mental link to you two okay then you can talk to me in your mind. Whatever you say in your head to me I will hear it" said Lillie to the two pokemons "and I will bond with you two via my energy which will help me understand what you are saying or feeling" said Serena causing the two pokemons to nod at them. Lillie made a mental link with them as the Pokemon's and Lillie eyes turned pink for a moment then went back to its normal color. "Can you hear me you two" asked Lillie in thier mind which was a little scary but they nodded back "now my turn" said Serena as she took both Pokemon's in each hand while Leaf and Lillie covered her so that others can't see what they are doing. Both the Pokemon's glowed golden along with Serena's palms of both hand. Soon they felt connected to eachother as Serena asked "so can you speak something" as the Pokemon's said "food" causing Serena to chuckle "alright we will get food" as she said causing the two pokemons to admire the two girls. They both were really good. They wanted spend more time with them. "You know we wanted to say that we are both Girls" said Piplup as she cuddled with Serena while Chespin jumped in Lillie's arms. This was a shocking revelation for the girls as they didn't expect this but we're happy this was girls group and started chatting to eachother.

"Alright children here is pokefood of different varieties made specifically for all these different type of Pokemon's" said one of the scout as he came with three trolley's having pokefood for water, fire and grass type Pokemon's. Everybody got the food in different bowls and served to the Pokemon's.

Later at night everybody were in thier cabins which had a bathroom, five beds with four small beds for the Pokemon's. "Scorbunny, Treecko don't talk to us okay. Act like we couldn't understand you like how a normal human do. We haven't told the girls that we have powers" said Ash quietly as the two pokemons nodded at him.

"Piplup, Chespin act like how you would do to a normal person okay. Dont act like we could understand you two. We haven't told the boys about our powers" said LiLlie to which the Pokemon's agreed while Leaf snickered "you know you both should tell them as soon as you can. Believe me it will be alright. They aren't gonna be angry at you. Tell me was I angry or scared at you when you told me" she said causing the two girls to sigh "alright Leaf we will tell them before the camp ends but don't force us. When we are ready we will do it" said Serena "alright take your time but not too much otherwise you won't be able to become thier girlfriends" causing the two girls to have a pale face "gir-girlfriend. Who told you this. We don't feel that way about them. W-we are just fri-friends" said Serena as her face was red with steam coming out of it with Lillie the same "yeah and I have powers like you. Seriously you both thought I wouldn't understand your feelings for them. The way you talk about them, act around them and glare at other girls I can easily tell that" said Leaf smirk "are we really that noticable" asked Lillie as Leaf agreed caused Serena and Lillie to get embarrassed thinking that how many other people might know about this. "Leaf you wouldn't dare to tell them about this okay. We will tell them ourselves" said Serena in threatening manner "I won't don't worry you both are my friends and believe me Serena your threats are nothing compared to how my brothers do this. You would witness it sooner or later. They are very protective of me. And if you became thier girlfriends then I don't think anybody who would try to hurt you or flirt with you two would be able to go away easily" said Leaf in a proud tone causing Serena and Lillie to blush thinking of Ash and Gary saving them like heroes. When suddenly Leaf snapped her fingers in front of them "hey stop fantasizing about your crushes. Lets sleep now" as both Serena and Lillie blushed but nodded and also went to sleep.

Next morning Serena got up as Piplup jumped on her stomach "Serena get up its morning. Let's wake up everyone. Come on" said Piplup at which Serena sighed as she got up then "hey Piplup don't you think there are too many people to wake up. Why don't you use watergun lightly on everyone faces except Ash. I will wake him up myself okay" said Serena as she made her way over to Ash's bed and sat on it and put her hand on Ash's chest and admired him for a minute then started shaking him lightly while leaning near his ear and "Ash come on its wakey wakey time. Come on get up. See we have to do the camp activities too" said Serena causing Ash to smile hearing her voice as he stirred and his eyes open only to find Serena face very close to his. Serena noticed this as her face became very red as she quickly moved away and helped him sat up on the bed "thank you for waking me up Serena" said Ash smiling at her then got up from the bed "no prob-problem Ash" said a stuttering Serena. "So now waking everyone up" said Ash in asking tone "no need for that Ashy. Piplup do it" said Serena blushing at the nickname she gave Ash to which Ash chuckled as Piplup released a torrent of water on everybody's face. "Mom it was Ash not me. I swear" screamed Gary as he sat up only to see a laughing Serena and an amused Ash "whether I do anything or not you always make me the culprit. Tell me is your ego bigger or your foolishness Oak tree" said Ash in a annoyed tone at which Gary huffed understanding he has been tricked and flicked his hair. "That was definitely not a good morning. Why did you do that Piplup" asked Leaf annoyed at Piplup for breaking her beauty sleep "forget it Leaf it is time to wake up anyways" said Lillie sighing as they all got up to get ready for the day.

"Good morning children I hope you had a good night in your cabin" said professor Oak at which children agreed with a yes. "Great then shall I expect that you used your yesterday's time to bond with the Pokemon's given to your group" at which everybody again replied in a "yes professor Oak".

"Great now today's activity is that you are gonna learn about different careers you can take after becoming a trainer. Our first scout Mr Ray will teach about battles. Our second scout Mr Zack will teach you about Pokemon races. Ms Martha will teach you about professions of doctors, breeder etc. Ms Ariel will teach you about Pokemon coordinators and Pokemon performers. Now go to the respective teachers according the profession you want to know about" said professor Oak introducing the four teachers to the children. Everybody ran to different teachers.

"Let's go to Mr Ray Gary. Maybe he can tell us something new" said an excited Ash as Gary nodded and they both ran to Mr Ray while "Lillie, Leaf let's go to Ms Ariel. She will teach us about coordinating and performing" said an excited Serena. Leaf went with them but was unsure as what there was no teacher to teach what she wanted to do.

"Hello to you children I am Ariel and I will teach you about coordinating and performing. At first coordinating was alone famous in all the regions except Kalos and Alola. In kalos we had Pokemon performing as a career and there were no contest in the region. But after collective efforts of many great personalities now we have coordinating and performing as a career in all the regions across the world. Exciting isn't it that there are so many regions where you can try to become a top coordinator and performance queen" said Ms Ariel as the kids were in awe "Ms Ariel can boys participate in both of them" said a boy at which the rest of the boys also looked at her with hopeful eyes "I am sorry child but boys can only take part in Pokemon contest. Pokemon performing is only for girls." Causing the boys to get a little sad but we're happy that they can atleast participate in contests.

"Now let me tell you what is a Pokemon performer. Pokémon Performers are female Trainers who raise Pokémon to compete in Pokémon Showcases, where they demonstrate their partnership in a number of activities.

There are two sections. Theme Performances include styling, making Poké Puffs, etc. You can use more than one Pokémon depending on the task.

Pokémon styling is when Performers let their love of fashion style their Pokémon using makeup, jewelry, accessories, and dresses/costumes, and then walk on the runway. Baking Poké Puffs are another theme performance. Performers use their skills to bake Poké Puffs. The stage comes with kitchens and ingredients. Free Performances let you and your Pokémon dance and make use of the Pokémon's talents together, in which you can use up to six Pokémon.

The winner of the Pokémon Showcase gets a Princess Key. Three Princess Keys are required in order to compete for the title of the regions queen" explained Ms Ariel causing the girls to become excited and tense while the boys got scared and we're happy that they don't have to become a performer.

"I hope it's clear what's a Pokemon performer. Now let explain you about Pokemon coordinator. A Coordinator is a Pokémon Trainer who trains their Pokémon to show off its own beauty, then enters their Pokémon in Pokémon Contests.

Every Coordinator has one goal, to receive the coveted Ribbon Cup to become a Top Coordinator. Pokémon coordinating is based on showing off Pokémon in visually impressive ways. It also refers to the act of raising Pokémon particularly for Pokémon Contests, rather than for regular battles. As a result, it provides Trainers with an alternative to the Badge-collecting quest, giving them a different look at the many charms of Pokémon, as well as a distinct method for interacting with them. Trainers who focus in this area are called Pokémon Coordinators.

Coordinators typically concern themselves with the outward appearances of their Pokémon. Because of this, they tend to give them special, condition-enhancing treats made out of Berries that keep them looking good. They also concentrate on the movesets of their Pokémon, teaching them appealing, attention-grabbing attacks that can be easily combined to grant them additional points when used in Pokémon Contests. Like Trainers, Coordinators are also responsible for their Pokémon's overall health and well-being.

A Coordinator's Pokémon journey is focused on gathering a certain number of Contest Ribbons by competing in regional Pokémon Contests. In order to earn a Ribbon, they must compete against other Coordinators in different rounds of judging. A Contest Pass is usually required for entering these competitions" explained Ms Ariel which blowed the kids away as they thought one of the two must be easy especially the boys thought this but after hearing all this information they sighed thinking life isn't going to be easy. But overall everyone liked the ideas of both career as they clapped for the teacher for giving them so much helpful information especially Lillie and Serena.

"Here is your home work how about you guys prepare a small performance on any of the two careers and it will be a competition. We will do it on the last day of the camp which means you have four days. But remember you can use only one Pokemon as you are not ready for two yet and don't make a dangerous performance which might hurt you okay. So be careful" said Ms Ariel as the children grew excited hearing the name of competition and started asking different questions to her which she answered happily.

Meanwhile with Ash and Gary "Hello children I am Ray and I will be teaching you about Pokemon battling and ..." Mr Ray was cut in between by a kid "have you won a league Mr Ray" at which everybody looked at him expectantly "yes I have won the Unova and Johoto league few years ago" at which all the kids including Ash and Gary were looking at him in awe. "As I was saying I will teach you basics of battling and how you should treat your Pokemon's.

First thing you should know before battling is type matchup. Types refer to different elemental properties associated with both Pokémon and their moves.

There are 18 total official types of Pokémon:


Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, most of which are logical setups. Fire-type Pokémon are weak against Water-type Pokémon, Ice-type Pokémon are weak against Fire-type Pokémon, Water-type Pokémon are weak against Electric-type Pokémon, etc. These matchups also apply to the types of moves as well: A Fire-type move such as Ember will be strong against a Grass-type Pokémon such as Bulbasaur. Some types of Pokémon are also immune to a certain type of moves, regardless of its attack power, such as using an offensive Ghost-type move on a Normal-type Pokémon.

Pokémon themselves can have up to two types, making them dual-type Pokémon, but moves can only be one type (with the exception of the move Flying Press which is a Fighting/Flying-type move). Most if not all dual-type Pokémon's types correspond with one another such as a Grass/Poison-type Pokémon such as Bulbasaur, or a Rock/Ground-type Pokémon such as Onix. However, not all dual-type Pokémon's types relate to each other like this. Some Pokémon may be dual-type between two types that don't normally go together such as Water/Electric types (such as Lanturn) or Grass/Water types (such as Ludicolo) or Grass/Flying types (such as Jumpluff), or Fighting/Psychic (such as Medicham).

Some dual-type Pokémon lose one of their types and gain a different type upon Evolution such as Scyther (a Bug/Flying type) which evolves into Scizor (a Bug/Steel type). Some singular type Pokémon will change completely to a different type or types upon evolution, such as Azurill (a Normal/Fairy type) which evolves into Marill (a Water/Fairy type). One Pokémon also completely lose a type upon evolution, Gloom (a Grass/Poison type) evolves into Bellossom (a Grass type). Some Pokémon can also change their type altogether, like Eevee (a Normal type) which can evolve into one of eight different types, or Cubone (a Ground type) which evolves into Alolan Marowak (a Fire/Ghost type).

Some types have special interactions with battle effects:

Dark-type Pokémon are immune to moves that gain priority from the Ability Prankster.
Electric-type Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed.
Fire-type Pokémon cannot be Burned.
Flying-type Pokémon are not considered grounded, thus not affected by things such as Grassy Terrain and Spikes. If a Flying type uses the move Roost, it will lose the Flying typing for the rest of the turn.
Ghost-type Pokémon are immune to effects that prevent escape, and are guaranteed to flee from a wild battle.
Grass-type Pokémon are immune to the move Leech Seed, Spore and Powder moves, as well as the Ability Effect Spore.
Ground-type Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed by Electric-type moves, and don't take damage from the Sandstorm weather condition.
Ice-type Pokémon cannot be Frozen, are immune to the move Sheer Cold, and don't take damage from the Hail weather condition.
Poison-type Pokémon cannot be Poisoned, and will remove Toxic Spikes from their side if grounded, when switched in. If a Poison type uses the move Toxic, it won't miss.
Rock-type Pokémon gain a 50% Special Defense increase, and don't take damage from the Sandstorm weather condition.
Steel-type Pokémon cannot be Poisoned and don't take damage from the Sandstorm weather condition" explained Mr Ray slowly and in an easy language so that the kids can understand. Ash and Gary were getting a little bored as they already knew all this after all thier dream was to become the best and having father's who were champions only worked in thier favor but they still listened Ray carefully. Other kids listened to him very interested in all that he has to tell.

Ray gave the kids many different information. In the end "alright kids I guess I have told you enough let's have small competition on the last day of the camp. One person one Pokemon from your group" said Mr Ray at which the kids became very happy especially Ash and Gary as they finally got the chance to prove themselves that who is better. They never had a Pokemon battle before but knew alot and the fact that they were getting four days to get ready was more than enough for them.

At night all the five were in thier cabin discussing what happen during the day. "I will do an act as a coordinator. So Piplup would you like to be my partner" said a happy Serena as Piplup jumped in her arms and hugged her "I am sure you gonna do great Serena" said Ash causing Serena to blush as she nodded "and I have decided I will do an act as a performer. Chespin would you like to be my partner" asked a smiling Lillie at which Chespin jumped in her arms "go for it Lillie. You have it in you to become a performer" said Gary with a his trademark smirk at which Lillie blushed but then looked at Leaf who was quiet so far "Leaf what are you gonna do" asked Lillie to Lead who was in her own thought "huh oh sorry I have decided I am not gonna participate as none of these are my things. I have a different goal in life which will take a long time complete but I am up for it" said Leaf causing the girls to nod but the boys got concerned for thier sister and her dream "Leaf can you tell us what is your dream. I hope we can help you somehow" asked Ash kindly "no bro I am not telling yet. You will all get to know about it when we start our journey" causing Serena and Lillie to nod in understanding while the boys pouted causing the three girls laugh while Serena and Lillie thought in thier minds the same thing 'they are so cute' as they blushed. "You guys didn't tell what are you gonna do. Didn't you got any activity" asked Leaf "well we have a Pokemon battling competition on the last day only so I don't think we would be able to see your performances but neither can you see our battle. I am gonna use Scorbunny while Ashy boy is gonna use Treecko together they both are gonna get defeated by the Great Gary Oak" said Gary with a proud look while Scorbunny mimicked Gary causing Leaf and Lillie to sweatdrop while Serena thought 'just wait and watch Gary. My Ashy is gonna defeat you fair and square' while Ash got annoyed "and here I thought you were gonna say something which is possible Gare bare. Anyways you cannot stop the inevitable Gary and the truth is me and Treecko together gonna make you and Scorbunny eat dust" said Ash confidently at which Treecko agreed causing Gary and Scorbunny to grit thier teeth "we will see Ashy boy we will see" said Gary with a smirk. Seeing the growing tension "alright that's enough you two. Come On Ashy it's time to sleep now go to bed" said Serena in a caring tone to Ash as she grabbed him by his shoulders from front and started pushing him gently towards his bed while Ash was looking at Gary with fire in his eyes who was glaring back at him as Lillie was pushing him towards his own bed "come on Gary it's time to sleep. You can fight Ash later" said Lillie.

Next morning both Ash and Gary woke up along with Treecko and Scorbunny and went outside to train under Mr Ray's eyes. When Serena and Lillie woke up they didn't saw Ash and Gary. At first they got scared so they woke up Leaf along with Piplup and Chespin. "Why are you so scared believe me they can take care themselves. If I know them correctly then they must be training with Treecko and Scorbunny for thier fight" said an still sleepy Leaf at which Serena and Lillie unwillingly agreed and they all got ready for the day and left the cabin.

Serena and Lillie saw Ash and Gary training a little far away from the group who were taught something by Mr Ray and both were at some distance from eachother. Ash was training Treecko to make his pound attack stronger by making him hit on a large boulder. Gary was training Scorbunny to use double kick by making him hit on a dead tree.

Serena ran to Ash and hugged him tightly from behind "you crazy you could have told me you were going to train. I was so scared Ash. Don't you dare do that again" shouted Serena still hugging as Ash turned around and looked in her eyes and Serena could see guilt his eyes as he mouthed "I am sorry" and returned the hug as Serena buried her face in his chest as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "Why are you not with Mr Ray and the other kids Ash" asked Serena in a low voice "oh well we told him who my father is and that what he is teaching I already know so he gave us permission to train alone as today there aren't any activities and he is just teaching so don't worry about me just go to Ms Ariel with Leaf and Lillie and train " said Ash smiling which Serena returned as she nodded and went to her group where was already standing.

Meanwhile Lillie saw Gary and ran to him and slapped behind his head and turned him around from his shoulder as Gary cried out in pain "couldn't you tell me before leaving like this Gary. Do you how much I got scared" screamed Lillie in his face at which he got scared then looked at Lillie who was almost on the verge of crying. It hurted his heart seeing Lillie like this. He was feeling guilty for not informing her before leaving as they always do play together. He brought her in a hug at which Lillie blushed "I am sorry Lillie for not telling you. But it was quite early to wake you and others up so me and Ash went out to train. Also the fact that you looked too cute while sleeping refrained me from waking you up" said Gary kindly and the last line with a smirk made Lillie blush as punched softly on his chest as Gary brought his face near her ear and said "I won't do it again don't worry now go with Leaf and Serena and practice your routine you want to win right" as Lillie hugged him one last time and nodded then ran off to the other girls. Ash and Gary shared a look with eachother and sighed. They only understood the first reason for them to react like this on such a small thing that is they were scared of Losing Ash and Gary but the boys didn't understand why were the girls so protective them. Afterall Ash is dense and he couldn't understand why he feel so happy when he is with Serena while Gary is smarter in this topic but some of Ash's denseness has rubbed on him too so he also couldn't understand his feelings for Lillie and neither really pick up the hints that she drop for him even if he could understand of other girls which irritates Lillie. Poor Serena and Lillie what else can they expect from battle hungry future trainers.

"Don't think that I didn't saw you two hugging your boyfriend's and doing your lovey dovey talks. Seriously just kiss them already otherwise they would never understand what you feel about them" said Leaf in teasing manner causing Serena and Lillie's face to burst in flames due to embarrassment "Shut up Leaf" shouted Lillie and Serena while Leaf said "your welcome" causing the girls to sigh.

"Alright then we have four girls who are gonna do Pokemon performing while two boys and two girls for Pokemon coordinating. So you all can practice here under my supervision. Let's start then" said Ms Ariel as all the children started practicing including Lillie and Serena.

Ms Ariel saw Leaf standing a little far as she was the last person in her group and she didn't participate in anything but was in her group so she decided to ask her. "Hey Leaf I am surprised to know you didn't participate in neither of the two competitions. Are you alright. Are you hurt" asked Ms Ariel to leaf with concern in her voice to which Leaf replied with a smile "It's not like Ms Ariel. Actually my dream is something else then the things we are taught in the camp that's all" causing Ms Ariel to looke confused at what else can she do " what is your dream Leaf if you don't mind me asking. Maybe I can help you somehow" asked Ms Ariel "Don't tell this to anyone. My dream is travel around the world and record all the pokemons known in my pokedex and try to catch as many as I can out of them" said Leaf which amazed Ms Ariel as she didn't expected this from a child of her age "well that's a great dream Leaf. I hope you manage to succed in that. But beware of the difficulties you will face in the way. To record each and every Pokemon out there you might have to go places very dangerous too" said Ms Ariel in a stern voice causing a shiver run down Leaf spine as she didnt thought about the dangers "but I know that if there is anyone who can complete this dream then it's you Leaf. You are special I can tell by looking at you. You will do great in your life. And who knows maybe you will even discover a new species of Pokemon's" said Ms Ariel with a smile on her face in a kind and caring voice causing all the fear in Leaf to wash away as she got determined after the praise she got and hugged Ms Ariel which she returned "Thank you Ms Ariel. I promise I will come to meet you again once I complete my dream irrespective of how many years it will take" said Leaf with a determined face with fist held high in air at which Ms Ariel chuckled sweetly "I know you will sweetheart and I will be waiting for that day" said Ms Ariel proudly as she and Leaf talked about Leaf's life and her friends for the rest of the day.

Next day everyone came to the fourth day of the camp. "Alright everyone today we are going to do a special activity. We have released the Pokemon's given to you out in the forest. Now each group will go and find thier four Pokemon's and the first group to come back with all thier Pokemon's will win" said Professor Oak in a excited manner as all the kids roared in happiness "Alright then go" said Mr Ray

"Alright then l will find Treecko , Gary will find Scorbunny while you three find Piplup and Chespin" said Ash as Gary nodded as they both ran in to the forest "wait" shouted Serena and Lillie and then sighed "guess they are gone already. So as they said shall we go and find Piplup and Chespin" said Leaf with a sweatdrop causing the two girls to nod in agreement though a little scared because in the one week of meeting Ash and Gary they haven't went in the forest because they were scared and go near the forest only when Ash and Gary are with them.

Soon the three girls were wandering in the forest together when suddenly a Poliwag came out of the bush which scared the girls "oh look it's a Poliwag. He is so cute. Come here I am not gon.." Leaf was cut by a watergun from Poliwag on her face which angered her "oh that's it. Come here you little I will show you whose the boss" as Leaf screamed angrily at Poliwag and ran behind him "Leaf wait don't run away" shouted Lillie but was in vain as Leaf did not stopped and soon was out of sight but the shouting of the girls caught the attention of two other Pokemon's. "Where did Leaf go. How will we find her. What about us now. I am scared" said a scared Serena to Lillie who wasn't faring any better than her "it-its alrig-right Serena we will fi-find her" said stuttering Lillie. When suddenly the bushes behind them stirred causing a shiver to run down the girls spine as they gulped and looked at the bushes waiting to see what comes out. When suddenly two nidorino's came out and roared as the girls screamed "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as they started running and the nidorino's also ran behind them. When suddenly a big tree came in front of them causing the girls to turn the other way to run but unfortunately Serena ran to right while Lillie ran to left causing them to get separated from eachother.

( Serena POV )

I didn't knew where is was running but I knew that I got separated from Lillie too and now am alone with a Nidorino running behind me Arceus know why. When suddenly I came to dead end as it was a uphill I couldn't climb it when I heard him growling behind me. I turn around to see the Nidorino looking at me in anger. I didn't even do anything. I was better at home with my mom and dad. I shouldn't have come in the camp. Now I will die here and nobody will know. 'I am sorry Ash I couldn't keep my promise of staying with you' thought Serena as the Nidorino formed a sludge bomb and throws at me I closed my eyes waiting for the worst but the attack never came but a bursting sound did came.

I opened my eyes and saw Ash facing me with both of his hand beside my both sides gripping on the cliff behind for grip as I could see smoke coming from his back as tear formed in my eyes as I understood what he did for me but he was still giving his signature grin like nothing happened.

( Ash POV )

I was running in the forest as I found Treecko sitting on a big tree which wasn't really a surprise and I had an idea that he could be there. Treecko was running beside me as we were trying to find our friend when suddenly we heard a big scream like two three people were screaming. I quickly release an aura pulse throughout the surrounding area and soon found that it was Serena and Lillie and two other signature most probably Pokemon's and they were running behind them and then I saw them separating and then felt another familiar strong signature. It was Gary as he running behind Lillie so I quickly followed Serena.

When I reached Serena I saw her scared standing down the cliff as she could not go anywhere and then saw the culprit. It was Nidorino and was forming an attack which was a sludge bomb as my feet ran as fast as they can to Serena while I told Treecko to use bullet seed into pound attack on Nidorino as I quickly covered Serena from my body as put each of my arms beside her on the wall behind her for support as the sludge bomb bursted on my back. Man it hurted like hell but I dissipated all of its poisonous properties from it as soon as it connected to me through Aura but the sludge which bursted like a bomb on my back was enough to break through my defenses.

I still kept a smile on my face as I knew Serena was beyond scared. Her eyes were closed. Maybe she was expecting the attack to hurt her but I guess she forgot that as long as I am there nobody can hurt her. She opened her eyes and looked at me like she has seen an angel with a awestruck face but then her face turned into a concerned one as lunged on me and started crying and buried her face in my chest while her hands were locked around my neck. Now I am feeling guilty even more than morning because I again broke my promise of staying beside her instead of leaving her. I should have taken her with me. She slowly looked up and her red puffy eyes met my kind and concerned gaze and


"You idiot why did you tooke the whole attack on your back" shouted Serena as she turned me around quickly and saw that the skin at my back was ruined and bloody and my T-shirt have burned a big hole in it causing Serena to almost faint but I caught her "Serena it's alright. Believe me it's nothing I have suffered worse wounds. I will be fine" resulting in another slap. Man girls are scary. They look so weak and fragile but the moment they get angry they become the worst nightmare. I learned it from Leaf and the older Ladies in our families like my mom. Dad always try to not make her angry. " You call this alright. You call this alright Ash Ketchum. Have you taken a look at your back. It's burned with a lot of blood" shouted Serena again as she looked at Nidorino who was laying on the ground with swirls in his eyes while Treecko was sitting on top of him like he was bench. Tears again welled up in her eyes as she started beating my chest "what if something happened to you. What would have I done then. Where did I go then huh. What would have I said to Mrs Ketchum that her son died protecting a girl who isn't loved by others. Who always got into problems and because of her your son died. Did you not thought what would happen to me huh Ash. I can't live without you. I can't live without you" said Serena crying while hitting me. Another layer of guilt came over me as I took her in a tight hug then composed myself " Serena you are the most important person for me in my life. I can also not live without you okay. I understand that you didn't wanted me to do this but have you thought If I hadn't done this then what would have happened to me. For me you are far from worthless. You are the best person I met in my life. The love and care you have given me is beyond anything I can ever comprehend. No one has ver treated me the way you did. Not even my mom. So stop saying all this okay. Keeping you safe is the most important thing in my life. The day you came here with Lillie. Mrs Grace made promise her that I will always take care of you and I never break my promises. So cheer up I will be fine by the morning without a scratch on my back. So lets go and find Chespin and Piplup"I said as kindly as I can causing Serena to blush hard but she hid her face in my chest so I can't see but it was very cute. But I didn't know why she always keep blushing around me. Does she have constant fever or something. I will ask Grace about this. She must know it. " But Ash Lillie was also in danger. There were two Nidorino's and the other ran behind Lillie" said Serena in a scared voice "don't worry she will be fine. I saw Gary going behind her" I said as she nodded when we suddenly heard screaming and buzzing sounds from a little further and I knew it was Leaf.

Meanwhile with Lillie and Gary.

( Lillie POV )

I was running where ever I could find way. My heart was beating faster than it does near Gary. What is it that is making my heart beat faster. Did I confessed to Gary my feelings NO. Did I told our parents about my feelings for Gary No. This happens when death is at your back running at a distance less than five metres or in my case this angry Nidorino who came out of nowhere and started running behind me while his friend went behind Serena. I just hope she is safe. But who will save me. This is the reason I didn't liked Pokemon's before. If it wasn't for Gary I would have fainted the moment I saw this wild Nidorino near me instead of running for my life but Gary is not here right now. What should I do.

I soon came in a more open area much to my dismay. Why does it have to happen with me. I saw a few big trees in my front but now I can't run anymore as I leaned against one of the tree then skidded down and landed on my butt. I saw the Nidorino in front of almost looking like he was giving me a evil smirk as I felt chill run down my spine.

I am all alone in this vast green jungle. Far from the camp. I saw my death preparing somthing on his horn. It's horn turned bright purple as I understood it was poision sting. Now I knew how I was going to die. The poision from those needles will quickly flow in my blood and in around half an hour I would be free from this painful world and crumble into the dust like we are supposed to be. God I am talking like dad. I am sorry Gladion I wouldn't be able to see you one last time before you leave on your journey. Mom and Dad I love you both please remember me. It was nice knowing you Serena, Leaf and Ash. Gary just forgive me that I broke my promise of going on a journey with you. I wish I could tell you how I feel about you but I guess this secret is going to go with me to the other world. As I saw the Nidorino release a barrage of poision stings as I shut my eyes tight waiting for the attack to impale me. I waited for one then two then five seconds but the attack never came as I opened my eyes to see how I survived or I have already died and didn't felt pain as the attack killed me staright away but instead saw a boy standing in front of me in a defensive position with his hands covering his face in cross manner with his back facing me. And here i thought nobody could make me more happy than the day I met Gary. But this record I broken and none other than The Great Gary Oak. Yes it is Gary. He saved me. He turned around moving a little bit to the side showing the view of a defeated Nidorino with Scorbunny standing on him with a evil grin on his face and then I saw my savior and a layer of guilt and concern came over me as tears weld up in my eyes.

(Gary POV )

I was zooming past the forest in order to find my friends. I could have used my powers to do that but where's the fun in that. I saw Scorbunny running beside me while occasionally jumping. Then we heard a scream of more than one people. I quickly used my powers to see the heat releasing energies near me. I found many Pokemon's around me but then I felt two familiar signatures. It was Lillie and Serena with two small Pokemon's running behind them. I couldn't tell which. I saw them separating as quickly sped towards Lillie while sensing Ashy boy aura and luckily found him near by and soon he also ran behind Serena. Alright then I can focus on Lillie. I ran as fast as I could with Scorbunny following me with every step as we came to a clearing and saw Lillie sitting on the ground leaning against the tree with her eyes showing one thing. Hopelessness. It hurted me to see her like this. I shouldn't have left her alone. I promised in morning only and I did it again at the second chance I got. Man talk about being an idiot. It seems like Ashy boy careless behaviour have rubbed upon me. I saw that over blown Nidorino preparing poision sting as Lillie closed her eyes. Then I did something what I thought only Ash would do. I quickly jumped between them took the whole attack on myself. I tried to minimise the damage as much as I can but it was poision and it was one of my weakness. It hurted badly as I don't know how many needles pierced through my skin. When I opened my eyes remove my hands from front of my face to look at Nidorino who had swirls in his eyes with Scorbunny standing on him with a evil grin which I give sometimes to Ashy boy. He defeated the Nidorino as ordered him to use ember and then double kick before jumping and taking poision sting head on. I looked down as I saw my body has started its recovering process by leaking poision out of my body along with blood through those tiny holes the needles made. I used a little wave of my darkness to through all the needles down but that only resulted in more blood loss but that will stop soon. Damn you Ashy boy but right now I have more important work to do. I turned looked at Lillie who had a smile when she saw the Nidorino defeated on the ground but then she looked at me and her expression changed into concern and maybe sadness I couldn't tell. I was never really good with emotions.

She got up from the ground and slowly came to me and saw my body with blood flowing down mixed with a whitish purple liquid which poision. "Why did you do it for me. Gary you need immediate medication you are loosing alot of blood and poision must be spreading in your bodies. You should have let me die Gary. What if something happens to you. What will tell your family. That you died for weak girls who couldn't even protect herself and never had any friends. Why Gary just why" shouted Lillie while crying her eyes out and breathing heavily looking at my wounds. I felt anger, sadness but mostly guilt upon myself "Lillie you are the most important person for me in this world. I never met anyone before like you. You are so cute and kind. You always take care of me. Nobody stood up to me like you do. Not even Ashy boy. I cannot lose you okay. If I hadn't taken the attack then it would have killed you. Then how do you think I would have been able to live huh. Think about me too. And don't worry about me. My family knows me well. I cannot die so easily cutie pie. Don't ever again say that you are worthless or you don't have any friends alright. Me, Ash, Serena and Leaf will always have your back. These wounds will recover by morning so don't worry this is nothing" I said in kind yet stern voice and gave her my famous smirk. After hearing all this she blushed hard as I felt the flow of blood to stop. Means all the poision is out too. "But Gary how will you recover. These wounds lo.." saying Lillie but I put a finger on her lips at which she again blushed "No worries okay. I will tell you later why nothing can happen to me" I said chuckling as she sighed and nodded "but you will go to nurse Joy too okay as soon as we reach back the camp" she said as I nodded "but Gary Serena was also in danger. The other Nidorino ran behind her" she said in a frantic manner "don't worry I saw Ash going behind her. She must be fine. But where is Leaf" I asked in a stern voice and before she could answer we heard a scream and buzzing sounds. I could easily tell it was Leaf as we both ran towards the sound with Scorbunny following suit.

(Leaf POV )

I was chasing this naughty Poliwag who washed me up with his watergun. I don't know where I am but I have lost both Serena and Lillie. Now I do feel a little scared being alone and now I have lost the track of that Poliwag who was the reason of me getting lost. I stopped and looked around my surrounding to see anything or anyone familiar. When I heard some familiar sounds. I walked past the bushes and saw the two little troublemakers in our group. Yes it was Piplup and Chespin. They both were fighting over a berry I didn't recognise. I made my way over them but they seem unaffected so I coughed a little which made them stop as they saw me and I smiled at them.

"Do you two girls know how long it has been since we all have trying to find you both and here you are fighting over a berry" I said in a straight tone causing the two female Pokemon's to get embarrassed as they rubbed the back of thier heads. "Well forget about it. Right now we have to find Serena and Lillie as they are in this forest somewhere alone trying to find you and my brothers too. So will you two help me" I said to both of them as they nodded and we started our little quest of finding my brothers and my friends. We were walking for around fifteen minutes when we heard some shuffling in the bushes and trees on our left.

Soon came buzzing sounds and we came face to face to something we would never want to face atleast I don't at such a young age. I haven't even started my journey yet and here I am facing my death. It was a horde of Beedrill and all of them were showing thier stingers to me, Piplup and Chespin as we all felt a chill went down our spine. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed along with "piiiiiiiiippppllllluuuupppp" Piplup and "chhhhhhhhhheeeeeeesssssssspppppiiiiinn" Chespin. We ran for our life as fast as we can as all the Beedrills were flying behind us. We didn't even do anything still they are following me. What is thier problem. Stay calm Leaf Ms Ariel said that I will face many dangers like this in order to complete my dream. I just have to find my brothers. I know they can save me. I have to get them but where are they.

I was running as fast as I can along with Piplup and Chespin but we are getting slower now as I was already exhausted running behind that Poliwag and Piplup and Chespin are not much of runners. I could see Piplup using bubble beam while Chespin used pin missile occassionally. We were running when suddenly I tripped over a rock. Congrats rock you just became my death sentence. Just keep in mind that my soul will always haunt you along with these Beedrills.

Piplup and Chespin tried to save me but we're quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of Beedrills. I was scared for the first time in a long time. I just wished I could meet my family one last time as a Beedrill attacked me with twineedle as I saw it coming closer when suddenly a rock covered in fire hit the Beedrill as it was sent flying back and fainted. All the Beedrills stopped and looked behind me. When I turned my head around to look back I found a new level of happiness which I never knew I had. It was my brothers Ash and Gary along with Serena and Lillie and the attack was done by Scorbunny. It was his ember attack. They looked at me nodded as I quickly picked up Chespin and Piplup in my arms and quickly ran behind them along with Serena and Lillie.

All the Beedrills charged up different attacks and got ready to come at us but before they could do Gary stepped forward as the iris in his eyes turned purple while his cornea remained white but also gave a purple glow. Then his whole body released a blackish purple colored glow and surrounded him. It looked like cloudish figure but was a lot more transparent so we could see Gary. He then released a purple wave at the Beedrills which stopped them in thier attack or should I say paralysed so they couldn't use any attack and were barely flying. I looked at Lillie for her reaction. Her jaw was dropped and if not attached by bones and skin then it would have definitely fallen on the ground litterally. He smirked and said "your turn Ashy boy" as Ash nodded and stepped further and his eyes turned blue the same way like Gary then his body released a blue fire like energy that covered his whole body. I could feel the pressure of his power. Gary power is just as much as Ash but the properties of his powers are in a way that sensing them or feeling them is not possible for a normal human though in case of Ash or should I say his Aura powers are different. He released another pulse on the Beedrills and they turn calm and the paralysis wore off them. Then he said " Beedrills my sister was just passing the area and was not threatening your home. She just came too far and didn't knew the way back so she stumbled on your home by mistake. Please forgive her and go back to your place. We will also leave and we promise we will not threaten your home" said Ash as the Beedrills nodded and left. Then they both powered down. I looked at Serena and she had a similar reaction as Lillie. Shock. Pure shock.

"I told you to tell my brothers your secret and you will be surprised yourself" as said quietly to them as they looked at me like I was a crazy. Then I looked at my brothers who just saved me. I ran to hug them but then I noticed thier blood filled clothes. "What happened to you both" I screamed at them as I put my hands on my head. They just chuckled and then Gary said "Nothing Leaf. It's just that three beautiful girls got thier life in dangers and then me and Ash had to play the role of the heroes as always. So these are just small casualities of it" as Ash laughed at that "hey we did not put ourselves in danger knowingly" said Serena and Lillie as they pouted causing the boys to chuckle. I didn't knew what happened "are you sure you both will be fine" I asked them "we will be alright Leaf. You know better than to worry about us over such small things" said Ash warmly "but still you are my brothers. I have to make sure you are alright" I said to which they both hugged me "don't worry we will be fine" said Gary "and if something happens we know that our little sister will take care of us" said Ash as he cupped my cheeks and kissed on my forehead. I could feel two souls standing behind me wanting to be in my place.

(No one's POV )

"We are sorry Serena and Lillie that we kept this from you two that we are not normal humans. I am an Aura guardian. I have the powers of Aura. Gary here is an Soul knight. He has dark and ghost type powers. Both of these powers are a lot different from each other. We were going to tell you soon" said Ash sighing as guilt took over him once again. "Why didn't you told you told us that you had powers" asked Lillie in a stressed tone at which Gary flinched.

"We were scared of Losing you both. You remember we told you that you are also our first friends. There was a reason for it. Nobody wanted to become our friends because of these powers. They said that we are cursed or that we are monsters. Maybe we are but dont we have the right to live. They forget that it was our people who saved them from time to time since hundreds of years. When you both came and we got to know that you also never had any friends but due to your shyness or the fact that you were scared of Pokemon's. We thought we will help then maybe you both might see us in a different light then how the world see us." Said Gary in a sad tone "Leaf was the only one who didn't got scared of us and even became our sister and we love her for that but you both were different. We don't know but we feel very happy around you both. You give us a feeling that we are now complete. Why we dont know but we care about you two very much. Please don't leave us. We won't be able to live without you" said Ash almost on the verge of crying along with Gary.

Serena and Lillie were shocked at what they heard. Ash and Gary had the same problem they had. They even have feelings for them but just don't know what to call them which means Serena and Lillie had a chance with Ash and Gary afterall. Both the girls were dancing in thier minds. They both nodded at eachother and moved towards the boys. Serena took Ash's hands in her hands while Lillie took Gary's hands in her hands.

"Since the time I have met you I have never been more happy Ash. You changed my life totally. Since I met you I have only become stronger and better and even came over my fear of Pokemons. I don't think of you as a monster Ash. You are one of the kindest human I have ever met. You are my Ashy so I know you will never do anything wrong. I will be there to keep you in line if you lose control" said Serena warmly with a smile on her face causing the tears in Ash eyes to finally fell free.

"You know Gary before I met you I always thought world was the the house you live in people were those who were living with you. That's all there is to see. I never was able to make any friends. I couldn't even touch Pokemon's so I couldn't even go to school so I was homeschooled. My brother always keep me inside the house to keep me safe under her protection. I was living in a restricted house basically. But after I met you I got to know that I never knew the real me. You changed me Gary. You changed me for good and I will always be thankful to you for that so don't ever think that I will leave you. You can be a handful but I will always be there to make sure you become a good person. You are my Gary so why do you think I would leave you" said Lillie kindly as she smiled. Gary also cried a little as both Gary and Ash hugged Serena and Lillie causing the later two to blush madly but then they composed themselves.

"Alright time to tell you our biggest secrets" said Lillie as Serena nodded "what is it" said Ash "well you see you two aren't the only one with power. We have too" said Lillie causing Ash and Gary's eyes to widen "what do you mean" their voices barely audible "well I am Mystic and Lillie is a Psychic. We are like you but with different powers. So we also had the reasons you had too for not having friends" said an nervously chuckling Serena causing Ash and Gary to look at eachother as "I told you gare bare I did felt something different in Lillie and Serena but you said maybe we are too powerful. You lost and another win goes to me" said Ash proudly "it was beginers luck Ashy boy and nothing else" said Gary with a scoff. Both girls looked at them like crazy. " You knew we had powers" Serena and Lillie screamed together to which the boys nodded "yes we did knew but weren't confirm as we haven't sensed any other energies beside ours. So we really couldn't tell if you had any or not" said Gary chuckling causing the girls to sigh

"Well let's move back to the camp now as we got our four Pokemons and I have seen too much action for today. We also have to patch up your wounds you two" said Leaf last line pointing her fingers towards Ash and Gary who chuckled nervously. "Let's go back home" said Serena as she grabbed Ash by his arm and cling on to him as Ash lead them towards the exit. Lillie did the same to Gary. While Treecko and Scorbunny were walking ahead like the lone warriors they were and Chespin and Piplup were travelling in Leaf hand.

When our heroes reached the camp they saw all the groups have reached before them so they lost. When Mr Ray and Ms Ariel saw them they quickly ran towards them "oh my god. What happened to you two" shouted Ms Ariel seeing Ash and Gary situations. "You two come with me quickly" said Mr Ray as he grabbed Ash and Gary's hand and took them to the nurse Joy in the dispensary. Serena and Lillie also ran with them so Ms Ariel looked at Leaf "mind explaining Leaf" said Ms Ariel to Leaf in a stern tone causing Leaf to chuckle nervously. She told Ms Ariel everything about what happened with them in the forest leaving the part of Ash and Gary using thier powers causing Ms Ariel to almost faint but Leaf didn't let her fall as she composed herself and hugged Leaf tightly. She felt like Leaf was her own daughter and to hear that she along with her friends almost died made her very scared. She grabbed Leaf hand and they walked towards thier group. "Leaf let's change the promise you did to me" said Ms Ariel "what is it Ms Ariel" asked Leaf in her innocent voice "promise me whenever you manage to record all the pokemons of a region in your pokedex you will come to meet. This way I would know you are safe. Am I understood" said Ms Ariel calmly "Alright Ms Ariel I promise you" said Leaf smiling as Ms Ariel hugged her again. "Let's go and meet your friends. Nurse Joy must have treated them by now" said Ms Ariel as she grabbed Leaf's hand as they went to the dispensary.

Meanwhile in the dispensary entered Mr Ray along with Ash and Gary followed Serena and Lillie. When Nurse Joy saw Ash and Gary she spitted out the coffee she was drinking and " oh my god. Did you two fall from a cliff or something" screamed Nurse Joy as she ran to the boys and make them sit on the benches and slowly removed thier T-shirts. While Mr Ray, Serena and Lillie were watching this. When she removed Gary's T-shirt she saw a lot of blood stains and small red dots indicating that a needles or something else pierced through his skin. She quickly took some cream and liquid and applied it on a big soft cotton then slowly rubbed it on Gary's entire chest which caused him to wince a little and applied and an injection for the poision as she knew it was poision sting attack. And made him lay down. She then moved to Ash and slowly removed his t-shirt then turned him around to see his back. She saw his back huge portion burnt in a circular manner. It was all charred black like it was a wrapper. She touched with one finger at a spot and the skin broke apart at that area. Beneath it was a new clean skin but in a kind of gluey substance. She didn't knew how was he healing that fast. She slowly applied cream all over it especially around corners and gave him a poision resistant injection too. She got up and told Ash to lie down on his stomach for the time. She then turn around to see Mr Ray sighing in relief that the kids were alright while the girls looked very concerned and sad.

" Can you two girls now tell what happened with you all in the forest" asked Nurse Joy to Serena and Lillie kindly. They both told her and Mr Ray everything leaving Ash and Gary using thier powers. Both Nurse Joy and Mr Ray were incredibly impressed at the bravery of the boys but at the same time angry at thier reckless behaviour. "These two have to spend the night here. We will see what to do next tomorrow" said Nurse Joy to which Mr Ray nodded "Nurse Joy can me and Lillie stay here with them tonight" asked Serena and Lillie nodded while they looked at Ash and Gary who were sleeping due to exhaustion. Nurse Joy smiled at the girls 'how cute. They have a crush on them' as she thought " alright you can stay here with but take care of them" she said at which the girls nodded "oh they will take care of them. No doubt about. Now won't you Serena and Lillie" said Leaf who just entered with Ms Ariel who chuckled at Leaf comment because she knew about Serena and Leaf's crush on the two injured boys courtesy of Leaf causing the two girls blush madly "Leaf" they shouted in embarrassment causing Leaf and the adults to laugh at thier behaviour. They updated Leaf and Ms Ariel on Ash and Gary' status causing Leaf and Ms Ariel to become concerned when they took a close-up of thier injuries which wasn't pleasant. They talked for an hour or two in which the girls told who thier father was causing the teachers and the Nurse to get shocked. Then all of them left leaving Serena and Lillie with the boys. Sometime later Professor Oak also came to check on the boys.

Meanwhile outside with Ms Ariel and Leaf outside. Ariel was looking at Ray from distance with a smile which Leaf noticed as a sly grin formed on her face. "You know he is a great guy. You should tell your feelings to him soon. Who knows when another women takes away" said Leaf slyly causing Ariel's face snap towards her with a huge blush "wh-what do y-you me-mean Leaf. I don't ha-have a cru-crush on Ray" said Ariel stuttering and embarrassed at being caught by Leaf "I never said it was Ray, Ms Ariel" said Leaf smirking causing Ariel to blush harder "you know alot more than you should at your age" said Ariel looking in another direction pouting "oh come on Ms Ariel. Please tell me. I wont say it to anyone" said Leaf in pleading yet very cute tone at which Ms Ariel give in "Alright Leafy I will tell but don't tell this to anyone. Yes I do like him. He is cute. A great battler. Is very kind to me and care for me. But I dont know if he feels the same or not" said Ariel with a sigh causing Leaf to squeal in excitement "I knew you liked him. And dont worry we will soon get to know whether he feels something for you or not" said Leaf in smiling causing chills to went down Ariel's spine " what do you mean we will know soon" asked Ariel in a scared manner causing an evil smirk to appear on Leaf face "that's for me to know " said Leaf innocently causing Ms Ariel to thought 'why do I feel like I am gonna regret telling her about my feelings for Ray' as she sighed.

It was nighttime now but Ash and Gary didn't woke up causing Serena and Leaf to get concerned as they told nurse Joy who said the injection I gave them had sleeping medicine in too. So they will wake up in the morning only causing the girls to relax. Treecko, Scorbunny, Piplup and Chespin also decided to sleep with them. Leaf decided to sleep in Ms Ariel's cabin with her as she didn't wanted to sleep alone who took her in with a smile. Serena and Lillie had a chair beside Ash and Gary's bed as they slept on it with thier heads on thier bed near thier arms which the grabbed. All the four Pokemons slept near their legs. When Nurse Joy came and Looked at them she smiled 'those boys are very lucky that they have such caring future girlfriends' she thought and went inside.

In the morning Serena and Lillie's eyes opened up as they found themselves on the bed sleeping. They sat up and stretched then looked at eachother and "hey Lillie we slept on the chairs at night so how did we got on bed" asked Serena confused to which Lillie shrugged as they looked around rubbing thier eyes only to find Piplup and Chespin still sleeping on the floor. Then they come to thier senses as they saw who were missing "where is Ash/Gary" screamed Serena and Lillie as they became frantic causing the two pokemons to get up to as they stood up in defensive position ready to eliminate the threat only to see nothing but the two girls shouting and running around the room. Suddenly a door opened and Nurse Joy came out "What happened. Are you both alright. I heard screaming" said Nurse Joy in a loud but concerned voice causing the two girls to snap thier heads towards her. "Nurse Joy Ash and Gary are missing" said Serena fearfully "do you know where they are" asked Lillie in a scared tone causing Nurse Joy to sigh in relief. "Yes they both got up earlier and layed you two on the bed and came to me to show thier injuries. I don't know how but they were completely healed without a single scratch on thier body and are back to thier full health. They are outside with Mr Ray training Treecko and Scorbunny for thier battle" said Nurse Joy as she patted on Serena and Lillie's head "take care of them. You find boys like them once ina life time. So don't let them go" she said and left leaving Serena and Lillie in blushing mess. They both sighed in relief. They both went outside to where Mr Ray was and saw Ash and Gary training with new T-shirts on.

Serena and Lillie went to them but Mr Ray saw them so he left to give them some privacy. "Ash, Gary come here" said Serena as the boys saw them and came to them. "Hey Serena and Lillie good morning" said Ash and Gary. "How are you two feeling now" asked Lillie with a expressionless face "we great. Good as new" said Gary smirking. Serena and Lillie looked at eachother and then punched on the two boys head hard "Are you two hurt now" said Serena smiling "oh man that hurted alot. Why did you do it. What was our fault" asked Ash while rubbing his head "we both staying whole night beside your bed taking care of you two. We were worried about you two and what you do. Get up from the bed and go to train without even informing us" said Serena in a hurt tone as Lillie nodded both had thier eyes wet causing Ash and Gary to feel guilty. They looked at eachother with a look that said 'oh man we messed up' as they slowly moved towards the girls to hug them "stop it don't touch us. You both are mean" said Lillie angrily but the boys didn't listen and hugged the girls even if they tried to retaliate a little. Soon after a minute they both melted in thier hugs and and let thier tears fall on thier chest and then hugged the boys tightly and said "don't do that again" as the boys nodded. They then separated as the girls went to get ready for the day along with thier Pokemons.

Meanwhile with Ray. As he was walking someone tucked his pant from the side as he turned to look. It was Leaf looking at him with a smile which he reciprocated. "Goodmorning Mr Ray" said Leaf brightly "Goodmorning to you too Leaf. What can I do for you" asked Mr Ray "I just wanted to talk to you about something" she said as Mr Ray nodded indicating her to go on " well what do you think about Ms Ariel" asked Leaf smiling. Mr Ray didn't like where this talk was going "what do mean Leaf. She is a scout here. What else is there to say" he asked to which Leaf facepalmed then she said with a sly grin "I meant what kind of a person do you think she is. What do you like in her personality" causing chills went down Ray's spine but then he composed herself "we-well she is kind, beautiful , brave hearted. She treats me very nicely and others too. She has a way with children. She is a great cook. A great friend. An overall great personality" finished Mr Ray with a smile as he was thinking about Ms Ariel's smile "so she is an ideal women for you" said Leaf in mischevious tone "yes she is" said Mr Ray then he understood what she said as he panicked and stopped day dreaming "wh-what do yo-you mea-mean Leaf. It's not like that. What I mean is she is great person. And anybody who would marry her will be happy" he quickly said clearing his side story "Well I never said anything about marriage" said Leaf slyly causing Mr Ray to blush as he knew he was caught by a seven year old girl " oh come on Mr Ray why don't you become that anybody you said. You knows Ms Ariel is a great women. You would never find someone like her again. You should tell her your feeling otherwise someone else will in the future" said Leaf with concerned face causing Mr Ray to sigh "you are right Leaf but I don't know if she feels the same about me or not" said Mr Ray looking in the sky "well believe me you should tell her. And if it helps anything. She admires you alot" said Leaf and with that went away causing Mr Ray to go in deep thinking.

The went by as they did some activities and training. Next morning everyone were with thier groups. "Alright kids today activity is that you we have putted five flags in the forest at different places. You all have been given maps. Each group will go and collect the flags of your groups. The first group to come back will win. Now off you go then" said Professor Oak as all the kids went in the forest.

Mr Ray went in his cabin which Leaf noticed and smirked. She went to Ms Ariel and tucked at her pants "what is it Leaf why did you not go with your friends in the forest" said Ms Ariel as she sat on her knees and grabbed Leaf's hands "I am not feeling well Ms Ariel. So I decided to take the day off" said Leaf innocently causing Ms Ariel to chuckle as she hugged her "don't worry Leaf you will be fine in no time. Go to Nurse Joy she will give you something" said Ariel as Leaf nodded "Ms Ariel I wanted to tell you that Mr Ray asked me tell you that he wants to talk to you in his cabin" said Leaf causing Ariel to blush "Me? Why did he tell you something" she asked Leaf "don't know maybe he want to tell his feelings for you" said Leaf in a mischievous tone causing Ariel blush to harden as she saw Leaf leaving towards Nurse Joy.

Ariel got up and took a deep breath as she made her way over to Ray's cabin. She saw him inside checking something in his bag. She didn't notice the person who was following her. She knocked on the door as Ray turned around and saw her as she came inside and closed the door behind her a little.

"Um did you wanted to talk to me about something Ray" asked Ariel shyly "ah no I didn't. Do you want to" asked Ray confusedly causing Ariel to raise a brow "Leaf said you wanted to talk to me" said Ariel causing Ray to get a little suspicious "what no I didn't. What would I want to talk about" said Ray suspiciously when the door behind them closed suddenly and was locked causing them to become alert as Ariel quickly latched on the door and tried opening it but door didn't open. Then she understood what was happening. It was Leaf, she set her up with Ray. She closed the door too causing her to sigh. "Oh well it seems like Leaf tricked us Ray" said Ariel in a amused tone then she thought 'wait this means me and Ray are all alone here with no one else. Should I take my chance to tell him my feelings. Ah Leaf just wait until I comes out' "well she is a bubbly girl. Quite friendly and sweet child isn't she" said Ray smiling causing Ariel to smile too "yeah she is. If had a daughter I want her to be like her" said Ariel blushing thinking about a child of her own with Ray.

"Well now what we are locked here" asked Ray at which Ariel sighed as she moved towards his bed and sat on it and then he also sat beside her. "Ray there is a reason Leaf locked us here" said Ariel with a blush causing Ray to get confused but then he remembered what Leaf talked to him about Ariel as he also blushed "Oh. So is there something you want to say" asked Ray in a low voice "Ray I will straight get to the point. You are strong, handsome and have many attractive qualities. What I want to say is........I-I like you" said Ariel blushing like crazy as Ray mouth was hung open as he couldn't form an answer Ariel to get sadden thinking the opposite "it's alright if you don't like me" she added as tears formed in her eyes as tried to get up but Ray caught her hand and pulled her towards him as she landed in a hugging position as she looked at him with a big blush "what if I like you. What if I see you as more than a friend. I mean you are kind, caring, cute and not to say beautiful so why not. I wouldn't mind taking you out on a few dates so we can decide if we should take this relationship further or not. Ofcourse if it's alright with you" said Ray in confident voice with a blush of his own causing the tears in Ariel's eyes to fell freely as she gave him a big smile and hugged him tight while burying her face in his chest causing him to chuckle.

When suddenly the gate flew open as they saw Leaf standing there with a smirk on her face causing them both to blush "Oh well now I am feeling better as i got my medicine. Congratulations you two" said Leaf snickering while indicating to them as medicine. "Oh come here you little troublemaker" said Ariel as she quickly ran towards Leaf and picked her up as Leaf squealed and took her to bed then tickled her mercilessly until Leaf was completely out of breath then hugged her tightly "Thank you Leafy. If it wasnt for you then I would have never been able to do this" said Ariel in a sincere and kind voice as Leaf took deep breaths "it's alright Ms Ariel. It was my duty to help you out" said Leaf as she hugged her back while Ray patted her head.

Next day they all did some serious training for thier competition but Serena was in a different thought as she sat in thier cabin alone. When suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder as she suddenly jerked up to see who it was only to find Ash with his signature grin. "What happened Serena. Why are you sitting here alone" asked Ash in a concerned tone as he sat beside her as she gave him a weak smile. "Ash when I told my mom that I am going to take part in contests she became extremely happy" said Serena sadly "that's great Serena but why are you sad with it" asked Ash again in a kind voice. Serena looked at him with uncertainty in her voice "then mom asked me something. She said what about my Rhyhorn racing practice. She said that I can't give up on it. That is what I should be focussing on as I give up easily" said Serena sadly as tears fell down her cheeks causing Ash to become sad. He started thinking of any kind of solution for the problem then something clicked on his mind. "Hey Sere I promised you that I will take care of you and will support with anything you want to do. Didn't I so I have a solution for this problem too. Don't worry Mrs Grace won't have any problem with you partaking in contests instead of Rhyhorn racing" said Ash in his usual cheerful tone causing Serena to get wide eyed "what do you have in mind Ash. Please tell me too" asked Serena in a pleading tone "well don't worry about that. All I can say is that you have to tell her confidently that you will not give up no matter what and you are happy with what you are doing. Am I understood?" Said Ash causing Serena to nod furiously ash she hugged Ash tightly with a smile "Thank you Ash. You are the best. I don't know what I would do without you" said Serena happily "probably Rhyhorn racing" said Ash in taunting voice causing Serena to nudge at his ribs playfully "mood killer" muttered Serena "welcome" said Ash cheekily causing Serena to roll her eyes.

Today was the final day of the camp. "So children today is the final day of the camp. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we did. You were all wonderful. I hope you all must have learnt something here. Always Remember a true trainer is who can become one with his Pokemon. The bond should be unbreakable between you and your Pokemon and you will achieve your dream. And with that let's start all the competitions" said Professor Oak in a cheerful tone causing all the children to roar in agreement.

Ms Ariel was sitting on a chair with a table in front of her. "Alright everyone let's start the competition. First it's the turn of the competitors. We will only have beauty appeal round. So you all will show your performance and then I will decide who did the best" said Ariel in a happy voice as four children nodded.

First was a girl with Snivy who basically just used leafstorm around her for effect but got caught in the vacuum herself and many leaves hurted her causing her lose. Second was boy with a Popplio who used bubblebeam in the air and then used ice beam to burst them into beautiful ice sparkles which was fascinating as everybody clapped.

Now it was Serena's turn as she and Piplup made her way to the centre and took a deep breath. "Alright Piplup use bubble" said Serena as Piplup made a huge bubble causing some to say "woah" as Leaf smirked "now use bubble beam in it" as Piplup released a barrage of small bubbles in the bigger one as they all got inside it. Now the Big bubble was like a ballon with lots of small balls inside it causing other children to shout in excitement "now Piplup jump into it with aqua ring" said Serena as Piplup covered his body in water and jumped in the big bubble and started moving in it like other bubbles causing the excitement to only increase "and now time to finish this Piplup use Peck on bubble" said Serena as Piplup burst the big bubble with peck attack causing all the other bubbles to fly up in the sky and burst giving sprinklers effect while Piplup was looking very shiny. All the kids were in awe while the boy who had turn after Serena and the two before her all lost hope as Serena was tok good. Ms Ariel got up from her seat along with Leaf "Marvelous Serena. I didn't expect this kind of performance from any of you as you are not even trainers yet. This shows that you have bonded with Piplup very well. He listened adn executed all your commands effortlessly while thier species are known for thier pride and to win thier respect is not easy. You are simply amazing" said Ms Ariel as Leaf and Lillie along with others clapped for her while Serena blushed under the praise.

The boy came next and performed with Tepig. He ordered Tepig to use tail whip on the ground causing some rock to fly in the sky around Tepig then told him to use ember on those rocks causing them to catch fire and then used odor sleuth as Tepig glew white with static around him and released a white colored ball towards the rock. The ball impacted causing the fire on the rock to get evaporated as the rock fall around him while a yellow colored wave spreaded across the ground for few seconds then disappeared. It was a little complicated for the other kids to understand what exactly happened but it was still more appealing then the first two performance. "The winner of this competition is....... Serena" said Ms Ariel causing other to three to become a little sad but still clapped like other while Serena blushed and muttered "thank you" as Ms Ariel put a medal around her neck. Leaf and Lillie and congratulated her.

"Now it's time for Pokemon performances. We will have freestyle performances so get ready" Ms Ariel looking at the four participants.

First girl was accompanied with a grookey as the girl tried to dance at little distance from Grookey while ordered Grookey to use growl on the ground as rocks came out flying due to the power of the attack then told him to use branch poke to make the rocks fly high in the air followed by razor leaf which cutted the rocks in small pieces as they all flew around like rain. All the children ran dodged the few rocks came thier way while Ariel and Leaf hided under the bench as the girl finally stopped. There was no coordination between them at all.

Next girl came with Chikorita. Her performance was almost same but she used the razor leaf in such a fashion that all the rocks fall on Chikorita as but she used reflect. It was to show her strength. But the performance was not much appealing. Next girl came with Torchic. She danced around Torchic while ordered him to use ember in a circular manner as it made a little fire tornado and then ordered him to use flame charge to ride it which was looking very good then told him end it with a quick attack. As Torchic used quick attack to reach on the ground in the centre of tornado. The speed was too much which caused the air compression between the tornado to burst as the tornado subsided giving a fiery ending. Everybody clapped. That was definitely good.

Now Lillie was a little nervous. She didn't knew if her performance is good enough. Then Serena put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Lillie. Just remember what Gary say 'you will never know if you don't try' so don't stop now. It dosen't matter if you win or not what matter is that you tried" said Serena to her encouragingly causing a smile to spread across Lillie face "Thank you Serena. I needed that" said Lillie as she made her way to the centre. She took a deep breath.

"Alright Chespin let's start with growl" said Lillie as Chespin used growl causing chunks of grounds to fly in air. None of it were rocks. It was pure solidified soil ground "now use vine whip to throw them in the air" as she twirled around Chespin as she picked her up and continue her dance "now use leech seed on them" said Lillie as she threw Chespin above her who released a seed which latched on the chunks and quickly many vines wrapped around them as it formed a large ball as the seed was sucking the energy in the ball as it landed down. Lillie continued her around dance around the ball while Chespin danced on top of it "now time to finish it Chespin jump in the air use pin missile On the ball" said Lillie as she stopped in front of the ball and posed to signify the end of her performance while Chespin used pin missile causing the ball to burst leaving a huge cloud of green sparkly dust which was extremely attractive and then Chespin landed in front of Lillie and posed too. The chunk behind her was totally green in color and was growing some grass on it which was unbelievable for everyone. Even Ariel never thought of something so creative ever. Everyone was in awe. Lillie became tensed as nobody was saying anything when suddenly Ms Ariel started clapping and then everybody joined in "this was beyond my comprehension Lillie. It was absolutely amazing. The bond between you and Chespin is just amazing that you even managed to come up with something like this. I thought Serena's performance will be the most creative performance I will see but I guess I was wrong this was very good" said Ariel as Lillie blushed in praise "the winner of this competition is......Lillie" said Ms Ariel causing the other three to groan but we're happy. Serena and Leaf congratulated Lillie too.

Meanwhile over with Mr Ray "Alright then are you ready for the battle. There will be two groups. Four people each group. The two that came out on the top from each group will fight eachother" said Mr Ray as Gary along with three others were in one group while Ash was in the other one.

(Gary's Group)

The first match was between Gary and a girl who had Charmander. "Alright Scorbunny quick attack into double kick followed by ember" commanded Gary as Scorbunny became a white blur as he ran towards his opponent who couldn't even dodge and fall down skidding a few feet. He tried to use scratch but Scorbunny dodged and use double kick at which the Charmander flew back and landed on a rock hard. He was trying to get up but Scorbunny released the ember attack by then. It didn't help that Scorbunny's ember attack was rock on fire which was a weakness of Charmander causing him to faint. To say everybody was shock was an understatement. Mr Ray didn't expect a fully dominated one sided match and to end this fast. "Yeah hail to the Great Gary Oak. You all cannot defeat me" said Gary arrogantly. "That was excellent Gary and you too girl" said Ray encouragingly causing the girls to feel a little better. Nobody wanted their first battle to be like this.

Next battle was between a two boys who had a Mudkip and Litten. The boy with the Mudkip won the battle barely and was now battling Gary. "Alright then Scorbunny use growl then double kick" said Gary as Scorbunny used growl causing Mudkip attack power to fall by one stage as it flinched and used bubble beam but Scorbunny easily dodged it due to its speed and hit him hard double kick throwing the Mudkip away in a rock. He still managed to get up and tried to use rock throw "dodge them Scorbunny" as Scorbunny dodged them but two of them landed on him getting him hurt. He slowly got up and saw Mudkip using watergun "dodge with quick attack and finish with ember" said Gary confidently as Scorbunny swiftly dodged the attack and used ember on Mudkip causing him to faint.

"The winner of this group is Gary" said Mr Ray as he and other clapped while Ash just looked at him with a competitive gaze which Gary returned. "Now let's start with your group" said Mr Ray.

The first match was between Ash and another boy who had a Froakie. "Alright Treecko start with leer followed by pound attack" said Ash as Treecko used leer causing Froakie's defence to fall by one stage causing him to flinch as he barely manged to dodge "don't let him rest Treecko use quick attack" as Treecko used quick attack which Froakie countered by his own then Froakie use bubble beam "finish this with leafage" Ash said as Treecko released lots of sharp leaves which went straight through the bubbles and hit the Froakie hard causing him to faint.

Next match was between two girls one had a Squirtel while the other had a chimchar. By a close margin the Squirtel girl managed to win. Now the match was between Ash and the girl "Alright Treecko use leer followed by bullet seed" said Ash as Treecko complied to his orders as he used leer causing Squirtel's defence go down by one stage causing him to flinch but he still countered with water gun which managed to overpower bullet seed causing Treecko to get wide eyed as he quickly dodged the upcoming attack "gotta be careful Treecko. Use quick attack into pound" said Ash as Treecko used quick attack and sent Squirtle flying but he came back using rapid spin at which Treecko used rapid spin and hit Squirtle hard as it landed on a rock breaking it. He barely managed to come out of its shell and look at Treecko then tried to use watergun attack but before he could "Treecko end this with bullet seed" said Ash with a smirk as Treecko gave a smirk too as he launched bullet seed right at Squirtle's head causing him to burst through the rock and landed on the ground unconcious. "Well done. That was simply amazing Ash and you to my boy" said Ray as everybody clapped when suddenly "ready to get your butt beaten Ashy boy" came the taunting sound of Gary who flicked his hair causing Ash to turn around to look at his rival "love the way you lie Oak tree" said Ash with a smirk causing everybody to laugh. This caused Gary to give Ash a smirk matching his own. "Let's give our all Ash. This is our first battle. I want it to be something we can remember and not a one sided play like it was when your dad fought against my dad on the first day of thier journey" said Gary in a serious causing Ash to take a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Then released the breath and slowly opened his eyes showing determination and nothing else as they both shook hands with eachother. Down at thier legs Treecko and Scorbunny were in a similar handshake.

They both went at the ends of thier sides. "This is a one on one battle between Ash and Gary. Let the battle begin" said Ray as he looked at the boys who didn't command anything as they were looking at eachother to see who makes the first move. "Alright that's enough Treecko quick attack into pound" said Ash as he furrowed his brows in anticipation "quick attack into double kick" said Gary calmly as both Pokemon's complied the orders of thier trainers. Both got hurt by the quick attack but then Scorbunny managed to hit on Treecko's head his double kick attack causing Treecko to go down headfirst but before that his came as he landed a pound attack on Scorbunny's whole body as both fell on the ground with a thud. "Come on Scorbunny get up" said Gary in a commanding tone "you can do it Treecko" said Ash encouragingly as Ash and Gary looked at each other with fire in thier eyes as the Pokemon's got up to thier feets.

"Treecko use leer" said Ash "Scorbunny use growl" said Gary as both Pokemons used thier respective attacks causing both to flinch as Treecko's attack fell down by one stage while Scorbunny defence fell by one stage. "Alright Treecko use bullet seed" said Ash "use ember" said Gary as Treecko used bullet seed but Scorbunny ember attack which was a rock on fire came through bullet seed like a bomb and blasted Treecko away. Most of the bullet seed that manged to reach Scorbunny hit him and did a substantial damage. Slowly both got up "let give him a taste of his own medicine. Treecko use pound on the ground then throw the rocks at Scorbunny" said Ash as Treecko used pound attack on the ground causing lots of rocks to fly up as he hit each of them with his tail as all the rocks flew towards Scorbunny at a fast speed. " Use double kick to throw them back then use quick attack into ember" said Gary smirking as Scorbunny threw the rocks back at them with double kick and ran towards Treecko with quick attack causing Ash to get wide eyed "use quick attack to dodge them then use pound to counter Scorbunny followed by concentrated bullet seed attack in straight line" roared Ash as Gary's eyes widened as his mouth hung open as Treecko used quick attack to dodge the rocks then used pound on Scorbunny's head causing him to retreat as launched a full powered ember while Treecko released bullet seed in a straight line causing it burst through the ember attack with ease as it hit Scorbunny causing him to lose his breath as he landed on the ground and a small explosion happend as Treecko landed on his feet then went on one leg as he used almost all of his energy as he was panting hard. Slowly the dust settled only to see a Scorbunny standing on his knees as he pants hard too with lots of marks on his body as he smirked "come on Scorbunny you can get up. Use quick attack into double kick" screamed Gary "Treecko it's now or never. Use quick attack into pound full power" as both Pokemons glowed red and green meaning thier special abilities blaze and overgrow had activated. The both ran towards eachother in white glows only clashing sounds were coming then 'boom' as both landed in front of eachother as Treecko used pound while Scorbunny used double kick as they both flew away from eachother landed hard in the ground. Both Ash and Gary had thier breath stuck in thier throat as they waited for one of them to show moving signs but nothing happens causing them to sigh. "The match is draw. Thus the winners are both Ash and Gary. Congratulations you two" said Mr Ray as they thanked him while he put a medal in thier necks as everybody clapped.

"Seems like it's a draw Ashy boy" said Gary looking at Scorbunny and Treecko getting treated by Nurse Joy "yeah you are right. Who thought our first battle will end up in a tie. But man that was the best first battle we could ever ask for" said Ash with a smile which Gary returned "yeah you are right but this isn't gonna happen in the Indigo league. So prepare to lose thier in front of thousands of people" said Gary in a taunting tone but this time Ash didn't got angry "I don't care about the world. I care about what my dad would think of meirrespective of the result. I want his respect. I want him to say that I have the capacity to be the best" causing Gary to go in deep thought as they went outside.

"Ash look I won my competition" said Serena happily causing Ash to smile brightly as he hugged her causing Serena to blush but she enjoyed his show of affection "congratulations Serena. I knew you could do it" said Ash. Seeing this Lillie also said "Gary look I won. See my medal" said Lillie looking at Gary for a reaction "oh great. What did I tell you. You will win it. You will become a performer queen in no time" said Gary as he hugged much to Lillie's satisfaction as she said with a smile "thank you Gary" hugging him back.

"Alright everyone it's was great to have you all here. I hope you enjoyed and learnt a lot of new things that will help you when you become a trainer. Your parents have come. You can all go now" said Professor Oak with smile as he was waving at the children who said goodbye to him and the scouts along with the Nurse Joy. All the pokemons were returned.

"Hey Gramps we wanted to ask you something" said Gary to Professor Oak who looked at him and Ash, Serena and Lillie too. "What is it children" asked Professor Oak in a kind voice "well Professor you see Scorbunny, Treecko, Piplup and Chespin has become very close to us four. They wanted to become our Pokemon's. And we want them too" said Ash in a matter of factly tone as other three nodded along with the four Pokemons in question causing Oak to smile "I am proud of you four. You managed to bond with Pokemon's you haven't even met before. I will happily make them yours but till the time you become trainers I will keep them under my name after that I will transfer them to your account" said Professor Oak smiling causing the four kids along with the Pokemons to hug him "thank you Professor" they said as they ran towards the scouts.

Meanwhile with Ms Ariel and Leaf "so Leaf where is your mother" asked Ariel "I am looking for her. Oh wait there she is. Hey mom" screamed Leaf as Mrs Green turn her head around and saw Leaf standing with another women younger then her grabbing her hand. She made her way over to them and hugged Leaf which she returned "how is my little girl doing. Did you enjoy the camp" asked Green to an overjoyed Leaf "yes mom I loved it here. It was awesome. Ms Ariel helped me alot. She always stayed with me. She is great. Me and my friends also had a lot of fun" said Leaf with a big smile to which Green also smiled as she ruffled Leaf's hair "that's great sweety" she said as she looked at the woman standing beside her daughter "hello Mrs Green my name is Ariel. Leaf was in my group only" said Ariel smiling "thank you Ariel for taking care of my daughter. I hope she didn't cause you much trouble. She is very mischevious sometimes" said Green smiling at Ariel who also returned a smile while Leaf pouted "oh no Mrs Green it's not like that. Leaf is a great child. She is very sweet and kind. Yes she is very mischevious as I got an experience first hand but I am grateful to her otherwise what I wanted I would never be able to get. She is very sweet. It is very difficult for me to leave her. We have made a bond during this camp. If it isn't a problem then this is my number. Pls tell her to call me once in a while. I would love to talk to her" said Ariel hopefully as she passed a slip to Green who smiled and took the slip from her hand "I am glad my daughter helped you out. You are a very caring person yourself I can tell that. Don't worry I will make sure she calls you" said Green to which Ariel smiled "thank you Mrs Green" to which Green nodded.

"Leaf before you leave I want to tell you that you are an amazing girl. Your dream is not easy to achieve but I know if anybody can do it then it would be you. Believe in yourself and your Pokemons always. I hope we meet again" said Ariel as she cupped Leaf's cheeks and kissed her forehead causing Leaf to giggle cutely "aye aye Ms Ariel. Agent Leaf reporting out" said Leaf mimicking a heavy voice with a salute causing Ariel and Green to laugh "one more thing Leaf. I have a gift for you" said Ariel as she took out a pokeball from her bag and gave it to Leaf whose eyes widened "Ms Ariel is it a Pokemon" asked Leaf surprised to which Ariel nodded "yes it is Leaf. Why don't you bring her out" said Ariel smiling at which Leaf thew the pokeball. A bright light came out and subsided showing a white fox like Pokemon "Mom look it's a Vulpix but it's.... White?" Said Leaf in a confused manner causing Green and Ariel to chuckle "yes Leaf it's an Alolan Vulpix. The Pokemon there are different then here. She is a rare one. I caught her few days ago before coming here. She is quite a handful just like you" said Ariel causing Leaf to pout cutely but then smiled "are you sure you want me to keep it" asked Leaf with stars in her eyes "yes Leaf she will be happy with you. She will always remember you of me and our promise" said Ariel while patting Vulpix head "take care of her okay. She will be the best trainer you can get" said Ariel to Vulpix who replied "vul" and jumped in Leaf's arm and nuzzled her "thank you Ms Ariel I will always take care of her. And I promise I will meet you after finishing each region" said Leaf in a confident tone as she hugged Ariel "I know you will Leafy" said Ariel who returned the hug "Thank you for the gift Ariel. I will make sure she treats Vulpix right" said Green "Thank you Mrs Green" as Leaf Started going away with Vulpix in her hands "bye Ms Ariel" said Leaf "bye Leaf. Take care" said Ariel waving her hand.

"Ms Ariel here" said Lillie causing Ariel to look at her. She was accompanied by Serena and thier mothers. "Oh hello you two must be their mothers.I am thier teacher. They were in my group. These two are brilliant girls. I am sure they will become a top coordinator and performance queen in no time. They totally outclassed the other participants by a big margin at such a young age. Thier bond with Piplup and Chespin was amazing. They used totally out of the box ideas. You should be proud of these two" said Ariel proudly causing tears to come in Grace and Lusamine eyes while Serena and Lillie looked at them with smiles "we are truly grateful to you for taking care of these two" said Lusamine "I don't know what to say girls. You both have improved greatly. You couldn't even touch Pokemons or talk to somebody properly. But now you are doing performances with them with full of confidence. We are very proud of you" said Grace as she hugged both the girls while Lusamine smiled "perhaps it has to something with messy hair boys" said Lusamine with a chuckle causing Lillie and Serena to blush as all the three adult womens laughed. "Well thank you again Ms Ariel. We shall take our leave now" said Lusamine "the pleasure was all mine" said Ariel as Grace and Lusamine nodded "bye Ms Ariel" said Serena and Lillie together as Ariel waved her hand too.

"Hello Mrs Ketchum and Mrs Oak. I am Ray thier teacher. These two boys were in my group only and I have to say you these definitely have what it takes to be one of the best trainers in the world. They told me who thier Father's are and knowing them there is no doubt where they got this fighting spirit in them" said Ray proudly causing Ash and Gary to fist bump while the mothers stood thier proudly with a smile with thier hands on the boys shoulders "thank you Mr Ray. I am sure you must have helped them alot" said Delia kindly "yeah but they can be a little more merciful to thier opponents especially Gary. I mean they litterally demolished all others and I don't think anybody would want thier first fight to be completely one sided especially if it is at such a young age. And yes thier rivalry is really tense. Even I could feel the pressure. Thier battle was a destructive one and it felt more like a professional one. The bond they made with the Scorbunny and Treecko I am amazed. The Pokemons totally replicated thier behaviour and formed a heated rivalry among eachother. As good as these two are if they form a good bond with thier Pokemons which I am sure they will make they will no doubt win a league a lot before than I did" said Ray causing Ash and Gary to give a nervous chuckle while thier mothers gave them an evil eye " we told you both that we don't need any complaints didn't we. You both need to be a little more conscious while battling or when it comes to Pokemon's. Tell me if somebody defeat you two the way you did to those then how will you feel" said Yellow in a strict voice "I know boys you wanted to have your first battle to be the best but that dosen't mean you will just destroy all others in order to have a chance. In the future when you become experienced trainers and you meet new trainer will you just one shot them. Ash and Gary from next time I want that you two give others a chance too. There is no need to just outclass your opponent totally. Make them feel that they also have a chance to do something. Who knows maybe they can surprise you too. Are we understood" said Delia in a stern voice causing the boys to put thier heads down in shame "I am sorry mom. I won't do that again" said Ash and Gary sadly and had tears in thier eyes threatening to fall. "I am sure you two mean it. All we want you two to understand is that there is no need to become super serious when it comes to battling. Alright" said Yellow kindly as the boys nodded then the two mother hugged thier children and said "we are proud of you two. We are sure you must have done great" causing the boys to form a small smile as Ray also smiled. "Well we will go now. Thank you Mr Ray" said Yellow "oh it's totally alright. Bye kids" said Ray "Bye Mr Ray" said Ash and Gary as they went with thier mothers with a sigh.

Next day with Ash and Serena. "Oh man Leaf could have met us last time before going" said Ash sadly "yeah she could. Maybe her mom was busy" said Serena thoughtfully "maybe but let's talk about you. What was that you wanted to talk about" asked Ash kindly causing Serena to sigh "Ash you said you will help me with my problem of Rhyhorn racing. What was your plan can you tell me now cause mom asked me last night too but I said I needed rest so I will talk tomorrow. But in the morning I ran out as quickly as I can. This was the reason I ate breakfast at your house" said Serena in frustration but Ash put a hand on her shoulder "calm down sere there is no need to be so worked up. There is no plan basically but when I tell you to say then do it with confidence and determination cause if you falter then she will not believe you. Am I understood" said Ash looking in Serena's eyes who was still a little unsure of what Ash was going to do "I understand but what are you gonna do" said Serena in a confused tone "that's for me to know. Let's go to Grace now. I am sure she must have made something to eat. I am hungry" said Ash as he started dragging Serena towards her house "but Ash we had breakfast not even an hour ago" said Serena as she was dragged along "I always have space for more. Now stop talking and move fast slowpoke" said Ash in a taunting voice "hey I am not a slowpoke" said Serena defiantly "alright slowpoke" said Ash snickering as they ran towards Serena's house.

When they reached the house they saw Grace outside feeding Rhyhorn. "Hey Grace I am back" said Ash waving his hand towards her with a unsure Serena following her at which Grace turned around to look at them and waved back "hey kids welcome back. Oh so Serena was with you. I was worried where she went" said Grace as patted on Serena's head "no worries as long as I am with her Grace" said Ash smiling at which Grace nodded and smiled "so have you just came here to play or you want something Ash. If not then I have made some tasty food that we can eat" at which Ash eyes brightened as his mouth watered but then his gaze landed on the honey blond girl beside him causing him to compose himself "Yes we will do that but we have something to say to you. So may I" asked Ash like a gentleman with one hand behind his back while one in front of him motioning like he was presenting something at which Grace chuckled "ofcourse sweety tell me what is it" said Grace smiling "well this is very important so please listen to me first and try to understand. Serena wants to pursue Pokemon coordinating as a career when she becomes a trainer. She really doesn't like Rhyhorn racing. So please let her follow her own dreams. I am sure she will become a successful coordinator if you support her. Please let her make her own path. I promise your daughter will stay safe always. I will make sure of that. I will always saty with her so you don't have to worry. I am sure Serena agrees with me don't you Serena" said Ash confidently then looked at Serena who had her mouth open but quickly composed herself as Ash looked at her while Grace looked at them with a expressionless face "yes mom I want to be Pokemon coordinator. My dream is to become a top coordinator. I know you must think I will give up like I had did a few times before on different things but mom I promise I have changed and I will not leave coordinating and will become a successful one. And with Ash with me along with Gary and Lillie and our Pokemons I am sure I will be alright. Please mom just give me a chance" said Serena with determination but in a pleading tone with a fist formed near her chest while Ash had grabbed her other hand for support.

They looked at Grace in expectation who was not saying anything but then a smile formed on her face "I believe you two. I am sure you have changed enough to help yourself out in times of need. If you can stand against me then I am sure you can stand against any problem that comes your way. I knew you never liked Rhyhorn racing sweety but I made you do it for your character development. You were to shy so I wanted you gain some self confidence. But I was failing miserably and it didn't help that you were very poor at Rhyhorn racing and didn't like it. But since the time you have met Ash you have become a totally different person than what you were before. I know he will take care of you always and he is capable of that as I know that he and his family members have powers of aura" said Grace smiling ear to ear while the kids became overjoyed but were surprised that she knew about aura "no offence but how do you know about our family having aura powers Grace" asked Ash kindly "oh you really think that being family friends we will not know eachother secrets. Ofcourse all four of our families know of eachother powers" said Grace in a matter of factly tone "thank you for understanding mom. I was scared that you will force me to do Rhyhorn racing" said Serena as she hugged her mother who hugged back "ofcourse not sweetheart your happiness comes first for me. But yeah if you hadn't told me this till the time you become a trainer then I might have made you pursue Rhyhorn racing" said Grace the last sentence with a evil smirk causing a chill to went down Serena's spine as she turned around to look at Ash who was looking at the ground thinking something she quickly tackled him down in a hug "thank you Ash. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have ever been able to tell mom about my dream. I will always be grateful to you. You are the best friend one could ever ask for" said Serena from her heart while hugging Ash tightly. Ash blushed at all this but then returned the hug "I am happy for you Serena. Afterall what kind of friend would I have been if I couldn't help you" said Ash in a kind voice which made Serena blush even harder as they got up and separated but then Grace came and sat on one knee in front of Ash "Ash I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you became Serena's friend. You have changed her for the good. I hope you keep your word. Take care of my daughter always. I know she is not easy to handle but I am sure you can do it" said Grace still hugging Ash "I promise you Grace. As long as your daughter is with me I will always keep her safe and support her till the very end" said Ash which warmed both Grace and Serena's heart as she released him from the hug. "Now let's go inside. I have made a lot of food. I am sure you would love it" said Grace to Ash and Serena "please lead the way your highness" said Ash in a gentlemen tone to Grace causing Serena and Grace to laugh as they went inside.

Three days later at Professor Oak lab. "Alright kids I have officially got the rights of Treecko, Scorbunny, Piplup and Chespin from the Professors of thier respective regions. Now they can stay with you. When you become trainers they can be your first capture beside your starters. How's that sound"said Professor Oak as he released the four Pokemons who quickly jumped in thier respective trainers arms as they all said "thank you Professor/Gramps" said Ash, Serena, Lillie and Gary as they left with the Pokemons.

A month later Green bought a house in Pallet town only after selling thier old one in Viridian city at Leaf's request as she wanted to stay with her friends. Currently all the mothers along with the five kids were sitting outside Green's house in the front yard.

"It's so good that you bought a house here Green. Now we all can do party's together whenever we want" said Yellow to Green "oh it will be so nice and I am sure the kids are happy too. Leaf really wanted to stay here so I thought why not" said Green as she looked at the kids who nodded back. "I will be right back. I want to drink some water" said Ash "wait I am coming too" said Gary as they excused themselves. "Well girls anything interesting happened when you all were in the camp that you might want to share with us" said Lusamine causing three girls to stop moving "oh no-nothing hap-happened Ms Lusamine. It was totally fine" said a stuttering Serena "ye-yeah mom nothing hap-happened" said Lilllie stuttering "yes Ms Lusamine nobody go-got hu-hurt" said Leaf in a timid voice causing the five mother's to furrow their brows "then why are you three stuttering" asked Yellow in a accusing tone causing the three girls to stiffen "tell us what happened" said Delia in a stern voice causing the three girls to gulp as they looked at the five gazes piercing in thier soul "Gaaaarrryyyy" came the scream of Ash as the gate flew open of the house as Gary ran out "I am sorry Ashy boy. It was a mistake" shouted Gary as he ran away from Ash who was right behind him looking soaked in water "you did it one purpose Gary. I am not gonna let you go this time. Stop running now" roared Ash as they ran causing the five mother's and the three girls sweatdrop and then sigh "let them be. It's thier everyday work. So where were we. Oh yes you girls were telling us" said Yellow as the three girls explained what happened in the forest that day.

Grace, Lusamine and Green were shocked to hear when they heard that the girls were attacked. They become even more shocked but astonished also at the fact that the boys took attacks for the girls and got hurt badly and saved them. If Grace and Lusamine had any doubt about Ash and Gary it went out of the window now. They were over the moon that thier girls got such good life partners. Green was very happy that Leaf had such good brothers. "Those two are surely one of a kind. I can't believe they did that. I am happy that they revived because of thier powers but yes it must have hurt alot especially when you are seven year old" said Grace with sympathy for the boys at which Lusamine and Green agreed "even if it did. Those two will never tell. They are just like thier fathers. They also are very good at hiding thier emotions. It is not easy to make them admit something especially if it hurts thier pride" said Delia with a sigh as they looked at the boys who were at a good distance from them but they could make out that Ash was sitting at top of Gary strangling him at which they laughed. They continued talking for fifteen minute till the boys came back. The girls were happy that their mothers didn't get angry.

"Alright we are back. I hope you did miss us" said Gary in a smug tone at which Ash poked on his head from behind. "We know what happened in the forest during the camp" said Yellow calm voice as she and the other four mothers covered the two boys causing shivers to run down the boy's spines as they gulped "we know that you both got hurt badly and had severe injuries and lost alot of blood" Delia with narrow eyes at boys whose legs were wobbling and looking like they could faint any moment then Delia and Yellow took Ash and Gary in a hug "but we are very proud of you two that you saved the girls" said Yellow then they released them only to brought in hug by Lusamine and Grace "thank you for protecting Serena. I am sure she will be safe with you always" said Grace hugging Ash tightly "thank you Gary for saving My little Lillie. I don't think I can find anybody safer than you for Lillie to travel with" said Lusamine as she and Grace released the boys from hug then Green hugged them both "thank you for saving Leaf you two. You are best brothers she could ever ask for" said Green with a big smile. The boys still stood shocked then composed themselves as they took a deep breath wiping the sweat on thier forehead "so are you two not angry with us" asked Ash with uncertainty in his voice "ofcourse we are but you did it to save the girls. Maybe we would have been more angry if we would have been there when it happened but what done its done. It's all in the past now so forget it. Well just be carefull from next time" said Delia in a caring tone causing the boys to smile as they thanked the five womens for not scolding them at which everybody laughed as everybody joined in a group hug.

Few days later the kids were playing together when Gary sat down which Ash noticed as he came and also sat down. He put a hand on Gary's shoulder "what happened Gary. You seem to be in deep thought" asked Ash smiling "Ash I am thinking something important that might affect our life greatly but in a good way" said Gary thoughtfully looking in the sky "wow! You didn't called me Ashy boy. You must be pretty serious" said Ash in a concerned voice at which Gary chuckled "yeah I am Ash. I was thinking that is it enough just to be able to talk to pokemons and manage to fight I dont think so. If we just go out on our journey with just this then what's a difference between us and biginer trainer" said Gary looking at Ash "well what ever we think when we become trainers we still be called biginer trainer only. But what's your point" said Ash folding his hands " tell me Ash isn't our dream is to become the best" asked Gary at which Ash nodded "then if we go out there with just as much knowledge as the next person then what's the point of that. How are we gonna become best before others if we are not better than them" said Gary at which Ash nodded "I got the gist of what you are saying. So what should we do to make a difference between us and the others" asked Ash "well I think we should start studying different things. If we talk to Gramps he might make us his students and teach us different things. It will help us alot. Don't you think" said Gary at which Ash released a thoughtful sigh" yep you are right Ashy boy. We can learn a lot of things especially history to know about ourselves better" said Ash at which Gary nodded when three shadows came from behind them as they turned to look around the three females in thier group "what are you two doing. Aren't you gonna play" asked Leaf at which Gary and Ash got up and then told them about their plan. Lillie was the first one to agree as she was a Psychic so she loves learning. Serena agreed it will a good idea and will help her better as she loved knowing about how the nature works more. Leaf thought of it as great idea as it could help her knowing the important things about Pokemon's and where can she find them. They came to an agreement of telling thier mom's about this first as they left towards Serena's house where all the five mother's were.

"Mom we are back" said Serena as they reached her home and went to the hall where the five womens were sitting talking. "Welcome back all of you" said Grace at which the five nodded "we have an important thing to tell you all" said Lillie as all the mothers got intrigued but we're interrupted when the five Pokemon's of the kids came running in the hall and jumped on the kids causing them all to lose balance. "Alright as we were saying. We want to tell you that we are going to study different subjects from now on" causing the mothers to raise their brows "what do you mean kids" asked Yellow liking where the talk was goings "let me explain. We are gonna ask Gramps to make us his students and teach us all he knows. We will pickup different subjects what we want to study" said Gary "that's a great thing kids but why do you want to do that" asked Green intrigued "we want to do this so that we can make a difference between us and the other trainers. If we know all that we need to know rather than just battling and how to take care of Pokemon's then I guess we will be able to become a lot better and achieve our goals at a lot faster rate than others. If we start our journey with an experience of a rookie trainer then we will just be struggling trainers like a lot out there" said Ash in sincere tone. The mothers got really happy at their reason and gave them the permission to do so while giving a hug.

Next day in the lab "I see you want to learn new things. A great initiative ofcourse. I will be more than happy to help you kids in any way I can. I am really happy that you are growing so fast" said Professor Oak as he made a big ballon out of thin air which bursted releasing lots of purple sparkles on the children with his powers who now were used to this and thanked the Professor.

Five months later all the five had learnt many new things. Ash took maths,history and economics and also technological science to some extent. Gary took Physics, chemistry, business studies and also took biology to some extent. Serena took chemistry, geography, Pokemon Psychology and also to some extent maths. Lillie took biology, chemistry, Pokemon breeding and applied maths. Leaf took applied maths, chemistry, Pokemon habitation and geology. All four of them were doing great and Professor Oak was impressed with them. All he was teaching was definitely not of thier level. The only one he thought would be able to understand was Lillie as she was a Psychic and they tend to be smarter than others. But he was wrong. Each of them was smart. He also give them time everyday to train with thier Pokemons who were also improving. He also gave them traing for medical emergencies from time to time.

Right now Ash and Gary were at Grace house while the three girls were at Green's house. Lusamine and Grace were making food for the kids. As slim and fit Ash and Gary look they eat a lot more. The appetite of the boys was really high for thier age. It is difficult to say where all the food goes. Who knows if they have black holes in their stomach. But they didn't mind making food for the boys instead we're happy that they like their cooking just as much as they do of their mothers. They came in the hall and saw the two boys reading from their books.

"Alright boys you can study later. Food's ready come on go and quickly wash your hands" said Grace at which Ash and Gary nodded and went in the bathroom to wash hands. The boys came back as they sat down and started eating the food. The mothers smiled seeing them eat happily. They gave Treecko and Scorbunny some pokefood too.

The boys noticed the stressed expressions on the Grace and Lusamine's face "you both seem very stressed. Is something the problem" asked Ash kindly at which the women's eyes opened wide "oh no no there is no problem. We are totally fine" said Grace while Lusamine nodded both giving a forced smile but seeing that the two boys gazes didn't falter they sighed in defeat "alright we are stressed" said Lusamine sighing "what's the problem if you don't mind asking us" said Gary this time at which the women's looked at them.

"Well you know Serena don't want to become a Rhyhorn racer. I was alright with as she is more important for me. But it was a family tradition for atleast one of the family member of every generations to become a Rhyhorn racer. Now that Serena dosen't want to, there is nobody to carry on the tradition. Even the famous riders out there and the press must be thinking that I will present a new Rhyhorn racing champion to the world. But I don't know what to do now. I can't force Serena. There was one kid who was good at Rhyhorn racing but his behaviour was very bad and he always hurt Serena so i stopped teaching him" said Grace in a concerned tone as Ash nodded "and what might your problem be" asked Gary to Lusamine " well as you both know I have a huge business empire. I have got it from my father. I took it new hights and I am very successful today but Lillie dosen't want to do business I am sure you both know that. If she dosen't then left Gladion her big brother. But he is interested in Aether Paradise. He want to handle that and not the business. They both dosen't have what it takes to do a business especially a large one as this. If I take them as my heir in business then the committee will not except them. Either if they did they won't be able to keep our company stable and we could get huge losses which I don't want. It dosen't help that our company have many smart minds so if anybody tricked them and took the company from them somehow then it won't be good. We won't be able to do anything legally also. I can give the business to one of the trusted member also but I wanted this business to go in the family only" said Lusamine as she clenched her fist in frustration.

Ash and Gary looked at eachother and looked at eachother and and then shooked their head from side to side with a sigh. "We can see very well that from where Serena and Lillie got their habit of getting worried at every little thing" said Ash while Gary nodded causing Grace and Lusamine to chuckle "what do you mean" asked Grace calmly "first tell do you think of me and Gary like your own kids only" said Ash "ofcourse we do" said Lusamine like it was a obvious thing "well then Grace you have to present a Rhyhorn racer right. Well then if I am like your own child then why don't you simply train me for it" said Ash causing Grace to eyes to widen "but Ash your dream is to be a battler. How can I force you to become a Rhyhorn racer" said Grace in a concerned tone at which Ash chuckled "oh come on Grace did you seriously think of me as those hard headed battlers who just keep on battling their whole life without seeing the beauty of other things. Ofcourse not. I will participate in every interesting competition that I will come across including any kind of Pokemon riding competitions including Rhyhorn racing. This is least I can do for you for giving me the love and care like my own mother" said Ash smiling "and as far your business problem is concerned Lusamine. I have to tell you that I love business pretty much. It's a very interesting thing. I am studying it. I can understand that if the head is not strong enough then the company is as good as closed. So Lusamine if you think of me as your son I will gladly become your student and learn about your company and all that you have to tell me. I will improve in the journey even more and will do business in your companies name. If my record is good then I am sure your committe will take me as their head willingly and the problem of the business to go in the family will also solve. So how does that sound to you two" said Gary while Ash nodded in agreement. The two mother's were shocked at hearing this then big smile's formed on their faces as tears of happiness filled in their eyes as they got up from their chairs and took Ash and Gary in big hug "thank you Ash. You have no idea how big of help you were for me. I can never thank you enough. You truly are the son I never had. I promise you will love Rhyhorn racing" said Grace as she hugged Ash tightly "thank you Gary. You are a lifesaver. I am truly grateful for understanding my problem. You will love our company. I have no doubt you will be great business man and will take our company to new heights" said Lusamine hugging Gary tightly "th-thats gre-great but" managed to say Gary "ca-cant bre-breath" completed Ash causing the two women to quickly release the two small boys from their vice grip "I am sorry" both women's said together as the boys took deep breaths "it's alright" said Gary "we are welcome" said Ash as the two women's nodded and they finished their food. What Ash and Gary didn't knew was that what they did was out of respect but they didn't knew they are going to be a part of the family in the future for actual.

The year went by with kids learning their subjects even more but Ash and Gary learnt something more. Ash learnt about Rhyhorn racing and was practicing but Grace also trained him for racing on other Pokemon's too beside Rhyhorn. Even water and flying types much to Ash's happiness. Gary learnt many new things about business which were never told in books. He was now even more intrigued with the subject. He loved Lusamine's company.

Next year Gladion became a trainer officially and was talking to his sister before leaving on journey through Alola. "Congratulations on becoming a trainer brother. I am so happy for you" said an excited Lillie to Gladion "thank you Lillie. I really missed you alot. Are you alright. Did you make any friends. Did any Pokemon or anybody else hurted you. Are you happy there" asked Gladion so many questions "calm down brother. I am totally fine and yes I have made alot of friends here. And you know what I am not scared of Pokemons anymore thanks to Gary. He has helped me alot since the time I have come here" said Lillie happily at which Gladion became happy but the moment she said Gary's name his expression changed "whose Gary" asked Gladion in stern tone but Lillie didn't notice when suddenly Gary came in front of the screen "hi I am Gary. You must be Gladion. Lillie's brother. She has told me alot about you" said Gary nicely but Gladion narrowed his eyes at him "hello" in a scary voice which Lillie noticed while Gary was having a stare off with Gladion as he looked at Lillie's brother with a cool expression smiling while Gladion looked at him in a threatening way which said 'mess with my sister and you are dead' at which Gary started forming sweat bullets at his forehead dur to the tension but kept his smile maybe to tick of Gladion after all he was The Great Gary Oak and he was supposed to mess with everyone not the other way round. As Lillie noticed this she quickly pushed Gary away from the screen and "Gladion you must be getting late to start your journey now. We will talk later kay. See ya" said Lillie forcing a smile at which Gladion also smiled "see ya little sis" and cut the line causing Lillie to sigh. She knew the day when Gary and Gladion will meet will not be anything less than a war.

A few moths later all the father's were also together now. "There is nothing better then a family day out" said Zayn with a happy sigh as all the other agreed including the mothers and the kids except one "ofcourse there is but I can understand your little brain couldn't get it" said Blue in a smug tone causing a tick mark to appear on Zayn's forehead as "and would you like to enlighten us Smarty pants" said Zayn with a forced smile controlling his language in front of the kids at which Blue gave an evil grin "that would The Great Blue Oak" said Blue in a booming voice and not a second later golden destructive burst came straight at him but Blue used his powers and became transparent causing the attack to fly through him "did you really thought that you could defeat me like that" said Blue in a smug tone but in that second only a golden hand wrapped around his neck as his eyes widened while everybody else had a sweatdrop. The kids have seen this happening alot of times before so they were used to it now when "hey stop strangling eachother. How about you solve this in a more civilized manner and do a Pokemon battle between you two" said Professor Oak as he looked at the two adults. Blue was in a headlock by Zayn ha also had grabbed Zayn's hair but when they heard Professor Oak suggestion they released eachother "Alright I am ready for showing him his place" said Zayn as he eyed Blue "as am I. Defeat him would be a piece of cake for me" said Blue with narrow eyes. Everyone could feel the tension "alright then I will refree it. This is one on one battle between Blue Oak and Zayn Yvonne the strongest trainer in Kalos. No mega evolution is allowed and only one Z move can be used in the battle" said Red as Zayn nodded proudly "hey what about my titles Reddy" said an annoyed Blue "I was just not in mood" said Red with a smirk "already helping your in law's huh. I don't need your help then" said Blue causing Red and Zayn to blush while others laughed but the kids didn't understand what they meant. Meanwhile a big hat formed on Blue's head with 'I AM THE GREATEST CHAMPION OF JOHOTO EVER' written on it with bold letters causing Red to get angry "Zayn destroy him. You can do it. Let the battle begin" said Red angrily as Zayn nodded while Mohn thought "and I thought I have become friends with smart adults. Tsk tsk poor behaviour".

"Salamence battle stance" said Zayn calling Salamence out of his pokeball "wash them away Blastoise" said Blue calling Blastoise out of his pokeball as both the pokemons got ready to battle and looked at eachother intently. "Blastoise start off with water pulse" said Blue as Blastoise formed a compressed ball of water and released it "Salamence counter it with dragon tail" said Zayn as Salamence tail turn green in colour as he quickly turned around and landed the tail on the water ball but the tail went straight through the water pulse and banged in the ground causing lots of dust to come up along with with a few broken rocks "now's our chance Blastoise use hydro pump" as Blastoise released a huge torrent of water straight at Salamence who couldn't even react and was thrown quite a few feets back "Salamence fly up and use leer followed dragon breath" said Zayn as Salamence shook his head and quickly fly up and released a screeching sound causing Blastoise to flinch as his defense went down by a stage as the large red and blue flying beast released a green colored misty torrent beam straight at Blastoise "use rapid spin and go straight through it" said Blue as Blastoise quickly withdrew in the shell and started spinning at a very fast speed as he went straight through dragon breath without a problem and was about to hit Salamence in a few seconds "stop the attack and use head butt to counter him" as Salamence closed his mouth and used head butt to counter rapid spin causing a booming sound to produce as Blastoise landed hard on the ground but stayed on his feet while Salamence also lost his balance for a few seconds but then composed himself as both the Pokemons waited for the next command.

"You are strong but can you handle this. Salamence use dragon claw" as Salamence roared as his claws glowed green as he descended towards Blastoise at a high speed "iron defence and get a grip on him then use aqua tail from below him" said Blue as Blastoise quickly get a whitish layer around him lowering the effects of Salamence onslaught on him as he grabbed him then used aqua tail from below him dealing a powerful blow on the dragon as he landed a few feet away from him. Blastoise took a few heavy breaths "Salamence push through the pain and use flamethrower" said Zayn as Salamence released a mighty torrent of flame towards Blastoise "quick use hydro pump" said Blue as Blastoise released a torrent of water. Both attack clashed resulting in a huge smog to form "use scald now" said Blue as Blastoise released a ball of hot smoking water that went through the smog and hit Salamence causing him pain. Zayn knew it could give him problem later " Salamence stop playing around use double edge" as Salamence roared his body glow white and before Blastoise could do anything Salamence rammed into him like a bus causing him fall down hard "don't let up use thunder fang" causing Blue's eyes to widen as the giant dragon showed his vicious fang like teeths which gained electricity around them as he bit hard in Blastoise neck causing Blastoise to cry out in "Blastoise you can do it. Hit him hard with an ice punch now" said Blue encouragingly as Blastoise closed his right fist which turned icy white in color and grabbed Salamence head with his left hand who was still biting him. He started punching oh his head hard with ice punch causing Salamence to release Blastoise as he cry out in pain and moved back from him but Blastoise didn't let up and quickly grabbed his neck with his left hand and hit him with ice punch full power causing Salamence to blow away as he slammed on a big rock hard causing it break. He slowly got up and was panting now and opposite him stood Blastoise in the same position panting. Both a dealt super effective blow to eachother.

"Salamence use fire blast" said Zayn calmly as Salamence released a five pointed fire type attack "Counter it with flash cannon" said Blue with a smirk as Blastoise formed a white colored beam at his mouth and released it. As the both attack tried to overpower eachother but then bursted resulting a lot of dust to spread. The effect was tremendous as waves of energy was released which was felt by others who were standing over 30 metres away from them. The mothers covered the children while their Pokemons were in awe looking at the sheer power of the pokemons especially Treecko and Scorbunny.

As the dust settled both Pokemons were standing "use dragon pulse" said both Blue and Zayn at the same time as both the Pokemons formed a colorful ball and released it which transformed into the shape of a dragons which were formed of red, purple and blue color mixture and both the draconic attacks collided. But then Salamence overpowered as the attacks collided with Blastoise sending him flying but he was quick to recover from it as he manged to nullify most of Salamence attack with his own "Salamence don't give him time quick use steelwing followed by fire fang" said Zayn as Salamence wings turn metallic as he zoomed towards Blastoise "use iron defence" said Blue as Blastoise got a whitish layer around him causing him not to lose his footing when Salamence collided and the damage was minimal but a metal banging noise was formed which was not very pleasant for others especially the kids as both Pokemons skidded a few feets away but Salamence fang like teeths became red and flames erupted from them as he quickly came close to Blastoise "use waterpulse at his mouth" said Blue as Blastoise formed a water orb in his hand and bursted it at Salamence face causing to flames to get extinguished as he grabbed Salamence "use shell smash now" Blastoise quickly jumped in the air with Salamence in his hands as his body turned bluish white in colour and 'BANG' they landed with big thud. The dust settled and Blastoise was on top of Salamence who liked like he passed out much to Blastoise and Blue's happiness "looks like I wo....." Blue was cut in between by none other than Zayn "Salamence outrage" as Salamence eyes fully opened as his body glowed white "quick withdraw in your shell Blastoise" shouted Blue in fear as Blastoise quickly went inside his shell and then started the onslaught of angry dragon. He thrashed Blastoise across the field and continued this for a few minutes while Blastoise holded on inside his shell. Blastoise shell was looking black in colour now due to all the damage as Salamence panted hard due to the attack as Blastoise slowly came out looking very dizzy and weak. "Blastoise are you alright" asked Blue in a caring tone at which Blastoise gave a roar after a few deep breaths and composing himself "good then use ice beam" as Blastoise released ice beam "counter it with flamethrower" as Salamence countered it with a torrent of flame as smoke formed on impact "use hyper beam" said Zayn and Blue at the same time as both Pokemons formed an orange colored orb but before they could released the attack "Blastoise use earthquake to disbalance Salamence" said Blue as Blastoise rammed his left foot in the ground causing an earthquake to erupt causing Salamence to loose his footing as he released the beam in the sky but Blastoise released his hyper beam straight at him dealing a major blow as Salamence was sent flying across the field with smoke coming out of his body as he landed with a thud and rolled a few feets "that was a cheap shot" shouted Zayn angrily "everything is fair in love amd war my friend" said Blue smirking "Blastoise use rapid spin to get close to him then use ice punch" said Blue in a commanding voice as The huge turtle went inside his shell and started spinning as he made his way over to the dragon. As he reached closer to him he stopped spinning mid air and came out from his shell and was about to land his glowing icy white fist on the dragon's head "Salamence quickly use dragon tail" as the dragon quickly turned around and hit Blastoise with his glowing green tail before he could punch him and sent him flying a few metres away as he landed with a thud and recoiled. As both Pokemons slowly got up and looked at eachother with fire in their eyes "Salamence let's go all out. Go with your best giga impact" said Zayn breathing heavily "Blastoise counter with a combination of skull bash and aqua jet full power" said Blue whose hat was totally blown away by now. As both the Pokemons flew towards eachother. Salamence covered himself in a purple glow with yellow outlines while Blastoise covered himself in a torrent of water as his head turned white as both Pokemons flew towards eachother. As both the Pokemons clashed a huge explosion happend causing everyone to fall down on their butts except Red, Mohn, Blue, Zayn and Professor Oak who stood like nothing happened but still Blue and Zayn were effected. After a few minutes later both Pokemons slowly stood up and were battered and bruised badly. "You have my respect. Nobody put up such a good fight against me before other than a certain red and orange overgrown lizard" said Blastoise laughing weakly "then let's end this with a blast you shellfish Pokemons" said Salamence with a chuckle which Blastoise returned as they both took a deep breath and got ready for the last attack.

"Alright time to end this" as Zayn did some kind of dance of as a ring on his finger glowed and Salamence also did as much he could copy as purple colored aura came out of Zayn and went in Salamence as he formed a big purple colored orb in front of him "Devastating Drake" and released then the orb changed into a huge purple dragon as it move towards Blastoise.

"Then we will also not hold back" said Blue as he also did a dance a little different than Zayn and Blastoise copied him as a white aura came out of Blue and went in Blastoise who also glowed white and formed an orb of ice in front of him "Subzero Slammer" as huge beams of ice were released from the orb towards Salamence.

Both attack collided but the ice slowly subsided the dragon type energy due to being the weaker one and soon the attack slammed in Salamence and boom. A huge blast took place even bigger than previous one but this time Red used his powers and formed a shield in front of the kids, their mothers and the small Pokemons. Soon the smoke subsided and a huge ball of ice could be seen on the ground with Salamence in between it looking in very pain "Salamence is unable to battle. Blastoise wins therefore the match unfortunately goes to Blue berry due to the great efforts of his mighty Blastoise who gets all the credit" said Red in a taunting voice "hey! What was that supposed to mean" said an annoyed Blue but Red didn't listen to him instead released his mighty Charizard "hey big guy wanna help him out" said Red to Charizard while pointing at Salamence. Charizard released an overheat attack and with in a minute Salamence was released from the Ice as landed on the ground with swirls in his eyes as Red returned Charizard in his Pokeball then looked at Zayn who was sitting on his knees looking on the ground.

Red made his way over to Zayn and put a hand on his shoulder "hey buddy. How ya holding up" asked Red in a kind tone "I lost. I lost to him. How could I lost to him" said Zayn in a defeated tone causing Red to sigh "Listen up to me. You are Zayn Yvonne. How could you act like this over one defeat. You just have to move on and train and then challenge him again. Sometime you will win and sometimes he. You can't expect to always win against everyone you fight now can you Zayn" said Red encouragingly "yeah but I lost him. That's the problem. Our people were always supposed to win against his" said Zayn in disgust "oh come on Zayn. Stop being such a hypocrite. Arceus told us to work together. If we don't put our differences aside then how do you expect us to win against the growing darkness. I know you don't like him but believe me I know him since l was a child and I trust him with my life. If not for him then for me. Please Zayn give him a chance he isn't as bad as you think" said Red in a pleading tone at which Zayn sighed and nodded as they watched Blue treating both Blastoise and Salamence and wasn't looking like a arrogant and cocky trainer that Zayn thought he was but instead looked like a very compassionate and loving trainer. He slowly made his way to Zayn and Red "I can't help but say you are one hell of a trainer Zayn. I am impressed. You have the respect of Great Blue Oak. Nobody has come so close to beating me other than Reddy here. Thanks for a good match" said Blue sincerely and moved his hand towards Zayn for a shake "maybe he isn't as bad as I think" thought Zayn as he moved his hand too for handshake but right when their hands about to touch Blue moved his hand away and flicked his hair "people die for a handshake with me and you think you can do that just like that" said Blue in a cocky voice making Zayn angry again as they both again started running behind eachother causing Red to sigh "they can never change" muttered Red in defeat.

A month later Zayn and Mohn were sitting with Ash and Gary to know them better as the fathers got to know how the two boys saved their daughters in the forest. "I have to say you both are a lot different than your father's and better too. You have changed Serena and Lillie so much" said Zayn in a happy tone causing the boys to smile who were eating the icecream given by Mohn "yes you are right Zayn. I don't remember a single day when Lillie dosen't get scared of Pokemons or didn't stutter to say something to a stranger" said Mohn as he looked at the boys who were busy eating icecream but were listening to them. "So you two we got to know that Ash you have taken up the responsibility of completing Grace's dream of becoming a Rhyhorn racing champion. And Gary I heard that you like Lusamine's business and training under her to know more about it. I am very surprised that you two care so much about those two too that you will go out of your way to fulfill their wishes" said Zayn at which the boys nodded "yes it is true Zayn. I have decided to do it because I am not only gonna be taking part in Pokemon battles. There are many more interesting things to do out their. That is what journey is about exploring new things and yes I do like riding Pokemons so why not help Grace" said Ash smiling at which the fathers nodded then looked at Gary "I decided it because I had interest in doing business. I like it alot. When Lusamine told me that she want the business to go in the family only then I offered my help. I mean she thinks of me as her own kid so this is the least I can do for her. So she is teaching me all that she has and her company is awesome. Both of them are living very happily since the time we both have offered our help. I mean this is the least we can do for them" said Gary as Ash nodded with him. Bith father's were surprised at the smartness and kindness of the two boys.

"So what else do you two like to do" asked Mohn this time. "Well I love science. Seeing Gramps do all those researches I have decided to become a scientist too. There are so many things which we don't know about Pokemon's. I would love to research about those" said Gary with stars in his eyes while a smile crept on Mohn's face. "I love how the money system works in a country. It is all very interesting how rates go up and down. I love technological advancements the most and I want to become a great investor who invests in the right business. I love helping others. It will help me to develop different places I go and one day maybe the world" said Ash with determination in his eyes as he took another bite of his ice cream while Zayn was thought "that's my future son in law" with a big smile on his face. Zayn and Mohn looked at eachother and nodded "what if we give you a chance to complete your dreams" said Zayn smiling confusing the boys "what do you mean" asked Ash and Gary in a innocent tone causing the adults to chuckle "what we mean is. Gary you know I am the owner of Aether Paradise" said Mohn as Gary nodded "but do you know that I am also the head scientist" said Mohn with a smirk causing Gary's mouth to hung open as he furiously shook his head in a no manner "well then how about I teach what you should know and tell you about so many new topics that are out their to research and when you become good enough then make you the head scientist of Aether Paradise" said Mohn smiling as stars formed in Gary's eyes "that would be so awesome. Thank you Mohn. I promise I won't disappoint you I will be the best scientist in the world" said Gary with fist formed in front of him causing Mohn to chuckle "and you Ash. Do you know what work do I basically do" asked Zayn "not really but Serena said you do some kind of business of import and export" said Ash chuckling nervously causing Zayn to sigh "another reason for to not pass down my work to Serena. Anyways I am the greatest investor in the whole world. Yes I am kind of a business man. What your dream is something I am living right now. Serena dosen't have it in her to handle my empire. I want someone capable of to understand what it is basically and I see that will and fire inside you Ash. So tell me wanna become my apprentice and then take over my company from me one day" said Zayn with a sly grin as Ash was over the moon. He looked like somebody told him that he won his first league. "I would love to Zayn. I promise you won't be disappointed in me" said Ash putting his hand over his heart "I know I won't" said Zayn smiling. As the four talked a few more hours.

Few months later at Ash house. Serena nd Lillie were sitting on the couch while Delia and Yellow were making food in the kitchen. When suddenly the door opened and Red and Blue made their way inside the house with a box in Red's hand which looked like it was thousands of years old. They came and put the box on the table and were looking very excited. The girls got up from the couch to let the two men sit on it much to their happiness. "What is this Mr Red" asked Serena innocently "this my dear kids is an ancient Artifact of Aura Guardians. According to our estimation this is over 700 years old" said Red excitedly as Blue carefully opened the box but their was a seal present on it. "Red. It has an aura seal on it" said Blue as turned to box towards Red who looked at box then put his right hand over the seal and closed his eyes. A few seconds later his hand glowed blue as his aura went in the Seal. The seal then bursted into flames causing the girls to jump in fear but then the fire went out and the box opened. Red and Blue slowly looked inside the box. Red hand again glowed blue as he slowly picked up the artifact inside the box.

(Think of this as the bracelet and the small diamonds strudded on it as the carvings)

It was some kind of strange bracelet like object. The material looked like it was platinum with many different carvings on it. In the centre was a huge blue gemstone which was very attractive for the girls. Their eyes shined as the two adults chuckled at them "like what you see" asked Blue "yes it is so amazing" said Serena "and so beautiful" said Lilllie both mesmerized by what they saw. "Do you know what it is" asked Lillie "no we don't know yet. But we will research on it later" said Blue "we didn't knew you find old artifacts" said Lillie "well beside the battling we loved solving old histories. Finding old artifacts. Treasure hunting. It's always amazing" said Red causing the girls to look at them in admiration "you both are so cool" said Serena and Lillie at the same time with stars in their eyes causing the two men to laugh "it seem like you have taken interest in archeology huh" said Red smirking as the girls nodded "well then why don't we teach you both about this. You can train under us and we will tell all there is to know. Giving you two new projects when you become trainers" said Blue smiling causing the two girls mouth to hung open "you mean it" asked Serena in a hopeful voice "ofcourse we do. I mean we have done many great discoveries. It would be great if you guys also mange to do so if we teach you. Someone must take our knowledge further" said Red smiling "thank you" screamed both Serena and Lillie as they jumped on Red and Blue and hugged them tightly while Delia and Grace looked at them from the corner of the room smiling.

Next year our heroes were now nine year olds. Serena, Lillie and Leaf were standing in the kitchen with Delia and Yellow watching them cook. "Mrs Delia, Mrs Yellow can you teach us how to cook" asked Serena causing the mothers to stop as they turned around to look at the girls. "You three want learn cooking from us" asked Yellow in a confused tone "I mean no offence but you could learn from your mothers too" added Yellow "let me tell Mrs Yellow. This idea was of Serena and Lillie. They want to learn how to cook Ash and Gary's favourite food to impress them. I want to learn from you two because these are learning her. This way we all can learn together. But they have a motive behind it" said Leaf pointing at Serena and Lillie "well that's a great way to win their heart girls. I am sure the way to their heart is through their stomach because if they love anything more than battling the it's food" said Delia in kind voice smiling causing the two girls to blush "oh look at them all blushy blushy. Ashy and Gary sure got some loving girlfriends" said Yellow in a playful tone only resulting their blush to intensify as everybody laughed. "Ha ha ha ha Ashy boy. You can't defeat me evn in a game" came the laughing sound og Gary "shut up Gary. It was just a glitch" came the angry voice of Ash "sure sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night" came the taunting voice of Gary. This caused the give females in the kitchen to also laugh.

And just like that the time went by and now all the five kids have finally turned ten year olds. Next week their journey of becoming the best will start. Will they face danger on their first day or it will be peaceful start. As the journey continues.

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