The night I saved you||karlnap

By Cheese_andcrackers

6.7K 195 236

no spoiler STOP READING THIS I'M CRYING. This is my first actual book (IM BEGGING YOU STOP READING THIS) Mass... More

please read
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Hello everyone
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
You love me? (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (the end)
Thank you's and other stuff

Chapter 3

445 13 4
By Cheese_andcrackers

Karl's pov

"hey wait don't do it its not worth it"

I looked behind me and saw someone I sorta recognized he was in 2 of my classes but we had never talked. It was kind of him but I knew there was no hope for me so I turned back around and looked down.

"It is worth it I know it no more dad or razor means no more scars which means I could be happy without hurting myself" I felt like my whole life depended on if I stepped off this bridge, oh right it does silly me.

suddenly I felt a hand on my wrist and I was pulled off the ledge, I started screaming and kicking "I WAS FINALLY GOING TO BE HAPPY WHY DID YOU STOP ME" I started crying I realized the arms that were wrapped around my waist I wasn't getting away anytime soon I started panicking dads not gonna be happy if I show up after writing a suicide letter he'll hit me probably worse then ever.

I felt my breathing become uneven and my chest tighten this is where I die in a strangers arms, panicking because of a little beating god I'm such a baby, then I heard... humming?  It was calming and I quickly started breathing like normal then it stopped "did you hear that?" I asked the stranger "hear what?" "that humming did you hear it" he nodded "it was me" the stranger said "why did you stop" he shrugged "do it again please"  he started humming again and I felt my eyes close and I slipped into a very needed sleep.

sapnap pov

"do it again please" the stranger asked I started humming again and the stranger fell asleep in my arms.

all I knew about the boy in my arms that I was carrying home was that his dad hit him or something and that he did self harm I want to help him. I got to my house and opened the door and the boy woke up and he looked like he was hot he was sweating and his breathing was heavy I sat him on the couch and pulled off his jacket he had 2 bruises on his left arm and 1 on his right but he had no cuts or scars. his breathing became normal again and he wasn't sweating anymore "can I lift up your shirt" he shook his head "please I just need to look" he slowly lifted up his arms and I pulled up his shirt there were many many bruises scattered across his torso stomach and sides from what I could see I knew he had more on his back.

"come on lets take you to bed" he shook his head "got to go home" he said trying to get up "no how do I know you won't try again?"  the boy sighed and laid back down "alright I have 2 questions what's your name and would you like a pair of shorts" I asked "Karl and y-no" I nodded and walked over to my room to grab a pair of shorts just incase.

When I got back Karl was gone so I put the shorts down a searched the house and couldn't find him which means he's at the bridge or at home.

I started running to the bridge so I could make it if he was there. When I got there he was there trying to get onto the ledge again, I quietly walked up to him and pulled him down once again "Karl calm down" I ran my hand threw his hair and he fell asleep again I feel so bad for this kid. When I picked him up this time I realized how light he is I didn't even break a sweat while carrying him home I put him down on the couch and took his sweater off he softly snored indicating he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon so I went to bed as well.

Karl's pov

I woke up and it was dark out and I was in a house I didn't recognize I made my way around the house until I got to a closed door and heard small snores coming from the other side, I made my way to the bathroom considering all my cuts were almost healed and I had to pee I looked around until I found a razor and I rolled up my pants and made









I made 8 cuts when I decided anymore would make too much of a mess. I went to the bathroom and went to leave until I heard foot steps behind me.

A/N sorry this took so long I couldn't figure out what to do also I suck at almost everything I do so this is bad too but thanks for 36 views and 3 votes <3

814 words


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