Supercorp one shots

By supergaywriter

5.8K 138 30

This book is all the Supercorp story ideas that pop into my head. Most of them I come up with at 1am, so they... More

Super-napped Pt.1
Super-napped Pt.2
Fear Knot
"I couldn't save them!" "You can't save everyone."
You're okay, I've got you!
Wedding Ring
Book Club
please read a/n

My Protector

640 18 0
By supergaywriter

Kara is on her way to Catco when her phone rings, it's Clark. 

"Hey Clark."

"Hey Kara. I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well Morgan Edge assigned me on this new piece. It's on Lena Luthor and L Corp. I was wondering since you and her are close, maybe you could set up an interview for me?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks Kara. It means a lot."

"Anytime Kal. I have to go, I'll let you know she says."

"Thank you, bye."

"Bye cuz"

Kara hangs up the phone and enters the elevator. She pushes the button for the floor Catco is on. The elevator dings and the doors open. Kara exits the elevator and heads for her office. She enters her office, shuts the door and hangs up her coat. She then sits at her desk and dials Lena's number. After two rings, the phone was answered.

"Hey Kara!"

"Hey Lena! How are you?"

"I'm ok. And you?"

"I'm alright. But I actually wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?" Lena seemed nervous. 

"Well my cousin, Clark, works for the Daily Planet, as you know."


"His boss assigned him a new article, it's about you and L Corp. He asked me if I could set up an interview. What do you think?"

"Um, I don't know Kara. I mean, I like your cousin, that's not the problem. It's just, you know how I feel about Morgan Edge..."

"Yeah I know. The thing is that Clark will get in trouble if he doesn't get the interview. You know how strict Edge is. He's fired people before because they didn't land an interview."

"I know, and I'd hate for Clark to get in trouble, but-" Kara cuts Lena off with an idea. 

"How about we make it a double interview?!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Well why don't I tell Cat that my cousin and I have been dying to work together on a piece again. You know how much she adores Clark, and we can make it an interview for the Daily Planet  and Catco. We share the article, so Morgan can't twist it before it's published?"

"Oh, that's actually not a bad idea. Ok, let's do it."

"Thank you so much Lena! When are you available?"

"Lunch today is good."

"Ok, I'll tell Clark. Bye Lena."

"Bye Kara."

Kara hangs up. She texts Clark the details about the interview, and Clark thanks her once more. Lena, however, was hoping that Kara wanted to ask her something else. Lena had the biggest crush on Kara, ever since she walked into her office for that first interview. Then Lena realized, 'Shit! This is gonna be the same thing all over again!' Lena thought. 


Once lunch rolled around, Kara and Clark met up outside L Corp. The two hug and walk into the building. They enter the elevator and push the floor for Lena's office. The doors slide open and the reporters exit the elevator. Jess tells them they could go right inside. Kara knocks on the door to be polite. She opens the door when she hears Lena say 'Come in.' 

Kara and Clark enter the Luthor's office and find her sitting at her desk. 

"Hey Lena!" Kara said while waving to the CEO as she gets up from her desk. 

"Hey Kara. Hello Clark. Nice to see you again." Lena says, holding her hand out for Clark to shake. 

"Hello Ms. Luthor." Clark denies the handshake. Lena pulls her hand back. "Let's get started shall we?"

"Yes, so what do you want to know?" Lena asks. 

"Well," Clark begins, "Have you been up to any anti-alien activity lately?" 

"Uh, no." Lena seems a bit confused. 'What kind of an interview is this?' Lena thought. 

"Ok." Clark jots down some notes in his notepad. "Do you have anything to do with Cadmus?"

"No, I've told people that before. I have nothing to do with my mother, nor my brother's evil plots." Lena responded sternly. 

"Ok," Clark jots down more notes then finally looking up and continuing, "You got any kryptonite, Luthor?!" 

"Clark!" Kara exclaimed. Clark didn't look like himself. He looked almost angry but sinister at the same time. 

"What? I'm just asking her some questions. Speaking of, you didn't answer my last one." Clark replies. 

"No. I only ever had a little bit of kryptonite, but I gave it to Supergirl a long time ago." Lena states. 

Kara could tell that Clark was getting more and more angry as Lena continued to speak. Kara had a thought, 'Was he infected by red kryptonite?' She decided to ask him. 

"Clark, have you been in contact with red kryptonite?" Kara whispers quietly so Lena can't hear, and only Clark could because of his super hearing. Clark heard the question but ignored it and continued the interview. 

"Where is your brother?!" Clark is beginning to get more and more angry. 

"I don't know Mr. Kent." Lena replies calmly, even though she's kind of getting scared on the inside. 

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" Clark yells as he takes a step closer to Lena. Kara quickly steps in front of him before he could get any closer. 

"That's enough, Clark!" Kara states while putting her hand up in a 'stop' position. Lena is now really scared. She had no idea what was happening. Clark was a nice person, what happened? 

"No Kara! She's a Luthor!" Clark's eyes start to glow like he's about to use his heat vision. Kara turns her head to Lena. 

"Stand back Lena." Kara turns her head back to face her cousin again. 

"W-what's going on?" Lena asks frightened. 

"Just trust me. Stand back." Kara says without moving a muscle. 

"Oh you think you can protect her? How cute. She's a Luthor, you should know that Luthors can't be trusted!" Clark keeps getting more and more angry with every sentence he says. 

"This isn't you Kal. You won't hurt her." Kara says calmly. 

"Oh yes I will."

"Then you're going to have to go through me first! You won't hurt me."

"If it means one less Luthor in the world, then yes."

"Take your best shot! We both know I'm stronger!"

Lena is standing right in front of the door leading to her balcony. She stands there unable to back away farther, out of fear. Clark's eyes start to glow again and he begins to levitate off the floor. 

"I'll take my chances!" Clark says sternly. Kara levitates to his level. 

"Go ahead." Kara says confidently before she continues. "This isn't you talking Kal! It's the red kryptonite. And trust me, I know how powerful you feel right now. I was infected too once. But you don't want to hurt anyone. Not me, and not an innocent human." 

Kara slowly lowers them both to the floor. Lena was watching the entire thing go down. She saw and heard everything. 'Kara's Supergirl? Clark is Superman? Wait, but why did she call him Kal?' Lena thought. So many questions were popping in her head at once. 

"She's not innocent... She's a Luthor!" Clark states angrily. He throws a punch at Kara's face, but she catches his fist with her hand. She holds his fist in that position, tight so he can't pull it away. 

"She may be a Luthor, but the Luthor name doesn't deserve Lena!" Kara throws Clark's fist which pushes him off his balance for a second. Once he gets catches his balance again, he continues. 

"A Luthor's a Luthor. Doesn't matter what their first name is!" 

"You of all people Kal, should know that people should be judged on their own merits."

"Get out of my way Kara!" Clark screams. 

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her Kal!" Kara exclaims. Clark tries to quickly step in front of Kara to get to Lena, but Kara knocks him out before he could reach her. 

Lena is now sitting against the wall with her knees tucked into her chest at this point. Her eyes are full of tears, but none of them had fallen. Kara let out a deep breath and rushed over to her best friend. 

"Lena! Are you ok?" Kara asked kneeling. 

"I-I..." Lena didn't know what to say, she was scared and she just found out her best friend, who she's secretly in love with, was the city's beloved hero. Kara pulls Lena into an embrace. 

"It's ok Lena. You're safe now." Lena's tears had finally begun to fall down her cheeks as she felt the warmth of her best friend. She buried her face into Kara's shoulder. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'll explain what just happened later." Kara says. Lena pulls back and looks into Kara's eyes. 

"I understand why you didn't tell me. You wanted to protect me, and you didn't want it to ruin our friendship..." Kara could sense that there was something more, so she gave the look of 'go on'. 

"Well," Lena continues, "Well it's only fair, that since you just told me your secret, that I tell you mine." 

"Which is?" Kara is confused but intrigued at the same time. She's also a tiny bit scared. However nothing could be more scary than what had just happened. Almost losing her best friend, who she kind of has a massive crush on, to her cousin while he was infected with red kryptonite. 

"I-I love you..." Lena says shakily, "I've been in love with you, ever since the first time you walked through that door."

Tears begin to fall down Lena's face again. Kara smiles as tears begin to well up in her eyes too. 

"I love you too!" Kara wipes away Lena's tears with her thumb and lifts her chin so that they make eye contact. "I always have, and I always will! I've been in love with you for so long Lena Luthor!" 

Kara finally acts on what she's been dreaming about ever since she first saw the Luthor. She kisses Lena softly. Lena gives in, and kisses her back. After a moment they each pull away. 

"Really?" Lena asks, still unsure if what just happened was real. 

"Of course my love." The two smile and kiss once more, a little more passionately. Kara pulls away after a bit. 

"We should really get Kal to the DEO."

"Yes, you're right. Why do you call him Kal?"

"Long story, I'll tell you later." Kara talks to Alex through her comms and fills her in a bit about what happened with Clark. 

"J'onn are on his way. And we'll continue this later..." Kara smirks. She stands up, walks over to Clark and picks him up. She brings him to the balcony. Before taking off she looks back at Lena, and smiles. 

"My yellow sun..." Kara whispers quite so Lena can't hear her. Kara smiles thinking about what she said. She's about to take off when Lena speaks. 

"My protector..." Lena smiles at Kara, "Thank you."

Kara smiles and takes off to head to the DEO. Lena watches the super fly away. Lena begins to talk to herself. 

"Like I said... Kara Danvers is my hero!" 

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