Sunshine [Owen Joyner]

By wildflowerjoyner

109K 2.8K 1.5K

"It's only for a little bit, sunshine," I remind him, keeping my hand rested on his cheek. He sighs, reaching... More

author's note


1.8K 56 45
By wildflowerjoyner

hi babies :) 
i miss updating often but i'm quite literally working 6 days a week with the worst possible hours. body is falling apart. she (me) is so tired! but that's ok!
i'm back for now!
sorry 4 complaining. enjoy. love u endlessly<3

"Charles Jeffrey Gillespie!" I scream as I run down the beach, chasing after Charlie as fast as my legs will carry me. "Get back here, you stupid Canadian man!"

"Ooh, full name! I'm so scared," Charlie puts his hands over his face, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he continues to sprint away from me. I flip him off as he turns his head over his shoulder to see my reaction.

Owen stays in his spot on the sand, chuckling at us as one of his hands raises in the air to block the sun from his eyes.

We drove to another random beach for the day, today marking day eight out of ten for us in Florida. Days are starting to mold together, and part of me is so ready to just go back to California and be in the comfort of my own apartment.

Mostly because I miss being able to shower whenever I want to, but partly because Charlie and I have been bickering nonstop for the last six days. Being in constant close proximity with both him and Owen for so long is enough to make me go mad, no matter how much I love them both.

Being trapped in a small van, and the occasional hotel room, with no space to spread out causes some tension. Especially with Charlie, who has not stopped complaining about Owen and I all week. I could merely brush against Owen's shoulder and Charlie would go grumbling something about "getting a room," and I would only retaliate by telling him to get fucked.

All of it is friendly banter, as always, but today he has crossed the line. He stole my phone because he saw me texting someone and his name was mentioned, and now he won't give up until he reads the message for himself.

What he doesn't know is that I was just texting my mom, telling her a story about how the three of us went jet skiing the other day and Charlie purposely flipped me off of the jet ski several times.

It's not like I have anything on my phone to hide, aside from an embarrassingly full library of fan fictions awaiting my attention, but that's beside the point.

It's the principle of the matter. I don't want him snooping through my phone, even though there's nothing necessarily bad on there.

Charlie giggles as he runs away from me, holding my phone in the air. I grimace to myself, simply praying that he doesn't drop it into the sand or water. That would be such a Charlie thing to do, and I'm afraid that I've accidentally thought it into the universe. 

"If you drop my phone, you and I are going to have a serious problem," I yell, chasing him in a circle around Owen, who is still watching us amusedly. I stop running after him, placing both of my hands on my hips as I catch my breath. "I'm too out of shape for this," I grumble, letting my body fall down onto my towel that is now covered in sand that was kicked up from Charlie's quick feet.

"Who were you texting about him?" Owen questions, moving his body so he's resting his head in my lap. I drop my hand to his head, letting my hands tangle in his damp and knotted hair.

"My mom," I snicker, starting to gently brush my fingers through a few tangled strands of his hair. "All that for nothing. He's gonna be so disappointed that it's nothing juicier than that."

Owen chuckles in my lap as we both turn our attention to the other boy, who has stopped running and is now trying to get into my phone.

He knows my password, it's no secret from the world. I don't mind that he, along with most of my friends, know my password. Again, I have nothing to hide except for one single orange app that I keep tucked away in the third page of an app folder.

"You were really just texting your mom? Joey, that's so boring. Why don't you have friends?" Charlie teases me, tossing my phone down on the towel beside me with a disappointed pout.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were friends," I raise my eyebrows at the boy.

"Just the best of friends, JoJo," he flashes me a cheesy grin, bending down to press a wet kiss against my cheek. I groan, shoving him away from me while Owen laughs from below me.

"Yeah, yeah. Fuck off," I roll my eyes as he plops himself down on the sand beside me with a goofy smile. I gently elbow him in the ribs, shooting him a smile he lays back. I follow his actions, laying down on my towel.

I can't help but smile to myself as the three of us bask in the sunlight. As frustrated as the boy to my right has made me on this trip, I wouldn't trade my little Canadian friend for anything in the world. Nor would I trade the sweet blonde to my right for anything in the world.

These two boys came crashing into my life several months ago, and somehow every day has been been better because of them. More chaotic, yes, but better nonetheless.

I can't help but feel pure gratitude for the boys on either side of me as I lay in the warm sand. They are two of the biggest idiots I know, especially when they're together, but they just so happen to be my best friends and two of the people I love most in the world.

I move my gaze down to look at Owen, who is already staring up at me with a look of pure adoration. I don't even want to think about how I look to him from this angle, but he just smiles up at me, pressing a kiss against the bone of my hip.

I scrunch my nose at him as he throws his arm over my legs. Charlie's eyes are thankfully closed, otherwise I just know he'd be making some kind of lonely remark about the two of us being "too touchy."

That's another reason why I can't wait to go home. I can just be alone with Owen, without annoying comments from Charlie. I'll be able to kiss my boyfriend in peace in just three short days. 

And as much as I love Charlie Gillespie, I can't wait to get a short break from him. Honestly, I know that in about a month, or maybe even less time, I'll be missing his presence so much that I'll be begging him to come back to California. 


"Do you think that people are going to like our show?" 

I turn my head towards Charlie as he speaks randomly. The three of us have been sat in silence, minus the sound of music playing softly around us, for a good half hour now. We're sitting in the sand again, except now it's dark outside and we found ourselves back here after a very filling meal. We were supposed to stay in a hotel tonight and refresh ourselves for the night, but I think our unspoken plans have changed.

We decided to watch the sunset on the beach, and each of us fell into a comfortable silence while getting lost in our own thoughts. Charlie's thoughts have obviously drifted back a few months to when we were in Vancouver, working day and night on set for Julie and the Phantoms

"Why wouldn't people like it?" I ask him softly, tugging at the sleeves of my sweatshirt so my hands are hidden. 

"I don't know," he shrugs. "I just want everyone to love it."

"Me too," Owen nods from beside me, letting his hands dig through the sand. 

"I can't wait to see the finished product," I smile mostly to myself. "I just know it's going to be amazing." 

"It will be. I just really hope everyone likes it, you know?" Charlie turns to face us. I can tell that he's gotten deep into his thoughts. 

Charlie is one of the most passionate and heartfelt people I know. He cares so deeply about people and even things, especially projects that he's working on. I think we're all terrified to see how the world reacts to our show, but Charlie has to be the most nervous out of all of us. 

He cherishes our show, just like all of us do, but he might even be on another level than the rest of us. 

"Like...we poured our hearts into the show," Charlie continues, staring back at the water as he pulls his legs up into his chest. "I am so proud of it, and I want everyone to love it as much as we do." 

"Charlie, people are going to love it. They will. But we have to keep in mind that Julie and the Phantoms is a show that's meant to be targeted to kids, and if older kids and teenagers don't like it that has nothing to do with the work that we've done," I remind him gently. 

"We don't even know who's gonna watch it," Owen adds in. I nod in agreement. 

Part of me is a little concerned that only kids will watch the show. Not that it would be a bad thing, but still. I feel like it has a bit of a more mature theme than a lot of other series' that are targeted at children. We have no control over how people will react, but I agree with Charlie in the fact that I just want everyone to love it as much as I do. I want the show to succeed, and I'm selfishly hoping that it succeeds so much that we get renewed for a second season. 

I would give anything to be able to be back on set with these guys, Jeremy, Savannah, and every other cast member on the show. I miss those days more than I'd like to admit. 

"Kenny Ortega doesn't make a bad show, Charles. You gotta remember that. The man is so powerful. It'll be fine," I gently nudge at my friend's arm, trying to make him smile. 

I grin when I see the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile. 

"You're right. He's a genius," Charlie chuckles. 

"Do you remember when you were fucking around at Dirty Candy rehearsal and he made you join in?" I look over at Owen. 

"God that was awful," he shakes his head with a laugh. 

"It fit in perfectly, though," Charlie says. "Total Alex thing to do." 

"I was just trying to distract Jo and Savannah! I didn't think he'd put me in the dance!" Owen says loudly, making me laugh. 

"Instant karma, babe," I gently smack at his leg with a playful smile. "Never try to distract artists at work." 

"Yeah, yeah," he rolls his eyes jokingly. 

"You have to admit you had fun, though," I raise my eyebrows. 

"It was a lot of fun, yes," he nods. "Except for that time I kept hitting you in the face and knocking Sav over. You guys were so mad at me." 

"We weren't mad!" I defend.

"Yes you were," Charlie pipes in. "I sat in on a few of the rehearsals and tapings. You guys were pissed at him." 

I smile to myself, thinking back to the days that we practiced that dance hundreds of times and Owen still couldn't get his markings down. His hand would fly at my face, or he'd stumble over his feet and nearly knock Savannah down every other time. 

I remember being so frustrated with him at the time, but I can't ever remember a time where I was genuinely mad at him. I think I was always crushing on him way too hard to get too angry at him. 

"Do we know when Savannah is coming back to LA yet?" I ask, looking between the two boys. I probably talk to her more than either of them really do, but I haven't texted her in a few days now. "I miss her so much." 

"No, she's still at home. I think she missed her family so much and doesn't wanna leave them yet," Charlie responds. I frown to myself, tugging my phone out of my pocket to text the girl and hopefully get an actual answer. 

I decide against texting her and end up hitting FaceTime instead. I hold my phone up in the air, making sure the screen will show all three of us if she answers. After a few seconds, I grin when I see "connecting..." at the top of the screen. 

"Savannah Lee May!" I yell. Thankfully, there is no one left on the beach that will get mad at me for my volume. 

"Well hello!" She smiles, greeting all of us with her face nice and close to the camera. "Hi guys! Oh my gosh, you are all so cute! I miss you guys!" 

"We miss you so much, we were just talking about you!" I tell her, lowering my phone so I can rest it on my bent knee. Owen and Charlie both scoot closer to me in the sand, leaning in so they can see Savannah. "Ma'am, when are you coming back to LA? We need a reunion ASAP." 

"I know, I know! I actually just booked my flight back yesterday! I fly in on May second," she tells us excitedly. 

"Thank GOD!" I exclaim. "That is a whole six months without seeing your face in person, and I think that is disgusting. I recommend that we never do that again." 

"I agree with that recommendation, thank you Joey," she laughs. "Charlie, are you gonna be in LA around then?" 

"I was not planning on it, but I think I can make an exception for you," he grins, resting his head on my shoulder while looking at Savannah's face on the screen. 

"Love to hear it," she nods. 

"Owen, maybe I can just move into your apartment since you don't use it," Charlie teases the blonde, leaning in front of me so he can look at him. 

"Why don't you use your apartment?" Sav questions. That's when I remember that she has no idea that Owen and I are actually dating. Practically no one knows, aside from those strangers we met on the beach days ago. Jeremy doesn't know, no one else from set knows, even my own parents don't know.

"Oh, you don't know, do you?" Charlie smirks, stealing my phone from my hand. I roll my eyes, but my burning red cheeks give away how I feel about this situation. Owen rests his forehead on my shoulder, hiding his face from Charlie and Savannah. 

"Know what?" Savannah cocks her head to the side. 

"Owen and Joey are dating," Charlie sings. I hear Savannah gasp as I drop my head into my hands and start laughing. 

"Shut the fuck up! Are you messing with me right now?" 

"Don't act so surprised," I tell her, grabbing my phone back. 

"Okay, I'm not surprised at all. I'm just glad you finally admitted your feelings. I mean, god, we all saw it coming," she rolls her eyes dramatically. 

"If you were here right now, I would hit you," I joke. "I'm saving this energy for May second." 

"I know you would," she smiles. "I'm happy for you guys, though! That's awesome!" 

"Thank you," I respond shyly, digging my bare feet into the sand as a distraction from this stupid conversation. 

"Okay, I know you're hating this conversation right now, so I'm gonna end it. I'm about to watch a movie with my family, so I have to go. But, I will see all three of your cutie faces next month!" 

"Counting down the days," I grin. "We love you!" 

"Love all of you! Bye!" Sav blows a kiss towards her phone before hanging up the call. I slip my phone back into the pocket of my sweatshirt. 

"Maybe we should break up so I don't have to ever have that conversation again," I groan, dramatically falling back into the sand. Owen and Charlie both laugh, Charlie patting my knee while I cover my face. 

I don't understand why it's such a big deal to tell people that Owen and I are actually together now, but I think that a big part of it comes from the fact that both of us denied it for so long. But even my own mother saw right through that, I think everyone did. 

I'm still dreading having that conversation with my parents. I know they'll be happy for me, and they both adore Owen, but no matter how much your dad likes a guy, there's no good way to tell him that you're dating that guy. 

"I don't know, I think we could just pretend we're really good friends forever," Owen shrugs. 

"Yeah, good idea," I chuckle. 

The three of us fall into another comfortable silence. There's not much that's left to be said today, we all know that. I feel Charlie lay down beside me, followed by Owen shortly after. We all stare up at the sky, silently studying the stars and the constellations among them.

The best kinds of friendships are the ones where you can sit in silence for hours upon hours and not feel weird about it, but you can also talk for hours at a time and not get sick of each other. 

Tonight is the kind of night where silence is comforting. We have each other's company, but we don't need to be having a conversation. We are comfortable in the stillness of our surroundings, each of us being calmed by the quiet sound of the ocean hitting the sand just a few feet away from us. 

In this moment, there is no where else I would rather be.  

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