FOR CHAOS (Chaos Space Marine...

By DragonGodML

50.3K 611 391

You are a Chaos Space Marine that fights for the forces of Chaos and the dark gods will. you will meet many a... More

Union Of Order
Destruction And Damnnation
Bloodshed And Tricks
Trial and imprisonment
Dream and memory
Temptations And Boarding
Battle and Vengance
Landing and Scouting
Trials of the Ancients
Damn Eldar...
Preparations For Castlevania
Sanity, Intrusion
Wrath And Vainglory
Intertwined Fates (Movie Chapter)

War on Styria

648 11 1
By DragonGodML

After Y/n was done collecting bodies he used a giant net and wrapped it around the rot fly. He flew back to the
WarCamp with the corpses the sun was coming up he dropped the mass bodies in front of the slave quarters this startled some prisoners awake Y/n landed the rot fly and stepped down he noticed Hunter with Hectors Hammer Y/n motioned his head to tell Hunter to pass the hammer to Hector. Hunter grumbles and throws the hammer infront of Hector Y/n walked to Hector and swung his claw effectively cutting off Hector's Chains from his hands and ankles. Hector stood up and rubbed his wrist then grabbed his hammer

Y/n Pov:

Y/n: "you have your Bodies, now forge"

Hector looked at the bodies and saw that most of them was surprisingly intact with the exceptions of a few that looked like they were mauled by a Demon

Hector: "I can work with this but I need a anvil"

I twitched with annoyance

Y/n: "the Hell?! Is this some MMO shit?!"

Hector: "what?"

Y/n: "nothing there should be one in the Armory"

Hector: "did I mention that it had to be a magical anvil?"

I stop in my tracks and had a blank face then I move my eyes back to Hector

Y/n: "you know what Hector?"

I turn around

Y/n: " tell hunter what you need, I need to consume something"

Hector's face frowned he shrugged and started talking to Hunter about something

I walked through the camp seeing Daemons and Chaos Marines pitt fighting cultists worshiping idols and Hunter's children training, I saw Aryia watching them train while also instructing Nas, Nas seemed to have some type of armor that protects him from the sunlight. I walked over to Aryia and got her attention

Y/n: "how is their training going?"

Aryia: "honestly Y/n, sloppy, these guys the younger ones can barley fight Traitor Guardsman while the older ones can atleast attack a Chaos Marine"

Y/n: "so whats the problem?"

Aryia: "multiple problems they can't coordinate attacks to save their live, can barely work together, but its to be expected"

Y/n: "I'll send them on a mission, see if they can handle it"

Y/n: '"Aryia what about Nas?"

Aryia: "Hmm exceptional for a primitive being, he seems to have a drive"

Y/n: "Alright keep overseeing them"

Aryia: "yes Y/n"

I was about to walk away but I looked back at Aryia and said

Y/n:"oh, and Aryia"

Aryia: "yes?"

Y/n: "after your done make sure you get some rest"

Aryia nodded I smiled and resumed walking in I went to my tent and got in bed I closed my eyes and fell deep into slumber

Author pov:
*3 days later*

Now we see a large deserted city filled with monsters... rebuilding it? We look on a mountain to see a squadron of Eldar guardians camping

????: "whats the point of this commander?! Our priority should be the Chaos not these Mon'Keigh"

Eldar Commander: "well sergeant xerx how about you handle your marriage problems before giving ME advice..."

Xerx: " go Fuck yourself..."

Eldar Commander: "Hmm pretty sure your wife said the same to you while getting railed by a tyranid"

Xerx: "Shut up! That happened couple weeks ago!"

Eldar commander: "couple weeks ago?! It might be happening right now!"

A flying monster flew near the camp and heard their conversation the monster couldn't stop snickering the beast took flight but his whole right side of his body got shot off by bullets the night creature screeched and took a nosedive near another night creature it crashed and relayed the information to the night creature before bleeding out

Xerx: "that creature relayed our location"

Eldar commander: well it doesn't matter, I just got orders from the overseer to make relations with this "Isaac" human"


The guardians was through the city the creatures gave them looks but did not interact with them. The Eldar heard a door of one house open and came out a dark-skinned man with red and black on he was bald and had dots on his head. This man fit the description of what the overseer ordered.

Eldar sergeant: "are you Issac?"

Issac: "who's wants to know?"

Issac put his hands behind his back in a sophisticated manner but he gripped his dagger, waiting if things go awry

Xerx: "We are the Eldar a Race of higher beings that knows whats best for the universe"

Issac: "or pompass jackasses that think that they are entitled to everything..."

Eldar Commander: "Look there is a Chaos Marine on this planet that seeks its submission"

Issac: "So? If this planet had someone watching over it maybe they can teach it something useful"

Xerx: "No! There is no benefit from siding with Chaos! All that will happen is your enslavement!"

Issac: "I can ponder on this later I have someone to see and a Castle to destroy"

Eldar commander: "just look at this Chaos Marine's abilities and you will think diff-"


Issac: "What the Hell?!"

An earthquake overtook the land it went on for about 5 minutes we see a giant white explosion in the distance coming from the direction of London

Issac: "alright you will come with me to this castle then London will be our next target"

Issac pointed to a Large mirror that reflected the castle that the Chaos was aiming for.

Eldar: "You will help us kill the Chaos here, deal?"

Issac walked to the Eldar commander and shook his hand

Issac: "deal"

*back with Y/n, 4 day timeskip*
Y/n pov:

We've been marching for 3 whole days I gave the order for the camp to be dismantled and Hector's creatures to march ahead of us the castle is in our sights I'm riding on my drone just above the marching army we stop and got into battle formation,My army vast and Bloodthirsty we put the prisoners on the front lines and Hector's Night creatures that he made decided to join Styria's side, It has to be that Enslavement ring

Y/n: "let's see how much you love your people Stryia"

A/n: let me give y'all a picture

A/n: take out the giant, remove the flying creatures, replace the normal looking soldiers with Chaos Marines, Traitor Guardsman, and Daemons remove the officer in the front and replace him with you and your rot fly.

I jumped off the rot fly and made a signal the guardsmen took the keys and released the mass prisoners from their shackles

Y/n: "I'll give you guys a head start! JOIN THEM IF YOU WISH BUT KNOW THAT I AM INEVITABLE"

The soldiers looked at their comrades and 90% of them ran towards the castle Hector and Striga however was still chained and guarded with us

Y/n: "Good choice..."

I look at Marquis and Nod


Some of The soldiers looked back In horror and ran for their life even faster My Horde starts laughing, they release fire on the runaways Killing them by the dozens their screams filled the snowy mountains and their guts littered the snow I see a garrison of Stryia on catapults and other defenses I look closer to see a girl with white hair Long fangs and dressed in red she had a cold stare and it seems like what I did just lighten her food supply to her

Y/n: " now I know what type of enemy we're dealing with..."


Cheer erupted from my Horde as they shoved various light weapons into the Blood soldiers hands, the Blood Soldiers had mixed reactions but they didn't want to die so they took up arms I smiled under my Helmet I Jumped atop of my Rot Fly and gained some altitude I turned to my Army and spoke

A/n: do not go past the point of when the song says " LET DESTRUCTION COMMENCE" Until Y/n says it


I stood on the Rot fly and activated my Daemon Eyes. And Soul Terror's lightning


My army charged with unbridled Rage many of my companions took different routes like always

I grabbed the spike of the rot fly and made a bee line straight for the air. Were at least under the clouds but aimed towards the castle I dodged a few rocks and ballista bolts on my way over there I was close to the castle until I saw a giant portal or mirror appear, suddenly more Night creatures and a man came out along with... Eldar reinforcements I see a few Wtaith lords drop down too, I smiled and said


We where right above the castle above the portal even I jumped off and said


A/n: you can resume the rest of the song now! (If song ends put on reapeat)

The defense shot multiple bolts at me. I took put my arms to my side and made a motion towards a tower inside the castle. I skydived into the castle which destroyed a tower I crashed on a fountain which destroyed it I slowly raised up to see that I'm surrounded by enemies My Daemon Eyes went into their bloodlust form

Y/n: "Haha!, HAHAHA!"

My laughter went throughout the field it shook up some of the enemies I telephoned to a Stryia soldier and grabbed their head through their helmet I crunch the helmet enough to kill the soldier. I threw the dead Soldier at a Eldar I moved with the Body and appeared behind the Eldar with my head right above them

Y/n: "BOO!"

The Eldar screamed to attack but it was futile. I swing Soul Terror at the Eldar the Eldar's Guardians put up resistance but not enough. A Wraith Lord appeared out of a portal, Soul Terror grew bloody and wretched It It made a Red aura surrounding it. The Wraith lord swung its huge sword at me I leaped and flip over the sword I landed on the sword and Ran up to the wraith lords shoulder I raised my arm but I was shot down by a missile. I landed on the courtyard floor but quickly recovered


I noticed that the fountain I destroyed left a large pool mixed with water and blood

Y/n: "hehe"

I dug Soul Terror into the ground. The Black lighting traversed the liquid and shocked all creatures in its range... includes including me

Y/n: "le-t's see who can ho-ld out longer!"

A/n: your talking while being shocked

I roared and removed Soul Terror from the ground, me and Dralaton were smoking while half of the our enemies was shocked to death. I saw a man in red and black with a flying creature fall through the man gave me a sideways glance before heading to the Castle doors. I shouted at the man


The Man didn't give my words no concern he and most of his army with him through the gates now there's the Eldar left-over Stryia soldiers and-


Y/n: "took you long enough!"

My about 15 Khorne Beserkers jumped in the courtyard

Khorne Beserker: "Who needs killing Brother?!"

Y/n: "Kill everything you see! Let These Bastards Skulls be a offering to Khorne! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"

Khorne Beserkers: " SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!"

Guardian sergeant: "fire you fools!"

The Beserkers charged through the bullets with me leading the Assault, I aimed towards the Wraith lord I got closer and jumped I scrunched up my legs and drop kicked the wraith lord right in its chest my brothers started hacking away at the mechs limbs I regained my posture and clawed into the wraith lord I ripped its chest plate of and grabbed circuits out with my left hand and clawed away with my right


I stopped down on the the wraith lord's shoulder and used the momentum to punch the mechs head in it's body went limp my me and brothers looked at the leftover enemies and let out a malicious laugh.

* you already know what's about to happen... WARNING GORE!*

My one of my Beserkers grabbed one side of a Eldar and another Beserker grabbed another they flipped the Eldar upside down and brought the Chainaxes down on the Eldar starting from the pelvic area his screams filled the air, Blood dribbled from his stomach the Rev of the Xhain are drove them COMPELED them to keep dragging the axes down the Eldar was completely cut in half

Y/n: "my turn"

I slashed multiple enemies guts out I grab the guts and wrap them around each of the 9 enemies neck I jumped to a tower and hanged them up like a Christmas decoration I saw the reactions of their allies some threw up upon just looking at the sight others feel to their knees and while holding their heads and others was breaking down. Overall I can successfully say I broke some of their forces moral I jump back to my brothers we resumed our brutality. After that we advanced to the door I see more of my Chaos Marines holding prisoners, I looked at the Chaos Marines Officer and asked him questions

A/n: stop the music

Y/n: "Where the hell are my companions? I hadn't seen them since the Charge"

Chaos Marine Officer: " Rask is in the Castle going beserk, Hunter is in the library and all the kids are with him, Marquis ran down that hallway, Espadon and Diplos are leading the Assault deeper into the castle and Aryia is....."

Y/n: "what is she doing?"

Chaos Marine Officer: "she's..... torturing information from other prisoners"

Y/n: "oh... OOOH! alright nevermind, if you see them tell them that some man in black and red controls the opposing night creatures, also kill the remaining prisoners and roll with me"

Chaos Marine officer: "yes Lord Y/n"

We ran through the castle, we followed a clear magical stream to a room. In that room we saw plenty of night creatures and the supposed vampire camilla fight the man Elder saw us and it turned into a firefight the Chaos Marines got into cover but then I saw Hunter and his Children on the roof crawling I nod my head and they decend on our foes one kid was shot out of the air but it was only his leg so he's fine Wright smiled and used one his Mutant claws to tear out one of the Eldars throat Jin sighed and changed his arm to a giant blade and cut a vehicle in half. Jin positioned himself and jumped in a way that made him move like a tornado the unfortunate foes in his way where shredded to bits Lidia made a blade appear above her wrist she strikes at a creature in the throat she spined beside her to cut out another creatures eyes. The screen shows the mutants being surrounded. Hunter getting into a stance and the background turns black he then says

Hunter: " eighty-ninefold Rakshasa..."

Hunter then used his dagger to clear out a entire battalion of Eldar in only a few seconds

Hunter: "Well looks like his move actually is useful... Gotta go give them a visit"

Hunter reignited his blade into a light blue flame. him and every one else started killing more and more but the Eldar shot and killed at least 125 of my Chaos Marines and at least over 300 of my Traitor guardsmen. My anger grew with each casualty... And each kill.

A/n: Play this instead of the songs above

Y/n: " I had... ENOUGH!"

I activated my. bloodlust Daemon eyes once more causing them to bleed. I recklessly left my cover. Blind rage being my only guide me I bull rushed and smashed anything. And anyone in my way I swung soul Terror wildly, Drawing blood and frying every living thing in my radius. The Eldar shot at my armor but Dralaton was barely fazed by the gunfire I grab a might creature that was trying to run away and ripped it's horn off I notice that the men man in black was about to swing ups and deliver a fatal blow to Carmilla I

Y/n: "Y E E T!"

I throw the horn so hard it started spinning. You could hear the sound of it whistle by. The horn deflected the man's dagger. I use my speed to appear behind the man I used my left hand to uppercut the man unfortunately I missed the man flipped back to his dagger and a flying night creature that looked special landed next to him. Camilla Shoots me a sideways glance which I returned with a low Growl.

Carmilla: " I'll take Issac you go for his pet"

Y/n: "no, you go after his pet he was kicking your ass earlier so its obvious you can't handle him"

Carmilla: "who are you to order me around?!"

Y/n: ". . ."

I needed to not say any words for the look I gave Carmilla was like that of a Lord and Beast Stareing at a peasant and prey my Deep Crimson Daemon eyes burning through my Helmet she starts sweating profusely and averts her gaze from me. Seemingly not wanting to test my wrath

Carmilla: "you win if we survive this battle then I'll call off my army and we will be your subjects"

Y/n: " looks like somebody finally stopped playing war, now ATTACK!"

Issac's creature took flight I put my hand under carmilla and boosted her over to it she successfully caught onto it and fought me on the other hand I used my speed to hit hexter but he dodged again

Y/n: "your evasion is really passing me off!"

He took his dagger and tried to stab my the weak spots in my armor I slowed down time and swung soul Terror upwards Issac was in too deep to evade effectively so he instead tried to move back at much as possible but Soul Terror still made a claw mark on his chest the cut was still deep and the lighting was in effect honestly for a primitive he's pretty resilient

Issac: " your a better fighter than what even the Eldar said"

Y/n: " and your bleeding out at the moment"

Issac smirked and chuckled to himself most of the enemies are dead with only a squadron of Eldar left Carmilla stabbed the creature in its wing wan it crashed outside as she lands on the bloody floor

Eldar commander: " let's go we cut our losses and reduce casualties"

Eldar guardian: "what about Issac"

Xerx: "what about him? He'll be dead in a few minutes. We wasted our time with that weak human"

Eldar commander: "atleast he and his army was connon fodder to access Y/n's abilities"

The Eldar activated a beacon and was soon teleported away

Y/n: "and thats why I don't like Eldar. Way too shifty"

Issac: maybe your right sad to see my life end here but if its here than atleast I hope to be in whatever history you write......about"

Issacs eyes closed and collapsed to the ground

Y/n: "don't worry... because your gonna be the one writing it APOTHECARY!"

A/n: if the picture looks bad (all I could find for a chaos apothecary

Apothecary: " yes lord?"

Y/n: "heal this man to the fullest capacity use any resources you need to use, and if he dies you die..."

Apothecary: "it will be done"

The apothecary got to work on Issac
His wound is grievous by normal standards but the apothecary will heal him I walked over to Carmilla and said

Y/n: " call off your army this place is finished"

Carmilla: "fine but you better not forsaken us"

Y/n: "If I were to do that I would be no better than the scum of the galaxy"

2 hours later

Carmilla surrendered and her army gave up arms me and my soldiers are celebrating by having a party drinking eating brawling whats not to love?

End of chapter 17

A/n: I'm not gonna put the op or end for this chapter at the moment gotta go write other chapters I'll comeback and fix it though

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