Pups Vs Rage

By Wfelici

9.2K 178 47

This is before the pups have their mighty powers. The pups found small color stones that give them super powe... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

414 8 5
By Wfelici

No Ones POV
Then the pups started floating in the air starring eye to eye with Rage. The pups look very serious and it made Rage anger and full of rage. He quickly regrow is arms and try to attack again but only to get his arms cut off by the pups.

Rage: Impossible

Chase: For years you had bring fear to so many people. You brought only pain and suffering to many of your victims and enjoyed every moment of it. You have been cruel and twisted for to long. That's why today is where it all ends. You've been eating the worlds cruelty to gain more power but that's doesn't makes you strong.

Rage: Grrr

Chase: Cruelty doesn't make you strong it only make you weaker. Our love and bond is what makes us stronger. Now together we will defeat you once's and for all

Rage: We'll see about that

Rage then blasted a beam of darkness at the pups. But the pups blasted a beam of colorful lights at it stoping in its path. As the two beam collided shaking the ground beneath them. As each beam struggle to push the other one back.

Rage: It will not end like this

Chase: It will end once you are defeated

The the pups beam of light started push more then the beam of darkness. Getting closer to Rage.

Rage: No it can't be

Chase: As long as there is love it'll can shine off the darkness

Rage: NO

Then the beam gets closer and closer to Rage then it struck him. The beam of light struck through his head causing his power to stop. The pups stop the beam and landed back on the ground returning to normal. Next Rage started transform back to figure form. He was on the beach on his knees.

Then the pups walked to him and see the whole they left on his forehead. Then from his feet it's started to disappear. Rage saw this and look at the pups.

Rage: How....those power can't be stronger then me

Chase: It's wasn't power that's makes us stronger

Then Rage lower half begin to disappear while the pups stand in front of him.

Chase: It was our bond

Rage: Pff you think your bond will save you forever

Chase: As long as we trust each other then yes

Rage: Trust pfffft it will do nothing for me

Chase: Maybe that's why your lonely

Rage didn't say anything as his arm started disappearing. He look at the pups one more as the sun came through the clouds shining on them. Rage then smiled but not evil at all like a friendly smile.

Rage: I have to admit it's does feels great to be around some people and the sun feels warm.

Then he close his eyes as the rest of his body disappear completely gone. The pups got closer as see he is gone.

Everest: Is he really gone?

Rocky: I think we did it

Zuma: we did it?

Marshall: We did

Pups: WE DID IT!!!!!!!!

Chase: Oh it's over it's finally over

Everest: Yes yes yes

Skye: Hooray

As the pups celebrate with each jumping up and down hugging each other. Especially Chase and Skye then Marshall and Everest. As the celebration died down so did the pups. They fell to the ground very tired from everything that happen.

Chase: Woo that beam took lots of energy feels like I ran miles

Skye: Your telling me

Marshall: I don't think I can move my legs

Rocky: I'm just glad it's over

*Beep Beep*
Through the pups pup tags

Ryder: Pups pups come in is everyone alright?

Chase: Yes Ryder sir and we did it

Ryder: You did it?

Chase: We defeated Rage Ryder we won

Ryder: Oh that's FANTASTIC news

Hope: I knew you pups could do it

Pups: Hope

Hope: Yup it's me

Chase: How's you wounds doing?

Marshall: Do you need a check up?

Hope: Pups I'm doing fine even better since Rage is gone

Skye: Yup no more trouble anymore

Rubble: Except

Ryder: Except what Rubble

Rubble: The town

Chase: What you mean?

Rubble: From what I could sense is every building in this town is destroyed or burning

Marshall: Every building

Rubble: Yup restaurants, factory's, cafe, and even homes everything

Skye: Even our lookout is destroy along with every gear we had

Zuma: Looks like we didn't save Adventure Bay after all

Hope: What you talking about of course you did

Everest: But the town

Hope: Adventure Bay isn't great because of the town it's great because of the people you save everyone you Adventure Bay

Ryder: She's right pups Adventure Bay wouldn't be so great if it didn't have great friends

Rocky: Yeah true

Rubble: Got me there

Zuma: Same

Chase: Yeah but where is everyone going to stay the whole town is destroyed

Hope: No one is going anywhere this is their home and I'm going to get it back

Pups: What?

Then Ryder along with Hope appear in front of the pups. The pups got scared and some of them stood up frighten. Ryder then quickly ran to them checking their injuries.

Ryder: Aw man you guys have so much injuries

Zuma: Yup kinda figure that part out already

Rocky: Yeah pretty much

Hope: You pups did an amazing job, you help me defeat a burden that's been haunting me for thousand of years

Marshall: We're The Paw Patrol

Chase: No Job Is To Big No Pup Is To Small

Ryder: Hey that's my line


Everyone shared a great laugh then Hope step closer to the pups and kneel down. She put her hands up.

"As The Lighting slow down As The Wind Become Smooth, As The Fire Turns Calm As The Ice Turns Cool, As The Water Flows Through And The Earth Stand Still As The Light Remain But Keep The Darkness At Will"

Then the stones came come of each pups chest next it flew to Hope. Hope then put each stones in her chest. Her body started glowing bright like she's some sort of god of light.

Hope: I can restore you home

Chase: Wait didn't you said last you use the stones it nearly killed you

Marshall: You'll die if you use it again

Rubble: Please Hope don't

Hope: You pups save this town it's people and saved me it's time I return the favor

Everest: But you'll die

Hope: I also said I won't be here when Rage free look where I am now

Skye: But we'll miss you

Hope: And I'll miss you remember me in your hearts as your bond grew stronger

Ryder: (sniff) Goodbye Hope

Hope: Bye Ryder huh you know I finally see why they choice me

Everyone remain solo while tearing up as Hope body glows brighter.

Hope: It's because they trust me like I trusted you

Pups: Bye Hope We'll Never Forget You

Hope: Bye you guys may your trust stay strong and your bond stay stronger

Then Hope fly in the air as she gets bigger and brighter. Then she was right up above Adventure Bay. Next she open her arms to release a bright light brighter then the sun. The pups and Ryder have to close their eyes and cover themselves.

Chase POV
The light was so bright I have to covered myself then I felt something. Something is on my fur I look to see it wasn't so bright anymore and see falling yellow dust all around us like snow. I turn to see the pups and Ryder surprise as well then I look behind them.

Chase: Oh my god look

Everyone look behind them and see buildings, restaurant everything is back to normal. Like nothing happen.

Skye: The town it's alright

Everest: And the lookout too

We turn to our home see it as good as new we were all happy. Then I thought about Hope I look in the air to see she wasn't there anymore. I let out a little whimper, I may not known her for that long but she was a great person. Then I felt something on my shoulders it was Ryder hand.

Ryder: I miss her too but remember she's always with us

Chase: She still is

I hug Ryder one more time and he hug back then we stop quickly when we heard a sound.


Chase: What's wrong?

Zuma: Dudes my arm it's back

I look down to see Zuma right it is back, back to normal. The first thing he did was walk and he was happy and full of joy. Rocky give Zuma a big hug as Zuma did the same. They were so happy and so was Marshall, Everest, Skye and *GASP*.


We all look at Rubble to see that his eyes is close. We all went in front of him hoping his eyes is better too. As he slowly open his eyes our wondering grew. Then he finally open his eyes it was normal again. But then he didn't show any emotions.

Chase: R-Rubble can you see us?

As Rubble grew quite so did the rest of us we hope that he is alright. Then he started tearing up but it wasn't sadness it was joy.

Rubble: You guys look amazing

Marshall: Rubble

Marshall then hug Rubble and so did I soon every pup hugged Rubble very tightly. We even started crying of joy.

Skye: Hehe (sniff) you can see you can really see us

Rubble: Yup hehe I can

Everest: Thank you Hope

Zuma: I'm so happy everything is alright

We hug for a few minutes more enjoying every moment like it was our last. Then we started hearing cheering. We stop hugging and see on the road the people of Adventure Bay cheering us.

Your Our Saviors

Way To Go Hero's

We Love You

Thank You

Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Paw Patrol

They cheered for us thanking us for saving Adventure Bay. It was definitely the greatest day for everyone.

One Week Later
Chase POV
As a week past everything has been normal so far. We confirmed that we don't have powers anymore but it didn't change us at all. We are still together and that what's matter. Me and the pups were at town hall helping Mayor Goodway find her chicken turns out she was in a tree. It wasn't a very important mission so we didn't need our gear or vehicles. We made a pup tower with Rubble on the bottom because he's strong and me at top.

Chase: Here you go Mayor Goodway

Mayor Goodway: Oh thank you pups you have done so much

Marshall: Anytime we are the Paw Patrol

Everest: It what we do best

Mayor Goodway: I have an idea why won't we have you guys day off

Zuma: You sure about that Mayor

Mayor Goodway: It's the least we can do you pups did save our town and us many times

Skye: I guess we better tell Ryder

Good Mayor: Of Course anyway got to go I have some business to take care of

Pups: Bye

As we walk home we were on the bridge and the sun is about set. Rocky and Zuma play with each on the way.

Rocky: Hey Zuma race to the lookout last one their is a wet dog

Zuma: Oh your on Wocky

Rocky: Ready Set Go

Then both of them started running to the lookout as the rest of us laugh. We were now in the middle of the bridge when Rubble stop and move the side and stared at the sunset. The rest of us join him. Me and Skye on his right while Everest and Marshall and his left.

Skye: It's cool Jake let you stay Everest

Everest: I know and what a great sunset

Marshall: Really makes you think after everything right

Rubble: Yeah it does

Chase: I'm glad you got your sight back to see this

Rubble: I would trade anything to stop you guys from hurting each other

Chase: I know thanks for reminding us about that

Marshall: Sheesh can you please let that go it hard to get over the guilt of that

Rubble: Hehehehe

As the sunset in the ocean showing a beautiful color in the sky which reminds me of Skye. I turn to see Skye was leaning against me while staring at the sunset. I could feel my heart beaten like crazy but I just breath. Then I see Everest doing the same thing to Marshall. I see him looking at me then we look at Rubble was still here then he look at both of us and smiled.

Rubble: Well I could see this is the right moment for you guys to talk I'll be heading up

Rubble then started walking to the lookout, I get what he meant it the right moment.

No Ones POV
As Chase and Marshall both pull their girls close to their faces. As the girls blushed and so was the boys they both try to say something but stutter.

Skye: What was that

Everest: You are stuttering

Chase: Skye would you like t-to go on a d-d-d-date with me and b-b-be my g-g-girlfriend?

Skye: Yes I will

Then Chase tail was wagging like crazy he could possibly fly. Then Chase and Skye started kissing.

Marshall: Everest w-would you like to-

Everest stops him with a kiss and his wag crazy too.

Everest: Yes I will

Marshall: You don't know what I'm going to say

Everest: As long as it involve you I'm in

As each couple pup kiss the boys were finally happy they got the girl of their dreams. Then once they stop the boys look up ahead see Rubble smiling. The boys give a nod of thanks to him as he continues walking. The couple stay at bridge for a while enjoying the view.

Many things has happen to them but no matter what no matter how dangerous things get as long as they have each other they'll be just fine.


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