Fairy Tail Next Generation: A...

By dmasterxd

5.4K 72 35

One era has ended and a new one has begun. Fairy Tail has grown even more over the years, and some of the mem... More

From Summer to Autumn
July 7 X802
The Dragonfly
The Newest Member
Aki's First Job
The Thief Harbingers
Dante's Dream
Natsu vs Mario!
Fairy Tail's Problem Child
Return to Galuna Island
Gate of the Rat
Gold vs Zaratros

The Ghost of Galuna

119 5 4
By dmasterxd

"I am the Ghost of Galuna."

Gray stared at that transparent figure in shock as leaves swirled around his ankles. So, you're a ghost then?"

The ghost nodded. "That's right."

"I didn't even know Galuna Island had its own ghost."

"It didn't until a couple of years ago."

Gray wasn't too sure what to think about this strange ghost that seemed to come out of nowhere. Even so, he felt that he might be able to get at least a little information out of it. And so, he decided to keep conversing with the glowing entity.

"You said my efforts weren't in vain. Do you happen to know what happened to all of the demons living here by any chance?"

"I do."

Gray gasped at that. "Really?!" He took his hands out of his pockets and drew closer to the ghost. "Well then, what's up?"

The ghost slowly shook his head. "I can't tell you that."

"What? Why not?"

"I sent the request specifically to the master of the Lamia Scale guild. I heard that he spent three years on this island, so I needed his help to figure some things out myself."

"So you were the one who sent the request, huh."

"That's right." The ghost's eyes narrowed on Gray's guild mark. "So, I must ask, why did a member of Fairy Tail come instead?"

"Lyon...er, Master Lyon said he couldn't take the job and gave it to me instead."

"Huh? Why is that?"

Gray looked towards the ground. "Three years ago, he lost his son. He hasn't been like himself ever since."

Suddenly, a somber look crossed over the ghost's face. "Oh, I see. He lost his son, huh?" It steadily planted its feet back on the ground and finally revealed its figure to Gray.

A young boy with messy white hair that reached down to his neck and sky blue eyes stood before him. The child played with the strings on his black hoodie before making eye contact with Gray. "I guess it's up to you then."

"That is why I came here after all," Gray said nonchalantly. "But first, I'm going to need you to answer my question. What happened to all the citizens of Galuna Island?"

"That is related to my request," the white-haired boy said.

"Seriously? Cause all it said on the sheet was that you needed help."

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I didn't really know how to explain it at the time," he admitted, a bit of shame to his voice. "However, now I think I do."

"Alright then, spill it."

"All of the demons of Galuna Island have been abducted. By a man who controls demons."

Gray raised his eyebrows at that. "A man who controls demons?"

The ghost boy nodded. "That's right. He used Demon Tamer magic."

Instantly, Gray was reminded of Future Rogue and how he used Dragon Tamer magic. "So, there's a guy who can control demons too, huh?" Gray muttered under his breath, before turning his attention back on the ghost. "Alright, so do you have any idea where this guy is? I've been searching the whole island, but haven't come across a single person yet..."

The ghost started to sniffle as his eyes watered. Sweat dripped down the side of Gray's forehead as he itched his cheek. "Uh...aside from you of course..."

The transparent boy wiped his flushed face and shook his head. "N-no, it's okay. I understand what you mean." He wiped the snot dripping down from his nostrils.

"Do you uh...need a tissue?"

"No, I'll be fine," he said wiping his nose with his sleeve. "Thank you though, I appreciate it."

"Wasn't really asking for your sake, but alright," Gray admitted with a monotone voice.

"Follow me," the boy suddenly said. "I'll take you to the Demon Tamer."

"All those within the enchantment will shall be able to see through illusions." Freed declared as he finished drawing his enchantment. He sheathed his sword and turned towards Evergreen.

"All those within the enchantment will be unaffected by Illusion Magic." Freed declared as he finished drawing his enchantment. He sheathed his sword and turned towards Evergreen. "Look down."

She did as he requested and then her eyes widened in shock. A massive gaping hole lied just a few feet in front of them. She peered down the hole to see just how deep it was, but it seemed to be almost bottomless. Evergreen felt a sharp pain in her gut when Freed spoke but a few words.

"Let us climb down."

"What?! You're not serious, are you?"

"Why would I choose to make a joke at a time like this?" Freed asked, nonchalantly. "We have a job to do, Evergreen."

Evergreen groaned as Freed started to climb down the hole. "We are seriously not getting paid enough for this." Despite her complaints however, she begrudgingly followed Freed down the hole. "I am so demanding a raise!"

"Worry about that after we have accomplished our mission."

"Yeah yeah," she said, rolling her eyes.

Theo panted heavily as he rested in Hestia's hands. "Am...I done now?"

Hestia nodded. "Yeah, you did it great. Thanks, Theo."

"Can I get a little kiss as my reward?" Theo looked up at Hestia, batting his eyes.

The girl awkwardly averted her gaze from the rat. "I don't know about that..."

"Prewty pwease?"

"I'll give you one." Aki leaned down and gave a quick peck on Theo's forehead. "Thanks for your help, Theo."

Theo giggled. "Oh, it was nothing really."

Gold crossed his arms and clicked his tongue. "Why would you kiss a rat?"

"He's cute!"

"He's a rodent!"

"Don't be jealous, hairless male specimen," Theo's voice rang in Gold's mind.

"I have plenty of hair!"

"Only where it counts for a boy, not for a man."

"You're not a man either!"

"So um, guys," Elrick stepped in to break up the argument. "Shouldn't we be going to to help out Uncle Gray now?"

"You're right!" Aki, Gold, and Hestia all shouted out in unison.

And at that, the three took off without delay. "Hey wait up guys!" Elrick hurriedly started running as well, fearful of being left behind.

They kept running and running until Hestia held out her hand. "Stop."

"What's wrong, Hestia?" Aki asked, tilting her head.

"That." She pointed to the ground where a long trail of molten lava was laid out.

"Lava?!" Elrick shirked back at the sight.

Gold studied the lava on the ground with a curious look. "Wonder what could've made that."

"Isn't it obvious?" Hestia turned around, a grave expression on her face. "It was a demon."

"You the intruders?" A hunched over humanoid figure radiated flames around its body as it slowly trekked towards the four kids.

They all immediately braced themselves as it drew ever nearer towards them. "Your Dad said the demons on this island were friendly, right, Gold?" Aki asked, holding her fists in front of her chests.

"He did...but I'm not sure I believe him anymore..."

"One intruder missing...Will find later..." The demon slammed his hands down and instantly a geyser of fire shot up from the ground.

The four leaped back to safety behind a group of rocks. Gold wiped some sweat from his eyebrow. "Phew that was a close one."

"Why didn't you just freeze the fire, dummy?" Hestia asked, turning to Gold.

"It happened to quickly, okay?! And don't call me a dummy!"

"Guys!" Elrick grabbed both of their shoulders. "Fire blast!"

They all dodged out of the way of the oncoming fire blast, shattering the rocks into nothing but rubble. Elrick panted, resting his hands on his knees. "This is too much for my heart to take..."

"Guys." Gold stood up and faced forward. "Go on ahead. I'll take care of this demon."

"By yourself?" Aki clasped her hands together, making a pensive expression. "That's dangerous, Gold."

Gold shook his head. "I'll be fine. I'm the son of a Demon Slayer after all. And besides..." Gold brought his hand to his chest and clenched his fist, displaying a wide grin. "This is my chance to show Dad just how strong I can be!"

Aki bit her lip. "But Gold..."

"Come on," Hestia said as she took Aki's hand. "He can handle it."

Aki looked into Hestia's eyes. Her gaze was resolute. Despite their bickering, it looked as though she had full faith in Gold's abilities. Aki was surprised at that. She would have never thought Hestia would actually believe in Gold like that. Yet, here she was doubting him. Aki wanted to believe in Gold too. To believe that he was strong enough to handle this opponent. And so, she turned to him with a smile on her face.

"You can do it," Aki said, winking at Gold.

Elrick nodded. "Yeah. But be careful."

And with that, Aki, Hestia, and Elrick ran off. Gold smiled, watching them run around the demon and towards the temple. "Thanks, guys. I'll do my best."

"Where do you think you're going?" The fire demon stood tall and prepared to slam his fist down on the three kids.

"Ice Make: Totem Pole Projectile!"

Multiple frozen totem poles were launched at the demon's face as Aki, Hestia, and Elrick ran past him. He grabbed his face, screaming out in pain. "Agh! My eyes! It burns!"

"Sorry, but I'm not letting you hurt my friends," Gold said, walking up to the demon as the wind blew his messy aqua blue hair around.

The demon slowly took his hands away from his face and grumbled. "So, you're the one who just attacked out of nowhere like that? Cheap move."

Gold smirked. "Funny stuff coming from a demon." He brought one arm close to his chest as cold air began to accumulate around it. "Besides, my dad always said, if it's too protect your guild, then anything is fair."

"Oh, really now?" The demon grinned. "How cute." He slammed his hands on the floor and a trail of molten lava made its way for Gold.

Gold gasped before quickly leaping into the air. "Ice Make: Totem Pole Rod!" An icy totem pole in the shape of a rod formed in Gold's hands as he swung it down against the demon's head.

Gold swung the rod again, knocking the monster back a bit. The demon winced. "You little punk. You're gonna regret that."

Gold smirked, holding the rod over his shoulders. "Oh, am I now? Prove it, Tubby."

Flames flickered around the demon's body as he growled in anger. "Gladly. And the name's Zaratros. The Volcano Demon."

Aki, Hestia, and Elrick kept running as fast as they could until they reached a cave. The three stopped and looked at each other. "Do you think Uncle Gray is in there?" Aki asked.

Elrick shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe? We don't really have anyway to know where he went."

Hestia suddenly start to chuckle, prompting strange looks from Aki and Elrick. "Um, Hestia?" Aki placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Are you alright? You're acting really weird right now..."

However, the young celestial wizard's chuckling persisted. Aki and Elrick slowly took a few steps back away from her. She took out a golden coin from her pocket. She flicked the coin into the air. "Open: Gate of the Dog!"

The coin dispersed into a bright white light and a small brown dog came in its place. The dog landed on the ground, wagging its tail. "Is dinner time?! Where's my dinner?! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

"I don't have any food for you right now, Oakley."

"Oh." Oakley sighed before curling up into a ball and shutting his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep!" Hestia shouted at the puppy. She twirled a stand of her hair around as she tried to think of something. "Listen...if you help us out...then I'll..."

The dog blinked one eye open, mildly curious to hear what his wizard had to say. "Yes. Go on."

"Then, I'll um...Um..." She tapped a finger to her lips. "Hm..."

Aki tugged on Hestia's sleeve. "Hey, Hestia."

"What, Aki? You got any ideas?"

Aki nodded then whispered into Hestia's ear. "Just tell him that."

"But I don't even..."

"Trust me," Aki said with a wink.

"If you say so," Hestia said reluctantly before turning to face Oakley again. "Alright, Oakley. If you help us out, then I'll give you a huge bone to chew on." She placed her hands on her hips with a smile. "Sound like a plan?"

Instantly, Oakley got up and barked. He ran over to Hestia in a hurry and tackled her, licking her face all over. "Oh, thank you Hestia! Thank you! You're the best wizard a pup could've ever ask for!"

Hestia giggled as Oakley continued to lick. "Alright, stop it! That's enough! Come on, Oakley, it tickles! Hahaha!"

Oakley got off of Hestia and sat patiently, his tail hitting the ground every so often. "So, what can I do for you three?"

"I need you to help us track Uncle Gray's scent."

Oakley nodded in understanding. "Got anything that has his smell on it?"

"Will this do?" Elrick said as he pulled Gray's boxers out of his pocket.

Aki and Hestia both sweat dropped at that. "Um, Gold? Why do you have that?" Aki asked, unable to look him in the eye."

"He left by that house," Gold said, rubbing the back of his head. "You know how Uncle Gray is after all. And I feel like it'd be embarrassing for him to go into battle in the nude. So, I picked it up to bring it to him."

"Oh, Uncle Gray..."

"That'll do," Oakley said before taking a whiff of the boxers. "Alright, follow me." He started walking into the cave and three kids followed behind him.

Gray walked out of the cave and into the temple that overlooked Galuna Island. "So this is where you wanted to take me?" Gray asked, turning to the ghost boy.

The ghost nodded. "That's right."

"Alright." Gray rested his hands on his hips and looked around the empty room. "Where is the Demon Tamer?"

"Oh, he's not in this room," the ghost boy said.

"What? I thought you were going to take me to him?"

"I am," he assured Gray with a smile. "Right after you put on some pants."

"Huh?" Gray blinked in confusion. Then, he looked down and realized his dilemma. "Oh, come on! Not again!"

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