Why are you so damn cute?!

By Dawnpool422

37.7K 804 681

This is a Drake fanfic, I hope you all like it ^^ !Quick disclaimer! This is an AU with Jake x Drew, Henry x... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

3.3K 72 78
By Dawnpool422

Jake's POV
"Do they even know we're here?" I whispered to Milly.
"Probably just forgot" she whispered back.
"Well the ship has sailed," Sean said proudly.
Zander and Luke quickly looked at us blushing.
"O-Oh I forgot you guys were there" Luke blushed.
"Well I've had my fair share of Lander, let's get to class before the bell rings" Hailey said.

Time skip~
After school I waited for Drew near the front of the school after all my friends went home cause I didn't want them seeing us.
When I saw him I ran over to him, "Hey umm you ready?"
"Oh umm yeah"
His friends then walked over, "Have fun with your boyfriend Drewy", the green haired boy laughed.
Drew turned and looked at them, "Shut up Henry!"
"Oh I'm sorry your highness" He bowed jokingly.
"Tch" Drew crossed his arms and then smiled slightly, "What about you and Liam? When are you two getting together?"
Henry and the other boy, who I assumed was Liam, blushed.
"W-what do you mean?!" Liam continued to blush.
"You know what I mean," Drew teased.
"I-I have no idea what you're talking about Drew" Henry hid his face in his jacket out of embarrassment.
"You know what I don't care about what stupid promise I made; Liam, Henry likes you, and Henry, Liam likes you. Now go on a date or something I'm going somewhere" Drew turned away smiling happily and started walking. I ran after him looking back to see Henry and Liam blushing like tomatoes.
"I didn't realize you could be that sly" I laughed.
"There's a lot about me you don't know" Drew looked away.
I bit my lip, "Frick I shouldn't have said that....he looks sad" I thought to myself.
I'm not really good with words so the fact I made drew sad didn't really come as a surprise to me but I felt really bad.
After a long awkward silence we finally made it to my house. I unlocked the door and led Drew into my room and I sat down on my bed. He sat down at my desk chair and looked around a little. I stood up and started pulling out a bunch of stuff.
"Sorry it's probably not as big as your room...."
"It's fine. It's actually really nice, kinda cossy like"
"Oh umm thanks" I smiled.
I pulled out a few sheets of music, a guitar, and 2 music stands.
"Why don't we start by seeing how well you can sing, don't worry I won't judge if you sing horrible. I'm here to help you though so if I get a little strict that's why. But let me know if I get too strict."
I set up the two music stands, one in front of where I was sitting and one where Drew was sitting. I gave Drew a sheet of music and put the other ones in front of me. I sat back down.
"Just read the lyrics and stay on beat with me and if it's hard for you to sing around other people, just don't look at me."
Drew nodded.

Drew's POV
I didn't know Jake could play the guitar. That only made me more nervous. I looked at the sheet music. It didn't look like a song I recognized.
"Hey who wrote this song?" I asked Jake.
"O-O-Oh....I did......I've been too scared to sing it in front of anyone and I thought since it's a crappy song then....yeah you know what just....I'll shut up"
I sighed deeply, "Umm you can start playing when u want."
He started playing his guitar. I took a deep breath.

A/N- ! I don't own this song and it isn't originally in the TMF series so please don't come at me !
"You and I, We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky, With you, I'm alive, Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide, So stop time right here in the moonlight, 'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes" As I sang the lyrics I realized it was a love song. I wondered who it was for, "Without you, I feel broke, Like I'm half of a whole, Without you, I've got no hand to hold, Without you, I feel torn, Like a sail in a storm, Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song....."
Jake stopped playing, "You sing so well.....you don't even really need my help.....you could probably join the music group and get me to get kicked off and......"
"I wouldn't do that and if I did join I'd never be accepted and my friends would make fun of me so"
"Yeah" There was an awkward silence for a while.
"Hey I have a question," I asked abruptly.
"Ummm t-this was a love song.....right?"
"Ummm Y-Y-Yeah why?"
"Can I know who it's for? Like...who you have a crush on...."
"Ummm...I-I-It's actually...f-f-for you"

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