sing to my heart

By benandmirandalover

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Ben and Miranda meet at a karaoke bar More



952 25 4
By benandmirandalover

Miranda woke up and untangled herself from Ben. She walked to the bathroom to turn on the shower. After she took her shower. She combed her hair and put on a scarf.

Miranda got up and walked to her closet. She put on a jean overall and a black sports bra up under. She walked down the hall to the nursery and opened the door. She laid the plastic on the floor and opened the pink Paint. Miranda began painting the wall while she sung.

If I could, I'd give you the world. I'd wrap it all around you. Won't be satisfied with just a piece of your heart. My angel.

Miranda sung as she used one hand to paint and the other on her stomach.

Ben stood at the door frame and watched the sight. He snuck back off to their room to grab the camera. Ben came back and she was still doing the same thing. Ben smiled as she waddled around singing.

Miranda turned around and saw Ben. "Aww. Good morning baby, did I wake you?" Miranda said putting the brush down and walking to him.

"No, I just was coming to see where you were. You look gorgeous by the way. I love the fit." Ben said hugging her and pecking her on the lips. Then he rubbed her belly.

"Why didn't you wait for me, to paint with you? And did you get the right paint with less Voc's. Because you are pregnant Miranda." Ben said being protective and crossing his arms.

"Yes, I did. I'm responsible Ben. I love you being all fathery. " Miranda said kissing him again.

Ben walked in and sat the camera down. They began to paint together, they talked and laughed. Miranda laughed as she accidentally got paint on Ben's arm. " I'm sorry it was an-" Miranda giggled then gasped as she felt him touch her arm with the paint brush. "Benjamin Warren!" Miranda said as she took her brush and painted his shoulder. She then ran to the other side of the room laughing.

Ben chased her around with the brush. "Okay Ben I'm sorry." Miranda yelled followed with some giggles. Ben grabbed her and spun her around, then he put both of his paint covered hands on her belly leaving his handprints. Before grabbing her and pulling her down on top of him on the floor. Miranda stared at Ben cheesing and he returned his smile. Ben sat up to kiss her. And Miranda's lips met his in a fiery passionate kiss. When they broke apart, Ben had his hand on the back of her head, and she had both of her hands on the sides of his face.

They rested their foreheads against each other, catching their breaths. "I love you so much." Miranda whispered against his lips. "I love you more." Ben said.

Miranda and Ben snapped their heads to the door as they heard someone clearing their throats. "Good morning ma." Miranda said as Ben helped her up. "Good morning Mandy and Ben." Elena said as she picked up the camera. "your camera is still recording do you want me to cut it off." She said.

Ben and Miranda looked at each other and laughed. " Yes, and I can't wait to re-watch that." Ben said.

"I'm going to cook breakfast. -" Elena started. "Ooh I want grits, eggs, Bacon, sausage links, potatoes and pancakes." Miranda said talking fast and licking her lips.

Everyone stared at her with wide eyes. "What. Don't act like I'm not eating for two." She said as she grabbed Ben's hands pulling him with her. " Come on let's go get cleaned up. Mr. Paint man"

Ben and Miranda took a shower together and wash the paint off. " We're are going to need some more paint." Ben said as he dried off.

" Okay we can go after we eat breakfast." Miranda said walking to her dresser and pulling out stretch pants and a white shirt. Ben came out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around him and he went to his closet. When he walked out, he had on grey sweatpants and a white shirt.

Miranda looked him over and then shook her head. "Uh-uh no, you're are not wearing those." Miranda said.

"What are you talking about Miranda." Ben said looking confused.

"You are not going to the store or anywhere else with them grey sweatpants. I am not about to have so many women looking at your print. No, go get some jeans or another color." Miranda said explaining about to get frustrated.

" Miranda this is childish." Ben said walking to the closet.

" it wasn't childish when you wouldn't let me wear my leggings that flare out at the bottom." Miranda said.

"Those are a curse to nature. They ridiculously show the shape of your ass and your pregnant, so your hips are wider and you're just so sexy." Ben said walking over to her.

"Those are the point of the pants Benjamin and let's be real even if I wasn't pregnant you still wouldn't like them." Miranda giggled.

"Nope, they are for me. Wear them for me around the house." Ben said smirking and walking closer to her until she backed up against the bed. Ben lightly pushed her back on their bed and he kissed her. Miranda kissed him back and then he pulled her up.

Miranda and Ben came out of the room and ate breakfast with her parents. Miranda was so delighted eating her food. Miranda was subconsciously turning Ben on. Ben shook his head; it was a shame that it didn't take much from her to turn him on.

After they all finished eating. " Okay we have to go get paint and let's also go the furniture store." Miranda said clapping her hands.

Miranda and Ben walked with her parents getting paint and furniture for the room. "Oooh babe do like this white crib or the brown one. " Miranda asked rubbing her hand across the

white one. He knew she was fixated on that one. She said that she wanted to include him on every decision, but he wanted what she wanted. "I like the white one better." Ben said

" Ooh great me too, I'm glad you're in sync with me." Miranda said smiling as she watched Ben lift the box and put in on their flat bed. "What's the nursery theme." William asked.

"It's owl theme. We are birthing another doctor. She is going to be wise, so I figured baby owls." Miranda was picturing it in her head.

"That's going to be beautiful." Elena said.

They picked up everything for the furniture. "Hey, I still want to go the store and get other baby things." Miranda said. " How about me and Ben get dropped off home and we finish painting the nursery and then you and your mom go shopping." William said as they all walked to the car. " That's perfect Ben said." Looking over at her.

Miranda dropped Ben and her dad off and they drove to the baby stores. " So how are you feeling." Elena asked

" Everything is great momma." Miranda said as she picked up baby monitors and put it into the cart.

" Are you breast feeding?"

" Yes. I want to breast feed all of Ben and I's children." Miranda said as she grabbed bottles and bibs and a bunch of hair bows and shoes.

" I can already see she is going to be spoiled."

Miranda laughed as she looked at pink curtains with brown ruffles on them for the baby's room. " Yeah she is. I love her so much already, so I can imagine when she is here, it will be magnified times 10. " Miranda said rubbing her stomach.

"So, have you thought of names."

"Me and Ben decided we would do something musical because we first met the night I was singing. So far, we thought of Lyric, Harmony, Medley, Melody, and Symphony." Miranda said thinking and smiling.

"And last name." Her mother questioned.

" What do you mean, Ben's last name, Warren of course." Miranda said firmly.

"But you both are not married what if something happens and y'all don't stay together. Or he doesn't marry you." Elena said.

" I know we are not married but Ben is a great man. He will be an awesome father and our child deserves her father's last name. why wouldn't he marry me. He loves me. " Miranda said frustrated.

" I'm just saying things happen."

"And if something happens. He is not going to skip out on his kid. He will be there for her and I have no doubt in my body about that." Miranda said as she gripped the cart.

She look down at the floor as the water hit the ground. "Ohh shit." Miranda said as she winced from the pain she was feeling.

"What's wrong." Elena asked looking at her. " my water just broke." Miranda whined.

" Oh my God Mandy."

"Ma, call Ben and tell him it's time. " Miranda said as pushed the cart.

" Clean up on aisle six." Miranda yelled.

" What are you doing, we have to go to the hospital" Elena said as Miranda walked to the checkout line.

" I wanted this stuff for the baby. She is too early I turn 8 months next week. She can wait until I finish shopping for her, plus it is a 40% off sale today. Dang the nursery is not even finished, and she want to make a grand entrance." Miranda yelled as she grabbed the cart with her hands.

Miranda watched as the lady rung her stuff up. And she pulled her debit card out of her wallet and handed it to her "ahhhhh" Miranda said loudly.

" I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know what I did." The lady at the register said.

" It's not you at all. My daughter of mine is in labor with her own daughter and wanted to get checked out before she went to the hospital." Elena said side eyeing her.

" Oh congratulations. I will help you take the things to your car" The lady said as she handed her the receipt.

Miranda walked slowly to the parking lot. She was breathing and exhaling in and out loudly.

"Ohhh this hurts." Miranda said as she got up in the car with her mother's help.

" Ma the hospital is not that far from here. You go out of here. Make a left at the light and follow that road down for about 4 Miles and it should come up on your Right-hand side." Miranda said in pain as she gripped her seat belt.

Her mother shook her head and drove.

When they got to hospital. Alex came outside and helped her out of the car. " Karev?" Miranda asked. " Yeah Bailey it's me." Alex said as he walked with her. Miranda felt another contraction as her knees buckled. " Oh, hang on Bailey, I gotcha." Alex said holding her, not letting her fall. " Give me a wheelchair." Alex yelled.

" No, I can walk."



Both Alex and her mom said at the same time.

" I want to walk. It helps with the birth. I read in one of my labor books that it's easier to have your baby standing up. Because they are not working against gravity like how you are when you are laying down. " Miranda said walking just barely.

" Bailey you can barely walk; you are not going to make it to the maternity floor. Why don't you let me wheel you there and then you stand up all you want? " Alex tried.

Miranda clicked her teeth and then she sat down in the wheelchair, crossing her arms.

Alex rolled her to the elevator and up to the first floor. Miranda actually was scared she just had a baby shower and now the baby was coming the next day. She wanted everything with her baby to be okay. It was just too early.

Miranda got checked in and she changed into a gown. She paced the floor back and forth pausing when she felt a contraction. " Did you reach Ben yet." Miranda asked her mother.

" Yeah he is on the way. He just got caught up in traffic. "

"Traffic?" Miranda said loudly and rolled her eyes.

The doctor came into the room " okay Dr. Bailey I just need to check your cervixand also do and ultrasound to see what we are working with.

" No, I need Addison. She is my doctor." Miranda said walking around.

" ok. Uh I'm Doctor Connie Ryan. I performed Meredith Grey's C- section that day in the dark. And then you finished the surgery and she name her kid after you. " Dr. Ryan said.

" Oh okay, I'm sorry for being rude but I still wanted Addison." Miranda said frustrated. She was sweating bullets.

" But Addison is in another state; she won't get here in time." Elena argued with her.

" Ahhh." Miranda said pausing

" Please let me check you out. I am sorry Montgomery isn't here, but I am very capable of doing this job. " Dr. Ryan said.

" Okay, assuming you read my chart I am 31 weeks pregnant. So, this is premature labor. And I want to have this baby standing up." Miranda huffed.

"Okay. Yes, and I see that your contraction seems to be 3 minutes apart that last for 45 seconds so I'm assuming you're dilated up to 6 cm. can I take a look?"

Miranda eyes got wide. " Wow you could tell all that from just watching me the five minutes you have been in here. Miranda moved to the chair and she leaned over it and spread her legs.

Dr. Ryan lean down and put her hand up under her feeling around. " Yeah, I was right, you are 6cm dilated. In about maybe an hour or two, if your dilation keeps moving fast. You should be ready to deliver." She the grabbed the machine and did an ultrasound on her.

" So, I have been in labor all morning." Miranda gasped and cried. " I didn't even feel it."

" I'm here." Ben came rushing through the door putting the diaper bag on the counter.

" Ben." Miranda said looking up at him as he walked over to her. She hugged him and he hugged her back. " What's the matter?" Ben asked kissing her on her forehead.

" I was in labor all day and didn't know it and Addison can't deliver our baby. I just had a moment but I'm fine now." Miranda said muffled into his chest.

" Okay let's help you have our baby." Ben said as he grabbed her waist and swayed her back and forth allowing her to do lunges.

Ben walked with Miranda around the room. They jogged in place and they did squats together.

" Okay so let's decide on a name." Ben said holding her back as she did another squat.

" Okay we can eliminate Medley." Miranda said with her breath labored.

" Okay good because I was going to say that too." Ben said

" Ahhhhhhhhh." Miranda cried as she reached for Ben. Ben grabbed her and she leaned her back against him. Ben held her up as her knees buckled. These contractions were hitting her so frequently it caused tears to fall down her face.

" Whew, can you all call the doctor in here. I think it's show time." Miranda said

Her mother got up the chair and walked in the hallway.

Callie, Richard and Arizona came through the door.

"Hey Bailey, Karev told us you were here. How are you feeling."

"I'm just a good as it is going to get, seeing as how a girl the size of a large coconut in working her way out of my body. Early at that. And I think she is ready to reveal herself right at this moment. So as much as I love company. I will need for you to come back in about an hour.

Doctor Ryan came back into the room and Richard and everyone else left out. "Hey, okay let me check and see how close you are." She reached down and felt up Miranda. "oh my gosh you are right I feel her crowning." The doctor said "okay daddy what I need for you to do is get behind her like you are now. Come closer to the bed and you lean back on the bed. Dr. Bailey you get right here, and I need for you to be in a squatting position. Dr. Warren you need to be as strong as possible and hold her up because her legs will give out.

Ben and Miranda did as told and Dr. Ryan got a mat and got down on her knees. "ma can you get the camera. Ahhhhhh holy sh" Miranda cried out in pain and grabbed Ben's arm. Ben winced in pain. One thing about it, Miranda was strong.

"okay on the count of three I need you to push."

"1…2…3… push."

Miranda inhaled and then exhaled as she pushed with all of her might "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh"

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