Without Warning ✺ S.S

By wandylan_

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◤ ◥ In which a girl who almost have nothing left... More

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Author's note

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3.3K 38 10
By wandylan_

Beacon Hills, August 2013

Reese's POV

   The voice was becoming louder.

   When I told my father he just pushed it aside, saying it would leave somehow.

   Not wanting to push him on edge I just nodded and went back in my room. But it was here, and always have been. Just this time, it seemed to get louder, even sharper.

   There also was the black feathers resting near my window, which was clearly a sign of... well, i don't really know but it's a sign. That's for sure!

   But there also is the nightmare I did last night. It was becoming a recurent thing these days. Every time i woke up, i would find myself screaming. Not like a banshee-like scream but like I had to do it to wake myself. As if one of the many voices in my head shouted,

   Wake up. It's just a nightmare.

   And then I wake up screaming, only to remember some parts of the dream. But just fragments of it.

   Letting that on the side, I took my time to settle in our new/old house. Dad had luckily found our old house back when we were living there.

   As I took a glance around the neighbourhood I recognised a certain blue jeep resting on the pavement. The same as last night. Stiles's.

With the events of last night, I had no ride to get to school.

   With my father already being at work and Lydia riding in Allison's two places car, I didn't have any other choice than knock on Stiles' door and ask a ride.

   I quickly made my way into the front of Stiles' house. I approached his door, and just as I was about to knock, the door creaked open revealing the one and only Stiles.

"Oh, um. Hi?" I sais, sensing my cheeks burn a deep shade of red. "Hi, I'm Ree-"

He smiled and interrupted, "I know who you are." My eyes widened a bit. How? "I'm not a stalker or anything don't worry." He quickly stated and without anymore words he extended his hand, waiting for me to take it. "I'm Stiles."

I smiled as I repeated his name softly.

The two of us stayed like this for a good five minutes, just staring and smiling at each other.

Suddenly I remembered why I was here for. Someone to take me to school.

Without giving me anytime to say something he said, "Why were you going to knock?"

"Well, I- um... I need a ride to school." I looked down at my feet. "And I was wondering if you could drive me since you have this beautiful engine." I turned to show his baby blue jeep.

And to my pleasure, he accepted.

After asking Stiles a ride back home, which he accepted with a big smile, I practically ran in the direction of the office to get my schedule and all the details about this school.

   I saw Allison and Lydia near her locker's location. I walked toward them and inserted myself in their conversation.

"Freshmen, tons and tons of fresh men" Lydia said, licking her lip at the sight of the numerous boys coming down the hall.

"You mean fresh boys" Allison said, a bit disgusted by her behaviour. I mean I am disgusted too but I've known Lydia for years so I was kinda used to it.

I nodded, "Lydia, they're fourteen"

   I laughed interiorly. The only thing that was keeping me from going it were the visions I saw. Trust me when I say you didn't want to have any of these. They are a pain in the ass. A painful pain if that make sense.

"Eh, some are more mature than others" Lydia replied, I quietly chuckled but apparently i haven't been discreet because Allison sent me a glare who said 'don't encourage her'.

My two friends kept talking about lovers or distractions, but all I could focus on was the current voices speaking in my head.

A sudden pain erupted in my head making me wince quietly.

Wake up. It's just a nightmare.

I slowly turned my head, feeling a pair of eyes burning holes at the back of my head.

That's when I made eye contact with Stiles, and believe me when I say his eyes were filled with pure worry. Which was... odd. I'm not used to see that. Why would he be worry ?

I smiled softly at him, as if it was going to rassure him. Apparently it had.

He tried to put an arm on a locker but it resulted with him losing his balance because it was too far from him. He coughed awkwardly, looking in every directions but mine.

   Wake up. It's just a nightmare.

   The voice.

   I shut my eyes closed, trying to get rid of them.

Allison's voice stopped me "Brothers?" I followed her gaze and saw twins. Familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

I mindlessly entered the class, quickly followed by Allison and Lydia. I sat between Stiles, and Lydia.


I turned my head in the voice's direction only to find a wall. Nobody was calling me.

During the day I found a bunch of feathers lying here and there but the voice was the thing that worried me the most. The last time they were there, it was... after my-

"Can I sit here?" Allison muttered to Scott who replied by a lot of unrelated words to her question. Trust me, their conversation was beyond awkward.

Lydia and Allison, well more Lydia, told me about the relationship Allison and Scott had. Lydia liked to call them soulmates. The term of 'soulmates' made me feel uneasy. But now that I could see the two in the same room, I could tell they still had a thing for each other.

   Taking me out of my mind, all the phones present in the class buzzed, everybody looked to see the sender but the text was from a unknown person.

"The offing was barred by bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, " A strange woman entered the class "leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness"

If the voice in my head wasn't loud before it sure as hell was right now that she was near me. Something was off with her. She was giving dark vibes.

"This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. Now phone's off, everyone." Miss Blake finished and started her lesson without missing the glare I was sending her.

Not soon after Scott had to leave for his mother, I noticed a pad on Lydia's ankle. Did she had that yesterday?

"Lydia, hey," I pointed the pad "Is that from the accident?"

"No, Prada bit me." Stiles spin around to face Lydia and I, shooting me a worried glare. I shook my head and pointed Lydia's pad once again.

"Your dog?" I asked slightly chocked. I didn't remember the dog being aggressive.

"No, my designer handbag" Lydia responded with sass. "Yeah Reese, my dog" She nodded.

"Hey, sarcasm is my thing" I muttered below my breath so nobody could hear. I shot her a stern glare but then looked back at my notebook and began to draw.

"Has it ever bitten you before?" Stiles asked, suddenly in the conversation. Lydia shook her head. "What if it's like the same thing as the deer?"

My head raised at that. I didn't understand where he wants to get at.

"Y'know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?" He continued.

I rolled my eyes, as I looked at him "Meaning what? There's gonna be an earthquake? Trust me I would feel it if a earthquake was going to happen."

   Stiles shot me a confused glare but continued anyway. "Or something! Maybe it means something's coming. Something bad" Stiles said.

At this very moment I realised something.

"It was a deer and a do-"

I cut off Lydia. "No, Lydia do you remember when I said I can sense thing?" Lydia nodded while Stiles watched us, dumbfounded.  "Well, I've been feeling things for days now. I can sense something bad. What's the thing you say about threes? Once... Twice- "


I stopped my sentence when a raven hit the window beside me, making a loud noise. But then another one hit it and then another, and another...

   My head began to pound loudly inside my ear. I heard some screams but all felt like it was underwater. Miss Blake urged the people to get down but I stayed there, not even moving a muscle. I could feel my eye starting to change colors.


   Yes, the feeling felt like drowning. I closed my eyes as the voices inside my head grew even louder than before.

When I opened my eyes, it was like all was in slowmotion, I felt like I could sense the emotion of each raven that crash itself on the window. It was overwhelming. I couldn't move.

   I don't even know if it was because I could or I didn't want to.

   A warm hand placed itself on my waist and pulled me under a desk. I recognised the scent immediately. Stiles.

When all the ravens were gone, I was left alone with my own thoughts. Why? Because Allison and Lydia left with Allison's dad and I declined the ride.

   I can't face my father right now. I didn't even know how I could explain it.

   On my way to walk out of the class, I heard something behind me. Maybe the voice.


   Twin? What was that supposed to m-

   I was walking when two dark shadows came right in front of me.

"Oh" I said, now I understand why it has said that, "my two favourite werewolves" I muttered sarcastically.

"It's been a long time don't you think?" Aiden smirked.

"Tell me about it" I replied harshly, trying to shove them out of my way, but in vain.

"We're here to offer you to join our Al-." Ethan looked at me as I interrupted.

"Yeah, I know the speech. 'We want you in our Alpha Pack even though you are not an Alpha bla-bla-bla'. Sorry but still not interested." I said, trying to shove them to the side once again only to be myself shove backwards by Ethan- No Aiden... I didn't know which one. "Get out of my way." I growled.

   The twins looked at each other and then one said, "You know we can't." He almost looked... sorry.

   What a shame

   "Shut up." I whispered under my breath. This voice was starting to annoy me.

   Nobody talked for a moment before I lightly snapped my head to the side, making a loud crack erupt in the hallway.

   Aiden grasped his shoulder in pain and looked at me with angry eyes. "You did that!"

   I moved my hand over my heart. "How dare you accuse me? I didn't even touch you." I smirked lightly. "Now get out of my way."

The twin looked at each other and then let a passage between the both of them.

   As I reached the small space Aiden grasped my arm and said. "You can't run away forever."

   I pulled my arm out of his grip and leaned my head closer to his. "Watch me." And with that I began to walk out of the hallway.

"Bitch" Aiden snapped.

   I continued to walk away. "Heard that."

"You're a sociopath" Ethan yelled.

I turned around to face them and walked backwards "Sociopath doesn't feel empathy. I do. But if you want to call me something I prefer the terms 'creative'" I smiled sweetly at them.

What I didn't know about was that Stiles saw everything.

3rd person's POV

  "Scott, just trust me, there's something with her and these twins!" Stiles said as they were walking at the Hale house.

   Scott really wanted that tattoo.

   "You just saw her move her head." Scott replied. "And if 'there's something with her and these twins' it's not our problem. I think she can take care of herself. Remember? Valraven."

   "Valr-... I- yeah ! Of course a Valraven!" Stiles awkwardly said, acting as if he knew what it was.  Scott looked at him, smirking. "Okay, no I don't know what it is."

    "She's a Valraven, it's a creature between a witch and a ... raven I guess" Scott explained
"Deaton said that she was rare and powerful, she is probably the last Valraven in the world."

   "So what ? She can have wings and do potions ?" Stiles laughed at his own statement.

   "Actually she can do potion, but I don't know about the wings though." Scott said. "I'm surprised you didn't do any research about it." The werewolf stated.

   "Trust me, I come home and begin the research." Stiles muttered under his breath to low for a normal person to hear.

   Unlucky for him, his best friend had super-hearing. "Just don't do anything stupid if you want a chance with her."

   "Wh-what? Who said that I wanted to be with her!"

   "Welcome to the lover world, buddy" Scott laughed and walked inside the Hale house. But Stiles stayed there waited a little to understand that he had a crush on a witch. Oh god.

   "It's not like I could fall in love when I just met her!" Stiles walked toward Scott.

   "Really? Because I recall you two hanging out when she was visiting Lydia. And it seems like enjoy her a little bit too much !" Scott said and looked at him with a knowing look. When Stiles shot him a confused look he said, "I can sense it."

   "Oh god" Stiles murmured. His cheeks were red like a tomato. And walked in the room where Derek was.

Reese's POV

   The rain reminded me of my childhood, dancing outside with my parents.

   They would always worry about me getting a cold at some point but I didn't care about the consequences.

   I had no care of the drew that stained my clothes.

   The rain reminds me of many things. My house. My home. My father. My...

   Mother. Say it Reese. Your mother.

   I shut my eyes as the voice came again.

   Suddenly a familiar baby blue jeep slowed down next to me as I walked through the neighbourhood. The window opened and revealed a worried Stiles.

   "Stiles?" I said, stopping next to the car. "What are you doing here?"

   "W-well, I saw you walking in the rain and thought that maybe you needed a ride."

   I laughed quietly. "I'm fine, thanks Stilinski." I stated before I started to walk again.

   "You're going to get a cold, Reese." He sternly said as he drive very slowly next to me.

   "I said I'm fine, are you deaf?" I questioned, a little bit annoyed.

   "Are you deaf? Get in the car."

   The boy was slowly getting on my nerves.

   "Stilinski, I said I'm-"

   "Reese," he interrupted. "Please get in here."

   I huffed, "Fine."

   Stiles just smiled at me and leaned in to open his passenger door.

Author's note

Just so you don't get confused, when something is written in italic as a 'new paragraph' it's the voice who talk.

And also, it's normal if the chapters don't have the right numbers. I'm doing some editing.


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