Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

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The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

Legacy: Assassination Attempt

473 14 5
By aegis1st

Friday, July 13, 2031
The Wolves Headquarters
(Y,N) PoV

It has been ten years since we deal with Markus and his people, those who remained and gave up are behind bars in their respective country. The wolves were absolved of the so-called "Crimes" that were committed while we operated on our own but if we hadn't acted the way we did right now we would be living in fear because of the space station and I wouldn't even want to think what would have happened if Markus would have found Hephestaus Facility.

"Captain, The mission was a total success, we await new orders," A Hologram appeared next to showing me Eliza "Ash" Cohen.

"That would be all for today, Ash. Return to base," I ordered her and she nodded

"We have been dealing with a lot of traffic lately such as weapons, drugs, humans, organs, and so on. Lucky we are here to deal with all this," Harry said and I nodded

"By the way, how are Lidia and Levi?" Harry asked me

"They are doing fine. I wish I were there with them," I said

"But you are heading home in a few hours," Harry said and I sighed

"That's not what I meant. I meant to be there every day, see them in person every day. Being here feels like I'm missing in their lives," I said

"When you talk to them. Are they happy to see you? Or they don't get excited anymore when they hear about you?" Harry asked me

"Ela says they get happy and excited when she calls them to talk to me and when I see their faces, they are happy..." I said

"Why wouldn't they be? look (y,n). your kids are just as smart as you and Ela. they do things kids at their age should not be able to. They must understand why you are not at home all the time, they must be proud to know that their father is a hero," Harry said

"I am no hero, Harry. I'm just a guy who was fixing the error of his past," I said

"That doesn't change the fact that they love you. Besides...why are you feeling like that? You have never missed a birthday, and any important thing on their life," Harry said and I chuckled

"And that is why Raven gets mad at me because I escape from here just to be with them," I said

"You are a good father (y,n). Well, I won't keep you any longer, go be with your family, tell them I say hi!" Harry said and I nodded

Time Skip
Wroclaw, Poland
Elzbieta PoV

Today (y,n) is coming home and yesterday I promised the kids that I will take them to receive him at the airport, I was getting ready to go out and picked them up at school. Lidia and Levi are going to the same private school but Levi has already made up his mind to go to a military school when he gets older, it is nice of him that he wants to follow in his father footsteps but I can't help but worry, I'm their mother after all. After a few minutes I headed to my car so I can go and pick up my ten years old kids. 

I sold my previous car and bought this one, I have my own family now so I needed a car where I could take them, my previous car was amazing but it only had two seats and a four-car door is more suited for my family. After a thirty-minute drive, I finally made it to school. I went to the main gate and saw my kids waiting for me when they saw me their faces lit up like a candle and they ran towards me and hugged me.

"Did you bring it?" Lidia asked me

"Oh my god...I forgot!" I said

"Mom!" Lidia said

"She is lying! I bet it's in the car," Levi said and I sighed in defeat

"You got me. Now let's go, we don't want to be late," I said and they nodded.

Lidia is so sweet, the length she goes just to be noticed by her father, every month she puts together one cardboard just to greet her father at the airport, she is very creative and Levi is very resourceful, there are sometimes Lidia needs a last-minute change, Levi finds a way to get what Lidia wants just before she gets something, he is the reason why a few things in my art studio have gone missing.

Time Skip
3rd Person PoV

Ela and the kids arrived at the airport, just in time to see the ship transporting (y,n). Lidia and Levi were holding the cardboard with a happy face, in just a few minutes they would see their father.

Or so they thought...

All of a sudden, what would have been a nice day for Ela and her kids, became a day of chaos when the ship that was transporting (y,n) was blown into pieces thanks to a rocket launcher, Ela's eyes widened in surprise to see such event and what was worst is that the kids saw how their father died in front of their eyes. There was no time grief because a few bombs exploded on the airport and one of those bombs was set off near where Ela was and the kids were, the impact of the blast sent Ela flying towards the nearest wall. Ela groaned in pain and coughed as she stood up and she came to her senses she looked around for her kids and when she located them, they weren't moving...

"No, no, no, no!" Ela ran towards Levi then dragged him to where Lidia was. When Ela turned her daughter around Ela's eyes widened in fear when she saw Lidia's left eye covered in blood

"Mom...I don't feel so good..." Lidia weakly said then coughed

"Y-Y-Y-You are going to be OK, honey, stay with me..." I said trying to reassure her but she passes out. I put my head on her chest and her heart was still beating, the same with Levi.

Ela tried her best not to cry when all of the sudden someone grabbed her, Ela immediately hit the unknown person with her elbow right on the ribs, she turned around, and without breaking a sweat she disarmed the guy and aimed the weapon at the hostile head, she saw the guy was wearing a mask...

"Who the fuck are you?" Ela asked the masked man but the guy didn't say a word 

"Wrong answer..." Ela put a bullet into the guy's head. 

Ela took a deep breath and instead of crying for her husband, she remembered his words... "If there's a time where you need to choose between me or the kids...do not hesitate and save them," (y,n) words made Ela cried for help. Someone, from all this chaos, must be able to help her but no one came, and she was not about to leave her kids behind if she were to save from one or the other...she preferred not to choose at all. Ela grabbed her kids and hid and while hiding was where she heard the hostiles speaking.

"Go. make sure 'The Big Wolf' is dead," The terrorists said 

As the Chaos raged on at the airport and the smoke of the explosion that happened a few moments ago was covering the area, the terrorists had been planning to take down (y,n) for months but what they never expected was that once the smoke cleared out, four wraiths appeared on the rooftop overlooking the field where the ship of their captain exploded. 

"Do you think he is ok?" Wraith Five asked concerned 

"He must. You know James would never let the Captain die like that, his new suit must be able to protect him," Wraith two said, reassuring the previous Wraith 

"Should we help him then?" Wraith four said and the second shook her head 

"The Captain's kids are number one priority," Wraith one said, then she looked at a crow flying above the area

"Come on, let's find the kids," She added 

The Wraiths turned invisible again and they took advantage of the holes made by the explosion and used those holes as an entrance to the building. People were running around fueled by fear but the wraiths moved among them without trouble, they split up in two. Wraith two and five took a more direct approach but the fourth took the stairs to take a higher ground. 

Wraith Five sighted the terrorist and jumped and as she came down she turned visible again and killed a hostile with her knife, another hostile had a shot on her but wraith two grabbed the hostile weapon and killed him with her pistol. Wraith five used her abilities of phasing and supported Wraith two while she fought the hostiles, Wraith five killed those who had a shot on Wraith two while she did the same, A hostile managed to sneak behind wraith two but Wraith five appeared and killed him. The two wraiths just looked at each other and then nodded. Suddenly a terrorist rushed Wraith five and Wraith two tried to intercept but she far, she would not make it but then that terrorist fell to the ground dead. The two wraiths looked up and saw Wraith four was the one that took the shot, Wraith two salute at her as a sign of gratitude. Wraith one who was with Wraith four took down a sniper overlooking the area, the number of terrorists was reduced and the kids were saved along with their mother. No enemy expects a Wraith, they are an asset to the wolves because no one sees them coming and no one is left alive to tell the tale. 

"Time to help the Captain," Wraith one said 

Wraith one and two ran and encountered a few hostiles along the way, they took them down easily, and then Wraith one jumped off the window and landed on a car, and threw a smoke grenade to where the hostiles were surrounding the wreckage of the ship. It was the Captain's turn. 

"Stay close!" one of the terrorists said 

"There is no way someone can survive something like that," A terrorist said when all of a sudden they heard someone clapping they searched for the source, but they could not see anyone

"That was an amazing ambush, I'm not going to lie...if I weren't able to predict my enemy's next move I would have been killed..." (y,n) said 

"Now...you guys want to kill me so bad? Let's fight to the death then!" (y,n) shouted when all of his clothes disappeared and his armor covered his body.

(This is how your armor appeared in your body)

(This is your mask) 

(This is your suit) 

The terrorists were closed to each other but (y,n) grabbed the one that was far away, and that scared the others, now they were trying to escape, as soon as one of them tried to run away (y,n) slit his throat with a knife, a hostile aimed his weapon towards his dead friend but he was stabbed right in the chest, the one next to him couldn't even react when he fell to the ground dead, the smoke was clearing out and the remaining terrorists were able to see (y,n) but he pulled out his pistol and killed them leaving one of them alive...

"You'll do just fine...I have a few questions to ask you. You have the right to refuse but if you want to end like your friends here...you better think this through..." (y,n) said while looking at the bodies of the terrorist's dead friends

Time Skip
Elzbieta PoV 

"Thank you, Doc..." I said to the doctor who was checking on my kids when he left it was only me and Zofia in the room, I sighed as I sit down on the chair and buried my face in my hands.

"We will get through this Ela. Don't worry," Zofia tried to reassure me 

"Did you guys find (y,n)?" I asked and she shook her head 

"I'm sorry Ela, but we didn't even find a body..." Zofia said. 

"What am I going to tell the kids?" I sighed 

"Tell what?" The sudden voice of (y,n) caught me by surprise. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw him alive...I stood up and ran towards him and gave him a long kiss on the lips

"How?" That was the only thing I could say. (y,n) was about to talk but when he saw Lidia and Levi on the bed unconscious...he approached them and the only thing he could do was to kiss both on their forehead. 

"What did the doctor said?" He asked me 

"Lidia's eye is fine, I guess the only thing she will get at the end is a big scar on the eye, and Levi just broke an arm and a leg..." I said 

"This is my fucking fault. I should have dealt with all this crap sooner and now my kids are injured..." (y,n) said 

"It's both-" I couldn't even finish when (y,n) interrupted me 

"Shut up Ela, all you did was to be a good mother and wife, you kept them save meanwhile I was getting my ass kicked..." (y,n) said

"Ok first: Don't tell me to shut up, those words hurt when they come from you, second: You are doing your best, you are only human, honey. You can't prevent everything..." I said. I was mad at first but then I ended up reassuring him 

"They would be happy to know that you are still alive, you know? So stay, be there when they wake up," I added 

"I was planning on doing that," (y,n) said 

A Few Days Later
(Y,N) PoV 

I was expecting my kids to be awake by now, the days have passed and they still were in bed, I was getting worried so I called Ryleigh to tell me what was wrong. Turns out they were perfectly fine, she told me that it wasn't easy being a kid and take an explosion the way Lidia and Levi did, Ela was fine but it was because she is an adult and I'm glad she was fine. After Ela and Ryleigh convince me that they will wake up later, I took time from the wolf and let Reegar and Olsen in charge of the wolves, since they are also the leaders, that is when I'm not around. 

During the time I came to visit my kids, a few Wraiths and staff from the wolves came to check on them, which made me very grateful. As the days have passed I thought they would never wake up and my worries came back and at that moment Levi woke up...

"Dad?" Levi said weakly

"I thought you-" He was about to say something but I interrupted him

"It's ok, boy. I'm here, take it easy," I said. I restrain myself not to hug him because he was still hurt

"Where is Lidia?" He asked me but just before I could answer he looked to his left and saw his sister

"Is she..." Levi stopped talking, he thought the worst

"She will be fine," I reassured him 

"And Mom?" Levi asked and just before I answered, Ela came through the door, her eyes widened in surprise to see her son awake so she threw me the snacks she brought and went to hug Levi, I wanted to stop her but it was late and as a result...Levi groaned in pain. 

"I'm so sorry honey!" Ela said in Polish. Ever since they were born Ela has only spoken to them in Polish, I speak the language but I prefer English, I only speak Polish when I'm outside my house when I have to buy, ask or say something. Ela used to be a rebel but I feel like I'm the rebel for speaking English in a home where everyone speaks Polish. 

I looked at Lidia who was still unconscious and sighed. I was glad that Levi was awake but I was worried about my little girl. The next few hours were us talking to Levi while the doctor checked on him, then they let us take him home with us. The following day I arrived early in the morning and saw Lidia awake and she was crying? I quickly walked towards her and lifted her chin.

"Don't look at me, I'm ugly," Lidia said and I chuckled

"Ugly? you are still the same beautiful girl I've ever met. The second one is your mother, but don't tell her I said that," I said and Lidia laughed 

"A lot of people died...why they had to die..." Lidia was getting sad, in that moment I grabbed her hand, and she squeezed it 

"My father was not around much but he cared in his own way, I guess. the little time I got to spend it with him he used to say 'Never give in to unjust power. Never. Be strong both physically and mentally' and well I guess that what has been motivating me to do what I do..." I said 

"You rarely speak about Grandpa, I bet he was a good Dad," Lidia said and I chuckled 

"Yeah...I guess he was, but not at good as me, right?" I smirked and Lidia giggled 

"I'm glad you are ok Dad," Lidia said then I kissed her forehead

"I am glad you are ok too baby girl," I said 

"I'm not a baby," Lidia said and I rolled my eyes 

"Yeah sure, you are a big girl now," I said and she nodded 

There is my happy little girl. what happened in the past few days I'll try my best not to let it happen again. I was lucky that they only got injured but what if they were killed? I looked at Lidia again and her smile made me smile. I'll do anything to keep that smile on that face. 

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