Pocket Full Of Proses.

By Disgusted_in_agustd

137 29 20

Hello beautiful people, I am @misscreative_riya, I love to write and to create art in general. I really wish... More

Inspired by Hermann Hesse.
INFJ shit.
Inspired by.
Pocket full of Proses.
Raw thoughts about art.
Chapter 1 : Realisations
Chapter 2 : The Internet
Chapter 3 : Change
Chapter 4 : The power of books
Chapter 5 : Dreams
Redefine productivity
On Hitting Children and My Hatred For Adults
My Dear Mother

Inspired by Songs.

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By Disgusted_in_agustd

The following pieces are all inspired by songs. I'm really sorry for the repetition, they fit in both categories.

// Lucky me //

I found a clover
I count the leaves
One, two, three
I crush and consume it
A genie appears and grants me wishes
Huh, weird.
The day was perfect..
Huh, weird.
A little too perfect...
Then I woke up.

[ Cradles - Sub Urban ]

// The campus ghost //

So here I was,
walking on the basketball ground
we used to play on,

Full moon night and a cool breeze
On days like these, one does feel poetic
doesn't he?
Dragging my feet
without you
cold and lonely
suddenly hit me how long it has been since you left me.

You left me
but I also don't want you to come back
The place is the same but the circumstances aren't
I've changed significantly and so have you.
Never realised your worth and now you're gone, I'm sorry.

You left me,
all of you
but I stayed.
Am I the ghost or is it you?
I am the campus fool.

Here I am
sitting on the same basketball ground
we used to play on
you left, but the memories stayed.

[ City Boy - Calpurnia ]

I feel very fortunate that I, unlike many children, had a wonderful childhood, though it was filled with a lot of pain. I had many friends and I was the leader of my group; we used to play all sorts of games all day long. Then one day, without a warning, life separated us.

All of them got transferred to different places, far away. One after the other, I watched as my friends left; I could do nothing but hope to reunite one day. I never valued them until they were gone, I'm very sorry...

I got busy and went on with my life. So busy, that I never realised how lonely I got until one day, I stopped and looked at the moon. It's then it hit me that for the past couple of years, during a time of life when others hang around with their friends and make memories, the only company I had was music, books, the internet, my imaginary friends and myself. I don't want them to come back now, I have changed and they have too. I am now used to living alone, I'm content with it, I've found peace in it.

I was listening to the song city boy by Calpurnia when I wrote this. I found the song at a time I was obsessed with Finn Wolfhard and was trying to look for fresh, original music; this song somehow made me feel very nostalgic. This is a result of that intense nostalgia and also regret.

Take me back to the days
when music pierced through my soul
and left me wounded for days.
When did I become a stone
who's heart remains unaffected
who feels not joy, not pain?

What is it?
Part of growing up
or a handcrafted curse?
Please say it won't get worse.

Turn it loud, and louder
just to feel something.

This sound like magic,
pierced through my soul like an arrow
and intoxicates meike no wine could ever
Shakes me up, leads me to heaven,
perhaps to hell,
nevertheless to a new realm.

Oh no! There we go again!

Bring me back those days
when music pierced through my soul
and left me wounded for days.
When did I become a stone
who's heart remains unaffected
who feels not joy, not pain?

What is it?
Part of growing up
or a handcrafted curse?
Tell me it won't get worse.

just to feel something.

Oh no! There we go again!

[ Lie - Jimin (BTS) ]
[ Partly inspired by Note to Self, Connor Franta ]

This one is partly inspired by a poem written by Connor Franta for his book Note to Self.

I am a person very sensitive to music, I catch the details easily and can tell when even a single note is off. A few years ago, my anxiety levels skyrocketed. I used to feel music in every cell of my body; it used to move me to heaven or hell, depending on the song. It was the greatest feeling ever, that was the greatest time of my life. When them came down the next year, I was left numb; it was like I stopped feeling everything all together.

I was listening to the song 'lie' by Jimin when I wrote this; it is one of the songs that touched me the most since I relate to it a lot. This poem is about my experience of loosing this sensitivity to music. I sometimes get it back for a day or two. I no longer feel music the way I used to, I would sell my soul to get the feeling back. Has any of you experienced this? If yes, I'd love to know your experiences.

// Soul in Seoul //

19 vibes
and a warm cup of tea
on an orange October
Tired soul
captivated by Seoul.

19 vibes, nostalgia
and a warm cup of tea.
On a journey
to a destination familiar
now, I have arrived.

19 vibes
and a warm cup of tea
on an orange October
how do you captivate me
every time?

Isn't it crazy
how the moment you waited for
all year, fades away
in seconds.
Now I'm back to the drab old existence
until next year
until next year...

[ Seoul - RM ]

This poem is about visiting my family on festivals. Diwali is -or rather used to be- my favourite. The excitement of being with your family, decorating the house together, dressing up, taking pictures and making memories was fun; it gave me something to remember, it gave me something to look forward to. The bad part is how quickly time passes when you're having fun, the moment seemed to fly by in mere seconds.

I wrote this when I came back to the drab reality I live in. I was in my room, listening to Seoul by RM on loop, feeling nostalgic alone. Just like most other BTS songs, the song holds a special place in my heart. RM beautifully expressed his feelings through Mono and it remains one of my most favourite albums. The song and the album are true masterpieces. Check them out someday if you're free :)


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