The Grimm with a soul

TechSamurai6185 tarafından

256K 6.4K 5.7K

A new Grimm is made by Salem, one specifically made to kill huntsmen. This Grimm was smarter, faster, and str... Daha Fazla

Meeting the cast
Purple trailer
Combat Training
Opening old wounds
A day in vale
Back to Vale
The Beacon dance/changing the timeline part 1
The Beacon dance part 2
The Beacon dance part 3
A Trip to Atlas
The next morning
A shared expierience
Let the games begin.
A choice
The dreaded day
Cutting off loose ends
Not an update!
One step closer
Old enemies
Another Maiden?
Fire and Ice
Breaking reality
Character bio
Its all a matter of perspective
Why a train though?
The Grimm wears black
A final push
The end of an era
A new legend begins
The outside
The Umbarans
A new chapter and a new threat
Tensions rise
The festival begins
The Final match
Counter attack
Overwhelming victory
Bonus chapter: What happened to Salem?
We have a tv tropes page!

The Best day ever

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TechSamurai6185 tarafından

Ironwood walked into Ozpin's office, wondering why Ozpin had called him here today. He decided to voice his query.

Ironwood: Hello Ozpin, while I enjoy meeting friends, I am a busy man.

Ozpin: I know James. (Turns to look out the window) It seems you didn't bring your work with you today.

Ironwood: I didn't think this was that important.

Ironwood said bluntly, Ozpin chuckled lightly.

Ozpin: Oh how wrong you are.

Ironwood: Do tell.

Ozpin: What if I told you there was a Grimm with a soul?

Ironwood: I would think your age is getting to you.

Ironwood: If this Grimm does exist, where is he now?

Ozpin: In this room.

Ironwood flinched as smoke swirled off a chair, forming Shadow.

Ironwood: Ozpin...

Ozpin: Yes?

Ironwood: There is a Grimm sitting in a chair...

Ozpin: Correct.

Ironwood: It isn't attacking us...

Ozpin: Also correct.

Ironwood: Is this one of her creations?

Shadow: Technically yes, even though I do not ally myself with her.

Ironwood: ...You speak... Where's Qrow and his flask when you need it?

Qrow: Right here Jimmy.

Qrow removed himself from the shadows, fishing out his flask. Ironwood motioned with his arm and Qrow tossed it to him.

Glynda moved forward from Ozpin's side, after Ironwood tossed the flask back to Qrow.

Glynda: Well, now that Introductions are done. We welcome our latest member. Though it would've been better with Summer here...

Qrow: She doesn't concern herself with Salem anymore unless absolutely necessary. Bad memories from when Shadow rescued her.

Ironwood: Ah, it was you that rescued her all those years ago.

Shadow: Correct. Now, I have information that will be of use to us.

Ozpin: Please, share with us.

Shadow: In my time with Vale I have killed one of Salem supporters, Tyrian Gallows, yes he was still alive.

Shadow said, seeing Ironwood open his mouth to question.

Shadow: I have also found the location of the false fall maiden.

The members leaned forward in interest.

Shadow: Her name is Cinder.

Shadow: Fall.

Ironwood: How have you discovered all of this?

Shadow: Roman Torchwick. The gangster that Cinder has "employed" in reality, she is threatening his own life, and the life of his daughter.

(A/N in this AU Neo is the same age as Ruby)

Shadow: And with Roman now on our side, he entire plan falls to pieces.

The group look stupefied, before laughing at Cinder's expense.

Ironwood: She must be incredibly foolish to have trusted Roman with this information.

Shadow: That is not all.

Shadow's cold voice cut through the cabal's laughter, bringing them back on subject.

Shadow: They plan to infiltrate the Vytal festival, as students from Haven academy.

Shadow: We can use this to set a trap.


A ship flies through the skies over Vale and the camera pans down to the city streets. The owner of the Dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" is hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbs down from his ladder, he stumbles and falls. Emerald Sustrai appears next to him.

Emerald: (giggling) 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. (She helps him to his feet.) Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

Emerald produces a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over.

Shopkeep: Hmm? Mm-hmm.

Emerald walks away from the shop owner as both wave goodbye and passes Mercury Black at a corner.

Mercury: I knew you were lost.

Emerald: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up. (She produces a wallet with Lien and waves it in Mercury's face.)

Mercury: That's not your money.

Emerald: But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence.

Mercury: Mmmm... no deal.

Emerald: Fine. (Emerald takes the Lien and tosses the wallet, turning to walk away.)

Mercury: Whatever. You want me.

More of the city is shown, including a café where two extras sit chatting. Mercury and Emerald are walking through the city.

Mercury: So, how much farther?

Emerald: A few blocks.

Mercury: Ugh... this place is so dull.

Emerald: Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...

Mercury: And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.

Emerald stops.

Emerald: That's every city.

Mercury: (Mercury play acts as a victim.) Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!

Emerald glares at him, groaning angrily. She then walks away from him.

Mercury: Ugh... you're no fun today.

Mercury follows behind Emerald. The scene shifts to Emerald and Mercury entering a shop full of books. The shop owner can be heard humming a tune. Mercury stops near the door to look at books while Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell.

Tukson: Be right there! (Emerald looks back at Mercury. The shop owner is seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backwards and out toward the counter.) Welcome to "Tukson's Book Trade", home to every book under the sun! (He sets the stacks down offscreen.) How may I... (Turning around, he gasps and hesitates upon recognizing the two of them. Mercury is now holding a book.) How may I help you?

Mercury: (Although the book is open, Mercury is looking at Tukson.) Just browsing. (He shuts the book.)

Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?

Tukson: Yes we do.

Emerald: (excitedly) That's great.

Tukson: Would you... like a copy?

Emerald: No, just wondering. (Mercury closes another book.) Oh, oh! What about "Violet's Garden"? In paperback?

Mercury: He's got it. Hardback too. (Mercury produces a book.)

Emerald: Ooh, options are nice.

Mercury: Eh, no pictures. (Mercury closes the book.) Hey! Do you have... any...comics?

Mercury's voice stopped when he came face to face with Shadow who was inches away from the kickboxer.

Mercury: Shit!

Mercury tries to kick Shadow, but is easily pushed back. Emerald turned and goes wide-eyed in fear. She is struck non-lethally, and falls over.

Mercury thinks about attacking, but instead helps Emerald up and Shadow allows them to run.

Tukson: Well, thanks for that.

Shadow: It is no problem.

Sun and Neptune walked down the empty sidewalk to the cafeteria. Not noticing the students fleeing the ensuing food fight.

Sun: Let me tell you, these guys are the coolest. But the girl with the bow is a Faunus, but that's a secret. Not a secret that I'm gonna tell Scarlet and Sage once Sun's turned around!

Neptune: Alright, alright! Didn't you say something about a friendly Grimm?

Sun: Yep, I wonder what happened to him?

Shadow: Look to your feet.

Sun and Neptune jumped, seeing the piece of cement turn darker as Shadow spoke.

Sun: Wait, is that you? The Grimm that helped us at the docks?

Shadow: That is correct.

Shadow exited the sidewalk, smoke swirling around until forming him.

Shadow: My name is Shadow, a pleasure to meet both of you.

Shadow extended his hand, which Sun shook.

Sun: Sun Wukong, nice to meet you.

Neptune: Neptune Vasilias.

Shadow: A pleasure. Where are you two headed?

Sun: Well, we're looking for Team RWBY, have you seen them?

Shadow: Ah yes, they should be in the cafeteria. Shall we?

Shadow motioned for them to walk, and they did side by side.

Neptune: So what's your story?

Shadow: I am the first ever Grimm recorded with an Aura. Only team RWBY, JNPR, and the teachers at this school know about me.

Sun: I wonder why?

Shadow: I would prefer to live my life living instead of in a test tube.

Neptune: Makes sense.

Shadow: Here we are.

Sun slammed open the doors to the cafeteria, the food fight between RWBY and JNPR ending.

Team JNPR slammed against the wall, the food and other drinks flying into them. Shadow moved out of the way as a purple drink exploded all over Neptune.

Glynda slammed open the door, a very angry look on her face.

Glynda: Children! Please, do not play with your food.

Team JNPR was lowered from the crater, as Glynda began repairing the cafeteria. Until Violet slammed through the ceiling screaming and braking another roof.

Violet: Again?!

Yang: What is it with you and roofs?!

Ozpin: Let it go...

Glynda: Their supposed to be protectors of this world!

Ozpin: And they will, but their still children. Why don't we let them play the part, after all... it won't be something they'll have forever.

Jack: Not if we have anything to say about it.

Ruby: Board game time!

In an old warehouse, the White Fang are moving crates as Emerald and Mercury enter.

Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce! (Roman approaches the two from behind and wraps his arms around them in a group hug.)

Emerald: (shivering in disgust) Spare us the thought of you procreating.

Emerald and Mercury pull away from Roman.

Roman: That was a joke. And this... just might tell me where you two have been all day. (Roman produces a piece of paper.)

Emerald: What!? Agh...

Roman: I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. (Holding up the piece of paper.) Why do you have this address?

Emerald: Wouldn't you like to know?

Roman: Yeah, I would. Now where have you been all day?

Mercury: Trying to clean up your problems. One of them, at least.

Roman: I had that under control.

Mercury: Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise.

Roman: Listen, you little punk. If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and...

Cinder: Do what, Roman?

Cinder appears on a platform above them. She steps onto an automated lift, riding it down to their level.

Roman: (laughs nervously) I'd, uh... not kill them?

Emerald: (excitedly) Cinder!

Cinder: I thought I made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway.

Roman: I was going to...

Emerald: He was going to escape to Vacuo! Mercury and I tried to take it upon ourselves to kill the rat.

Cinder: "Tried?"

Mercury: Our Grimm friend intervened. He got away.

Cinder: Hm, he does seem to be a recurring problem, doesn't he?

Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. (The camera switches to an over-the-shoulder from Ozpin's perspective as three more Bullheads fly in.) But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore. (A chirping beep sounds repeatedly. Ozpin turns to see a hollow-message "Access Requested" on his desk.) Come in.

The camera switches to a low perspective beyond Ozpin's desk and facing the doors as they slide open to reveal Ironwood as Ozpin approaches to greet him.

Ironwood: (cordially) Ozpin!

Ozpin stands at attention.

Ozpin: Hello, General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. I hope I didn't bring my army here for any reason?

Ozpin: Oh how wrong you are.

Ironwood: Do tell.

Ozpin: What if I told you there was a Grimm with a soul?

Ironwood: I would think your age is getting to you.

Ironwood: If this Grimm does exist, where is he now?

Ozpin: In this room.

Ironwood flinched as smoke swirled off a chair, forming Shadow.

Ironwood: Ozpin...

Ozpin: Yes?

Ironwood: There is a Grimm sitting in a chair...

Ozpin: Correct.

Ironwood: It isn't attacking us...

Ozpin: Also correct.

Ironwood: Is this one of her creations?

Shadow: Technically yes, even though I do not ally myself with her.

Ironwood: ...You speak... Where's Qrow and his flask when you need it?

Qrow: Right here Jimmy.

Qrow removed himself from the shadows, fishing out his flask. Ironwood motioned with his arm and Qrow tossed it to him.

Glynda moved forward from Ozpin's side, after Ironwood tossed the flask back to Qrow.

Glynda: Well, now that Introductions are done. We welcome our latest member. Though it would've been better with Summer here...

Qrow: She doesn't concern herself with Salem anymore unless absolutely necessary. Bad memories from when Shadow rescued her.

Ironwood: Ah, it was you that rescued her all those years ago.

Shadow: Correct. Now, I have information that will be of use to us.

Ozpin: Please, share with us.

Shadow: In my time with Vale I have killed one of Salem supporters, Tyrian Gallows, yes he was still alive.

Shadow said, seeing Ironwood open his mouth to question.

Shadow: I have also found the location of the false fall maiden.

The members leaned forward in interest.

Shadow: Her name is Cinder.

Shadow: Fall.

Ironwood: How have you discovered all of this?

Shadow: Roman Torchwick. The gangster that Cinder has "employed" in reality, she is threatening his own life, and the life of his daughter.

(A/N in this AU Neo is the same age as Ruby)

Shadow: And with Roman now on our side, he entire plan falls to pieces.

The group look stupefied, before laughing at Cinder's expense.

Ironwood: She must be incredibly foolish to have trusted Roman with this information.

Shadow: That is not all.

Shadow's cold voice cut through the cabal's laughter, bringing them back on subject.

Shadow: They plan to infiltrate the Vytal festival, as students from Haven academy.

Shadow: We can use this to set a trap.


In the Beacon Academy library, Team RWBY are shown playing Remnant: The Game. The camera pans from Weiss to Yang then to Blake, who is obviously distracted, before finally landing on Ruby, who has been contemplating her next move.

Ruby: Hmmmmm.... All right... All right! (Points at Yang.) Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: (Thrusting her elbow down as she balls her fist.) Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet! (Slaps her card down on the table. Yang feigns a look of shock.) Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly! (Makes noises like airplanes flying and bombing as she makes a bird with her hands.)

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: (Ruby is now ducked at one end of the table. The camera zooms across the table to show the board and its player pieces in detail.) And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn. (Ruby peaks her head up. She gives a look of surprise as, offscreen, Yang can be heard laughing arrogantly.)

Yang: (Yang raises a card.) Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card! (Yang shows the card to the camera.)

Ruby: (Ruby is visibly disturbed.) Whaaat?!

Yang: Giant Nevermore! (She slams the card down on the table.) If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!

A scene of a Nevermore flying over a field of swords impaled in the ground plays over the conversation.

Ruby: (Ruby points at Yang.) But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces! (The Nevermore is shown to be turning back toward Yang.)

Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take. (The two glare at each other. Yang is heard shouting triumphantly offscreen.)

Team JNPR are shown as Yang and Ruby banter on about the game. Ren and Pyrrha are studying, and Nora's snot bubble inflates and deflates as she sleeps. While Violet reads a comic.

Ruby: (offscreen) Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!

Yang: (offscreen) Eh, most of them were probably androids.

Ruby: (offscreen) Goodbye my friends, you will be avenged.

Yang: (offscreen) Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!

Ruby: (offscreen) Bah!

Nora: (snores and talks in her sleep) Oh. Have pancakes.

Yang: (offscreen) Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?

Pyrrha clears her throat and then confiscates a comic book Jaune is reading, trading it for a textbook.

Ruby: (offscreen) Bah! Bah, I say!

Yang: (offscreen) I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!

As Pyrrha reads Jaune's comic, a Nevermore player piece is tossed over Jaune's shoulder. Another piece bounces off of his head.

Ruby: (offscreen) Have you no heart? (Ruby collapses on the table, groaning.) Nooo!

Yang: Well, Weiss, it's your turn.

Weiss: I have... absolutely no idea what's going on.

Yang: (Yang slides up beside her and puts her hand on her shoulder.) Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.

Weiss: That sounds dumb.

Yang: (Yang starts looking through Weiss' cards.) See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! (She pulls up a card to show Weiss.) Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet—

Ruby: (crying) Nooo!

Yang: —and put it in your hand!

Weiss: Okay.

Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom! (Yang points a finger at Weiss.) Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war. (She pulls away and returns to her seat.)

Weiss: And that means...

Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!

Weiss: (Weiss stands and a thunder clap accompanies Weiss' overjoyed psychotic laughter.) Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!

Yang: (offscreen) Trap card... (Yang's arm appears holding the card.)

Weiss: Huh?

Yang: (Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, Weiss' pieces disappearing in a puff of smoke.) Your armies have been destroyed.

Weiss: (Weiss slumps in her chair, cries and whines.) I hate this game of emotions we play!

Ruby hops into Weiss' lap.

Ruby: Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!

Weiss: Shut up! (Weiss hugs Ruby.) Don't touch me!

Yang: (Putting her arms up behind her head.) Alright Blake, you're up!

Blake: Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?

Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!

Blake: Right.

Jaune: (Approaching the table.) Hey! Can I play?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we've already got 4 people.

Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.

Yang: Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet 2 turns ago. (Weiss makes an annoyed sound.)

Jaune: Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!

Weiss: By who? Your mother?

Jaune: A-and Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: (waving) Hello again!

Jaune: (Begging with both hands folded together.) Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!

Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!

Jaune: Why not? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before. I mean, you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fa-

Pyrrha: (Pyrrha darts over and slaps a hand over Jaune's mouth.) Fun-loving person, whom we all admire and respect. (Jaune laughs nervously.)

Everyone looks nervously at Blake who looks obviously annoyed that her secret is out.

Jaune: Right. That. Ladies, enjoy your battle. (Bows as Pyrrha walks away. Footsteps can be heard offscreen.)

Sun: (offscreen) 'Sup losers.

Sun appears holding his fingers in a "peace" sign.

Ruby: Hey Sun!

The camera shifts to show that Neptune is next to Sun.

Sun: Ruby, Yang, Blake... Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?

Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.

Neptune: Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?

Ren: (throwing his arms up.) Thank you!

Nora: (popping her head up.) Pancakes!

Sun: Shut up. Don't be a nerd.

Neptune: (shaking a finger at Sun.) Geh, geh, geh, geh! "Intellectual", okay? Thank you. (waving) I'm Neptune.

Weiss: So Neptune, where are you from?

Neptune: Vacuo. (Approaches Weiss.) And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel.

Weiss: Um, I'm Weiss.

Jaune: Are you kidding me!?

Neptune: Pleasure to meet you.

Sun: (to Blake) I never took you as the board game playing type.

Blake: (As she speaks, she shoves Sun aside and leaves the room.) Right, well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later.

Nora: (shrugs) Women.

Shadow: Would you mind if I play?

Shadow appeared out of the table, in Blake's seat. His actions surprising everyone in the room.

Ruby: Oh, sure!

Shadow: Excellent.

Thirty minutes. It took Thirty minutes for Shadow to conquer Remnant. Surprising everyone with his board game playing ability.

He started out in Vale, before going to Vacuo, then Mistral. Before finally beating Yang and taking Atlas.

Violet read a theory once that the fall of beacon was predicted in this board game. Then what did this mean?

Shadow: Well, that was fun.

Yang was still stupefied.

Team VRWBY and Shadow are shown entering their dorm room.

Yang: Ugh, we should have never let him play!

Ruby: You're just mad cuz' Shadow beat you! See, if you had just attacked when I told you none of this would have happened.

As they enter, Blake approaches the door to leave.

Weiss: Stop. (Weiss points at Blake. Blake's hand retracts from the door knob.) Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody!

Yang: Uh, have you met Blake?

Weiss: Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong! (Flips through the air as six copies of her emblem fly through the air.) So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!? (She points her finger at Blake again.)

Weiss is shown to be balancing precariously on a chair's back feet. She quickly puts the chair away and returns to stand near the girls.

Blake: I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: (approaching Blake) You're still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it.

Blake: Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells!

Ruby: (offscreen) Uh, who?

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!

Ruby: Well yeah, but...

Weiss: We're not ready!

Blake: And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day. (Pointing toward the door.) They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!

Ruby: (Ruby raises her hand and does other random gestures, while looking manic.) Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye.

Yang: (Pumps her fist enthusiastically and points at Blake.) Yes! I love it when you're feisty!

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby: None of you said aye!

Blake: Alright then, we're in this together!

Ruby: (gesturing) Let's hatch a plan!

Yang: ("Double-guns" at Ruby.) Yeah!

Ruby: (gasps as she freaks out) I left my board game at the library!

Weiss: (Places her hand to her head.) We're doomed.

Ruby: (running out of the room and down the hallway) I'll be right back!

Violet and Shadow exchange a glance, before Shadow turns to smoke.

The sound of collision is heard as Ruby seems to slam into the camera and disappears offscreen.

Ruby: Oo-oof! Oh g-! (looking up) Sorry. Are you okay?

The music score takes on an eerie tone.

Emerald: I'm fine. (Emerald offers her hand from offscreen.) Just watch where you're going.

Ruby is shown to be slouched on the ground as she takes Emerald's hand. Mercury stands beside them.

Ruby: Oh, right, sorry. (She continues to speak as Emerald helps her to her feet.) Um, I'm Ruby! Are you new?

Cinder: (Emerald steps aside to reveal Cinder as she approaches.) Visiting from Haven, actually. (Emerald turns to look at her.)

Ruby stares for a moment and Cinder stares back.

Ruby: Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory.

Mercury: I guess we just got turned around.

Ruby: Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time. (Mercury and Emerald walk past Ruby.) Uh, your building is just east of here.

Cinder: (offscreen) Thanks. (Cinder walks past Ruby, gesturing in acknowledgement.) Maybe we'll see you around.

Ruby: Yeah, maybe! (The camera shifts to show the faces of the trio as they continue to walk away. Behind them, Ruby can be seen waving.) Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!

Cinder grins evilly and her eyes glow menacingly, they continue walking, not noticing the trail of smoke coming to a rest on Mercury's leg.

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