Night Changes- Larry Stylinso...

By gooniesneversaydie1

109K 3.3K 1.4K

SEQUEL TO THINKING OUT LOUD> MUST READ FIRST!!! Louis and Harry have been through so much over the past year... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20

Untitled Part 7

5.9K 171 136
By gooniesneversaydie1

Louis POV

Two days of absolute boredom later and I'm allowed out for Harry’s company Christmas party. I do my own hair in a messy fringe that I know Harry loves and put on my black skinny jeans, a crisp white shirt and my black blazer over the top then, I'm ready to leave. Harry rolls his eyes at me when he sees me putting my black Vans on. He has a knowing smile on his face though so I know he is ok with it. I'm excited to see Gemma and Niall tonight and also hang with Andy and Zayn. I haven't seen them in forever and I really need some company after being stuck in the house for so long. I desperately want to get out but I'm also a little nervous leaving the house. Security is tight but like the note said one slip up and anything could happen. I know the kids are safe with the security around the house 24/7.  Drew let slip today that my parents have also been trying to get into the house for two days but thankfully they have had no luck. I really don’t know what more they want and I hope I never see them again.

Harry and I are getting ready in our room as I walk out of the ensuite I see Harry standing by the bed. He is dressed in a grey suit with a white linen shirt underneath, with no tie. He looks incredible as always and my stomach does a flip and I can't help but get turned on when I see him.

"Like what you see huh" Harry says smirking at me.

I blush like crazy, he still has that effect on me, and I find him so attractive. He saunters over to me and cups my cheek

"You look absolutely edible Lou, I can't wait to get you home and have my way with you" his husky voice sounds in my ear.

His hot breath on my neck reaches my length as it twitches in arousal in my pants. My breathing picks up, Harry moves so his lips are hovering over mine, before he plants a teasing deep kiss to my lips. I melt into his arms. He pulls back.

"You’re such a distraction" he says with a groan.

"Let's go we will be late, you wouldn't want to keep anyone waiting" I whisper out.

"I'm the boss I can do what the bloody hell I want" he says as he attaches his lips to mine again.

"And right now I want you" he says as he looks sexily into my eyes.

Soon enough we are in a heated snogging session, a low moan escapes my lips.

"You will have to be quiet baby, security is right outside the door, do you think you can do that for me?" he says smirking at me.

My breathing is becoming heavy as I try to keep my sounds to a minimum. Harry pulls my jeans and boxers down and I step shakily out of them. Harry then pushes me against the wall. He undoes his pants and puts a condom over his length. He attaches our lips again and I'm struggling to be quiet I let out a moan as he places his fingers inside me stretching me out. We both look at each other and can't help but laugh. Harry starts attacking my neck biting and sucking his mark into me. He removes his fingers and lines his cock up to my entrance. He slams into me and growls into my neck.

“Lou your so tight baby” Harry groans out.

 I can’t help but moan in response. His rhythm picks up as he pounds me into the wall. I'm lost in him, his smell, and his taste, how he feels incredible inside me. I can feel my climax coming and I place my face in Harry's neck and bite his shoulder, Harry reaches for his t-shirt he was wearing earlier bringing it my length to catch my release as it washes over me. Harry stills and comes down from his high, both of us panting trying to stable our breathing. Harry pulls out and goes to dispose of the condom and the now dirty T-shirt. I find my boxers and pants on the floor and put them back on. I make my way to the bathroom to fix my hair. I succeed and now I only have a slight glow rather than the just fucked look. Harry comes into the bathroom and hugs me from behind, his arms slipping around my waist.

"You don't understand how much I love you I can't ever get enough of you" he says in my ear. I smile and turn in his arms and kiss him on the lips.

"I love you" I say sincerely "We should go though” I smile out.

"Yes, right as ever baby" he says "but I forgot to give you these"

Harry pulls out a small black box and inside are the most dazzling black cuff links I’ve ever seen.

"Harry these are incredible" I say, they look really expensive "Thank you" I say looking into his eyes.

"Always" he says back.

I quickly change my cuff links. Harry takes my hand and we walk out of the room. I can't help but blush as we come face to face with security. I can see the small smile they give each other and I know they know what we were up too. It's a little embarrassing but I laugh as Harry looks at me. He gives me a triumphant smile, his dimples on display as we walk to the car.

The night starts off perfectly. Harry chose his main office building in London for the party and had one of the floors converted into a true Christmas wonderland. He has a lot of staff so obviously just the people working in his London building are attending along with some clients and important officials. When we arrive we head inside. The party is in full swing. Harry introduces me to many industry hot shots most of whom I've never heard of but, I act my ass off and go all out to impress these people for Harry. The drink on the way in has helped me relax a little and I'm able to work the room, laughing and chatting when necessary. Finally after a good few hours I'm able to go off in search for Niall and everyone else. I find them in the corner at a table near the dance floor drinking, laughing and eating. I walk over and sit on Niall's lap relaxing.

"Whoop whoo you look smashing tonight Louis" Gemma says to me.

"Thanks Gem, as do you, I didn't realise how much work is involved in these things its tiring" I laugh out.

"That's why I'm thankful I can sneak up the back" Zayn says as Andy hands him another beer.

"You looked like you were enjoying yourself, you were a natural working the room" Niall says puts his arm round my waist.

"Thanks, I hope I didn't embarrass Harry" I say.

"As if Louis" Barbara says from beside me "You’re the perfect package stop worrying" she says smiling at me.

"As are you baby" Niall tells Barbara and plants a kiss on her lips.

There are many "awes" from the table as Barbara blushes. I can’t help my smile. They are a very cute couple.

"Would you like a drink Kid?" Andy asks as I take a sip of Niall's scotch.

"I'd love one" I say smiling at him.

I can feel Harry's eyes on me and as I turn I see him standing in the centre of the room he smiles at me and saunters so gracefully over to our table, drawing the room’s attention as he does. His presence is so dominating it's such a turn on. He greets our group and comes back to my side and kisses me on the head.

"I'm just getting Louis a drink do you want one Harry?" Andy asks.

"Love one Ands just the usual" he says coolly.

I stand and lean into Harry side.

"You were amazing tonight baby, I'm so proud of you. You’re the talk of the room" Harry says proudly into my ear as I blush.

"I hope I didn't embarrass you” I say quietly, Harry scoffs.

"Are you kidding, stop it. I’ve had requests for you to accompany me to very important events by some very top executives. You have also been offered a modelling contract with a very top modelling agency"

I'm shocked at his words and although it's flattering it somehow makes me more insecure. Knowing I've been looked at that way seems somewhat violating. It would however make a nice career change. I still can't think of myself as attractive though so I have no idea how I would portray it in front of a camera, I'm too insecure.

"Interesting" I say "I don't think that will be happening any time soon" I laugh.

"Just something to think about" he says holding my waist.

"I'm just going to head to the bathroom" I say as I kiss Harry on the cheek.

"Should I come with you?" he asks a little apprehensive to let me go alone.

"I'll be fine Harry if I'm not back in 5 minutes come find me"

"Hmmmm" he says pulling me to his chest.

"I just might do that, take your time Mr Tomlinson" he says sexily into my ear and I laugh.

I begin to walk to the bathroom people staring as I go, I have to get used to it I guess, I'm now Harry styles fiancéand apparently that's a huge deal and I'm now considered a socialite. Definitely something I'm not comfortable with. I wouldn't know the first thing about designer clothes or shoes, isn't it obvious I don't come from this world? I guess maybe that's what they like about me. I can only hope.

I finish my business in the bathrooms and check my hair in the mirror. After I’m satisfied I head back into the hallway. I expect to see security or Harry standing waiting for me as I've taken a little longer than I said I would. The hallway is deserted though. I start to walk back towards the voices in the main area. I can hear Harry on the microphone closing the night and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. I'm relieved we can head home now. I'm just reaching the top of the staircase to head back down when I'm pulled back by my arm and into the darkened area to the right of the bathrooms. I stumble and when I gain my composure I come face to face with none other than my father. He has a smirk on his face and his grip on my upper arm is tight. He shoves me hard against the wall not letting go of my arm. My head hits the wall hard causing me to go dizzy for a minute.

"Well, well, well, you have certainly made a name for yourself haven't you darling boy, I suspect they don't know about your troubled past then. Does Harry realize who he is involved with?" he smirks at me as he talks in my face icily.

My chest feels tight. I haven't looked into my father’s dark icy blue eyes in years. His cold hard stare makes me cower, this man is supposed to be my father, my own flesh and blood. He is supposed to love me unconditionally. Instead he hates me and I can see it in the way he looks at me. I can see how much I disgust him and it breaks my heart. What did I ever do to him? All I ever asked for was love and support from my parents, but I never got it and I know I never will.

"What do you want?" I ask trying but failing to sound confident.

"I've been trying to speak to you for days but I haven't been allowed anywhere near the precious little Louis have I? I had to go to extreme lengths of sneaking in tonight to talk to you, you are an ungrateful little fag and I want to ruin your life, just like you ruined ours by becoming a whore. Everyone in Doncaster knows what really happened that night that you lead Ben on. That you’re the reason one of the most respected and wealthiest families in Yorkshire lost their son. Once it all came out our social reputation was ruined. I lost business because of you. We went broke because of you! No one would talk to us anymore because of our fucked up fag of a son. And nothing would give me more satisfaction than seeing the same thing happen to you. To watch you struggle for the rest of your life” My father says with so much hate in his voice. His grip is really hurting me and I know it's leaving a bruise as we speak.

"I don't care about money, I never have and I never will, take all my money I don't care have it, just leave me alone" I yell.

"I don't want your money, I want Harry's, I want him to see what a whore you are and I want him to think you’re a gold digger so he kicks you to the curb. What he sees in you I'll never know.

"Harry knows I love him, he knows I don't care about his money"

"How can you not care about money? I know you’re only with Harry for security. You have obviously manipulated him into thinking you’re in love with him. He could have anyone he wants but he chose you?"

My father lets out a devilish laugh

"You’re kidding yourself, if you think someone would actually care that much about you, that someone would actually love you. Your mother and I never wanted you Louis, you were a mistake. Andy was the only one we wanted but your mother insisted we keep you and it just goes to show what a disappointment and mistake that was"

Hearing these words from my own father make my knees weak, I feel like all the air has left my lungs. I have never been so hurt in my life, hearing that from my own father crushes me I don't know what to do. I knew I was a mistake I knew they never wanted me, but they never said it out loud. I can't deal with it. I don't know how to process this information properly.

"I want you to take 10 million pounds from Harry and put it into my bank account by the end of tomorrow and then I want you to leave him. Tell him you never loved him, that you were just with him for his money, that you’re a gold digging ManWhore...... or else" my father interrupts my thoughts.

"Or else what?" I ask shakily

"Or else I make up a whole bunch of shit about you, I'll spread it through the media and I'll ruin you and I'll ruin Harry and best of all Aston will be ours and there will be nothing you can do about it. If you give us the 10 million and leave Harry for good though, I'll be out of your life forever, you will never see your mother or me again" he says.

My breathing is becoming heavy and I let a few tears escape I can't bear to leave Harry, but Aston is my son he has to come first I can't lose him either.

"Ohhhhh don't cry darling Louis'" my father says condescendingly wiping my eyes with his thumb. I flinch away. 

"Did you just fucking flinch at me?" he asks sharply. I see his eyes change to the familiar darkness when he is about to explode. I'm scared to be near him.

"Let me go, please let me go" I say trying to break from him.

All of a sudden his fist collides with my face and I'm pushed to the ground, Harry rounds the corner in an instant and grabs my Father by the collar and pushes him against the wall.


Drew is helping me up off the ground while security is taking my dad away and trying to calm Harry down. I bury my head in Drew's chest trying to hide away from the scene.

"It's ok bud, he's gone, I'm sorry we had to let that happen" Drew says rubbing my back.

"What?" I ask surprised, they let it happen?

Harry has calmed down and takes over from Drew before he can explain.

"Are you ok baby I'm so sorry" he says looking at me.

"I want your eye checked out, he hit you so fucking hard that son of a bitch" Harry says angrily.

"I'm ok" I whisper out "What did Drew mean you let it happen?" I ask looking up into Harry’s eyes. He sighs.

 "Come sit down Lou" he says as he leads me to the lounge to the side. We sit down and Harry looks at me

Regretfully, before he starts talking.

"We knew your dad was going to sneak in tonight and we let him" Harry says apologetically.

I'm shocked, how did they know? Why didn't they tell me, it was all planned? I'm confused and upset. I didn't want to see my dad again EVER. His words hit home and dug deep and I'm still reeling from our encounter.

"We thought if we hung back and he approached you we could get some sort of confession out of him, that we can use against him in court. Your every move was monitored and so was his. The cufflinks I gave you tonight have a microphone in them, it's all caught on camera as well" Harry says pointing to the CCTV above us.

"And here I was thinking my cufflinks were a lovely gift" I say smiling a little then wincing when it hurt my face. My cheek is starting to really hurt and my head is throbbing, I just want to go home.

“I’m so sorry he touched you Lou. I never thought he would go that far" Harry says touching my face carefully "The medic is on her way to check you out" he finishes.

"I'm fine Harry really, I’m used to him hitting me, and I’m just trying to get my head around all this" I say and gasp at the realisation I just confessed that my dad abused me to Harry.

“WHAT? Louis what do you mean you’re used to it?” Harry asks angrily.

“Nothing Harry, please just let it go ok” I say back getting defensive myself. Harry sighs but lets it go seeing the hurt in my face.

"Please don't be upset I didn't tell you, I've had your father and mother followed since they showed up. I've known for a few days that your dad would be here tonight. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry and I didn't want you upset that you would be seeing him again"

"You did the right thing not telling me Harry I would have blown everything" I say looking down as a few tears escape.

"Baby its ok. I'm so sorry you got hurt. I should have stepped in earlier" he says seeming upset with himself.

“Did you hear everything he said?" I ask suddenly getting upset.

"I was watching and listening from that room, so was Andy" he says pointing to the room next to the toilets.

Shit Harry and Andy heard everything my father said. What if Harry believes him what if he thinks I'm actually a gold digger and only after his money. What if he is upset I was actually considering my father’s proposition to keep Aston safe? I can't lose Harry. My head is feeling cloudy and I'm so upset, my father’s words playing over and over in my head. Everything I do is always wrong. I’m finding it hard to breathe I don't want to be here anymore as always I want to run. I lean forward in my seat and put my head in my hands trying to calm myself. I begin to panic I can't help myself.

"Louis don't go there, listen to me. You’re none of those things your father says I don't believe them for a second" Harry says as he places his arm around me.

"Harry how can you say that? Everyone says those things about me and I'm his own flesh and blood. There has to be some truth to it" I say.

"None at all do you hear me!! I told you I would do everything in my power to make you understand that. I'm here I'm not going anywhere. Your mine and that's, that. Nothing anyone says will change that nor will it change what a wonderful, amazing person you are" he says.

"You should listen to him Louis as much as I hate to admit it Harry is right" Gemma says.

I look up and see them all standing in front of us.

"You have us Louis and we all know the truth and that's all that matters. Nothing anyone says about you or what happened that night will change that" Zayn says.

"If they can't see what a great person you are, then they are just idiots" Niall finishes.

I smile a little at them.

"See that there that gorgeous smile, that's what I want to see, that's what's going to say shove it to everyone who has ever said a bad word about you" Harry says making me laugh.

Security comes over and the medic is ushered through, she kneels down in front of me. She is a beautiful woman very young with blond hair and green eyes. She introduces herself and sets to checking me out. The others move away to give her some privacy. I’m told I will have a nasty bruise and a headache for a few hours and to go home and sleep. I knew I was fine. I'm actually glad I don't have to go out anywhere the next week while the bruise fades. I don't want the media getting a hold of that and twisting it. As we are waiting to be escorted out of the building Andy comes over to me and sits next to me on the couch.

“Lou?” he asks making me look at him. His face is pained and I feel so guilty I know he is worried about me.

“Yeah?” I ask.

“You umm you told Harry before that you were used to being hit by dad”

I gasp I didn’t realize Andy had heard that. Shit, I really didn’t want him finding this out. I know how much it would kill him. He will blame himself.

“Andy..I” I start to say

“No Louis you tell me right now! Did he hit you? Did our own father … did he used to hit you?”

I look away from him and take a shuddering breath. There is no point lying now I suppose. I look at the ground taking my lip between my teeth.

“Yeah” I whisper out barely audible. I hear Andy gasp from beside me.

“How long?” he asks and I don’t want to answer. I don’t want him to blame himself when I was the problem.

“Louis?” he demands when I don’t answer.

“When…. When you left” I say quietly. Andy gets up and punches the wall

“THAT FUCKING SON OF A BITCH” Andy yells as everyone watches on. Harry is standing with Drew and Cal but doesn’t make an attempt to come over, knowing Andy just needs to let his anger out.

“Andy, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I just didn’t want you to blame yourself I.. I’m sorry” I say placing my head in my hands. I feel like a complete failure that I’ve let my brother down.

Andy looks at me and takes a few deep breaths before coming over to me on the couch. He sits down next to me

“Louis, look at me please” he says and I hesitantly lift my head up to look into his eyes.

“Don’t you ever apologise, you did nothing wrong kiddo absolutely nothing. It is not your fault that he hit you, if I’d have known Lou I…..You know I would have killed him Louis, I would never have let that happen. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you” he says as he pulls me into a hug. I can’t help the tears as I cry into his shirt.

“I’m sorry Andy” I cry.

“Lou, no babe, no. This is all on me not you bud ok, its ok” Andy says as he whispers comforting things in my ear. I’m so glad I have Andy in my life. He means so much to me. I don’t know what I would have ever done without him.

Eventually I calm down and we pull away from each other. I know we still need to talk but I’m so exhausted. Security comes over and we are finally escorted out of the building, no one but our team aware of what went on, thankfully.

After long hugs goodbye Harry and I are ushered into the car. I’m lost in thought about how lucky I am to have the most amazing people in my life. I lie down on Harrys lap and welcome the feeling of sleep. I don’t make a try to move as we pull up home and Harry carries me inside undressing me and putting me to bed. His warm arms around me lull me further into sleep the feeling of absolute safety in his strong arms.

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