Rough Edges (Levi Ackerman X...

By SomeGreekMalaka

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A cheeky grin is plastered on his face and he lightly chuckles, "Because you silly brat," he cups my cheeks a... More

Introduction/ Author's Note
Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Friends
Chapter 3 - Survey Corps
Chapter 4 - New Recruits
Chapter 5 - Combat Training
Chapter 7 - 23rd Expedition
Chapter 8 - True Colors
Chapter 9 - No Regrets
Author's Note - Story Update
Chapter 10 - Dark and Light
Chapter 11 - Hospital Bed
Chapter 12 - Starry Night
Chapter 13 - Medical Leave
Chapter 14 - Shiganshina Falls Part 1
Chapter 15 - Shiganshina Falls Part 2
Chapter 16 - The Aftermath
Chapter 17 - Dreams and Desires
Chapter 18 - Oh Brother
Information Excerpt 1 - Notes on the Captain's Squad
Chapter 19 - Old Friend
Chapter 20 - Expedition Preparations
Chapter 21 - The File
Chapter 22 - Worst Fear (Lime)
Information Excerpt 2 - File X-456-MP
Chapter 23 - Handsome Boy
Chapter 24 - That Day
Chapter 25 - Swimming Lessons
Information Excerpt 3 - Floriography
Chapter 26 - Confessed Feelings
Chapter 27 - The Truth
Chapter 28 - Special Delivery (Lime)

Chapter 6 - A Gift

76 4 31
By SomeGreekMalaka

May 12th, 845, one day before the expedition.

Survey Corps Headquarters (Inside Wall Maria)

Your POV

A little over a month has passed since the trio joined the Corps. We've grown close together, especially Levi and I. Mike has also grown a liking to them, he admired their camaraderie and devotion to protecting each other.

Today was the first day off I've had in the past two weeks. I felt bad because I couldn't hang out with the trio has much as I could have before. After our first training day together, I offered to teach them proper martial arts. Farlan and Levi were exceptional at kicks and punches, but their fighting experience was ineffective against my headlocks, throws, and pins. Isabel was amazing at dodging, but couldn't throw a punch to save her life. They all learned quick, and soon they were becoming masters themselves.

Levi and I currently have a competition on who can win the most one-on-ones. Currently I'm at 26 wins, and he's at 19 wins. I rub it in his face has much as I can.

Another thing I've been helping them with is reading and writing. Since proper education is so difficult to obtain in the Underground, none of them knew how to read or write well. I organized teaching lessons to be taught between Hange and I. At the beginning, I had to personally hand write all their textbooks in simple terms. Everything in the Corps library was too advanced for their skill levels. They were more than grateful that I helped them out, and did it secretly so the other cadets wouldn't find out and judge them.

In return for all my help, Levi and Farlan taught me how to properly use a knife. My parents taught me some advanced skills, but I'm better with hand-to-hand combat. Levi's knife skills on the other hand are unmatched to anything I've seen before. Currently, I've only won two knife fights out of fifteen against him, and he does not let me forget it.

I groan as my feet hit the cold wooden floor, I wanted to sleep in but I knew even on my day off I still had some work to do. I don't have to dress in uniform so instead I throw on a dark green low-cut sleeveless top and tuck it into a pair of black joggers. I switched out my navy blue compression sleeve for a black one to match my pants, even at night I sleep with it on. After washing my face I stare at myself in the mirror. Wow, I look like crap. Dark circles hung underneath my eyes, my complexion looked paler than normal, and wrinkles started to form on my forehead.

With the upcoming expedition, Erwin had us working around-the-clock for the last two weeks. Being a second-in-command meant that I had to attend every meeting Mike did so I knew what to do in case something happened to him. I also had to attend all the medic classes and meetings, standard cadet training, and working out to stay in shape. On top of it all, I still had all my private lessons with the trio. With a tired sigh, I brush my hair and make my way to the cafeteria.

I sit at my usual spot, reading my medical textbook and eating. In two weeks I have my exam, and I can become an official medic. I was lost in my reading that I didn't even notice the three sit down next to me until Levi nudged me.

"Hey bookworm, your food is getting cold."

"Huh? Oh shit, I forgot about my food." 

"Are you okay? You look shittier each day, you're not even dressed in uniform."

I give Farlan the middle finger before clearing my throat, "Thanks for pointing that out, I haven't noticed" I replied in a sarcastic tone. "But in all seriousness I have been super busy and stressed out with the planning, studying, and training. Also, Erwin gave me and the other second-in-commands the day off since we had to attend all those meetings on top of our training." I bury my face in my hands, rubbing my temples.

Levi looks over, "You deserve the day off. And thanks again for helping us, it means a lot considering the amount of work you had these past weeks."

I give him a warm smile, "You know, I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me. And of course, I'm always willing to help out my friends." 

His eyes flick down to my chest for a split second before looking back up. "Tch. Don't get used to it."

We chit chat for about 15 more minutes before Nifa walks up, "Hey (Y/N), Commander Erwin was asking to meet him in his office, he said it's urgent."

I throw my head back and let out and exaggerated sigh, "Ughhhh, I guess there is no such thing as having a day off." I turn to the others, "Good luck with training today, I'll try to catch you guys later!"

Pacing his office I look over to Erwin, "What do you mean you're taking me off Mike's squad?"

Erwin clasps his hands, "Listen, I can't tell you details, but I need you to stay with my squad."

"I don't understand, why me? What if something happens to Mike?"

"Nothing's going to happen to him, he's our top soldier and Meena can help take care of Levi and his friends. I need you with me. Something about you is special, I can't afford to lose someone so talented."

I stare at him, trying to get a read on his expression. "Okay fine, but what about this expedition is so dangerous?"

He stands up and walks over and places his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes. "I can explain after the expedition if everything goes as expected. Just promise me that you'll stay with my group no matter what."

I break free from his grip and run my hands through my hair, "Alright, I'll stay with you, but after that I want back in on Mike's group."

"We'll see. Depending on how many people we lose, a Captain spot might open up."

My jaw dropped, "C-Captain? Are you serious? I haven't even been a scout for a year."

"That may be true, but you excel in every category: Combat, ODM, strategizing, and taking out titans. With your strong personality and decision-making ability, you'd make a great leader."

I stare at him shocked, not even knowing how to respond. "Will I be able to pick my own team?"

He chuckles, "We'll talk when the time comes. You're dismissed."

I salute before heading out, walking back to my room. Today is a good day to go to the lake. I pack up some supplies in a duffle bag and grabbed some food for lunch later. Once Copenhagen was ready to go, we took off up the hill to my favorite spot. 

After about 30 minutes of riding, we got to our destination. A small lake sat on top of the hill, surrounded by thick tress and soft lemongrass. Today was sunny with no clouds, and the summer heat was just beginning. I set up my orange hammock in between two oak trees. I climbed in with one of my books, inhaling the sweet aroma of the flowers that grew over here, including my favorites, lavender and roses. Laying my head back I look up to the sky, within minutes I drifted off to sleep.

Dream State

Memories flash inside my head: blood splattering, horse beats, shouting, my parents tied up, my brother screams, a hooded figure holding a bloodied knife. Soon the memories stop flashing by, and instead one stops at a house.

I walk up the stone stairs and enter through the dark oak double doors. Shouting emitted from the kitchen, I peek my head in to see three figures arguing, their faces slightly distorted. One of them wore a navy blue overcoat and seemed to be yelling at the taller two figures. 

"Please I'm begging you! Stop this line of business, you're gonna get us all killed. We have enough money to buy new property and change our names, we can start fresh."

"This is exactly why we banished you years ago! How dare you ask us to throw our names away, you should be proud to be called a (L/N). We will never abandon our name."

"Proud? Proud??? How could I be proud of a family who is involved in almost every illegal trade? Even sex trafficking?! A little girl's parents were recently murdered because of you."

"May I remind you that little girl's dad was an Ackerman, and her mom was oriental, they would have died either way. We do what we have to do to survive."

"BULLSHIT, we're just being used by the crown to wipe out the Ackerman's. You think they'll stop there? LOOK AT OUR FAMILY, there's nine of us left, we're gonna be next."

"God, I can't believe I used to be proud to call you my daughter. What does the crown have that can take us out? We have killed hundreds of their soldiers, and still managed to keep our house hidden. We are elite members with immense abilities, one of us is a strong as a whole battalion."

"Please, I'm giving you one last chance. Come with me to start a new life." 

"Get out of our house, we never want to see you again. Count yourself lucky that we're letting you walk away alive."

The woman in the overcoat runs out the door, crying. I go to follow her, but when I open the doors, I enter a dungeon instead. 'Wait...... I know this place, this is under the house.' I look to my left to see a large cell, with four people chained to the wall. 'No. Nononononono. Please any nightmare but this one' I try to move but it's almost as if I'm glued to the floor.

Men in dark cloaks watch the entrances, and a masked figure walks up to the two chained on the east side. 'Wake up, wake up, wake up.' I start to shake, I knew what was coming next. Everything starts moving in slow motion as I watch the couple have their throats slit. Blood sprays everywhere and onto the other two chained on the west side. I go to shout, but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. 

The masked man lifts the chin of the woman with his knife, "I'm saving you for last." He stabs the other one in the chest, and the woman screams out for her brother. He turns back to her, stroking her cheek, "Shhhhhh, (Y/N), it's going to be ok."

'Please wake up, I can't relive this again.' 

End Dream State

My eyes shot open as I sit up, frantically looking around. I touch my face and feel tears staining my cheeks. My hands are shaking non-stop and my breathing won't slow down as the bloody images still flash through my head. Come on (Y/N), pull it together. That's in the past, he's dead, think about the future. But I can't, I can't shake the feeling that I wasn't just the only survivor from that day.

I go to stand up, but end up collapsing on my knees. Stop it brain, stop showing me these images, come on think of something else. My hands pull my hair as I try to think of something, anything that can distract me. Levi, Isabel, Farlan. Memories of us messing around after training pass through. Erwin. I think back to the first day we met and how flirty we were. Hange. She pops into my head, showing me her research. The Yeager's. I remember the kids and teaching them to ride a horse. 

Wiping my tears I inhale deeply a few times as I compose myself, my heartrate slows and my breathing becomes less shaky. Looking up to the sky, I noticed the sun has shifted. How long was I out? My stomach grumbles as if to answer that question. Ah, lunchtime. I walk back to my hammock and bent down to my bag, taking out an apple. Sitting in my hammock, I slice pieces of the apple off with my knife enjoying the calmness.

That was soon interrupted by the sound of a horse galloping. Who could that be? I turn around to see Levi riding up, something in his hand. 

"What are you doing here? And how'd you find this spot?"

"Hange said you'd most likely be here, and I wanted to give you this." He jumps off his horse and hands me a small box wrapped in brown paper and twine. He stares at my features before asking, "We're you crying?"

Pressing my palm to my forehead I shake my head, "I just had a bad dream that's all, I'm fine now." Trying to change the subject I look down to the object in my hand, "A gift? For what?"

"We wanted to properly thank you for everything you've done for us, it was Isabel's idea."

I opened up the box to reveal a green compression sleeve with the wings of freedom printed on it. I gasped, "Oh my god I love it, it's perfect, how'd you come up with this?"

"We noticed you always keep your sleeve on, so we thought to make a personalized one. Hange helped us make it" he pauses, "you gonna try it on?"

I ran my fingers across the silk-like fabric and traced the wings of freedom logo. "Oh, yeah of course." Turning my back to him I quickly slip off my old sleeve and slip on the new one. The material felt so soft against my skin and it fit perfectly. Before I could turn back around, I felt Levi's arms wrap around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder. 

My breath hitches in my throat and my heart starts to race at his warm embrace. I could feel his light breaths against my neck, "How come you never show your arm?" 

I gulped trying to find out an answer, "I can't tell you, I can't tell anyone."

He spins me around to face him, staring into my (E/C) eyes, "Can't, or won't?"

I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my face into his chest, inhaling his sweet scent. "I wish I could, I really do. But right now I can't ... it's too risky." My breathing starts to pick up again as images from my nightmare start to flash across my vision. Levi picked up on this and held me tighter, rubbing circles on my back for a minute. He lifted my chin to make me look up at him, "You know you can trust me, right? I know I don't show it a lot, but I care about you."

My heart jumped at his words and I could feel my face getting hotter. "It's not that I don't trust you, I -I just..... I can't risk you being harmed because of me." 

He stays silent for what felt like an eternity. Moving his hands from my waist to my face, he cups my cheeks, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it. But please know you can talk to me about anything, I'll always be here for you." 

I smile and nod, "I know, and I'm always here for you."

He strokes my hair and runs his fingers across my cheek, stopping just below my lips. I snake my hands up from his torso to around his neck, staring into his steel-grey eyes. We both lean in, closing our eyes. I feel his lips meet mine, he was hesitant at first, but soon he deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue across my lips, asking for entrance. I smirked, keeping my mouth closed to tease him. He responded by biting my lip, causing me to lightly gasp. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he slipped his tongue in my mouth, exploring every inch.

I moaned deeply as his tongue moved against mine. We fought for a few minutes before breaking away. We both stared at each other for a couple seconds, panting. I closed the distance between us by grabbing his shirt in my fists and crashing his lips on mine. He reached down and grabbed my ass, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took a couple steps forward, pressing my back up against a tree. He broke away from my lips and started kissing down my neck while one hand massaged my ass. He kissed and sucked up and down my neck, receiving moans from me.

He moved to lick my ear, "Fuck (Y/N), your moans are so sexy."

I felt my clit twitch at the way he moaned my name, I started to grind against him, signaling I wanted more. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine, "As much as I'd want to take you right now, I don't want to take things too fast." 

I rubbed his arms, feeling his defined biceps and shoulders. "Yeah you're probably right, but that doesn't mean I'm done kissing you." A smile appears across his face and he carries me to my hammock. I squeal has he drops me in, climbing on top of me he leans down and whispers "I never said I was done making out with you."


Author's Note: Well, I wrote my first fluff scene. I don't think I did too bad haha. Also! You learn more about your past, I'm trying to add details and hints to every chapter. Everything will be explained by the end of the story!

Like always, don't be afraid to comment what you like and dislike, I'm always open for opinions.

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