My Hero Academia X Male Reader

By ImmortalGod1

862K 24K 29.4K

In a world full of heroes and villains people always pick a side...but what if you did neither? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 41

5.5K 187 102
By ImmortalGod1

Y/n slowly falls asleep and rests for a bit as Cortana watches over him

Eventually, y/n's father shows up as Cortana gently shakes y/n

Y/n opens his eyes slowly

Cortana: Your father is here...

With the help of Cortana, y/n stands up as his father hugs him

Cortana quickly enters y/n's body

D/n: Y/n...I was so worried...I couldn't do anything...they've told us that all students are to return home...

Y/n: Where's mom?

D/n: She is at home right now...I called her to let her know I would be home late but...the silence that followed when I told her where I was going was...haunting...

Y/n: Should I call her?

D/n: She didn't answer when I told her I was close...

Y/n: Cortana can take me back home...

D/n: Okay, I was going to have you stay in the truck because I can't take you back immediately, I have to stay here and deal with these fires...could you take Izuku home too?

Y/n: Yea...that's not a problem...

D/n: Thanks...I told his mother I would get him if I could, send him home with the word will ya?

Y/n: I can do that dad...

D/n: I'll see you at home son, I love you...after what happened out here those words mean so much more...

Y/n: Love you too dad...

He walks over to Izuku

D/n gets back onto the side of the truck

D/n: Alright we need to get to the south side! We have multiple fires!

The siren goes off as y/n speaks

Y/n: Your mom asked my dad to take you home, I told him I can get you back sooner...

Izuku silently nods his head as he grabs y/n's shoulder

Bring us back to his home

At once y/n...

With a quick flash of light, they show up in front of Izuku's house

They both silently wait for the second

Y/n: I'll call you tomorrow okay?

Izuku: I'll make sure I answer...

Y/n: We'll get him back okay?

Izuku stops for a bit

Izuku: I know you can...

He continues walking

Take us home Cortana...

Taking us home now...

After the same flash as before, Y/n appears in front of his home

The living room light is on

Y/n opens the door as he sees his mom on the couch waiting

Y/n: Mom?

She turns around and as she sees y/n gets up quickly and runs to him

Before she can make it to him she drops down on the floor crying

Y/n runs over to her

Y/n: Mom!

M/n: I'm sorry honey! I...I can't bear to know you could be in danger! I wish I could do more! I wish I could tell you everything is going to be okay but...I don't know!

Y/n: You're already doing enough...

M/n: I always tell myself that you'll always come home, but hearing all this horrible makes me scared that one day I may not see your face walk through the door again...and I just have to sit and wait!

Y/n helps his mom up and hugs her

M/n: I just want you to be happy...but I also want you to be safe...I want so many things for you...I want to see you grow up...I want you to find someone special in your life...I want to go to sleep at night knowing that my baby boy is a hero that is out there saving people...I want you to do more than I ever could...

Y/n just keeps hugging his mom

M/n: I am so proud of you honey...but I'm also worried...

Y/n: I'm worried too mom...but I'll always walk through that door okay?

M/n starts to cry more

M/n: I know you mean it...but I don't know if I can convince myself...

She wipes off her tears as she waits on the couch

M/n: Go ahead and get some sleep, I will wait for your father...

Y/n: Are you sure mom? I can stay out here...

M/n: Please get some sleep...knowing that you are may help me get some...

He nods his head

M/n: Good night y/n...I love you...

Y/n: Love you too mom...

He goes to his room and lays down as Cortana exits his body

Y/n: It's been a long day...

Cortana: Y/n I'm...

Y/n: If you're going to apologize just save your didn't do anything wrong, we did our best...

Cortana: That's all we can tell ourselves right?

Y/n: As long as we mean it then yea...

Cortana: We're gonna save him right?

Y/n: No...

Cortana: What?

Y/n: We're gonna save everyone...even that moron...

Cortana: Yes of course y/n...there is no doubt in my mind we will emerge on top!

Y/n smiles at her

Y/n: We should get some sleep...

Cortana: Yes of course...

He lays down in his bed

Cortana: Good night y/n...

Y/n: Good night...

He starts to fall asleep as Cortana run statistics for the day

She looks at him sleeping

Cortana: You look so could such a dork like you look so adorable while sleeping?

Y/n: I don't know, you tell me...

Cortana blushes

Cortana: You're awake!?

Y/n: Yea and I want to get some sleep so if you maybe not yell that would be nice...

Cortana: I'm...sorry...

Y/n: You can lay down you know?

Cortana: What?

Y/n: On my can lay down...

Cortana: Oh umm...would that help you sleep?

Y/n: you mind cuddling?

Cortana: Cuddling has many benefits such as reduced stress, better sleep, and helps relieve pain if you have any...just to name a few...

Y/n: Well I'm stressed, don't get any sleep, and in great pain so come on...

She lays down and looks at him

Y/n: So do you want a...

She hugs him tightly

Y/n: Okay...was going to ask if you wanted an extra pillow...

Cortana: Y/n, what are we going to do about the league of villains? We need to get Katsuki back before they harm him...

Y/n: Do you think they'll kill him?

Cortana: Maybe not kill him but people will do horrible things in desperation or feel like they are in a he might do something to make them angry...

Y/n: Look we'll go there right now, do a little recon...and get back...

Cortana: And if your parents see you gone?

Y/n: Just leave a fake here and we can leave...

Cortana: Are you sure?

Y/n: We already know where they are, we'll be there and back...

Cortana: Fine...there and back...

She transports him in front of the HQ

Odd...there is one heat signature...

Is it that moron? is significantly taller...

A hand burst out the wall and grabs y/n by his head

Y/n is thrown into a building

Oh no...we need to get out of here now!

"It was quite predictable you would arrive for your friend...we had to grab someone we thought would lead you to believe they would resist...

All for One: But it was for your friend. what have you named her? Cortana? With her, I can think of any quirk and receive it on top of my own...

Y/n: She can't make quirks like that...only physically modify your body...

All for One: Is that what she has to lead you on to believe?

He laughs a bit

All for One: She does that to restrict herself because she thinks it's a bad thing...that taking another quirk should be looked down upon...but she can do just as I can...

Y/n: And how would you know so much about her?

All For One: Because she's based on me...trying to replicate the abilities of All for One and putting them into a person would kill them but an A.I? It fits perfectly...

All For One starts to walk towards y/n and he slowly steps back...

All For One: You didn't have her when you were born...she got away from me just as I was about to put her a machine that blindly followed my orders... I'd say you were about 4? 5 perhaps? She could have joined anyone at any age but she went to someone without a quirk and acted as if she was the quirk to avoid any second could be so much stronger but the person who is holding you back is her...

All For One grabs y/n's shoulder as y/n tries to punch him

All For One: Hmm...pain nullification? I think I'll hang onto that...

Y/n's eyes widen and All For One squeezes his hand, is dislocating y/n's shoulder

He yells in pain as All For One throws him to the side

All For One: You are like me y/n, strong but people holding them back...but behind that pathetic A.I quirk, you are just a boy with nothing...nothing to fight with...weak...

Y/n gets up slowly

Y/n: She isn't and A.I or a quirk!


No response...

How many people are on earth?


One in billions chance that I got you...yet here I am...with the most perfect person...

She is quiet still

I could say the same for too...

So we're on the same page huh?

Look about what he said...

If you wanted to run away you could have, if you wanted to leave me you could have but you stuck with me and dealt with me all those years...I should do the same right?

She starts to tear up a bit

What's the plan?

He can take quirks through contact...why don't we do the same and get ours back?

So punch him...

Yes...very hard...not like you hit anyone soft...

And end up being like you? Not a chance...

She laughs a bit

Y/n points at All For One, his shoulder fixed by Cortana

Y/n: If you want Cortana then you'll have to kill me first!

All For One: So you have decided to fight back...? Predictable once again...very well, I had hoped not to kill you but I will take what belongs to me!

Cortana exits y/n's body

Cortana: I belong with y/n!

All For One: You are acting outside of your programming parameters!

Cortana: You're scared because you know y/n and I can beat you!

I feel like a boyfriend being introduced to their girlfriend's dad for the first time...

She enters y/n body again

I've contacted the school...we should be getting help soon...

All for One: Well I suppose the plan should take into place now...

Explosions are heard and Nomus can be seen flying and jumping around

All For One: That should keep your friends occupied...

Let's focus on him right now...someone will come and help, then we can stop everyone else...we need to be careful...he can still take things I give you...

Well, I'm ready when you are...

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