โœ“ Noiseยน โ” Wandavision.

By luvbusz

56.2K 1.9K 1.7K

โ you say you're just as in the dark as i am. but you're not. you know what's really going on here, don't y... More



2.1K 73 63
By luvbusz

i've been back there and
i can not die too.


"Get off of me! Let go of my brother!" Tommy yelled as the witch pulled them closer towards her.

"My powers work out here, or did you forget?"

Agatha smiled, "No dear. I'm counting on it."

Tommy and Billy both looked at each other and began to run, hoping that they would get out of the rope that they were being held in. But instead they got pushed back and fell on their backs.

"No!" Wanda shouted as she threw her back with an energy blast. "Go to your room!"

The boys began to protest and complain once she had said that. They wanted to help their mother out.

"Listen to your mother, boys."


Tommy got a hold of Billy and rushed him inside of the house. They watched from their window and only hoped that their father and sister would appear soon.

Once they left, Wanda shot another blast at her and expected the woman to get knocked back, but she didn't.

Agatha took Wanda's magic into her hand and darkly chuckled. "I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing."

Wanda heard a squelching sound from beneath her and picked up her hand only to see it turn a dirty brown color and look dried up.

An unexpected wave of magic came towards Wanda and forcefully threw her back.

"You're clearly in over your little red head. So why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it?"

Wanda got up with a scowl and tilted her head at the witch, "And what about Max? What are you going to do with her once you're done with me? You said so yourself that she's the most powerful being. You can't beat her."

Agatha chuckled, "Oh, sweet, sweet, Wanda. Maxine doesn't even know how to control her powers, little less know what they even are. She's weak . . . like you."

"We're not weak!" Wanda shouted as she picked up a car and threw it at the witch in purple.

She began to heavily breath and walk over to the car. The power in her hands began to disappear once she started to get closer to it.

The woman bent down to take a look at the crushed witch, but was met with an empty pair of boots. She quickly got up and let out a shaky breath.

In the reflection of the mirror was something or . . . somebody that she thought she wouldn't ever see again. She fully turned her body around to inspect him. Her real love.

She gasped and tilted her head. "Vision?" She began to walk closer. "Is it really you?"

The pasty white synthezoid put his left hand on her face, "Wanda." He then put his right hand on and began to squeeze her head.

Wanda gasped and put both of her hands on his trying to pry them off. The red-head tried her hardest to get out as she felt herself getting lifted into the air.

"And I was told you were powerful."

Mint green mist with stripes of dark green pushed the man away and threw him into a motorhome that exploded.

Wanda looked beside her and saw a huffing Max who was floating above Vision with bright green eyes and green mist flowing out of her hands.

She was holding onto her skateboard that was looking like it was ready to be broken. And that just what she did. Max snapped the skateboard in half and broke it into little pieces.

Max was skating back home when she saw Wanda getting lifted up by a pure white version of Vision. She guessed it was the original one. Or should she say her father? Didn't really matter to her at the moment, she was absolutely pissed off.

Even though she wasn't on good terms with Wanda, she wasn't gonna let some asshole snap her moms head.

The two adults knew that the young red-head was angry, and whenever Max got angry, all hell would be unleashed. No matter who she was going up against.

Max watched as Vision walked out of the fire and towards her. She angrily grunted and placed herself down on the floor to be face to face with him. The little broken pieces of her skateboard were floating on top of her.

They were about five feet away from each other as they glared at one another. Maxine tilted her head at him and clenched her jaw.

Max floated up and twisted herself around. Her hands holding onto too much magic to handle and she released it all on the synthezoid, pushing him back again. The wood pieces also going into his body from the hard push.

She turned around and floated back to her parents with dark eyes and a creepy voice that sounded like multiple of her was talking at the same time.

"Where are my brothers?" She asked.

Wanda speechlessly looked at her daughter and let out a deep breath. "Inside."

The girl paused for a moment, calming herself down before she would go see the twins. She closed her eyes as she lowered herself down onto the ground, she then opened her eyes to reveal her natural bright blue irises.

Max looked at the two before rushing into the house, not sparing a single word.

"Tommy! Billy!" Max yelled once she stepped into the new looking house that was furiously glitching.

"Max!" The two yelled from upstairs.

She let out a sigh in relief and rushed up the many stairs and towards the twin's bedroom.

Her hand grasped onto the door handle and quickly twisted it open. Max ran over to the boys and bent down to their shorter level.

"Oh, thank god you two are all right." Max said as she placed a kiss on each of their temples.

They watched as Wanda and Vision shot off, each taking on their own villain.

"Max . . . " Tommy started. "W-What happened out there? We saw you get all angry and you looked kind of scary."

Maxine sighed and looked at the ground. "I-I don't know. I guess seeing mom getting hurt really angered me. But when I thought of you guys, it just calmed me down."

"Yeah, we're known to have that affect on people." Billy shrugged with a small smirk.

Max smiled and messed up the younger twin's hair. Billy smiled back and glanced over at Tommy.

"Can you still see them?" He asked.

He shook his head. "No."

Billy put his fingers to his temple and saw what was happening to their mother. He began to stutter and make little whimpers as he saw the things happening.

"Hey, Billy, what's wrong?" Max asked.

He grabbed onto the girl's shoulder and projected his thoughts into hers. Max's eyes turned a shade blue as she gasped at what she was seeing.

"We gotta go!" He shouted.

Max, Billy, and Tommy all ran to where their mother was getting attacked, only hoping that whatever was happening to her wasn't all too bad.

They were almost there when the sky began to turn a staticy red color and began to open. Maxine held onto the two boys and made them stop.

She paused for a moment until she heard her mother scream loudly. Max let go of the boy's shirt collar and ran with them to see Wanda.

The buildings, signs, and pretty much everything around them began to go from one decade to another.

They were so close until Tommy and Billy began to come apart. Just like how Vision did on Halloween night.

"You tied your family to this twisted world. And now none of them can besides Maxine survive without it. Save WestView . . . or save your family."

Max bent down to the boy's level and let out a cry. She couldn't bear to see them like this any longer, in pain and crying for help.

So Wanda groaned and took all of the energy back into her body. She fell to the floor panting as the hex closed itself off once again.

Once the twins and Vision were back to normal, they all ran towards Wanda in a rush and grouped into a family hug.
"Mom?! Are you alright?!"

Before she could answer, Wanda heard Agatha chanting in Latin and force her purple magic on the grouping family.

"No!" Wanda yelled as she turned around and created a shield around them.

Wanda screamed as the magic from her shield was being taken away from her body. She huffed and looked down at her hands that were now bother grey and shriveled up.

"Mom? Are you okay?!" Billy asked.

The red-head looked at her hands and then back at her kids. She nodded and kissed him on the head.

"How sweet." Agatha said.

They heard a loud noise coming from behind them and turned around to see the other Vision.

"Uh . . . dad?"

Tires could be heard loudly screeching as many cars came speeding towards them. Men with guns stood on the top, getting ready to shoot.

The family huddled closer together and brought all of their hands out in a fighting way. If they were going to go down, they were going down together.

"Listen boys," Vision began. "your mother, sister, and I had never really prepared you for this."

"But you were born for it." Wanda finished.

Vision rushed off to the other Vision and guns were immediately pointed at Agatha.

She put her hands up and made every single one of them float up in the air. "Same story, different century. There will always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda."

Agatha dropped down the soldiers and made them fall. But Max held out her hands and slowly dropped the soldiers to the floor.

"Kids, handle the military. Mommy will be right back." Wanda was about to set off again until she remembered something. She turned to Max and smirked, "Max, I know this is the wrong time, but─" Wanda started whispering in Max's ear and put the image of runes in her mind before she flew away. Wanda suddenly had the urge to tell her daughter this, she didn't know exactly why, but she felt like Max would right away understand what she was saying.

Maxine smiled and nodded to herself. She then looked at the military soldiers in front of her and sighed. "Could we maybe come to an agreement?"

Once more came out and held up their guns, she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine then, you asked for it." She looked at Tommy and Billy and rolled her shoulders at them, "Let 'em have it."

They brightly smiled at her and nodded. Billy stuck out his hand and controlled the soldiers minds to stay put while Tommy rushed to go take away their guns and grab a few things along the way.

He returned with glasses, a hat, and a large smile. Max and Billy both gave him high fives and Maxine ruffled his long messy hair.

Hayward angrily got out of the car and began to shoot at them.

Monica and Phoenix both noticed this and started to run over. But yet . . . it was already too late for one of them.

Maxine, who had been face to face with the boys, wasn't looking in front of her and didn't notice the man getting out of the car.

She felt a piercing pain go into her back and come out the other end. She looked down at her torso and saw blood leaking from the front of it.

The twins both glanced at her and let out shaky breaths with wide eyes.

Max fell to the ground as she held onto her wound and tried her best to keep her eyes fully open.

"Max!" The voice of Phoenix yelled.

Once Hayward had finished using all of his bullets on Monica, the man quickly got into a car and drove off as quickly as he could, but Darcy seemed to get the in the nick of time and stop him.

Phoenix got onto his knees and picked up Maxine's head from off the floor. He looked down at her wound and cringed as if he felt the pain himself.

The twins and Phoenix surrounded her all with tears stuck in their eyes and wide mouths. "I swear to God if I die I'm gonna be so pissed off." She whispered to herself.

"Shit, Max." Phoenix cursed, not bothering to pardon his language in front of the kids.

The red-head groaned in pain and pressed down on her wound. "Oh . . . hey you." Even when shot and bleeding out to death, Max was still the most awkward person in the bunch.

"Phoenix, my names Phoenix." The teen chuckled. He then looked at the twins, "Go with Darcy, okay? She's the one with long black hair and glasses, she'll keep you safe."

Tommy immediately shook his head. "No! We're not leaving our sister!" He cried out. "We can't!"

With her clean hand, Max grabbed Tommy's small hand and rubbed it, just as how Vision would do when she got nervous or scared.

"Hey, don't worry about me, okay. I'm not going anywhere." Max promised, but the truth was she didn't exactly know how this would end. "Go with the nice lady. I'll be okay."

Reluctantly, the twins departed and headed towards the woman.

Max sniffled and let out a heavy breath. It pained her to do so, but she felt though as it was still needed. "I'm gonna miss them." She whispered.

Phoenix stood still for a moment. "No." He whispered. He shook his head and looked at Max. "I'm gonna try something, alright? You're gonna have to trust me."

"Seeing as that I can't get up and you're holding my bleeding body, I say I have no other choice." Max spoke. "Do what you please, Phoenix."

Phoenix gulped and nodded. He stuck his hand over Max's abdomen and lightly moved his fingers around as the teal and green mist came from them.

Max furrowed her eyebrows and popped her mouth open. "You have powers? How the hell did that happen?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, your mom gave them to me when she threw me out of WestView. Stay still please, I just wanna see if it'll work."

Maxine slowly nodded and watched as slowly wiggled his fingers over the bloody spot. Almost immediately she felt the tingly sensation wash over her bottom area. The pain was slowly going away as a new feeling was entering her body.

The wound began to heal and more blood began to seep into her body again. The bullet that was shot into her came out and dropped to the floor with a small 'ding'.

Max and Phoenix both looked at each other in shock and laughed.

"It worked!" Phoenix yelled. "Hell yeah! I got healing powers!"

Maxine happily laughed and nodded her head, she wrapped her arms around the boy and continued to thank him over and over.

They both got up from laying on the ground and Maxine went ran to her brother's who were talking with the short lady.

"I'm okay, see? I'm alright."

The boys let out exited sounds and hugged their sister back. Max apologized quickly to Darcy before walking away with her siblings and new best-friend.

She stopped in the middle of the road and stood with her boys. Max then turned around and saw a woman who was slightly smiling at the scene in front of her. She stuck out her hand and waited for the woman to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Max, nice to actually meet you this time."

The woman shook the young girl's hand and nodded, "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Monica."

They separated hands and yells coming from in front of them.

"Billy?! Tommy?! Max?!" The voice of their father yelled.

They all turned to the voice and began to run towards their father with wide arms and large smiles.

At least they knew one of them made it out of the fight. Now they all hoped that Wanda wouldn't get too hurt or even worse . . . die in her battle.

They saw Wanda and Agatha shoot up into the sky and Wanda began to throw her magic at her. Agatha absorbed the magic and gained more power. Or so she thought.

Vision shot up in the air, trying to get to his wife, but was blocked off by her creating a shield that kept him from coming up.

"Wanda, what are you doing?!" They heard Vision yell as he began to come back down.

Vision set himself onto the ground and grabbed his children's heads. He placed them onto his stomach to keep them from looking at their mother.

"You know what you have to do." Wanda's voice rang through her mind. "Remember what I told you."

Maxine took her head off of Vision's chest and looked up where Wanda was beginning to shrivel up, the life looking like it was being sucked out of her.

"Come on, Max. Don't be like me. Be strong."

Max looked at Vision and pulled back. She began to run towards Agatha and ignored all of the yells for her to come back. She lifted herself up as quietly as she could and floated behind the unsuspecting witch.

"This world you made will always be broken. Just like . . . you. It's cute that you tried so hard to beat me yet you didn't even get one scratch. You'll never win, you're weak."

Wanda looked up at the woman and nodded, "Oh, I know I can't . . . but she can. And she's not weak. Not anymore."

Agatha stopped smiling and turned around to face an angry looking Maxine.

Her eyes fully covered in bright green and her hands lighting up with the same.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally joined the party." Agatha teased. "How about you give me your powers now, so I can end it all here? It'll be easier for you!"

Max tilted her head and creepily smiled, "So then take them. I don't care for them. If it's not my family, then I don't see the point."

Agatha loudly cackled and stuck her hands out, expecting to also gain the Chaos Magic. But . . . her powers didn't work. She tried once more, yet nothing came out.

She turned to look at Wanda and saw her skin coming into it's natural complexion. Her head quickly turned back to Max and saw her smirking.

Half of the hex began to turn into a shade of green as the other held it's natural red.

"You know, Agatha," Maxine began, "my mother here, gave me a little lesson about runes, and what they mean. And she did in the time span of exactly five seconds. "In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic." That really came in handy."

Max and Wanda shared two winning smiles as they saw each of their own runes placed on each side.

"Thanks for the lesson." Wanda said. "And I don't need you to tell me, who I am."

Agatha looked between the two with terrified eyes and began to shake her head. "No. No. No. No!" She chanted over and over.

Max and Wanda both began to open their arms as they felt the magic come towards them. Wanda taking in her own, and Max clinging onto Agatha's.

Red going into Wanda's body as green and purple went into Maxine's.

She had never felt this sort of power before. But to her it just felt . . . right. It felt like she was supposed to be in control of the power and nobody else.

Her jeans, sweater, and converse turned into a tattered black gown with her shoulders being bare and long black boots. There was a sharp crown that sat on her forehead that was white. Hands now covered with black gloves with sharp ends. Once red wavy hair began to turn into white straight and messy. Her eyes turning into an enchanting black color that held little white specks in them.

She felt like a goddess.

Once they felt all of the power being released from the woman, they each let out a large breath and slowed their heart beats.

Agatha widened her eyes in fear as she looked between the two. "Oh, god. You two don't know what you've just unleashed!"

Wanda ignored the woman and lowered her and herself down, Max following behind.

The sky began to go back to it's light blue color as the two young witches lowered themselves down.

Wanda set Agatha on the ground as she peacefully lowered herself onto the ground as well. Max stayed in the air for a while as well before lowering herself down too.

"So what now you two, huh? Just gonna lock me up somewhere?"

Wanda shook her head. "No. Not "somewhere". Here."


She nodded her head, "Mhm. I'll give you the roll you chose. The Nosy Neighbor."

"No. please."

"I'm sorry."

Agatha scoffed, "No you're not. You're cruel." As Wanda began to get closer, Agatha grew more scared. "You⎯you have no idea what you've unleashed. You and Maxine are gonna need me."

Wanda smiled at Max, "If either of us do . . . "

Max placed a hand on her shoulder, "We know where to find you."

Wanda placed a finger on Agatha's temple and turned her into the Nosy Neighbor again.

"Hiya, honey-buns! Just look at you two right now!" She happily stated. "Love the beautiful outfits, darlings."

Wanda looked unamused by her, "You live here now. No one will ever bother you."

Agatha sat puzzled for a second but then smiled. "Okey dokey, artichokee."

Max laughed as she began to walk away and towards her family. Vision first came up to her first and placed a hand in her hair.

"Well this certainly is different." He laughed.

Max smiled back and nodded. "I now right?"

Vision bent down to kiss the girl's forehead and give her a hug. He kissed her head one more time before walking towards his wife.

"That was pretty badass, Max." Said an Australian accent.

Max looked over to Phoenix and laughed. He held up a hand for her to high five, and she happily did.

"Max!" Two voices yelled from beside her.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but then smiled when she saw the bright and happy faces of Ezra and Johnny.

She began to speed walk towards them and wrapped her arms around them once they got close enough.

"Hey, stalkers. Did you see the fight?" She asked once they all pulled back.

They both frantically nodded.

"Uh, hell yeah!" Shouted Johnny. "It was a-mazing. You totally look badass now."

Max slightly blushed, not used to the complements. "Thanks, Johnny."

"O-Our name's aren't what your mom made them to be, Max." said Ezra.

Max furrowed her eyebrows, "Right. Care to tell me your real ones then?"

The boys laughed and nodded.

"I'm Dustin. And this is Lucas."

"Well, nice to meet you Dustin and Lucas. But to me you'll still be stalkers." Max said with a laugh.

The three kids laughed together as it reminded them of the first time they ever met.

"Max, we're going home."

She turned around to her family and nodded. Max then turned back to her friends and waved goodbye.

She ran over to them and smiled. Vision wrapped an arm around her and squeezed it.

The night slowly began to show as they got closer and closer to home. Max had ended up in the front with Billy and Tommy while her parents stood in the back.

Instead of birds they could now hear crickets, and instead of the bright sun, they now saw the beautiful and glowing moon.

Max changed into a comfortable black sweater with ripped jeans and black converse as they entered the house.

Thankfully her white hair and black eyes had now turned back into the original two.

They all were inside of the twin's room, getting them ready for bed.

"Okay, snug as a bug." Wanda said to Billy.

"Big day today." Vision said as he pinched Tommy's nose and grabbed his small hand. "Your mother and I . . . "

Vision trailed off as Wanda gave him a look meaning for him not to say anything.

". . . are very proud of you both." Vision settled with, his voice trembling a bit.

Wanda smiled and nodded, "Very proud."

Max leaned on the door as she heard her parents talk to her brothers. She was trying her very best not to break down and cry.

"Hey," She started as she walked off of the door. "You guys wanna know something?" She asked.

The boys nodded and turned their attention to her.

"A family will always be forever. No matter where we go, what we do, or what happens, we would never truly leave each other. Even if we tried. Keep that in mind, okay?"

The boys nodded and smiled at their sister.

Wanda and Vision began to kiss the children's heads as they wished them goodnight, Max following after them. She first kissed Tommy's head, then walked over to Billy.

As she pecked his forehead, he grabbed onto her shoulder and brought his mouth close to her ear.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Max. We'll see each other again." He whispered.

When Max pulled back, she saw Billy smiling at her as he laid back. She sadly smiled at him back and nodded.

She walked over to her parents and stood in the middle of them. Her back hitting against Wanda's front as the woman tightly held her shoulders.

"Boy's. Thanks for choosing me to be your mom."

The twins smiled at her and began to turn over once she lowered the light. Wanda fully closed the door behind her and sniffled.

Max followed Wanda down the stairs as Vision said that he was gonna stay up there for a while.

Wanda turned off the light that was first there, and then walked towards the other one. But when she turned it off, the other light turned back on.

Vision stood there with a small smile as he began to walk closer to the two. "Oh, I, uh─I read somewhere that it's bad luck to say goodbye in the dark."

"No you didn't." Wanda shook her head with a smile.

"No. No. Perhaps not. Perhaps . . . I just wanted to see you two clearly."

Wanda nodded and grabbed Max's hand. "And?"

Vision stared at the two with admiring eyes, "And there you two are."

They heard the buzzing coming closer and closer. The three of them grabbed hands and faced the window.

Max let out a loud sob as she clung onto their hands. "I don't─I can't leave you two. Dad I just got you back! And Tommy and Billy, I can't─"

Vision quickly cut his daughter off. "Max. Don't worry, love. We'll still be around x but just not in the way you want us too."

Wanda grabbed the girl's face and ignored her own tears that were spilling down her cheeks. "And like you told the boys. Family is forever. No matter where we are. You, Maxine, are our daughter, and the first family we ever shared together. We will always be right with you. No matter what."

Max sucked in a sharp breath and clung onto her mom's body. "I love you so much, mom. So, so much." She cried.

Wanda smiled and kissed her head, "I love you too, my butterfly." She said in Sokovian.

Max let go of Wanda and buried herself into Vision's chest.

"Oh, my lovely Maxine." Vision began as he stroked her hair. "You are the sun that brightened up my entire day. Every time you'd say hello, smile, or hug me, it's like magic. And you know why that is?"

She shook her head.

Vision bent his head down and pecked her forehead, "Because you are my daughter. My little girl. And when I know that you are safe and here with me, it makes my whole entire day. That's the kind of magic you produce, not chaos . . . but love. And I can promise you that the sun will shine on us again."

Max let her tears fall as the loud buzzing began to get closer and closer. She backed up and held onto Vision's hand. Wanda grabbed Vision's face and slowly kissed him.

This time, Max didn't complain. Because as much as she didn't want to admit it, it would be the very last time.

The house began to switch from decade to decade as Wanda pulled away from Vision but still kept her hands on his face.

Vision put a hand on Max's face as he began to disintegrate.

"So long, my loves."

And just like that . . . Vision was gone again.

Wanda sighed and looked down at Maxine who was holding her cheek. She tapped the girl's hand and held her own open.

Max grabbed onto it and walked out of the dirty structure with Wanda.

They both stayed like that until they were met with the people of WestView.

Some glared at the woman as others glanced with fear. But Wanda tried her best to ignore them as she keep on walking forward.

They stopped in front of Monica, Phoenix, Dustin, Lucas, and Phoenix's brother who she still had to learn the name of.

Monica opened her mouth and began to speak, "They'll never know what you've sacrificed for them."

"It wouldn't change how they see me." Wanda said. She started at Phoenix and then back at Monica. "And you two . . . you don't hate me?"

Monica shrugged, "Given the chance and given your power, I'm pretty sure we'd do the same thing."

Wanda nodded and looked down. "I'm sorry. For all the pain I caused."

"We know."

Max heard sirens coming and she turned to Wanda. "Mom. I-I can't go with you. I think I just need some time."

The woman sighed through her nose and closed her eyes. "I know, sweetie. I know."

They both hugged each other and said their goodbyes with soft "I love you's."

She took a glance at the kids behind Monica and smiled, "Take care of her for me. Okay?"

The teen's nodded and waved goodbye.

Wanda glanced at Phoenix one more time before speaking up. "The power's that I gave you. I'm sorry for that. But I hope that you'll know how to control them later on."

Phoenix smiled and nodded. "No problem. I kinda enjoy being a magical boy."

Wanda laughed and began to walk away as the sirens got closer. She lifted herself into the air and flew away.

Max watched her mom leave and she smiled to herself. She walked over to the three boy's and put her hands on her hips. "How about an introduction? A proper one." Max said to the teen who had black hair.

He stuck out his hand and smirked. "Ezekiel. But my friends call me Zeke."

"Am I you're friend?"

Ezekiel shrugged. "Depends."

"On what?"

"Whether you decided to smack ice-cream in my face again. If not then we're cool."

Max laughed. "I'll try but, I make no promises."

The teen shrugged. "I'll take it."

Max then looked around at her friends. "What happens now?"

Phoenix sighed and put his arm on top of Dustin's head. "I say we follow these two dorks.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Okay, first of all you're not even that cool yourself, alright! Secondly, a town called Hawkins, that's where we live. It's in Indiana. Nothing too exiting happens there, but with an Avenger by our sides and a runaway-telekinetic dude and his scary brother, I think we're gonna be in for an treat."

"And don't forget about El!" Dustin chimed in. "She has telekinesis too!"

Max glanced over to Phoenix and Ezekiel trying to see if they liked the idea. Seeing as the boys shrugged, she smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Welp, Hawkins, Indiana here we come.""

© luvbusz, 2022

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