From the Inside (2021 - Versi...

By _Laura_Ann_94

427 47 33

In a mental institution, patients are treated for different reasons. They are expected to be kept safe and we... More

Millie & Billie - Part One
Millie & Billie - Part Two
Meet the Killer Twins
Meet Johnny
Meet Kyle
Nurse Rozetta
Doctor Mathers
Quiet Room
Crazy Alice
Fatal Kiss
One Down, One To Go.
Play Along
Millie's Final Goodbye
In his own mind
Lost Soul
Alone Togethor
Goodnight, Johnny.
Goodbye Johnny.
No More Twins
No More Billie
With his thoughts
Whose Eric Tyler?
From the Author


6 0 0
By _Laura_Ann_94

The patients had been in their room for forty-eight hours, they were all curious to know what exactly happened. Had Billie snapped and killed his sister? Was it true that Doctor Mathers was sleeping with a patient? They all wanted to know.

Many patients found excitement in finally being allowed to leave their room, all the patients noticed Millie's door closed, they wanted to peer inside.

"Come on everyone, there's nothing interesting behind it" Nurse Rozetta spoke as she walked down the hallway.

The patients sighed as they took the lead down the hallway to the common room.

Nurse Rozetta had heard about Millie's tragic death, she felt sorry for the young woman; no one deserved to die like that "Morning." She spoke as she stepped behind the nurses desk,

"At least you didn't say good morning" grumbled a nurse.

Nurse Rozetta looked at the elderly nurse "Nurse Rea, when we're in this place. It's always just morning." She beamed.

"Why are you so chipper? One of your favourites died" quipped Nurse Rea.

Nurse Rozetta shrugged a little "Can't a nurse just be happy to come to work?"

Nurse Rea rolled her eyes "not when it's this place."

"Now you sound like nurse what's-her-face." Nurse Rozetta giggled at her own words.

"Every patient is counted for" Nurse Sea placed the clipboard down on the nurses desk, she sighed.

Nurse Rozetta carefully watched Nurse Sea; she was a middle-aged woman who looked like exhaustion had hit her hard.

Nurse Sea had been at Saint Pinnington for almost two years. Nurse Sea wasn't sure how she had managed this long at the hospital, she had been warned against it being told that the hospital wouldn't be suited to her, it would be better for her to become a nanny for young children rather than watch over mental patients, but she pushed on. 

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