Do Eagles Really Mate for Lif...

By kendraaquilathewitch

1.8K 40 11

A fanfic based loosely on the Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery universe. This is a slow burn between my OC, Kend... More

Characters and author's notes (updated 10/02/22)
Chapter 1: Year One (updated 09/10/22)
Chapter 2: Year Three (updated 09/10/22)
Chapter 3: Year Four, Autumn (updated 09/10/22)
Chapter 4: Year Four, Winter (updated 09/10/22)
Chapter 6: Year Four, Summer (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 7: Year Five, Autumn (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 8: Year Five, Spring (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 9: Year Six, Autumn (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 10: Year Six, Spring (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 11: Year Seven, Autumn (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 12: Year Seven, Spring (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 13: Autumn of 1991 (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 14: 1997-1998 (updated: 09/10/22)
Chapter 15: 1999 (updated: 09/10/22)

Chapter 5: Year Four, Spring (updated 09/10/22)

95 4 1
By kendraaquilathewitch

"What do you think Dumbledore's announcement is, Kendra?" Penny asked as the two of you made your way to the Great Hall. 

"I don't know, but I guess we'll find out soon" you replied.

You had only been back at Hogwarts for a couple of weeks and were surprised that all the students were being called to the Great Hall for an announcement.  You made your way to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to Rowan. You saw Talbott sitting a little ways down the table and offered a little smile. He smiled back, then he turned his attention to Dumbledore as he approached the podium.

"Attention, students. As you all know, Valentine's Day is coming up in a few weeks. This year we will be hosting a special event on Valentine's Day. Gilderoy Lockhart, a former Hogwarts student and renowned adventurer is passing through the area on a tour for his latest book. He has agreed to come to Hogwarts, give a guest lecture, and host a Valentine's party. In preparation for the event, your classes will all have special Valentine's related themes the week leading up to the party. We expect you all to be on your best behaviour and Professor McGonagall would like me to remind you that the improper use of magic, such as sending yourself 800 love letters, will not be tolerated and may even lead to detention."

"That sounds fun!" said Badeea.

"800 love letters? That's a lot of owls and a lot of owl poop" said Andre from down the table.

"Not the owls or love letters, a Valentine's party! I wonder if we can have dates?" you asked.

"I was hoping for something more.... fun." said Tulip.

"Valentine's Day is fun!" you said.

"I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some Valentine's themed pranks, Tulip" Badeea offered.

You laughed and then stood up from your table. Penny and Tonks ran over to meet you. "I'm so excited!" Penny squealed. "Do you think we can have dates?"

"Do you and Kendra only care about having Valentine's dates for the party? You do realize that one of the most renowned wizards is hosting the event, right?" said Rowan a bit sternly. She obviously cared more for the lecture and book launch than the romance.

"No, I don't just care about having a date, but it would make the party more fun, it is on Valentine's Day." remarked Penny.

"Hhhmppph... well it's time for class" Rowan said.

"Yes, we can discuss our dates later" you said quietly to Penny with a wink.


After dinner you rushed to the library to meet Rowan, Penny, Tonks, and Tulip for a study session, although it was very likely that Rowan would be the only one studying as Tonks and Tulip had pranks on the brain and you and Penny were more than likely going to be discussing the Valentine's party.

"I don't think I want a date, I think I'm just gonna go solo" said Tonks.

"Dennis is the only Valentine I need!" said Tulip. "Plus, it leaves more time for pranking."

"Going as a group would be fun, but then again, I'd love to have a Valentine to go with" said Penny.

"Who do you want to go with Penny?" you asked and looked at her expectantly.

"I think I'll wait to tell you who my crush is after he says yes." You had never seen Penny's cheeks so red before!

"I hope Talbott asks me, but our first date was such a disaster, I'm not sure if he will want to go on another date with me" you said.

"I'm sure he'll ask you" said Penny trying to lift your spirits. "He really likes you."

"I thought we were here to study" Rowan interrupted.

"Yes, mom" quipped Tonks. You and Penny exchanged sly smiles then turned to your books. The rest of the evening you tried to spend studying, but your thoughts kept returning to Talbott and the Valentine's party.


Before you knew it, the week of the Valentine's party was upon you. You were excited about the special lessons in your classes, but more so about the possibility of having another date with Talbott.

"What do you think we'll learn this week?" asked Penny.

"I don't know, but I hope it will still help us with our O.W.L.s" said Rowan.

"O.W.L.s aren't until next year, Rowan, so let's chill on the academic stuff. I am excited to try something new though," said Tulip.

"Well I guess we'll find out, we have Herbology first!" you said and you linked arms with Penny. "So have you asked your crush to be your Valentine yet?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for the right opportunity." Penny replied and a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Is he in herbology with us?" you prodded.

"Ha! You can't trick me that easily, Kendra" Penny laughed. "Besides, I wouldn't want to ask him to be my valentine during class."

"Yeah, I guess class isn't very romantic."

"Has Talbott asked you yet?" 

"Not yet."

"I'm sure he will, but you could always ask him!" Penny said, then set her bag down and got ready for class.


"Love potions." Snape said loudly trying to catch the attention of all the giggling Gryffindors in your class. "Since I am required to teach a Valentine's related lesson this week, I would like to share the dangers of love potions and remind you that the use of them is strictly prohibited at Hogwarts. Amortentia is the most potent love potion in existence but it merely manufactures infatuation. Instead of creating true love, it induces in the drinker an unhealthy obsession with its provider. During today's lesson we will be studying the potion, but be careful not to get too close to the cauldron, you do not want to catch a whiff of it."

"Does it smell bad?" asked Sarah, one of the Gryffindor girls who clearly wanted to learn how to brew a love potion before Valentine's Day.

"It will differ for everyone based on what appeals to the individual" Snape replied. 

After class was dismissed, you could hear the giggling gang of Gryffindors talking about what they smelled in the potion. Snape had warned against smelling the amortentia, but by the end of the lesson almost every student tried to sneak a whiff.

"What did you smell Tulip?" asked Badeea.

"Dungbombs, Dennis' food, and butterbeer" said Tulip. 

"Dungbombs?" asked Badeea.

"They're my favorite prank" replied Tulip "what about you?"

"Canvas, fresh paint, and my mum's coconut cake. Rowan?"

"Parchment, my parents' tree farm, and sweets" answered Rowan.

"And what about you, Kendra?" asked Badeea.

"Vanilla, old books, the earth after it rains, and the owlery" you replied.

"The owlery? Why the owlery?" asked Tulip.

You panicked for a second trying to figure out a way to explain how the owlery reminded you of Talbott without giving away that he was an eagle animagus. "Ummm, maybe because my dad is an eagle animagus, so the smell of the hay and feathers reminds me of him and of home." Phew! I think that worked.


"Kendra, guess what?" Penny came running up to you before dinner.

"I have no idea, what is it, Pen?"

"Dumbledore asked me to help Gilderoy Lockhart decorate Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for the event."

"That's exciting Penny! But isn't it a bit small?" 

"The lecture and party will be in the Great Hall, but then Lockhart is hosting a special book launch and signing event at the tea shop and I have 8 tickets!"

"Wow, who are you going to invite?"

"Well obviously two will be for me and my date. And I want to save two for you and Talbott..."

"He still hasn't asked me to be his Valentine yet, Penny."

"Don't worry, I know he'll ask you!! And I was thinking that Diego, Barnaby, Tonks, Tulip, Andre, Badeea, and Charlie might like to go, but I haven't narrowed it down yet."

"Well if you need any help, just let me know!" you offered and the two of you walked into the Great Hall for dinner.


It was Friday night, the day before Valentine's Day and the party and Penny somehow conned you, Tonks, Tulip, Andre, Talbott, Barnaby, and Diego into helping her finish setting up the decorations for the book launch and Valentine's event at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. You were busy casting orchideous to create bouquets of flowers for the tables when Penny came running up to you "he said yes!"

"Who said yes? And what was the question?" you replied in confusion.

"I asked Barnaby to be my Valentine and date to the party tomorrow and he said yes."

"Barnaby is your crush?" you were shocked and it showed on your face.

"I told you it was someone you wouldn't expect!" she giggled. "I'm so excited, I wonder what Andre will make for us to wear."

"Talbott still hasn't asked me, so I don't think I'll have a date. Do you want to use his ticket for someone else?"

"I'm sure he'll ask you."

"You keep saying that, but it's the night before Valentine's Day, what is he waiting for?"

"I could talk to him."

"No, Penny. That would be so embarrassing. But I promise to come to the party with or without Talbott as my date."

"Ok. Well I'm going to check on everyone else and see how they are doing with the decorations."

Penny left and joined Tonks and Diego on the other side of the room. You continued to create more bouquets with the orchideous charm when Talbott walked over. "Hi Kendra."

"Hi Talbott" you said blushing.

"Can I talk to you?" Talbott looked nervous and he reached up to rub the back of his neck.

"Of course, what do you want to talk about?"

"I know our first date didn't go so well, but I thought I could be better at it, if you would give me another chance, for Valentine's Day."

"Are you asking me out, Talbott?"

"Yes, will you be my Valentine?"

"Of course I will, bird boy" you said with a smile.

Talbott smiled, "then I'll see you tomorrow for the party."


It was hours before Gilderoy Lockhart's guest lecture in the Great Hall and Andre was running around like a madman. As the self-professed style guru for your group of friends, he decided to make matching pink Valentine's outfits for the eight of you attending the book launch and party at Madam Puddifoot's. He delivered your light pink dress and of course it fit like a glove. You were excited to see the others' outfits, especially Talbott as you found out on your first date he's not the biggest fan of pink. You left your dorm and made your way down the stairs to the common room. Andre and Talbott were both standing there waiting for you. Andre was wearing a denim shirt over a hot pink tee and some dark jeans. Talbott's outfit made you giggle a little, Merlin, why did Andre pick that for Talbott? Talbott looked a bit like a pink cowboy in his white shirt, jeans, pink cardigan, and cowboy boots. The three of you made your way down to the Great Hall and met with the rest of the group. Penny was wearing a pink and yellow dress and Barnaby was wearing a bright pink blazer. Tonks and Tulip were both wearing bright pink dresses and Diego wore a light pink shirt under his signature denim jacket. You took your seats in the hall and waited for the lecture to start.


"And that is how I, Gilderoy Lockhart, famed wizard and author, was able to voyage with vampires!" Lockhart said.

"Merlin, I thought he'd never stop talking" said Andre.

"He likes to talk about himself, a lot" said Talbott.

"I think he has a nice smile" said Penny.

"What about me? Do I have a nice smile?" asked Barnaby with a sheepish grin.

"Of course you do" Penny reassured him with a smile herself. "I guess it's time to head to Madam Puddifoot's for the book launch event." The eight of you left the hall and started making your way to Hogsmeade.

"I'm not sure I can take much more of this guy" said Talbott.

"He said he's a master duelist, Diego would love to duel him!" said Diego.

"Good luck" said Tonks "If he's as good as he says he is in his books, he's practically unbeatable!"

You turned to Talbott and whispered, "let's just try to forget about Lockhart and have fun. It's a Valentine's party and I'm just happy to be your date."

Talbott slowly reached out and took your hand in his. After a few seconds of fiddling he decided it was the most comfortable to interlace his fingers with yours. Your heart did a little flip.

The party was pretty much how you expected it to be. Lockhart talked about himself the entire time and whenever you or your friends would start to lose interest in the party, Lockhart would make some announcement about how he picked out these lucky Hogwarts students to be his assistants for the week. That was hardly the case, but it momentarily put the focus on you and your friends, only for Lockhart to then steal the spotlight again moments later. As the event came to a close you and your friends agreed that the night didn't turn out at all how you had hoped. The eight of you grumbled and complained about Lockhart and the ruined evening on your way back to the castle. When you arrived, Diego, Andre, Tonks, and Tulip all headed back to their rooms to call it a night.

"It's such a pretty night, Barnaby, let's have our own little Valentine's date by the fountain" said Penny.

"I took some extra cakes from the tea shop, I was going to eat them later, but we can have them for our date!" Barnaby replied.

You watched as the two of them walked across the courtyard and took seats on the edge of the fountain. I want to do something with Talbott, but what? Where could we go? What is a romantic spot at school? I mean other than the courtyard? Suddenly you felt Talbott grab your hand. You turned to look at him and were met with his amber eyes. "Meet me in the herbology greenhouse in ten minutes" he said, then he turned and left. 

"Talb.... " you started, but he was already entering the castle. The herbology greenhouse? Why does Talbott want to meet me there? Sure, it's more romantic than the history of magic classroom, but... Your thoughts wandered for a few minutes, then you decided to slowly make your way to the greenhouses.


You opened the door to the herbology greenhouse and saw Talbott at the far end of the room. He was standing next to a small table with two chairs under a large, flowery vine in the shape of a heart. How did he... when did he?  You walked over to join him, "Surprise" he said with a smile.

"This is amazing, Talbott. I can't believe you did all of this for me!"

"You deserved something special. I knew Lockhart's party wouldn't be a good enough date."

"But how were you able to transform the greenhouse so fast? You only asked me to be your date last night?"

"I planned this date before I even asked you to be my Valentine, hoping you would say yes. And I talked to Sprout at the beginning of the week. She seems to be a fan of Valentine's Day at Hogwarts."

"Thank you Talbott, this is the best Valentine's Day ever!"

"I, um... I've got a gift for you too..." he said and then reached down to grab something beside the table. He sat back up and set a blue heart on the table. It was suspended from a vine and enchanted to swirl around. His amber eyes stared at you, searching for a reaction. 

A smile spread across your lips. "It's beautiful, Talbott. I love it."

"Just don't break my heart, alright?" he said a bit shyly and he rubbed the back of his neck. You had known Talbott long enough now to know that he did that every time he was embarrassed or unsure about himself and it made you melt.

"Thank you for trusting me with something so precious," you said and smiled at him.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kendra."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Talbott."

Talbott leaned across the table and kissed you gently on the cheek. As he leaned back you smiled at him and took his hand. You slowly interlaced your fingers with his and just gazed into his amber eyes. It truly was the best Valentine's Day.


Published draft, I'll continue to make small updates on this chapter.

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