Chapter 10: Year Six, Spring (updated: 09/10/22)

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It was your first day back from the Christmas holiday and you found a note on your desk. You picked it up and noticed a K inside of a circle written on the outside of the envelope. You opened it up and removed the letter from within.

*Meet me at the Hogs Head Inn this Saturday afternoon at 4.*

Badeea was sitting on her bed with a sketchbook, drawing. "Did you get a letter about meeting at the Hogs Head Inn this weekend, Badeea?" you asked.

"Yes, although I'm wondering what strength Ben and Merula think I have that will be able to help them" she replied.

"I wonder who else will be there" you said. Just then Tulip entered the room. "Tulip, did you get a letter about meeting at the Hogs Head Inn this weekend?"

"Nope, but Ben and Merula met with me, Tonks, Andre, and Jae just before we left for the holiday."

You wanted to do whatever you could to help Ben and Merula as well as avenge Rowan, but you were nervous about what you would be asked to do. You walked to your desk and grabbed your Talking Tablet. 

*Did you get a letter about meeting at the Hogs Head Inn this weekend?* You tapped the tablet three times and waited for Talbott's response.

*Yes, I'm assuming this means you did too?*

*Yes, Badeea and I both got them.* You were still nervous about the meeting, but knowing Talbott would be there with you made you feel infinitely better. 

Saturday arrived and you, Talbott, and Badeea walked together into Hogsmeade. When you arrived, you saw Merula and Ben up ahead walking into the Hogs Head Inn. The three of you followed behind and then joined them at table in the corner. 

"Thanks for meeting us" said Ben.

"Enough chit chat, Copper. We need the three of you to do some reconnaissance."

"Reconnaissance?" you asked.

"Yes" said Ben.

"We have some ideas where the vault might be hidden, but we want the three of you to do some research, check out potential locations, and see what you find. We also want a map of the possible locations and anything around them that could pose a problem."

"That seems fair" said Talbott. You were surprised that he seemed to be going along with their plan so easily, you thought he would try and find a way to avoid being a part of the group activities.

"We'll let you figure out the details, but let us know when you have the map ready" said Merula.

"Ok, we will" said Talbott.

"Thanks" said Ben and then he and Merula left. You, Talbott, and Badeea stayed behind.

"I'm surprised you agreed so quickly, Talbott" you said.

"I think we got a pretty good deal. What they are asking us to do is a lot less dangerous than what they are asking some of the others to do" he replied.

"I guess so" you said.

"I'll volunteer to draw the map" said Badeea.

"Haha, of course you do!" you laughed and smiled at Badeea.

"I assumed you would" said Talbott. "That just leaves the research and the actual reconnaissance. I've spent a lot of time around the castle grounds and I know the area well, I'll do the reconnaissance." You knew that Talbott actually meant he would spend time flying in his animagus form to check the locations out, but didn't want to say it in front of Badeea. "Kendra, can you do the research and look up the locations Ben and Merula give us?

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