Mine And Mine Only || Profess...

By draco_malfoyy009

279K 5.9K 2.8K

"I- I can't take it anymore, I need to cum." I said. "Oh, you need to cum?" He asked, stroking my thighs. I n... More

Author's Note


11.6K 235 107
By draco_malfoyy009

I wanted to cry, but, I couldn't in front of Draco. He arrived a few minutes after me and he started the class. "Hello everyone, so today, little test to see what do you know in Potions. Don't worry, it's a very short test and I'll correct it and give you a mark, okay?"

We all nod and with a flick of his wand, a sheet of paper appeared in front of us. "I trust you, so no cheating." He said. "If I catch you cheating, you're in detention, understood?" "Yes, Professor." "Good. Good luck!" I started to read the questions, my mind wasn't able to remember the answers. I was thinking about something else.

"The answer is Liquid Luck." I looked discreetly at him and he was looking at me. He was helping me, it was not fair! Though, I was not complaining. As he said, the test contained only 5 questions and the papers flew to his table. "Well, how was it?" He asked. "It was super easy!" Said Hannah. Just by hearing her voice, I wanted to throw up or punch her in the face. "We'll see if you got all right after my correction." He said.

He sat at his desk and we waited in silence for him to correct our tests. I saw him writing with his luxurious pen on the sheets of paper, his hand was veiny and so soft. Even the way he was holding the pen was attractive. After a few minutes, he stood up, flicked once again his wand and the papers arrived in front of us.

"Psst! Y/n! How many did you get?" Whispered Elena. I looked at my paper and showed her. "100%! How? I got 55%!" "I just worked." I smiled, sarcastically. I looked at the Professor Malfoy and muttered a thank you. He responded by sending me a wink. The bell rang and we packed our stuff to go to our next class; Herbology.

When everyone left, I walked closer to his desk and kissed him on the cheek. "See you later." I whispered seductively in his ear. I looked at him above my shoulder and left the classroom.



"I'm still wondering how did she get 100%." I sighed. "I'm sure that there's something between her and Malfoy." Replied Hannah. "No, it's impossible! She never had a boyfriend in her whole life! She can't date a Professor!" "With time, people change..." Hannah said, opening her book. "No, I can't believe it. I have to ask her."

"She'll tell you no. It's logical, she won't tell the whole school that she fucked with Professor Malfoy." "Yeah, you're right. But, you heard him the first day, he said that he didn't have favorites." "Maybe he lied. His favorite is Y/n." "Well, he was kind with you when you had your detention, right?"

"Yeah, but, he looked annoyed, like I was bothering him." "Maybe he was just tired." "Or maybe he wanted to stay alone with Y/n in this bloody classroom to fuck her!" "Hannah!" "What? I'm telling the truth." I know Y/n, she's not the kind of girl to have a relationship while she's at school. She always told me that, though, Hannah could be right. Maybe she changed...


Later in the day, I saw the Professor Malfoy in his classroom, correcting some tests, I wanted to make things clear between Y/n and him. I knocked and he looked at me. "What can I do to help you Miss Roberts?" He asked. "Um, well, it's about Y/n." I immediately saw his eyes widened. No, that can't be possible. "What's about Y/n?" He asked, this time, his voice was like a bit worried.

"Oh, don't worry, nothing happened. It's just that, uh, are you dating her?" "What? Why would I date my student?" "I- I don't believe that either, I just wanted to be sure." "Who said that?" "Said what?" "If I was dating Y/n." "Well, uh..." I didn't want to say that it was Hannah's idea so I said: "It's me. But, I trust you." "No one else is aware?" He asked.

"No." "Okay, that's it?" "Um, yes. Goodbye."
So Hannah could be right... Why did he ask me if someone else was aware? Is that true then? Are they dating? Even though, Hannah told me not to see Y/n, I'll talk about it with her. That's then I realize that Y/n was right. I tried to remember her words.

"A best friend defends the person they like. You're not defending me, you're defending her." I didn't say to the Professor Malfoy that it was Hannah's idea, I said that it was mine. I defended her once again, but, I do care about Y/n. I'll apologize and we'll see what will happen.


Y/n's POV:

I was about to left the Common Room when I saw Elena rushing towards me. "Y/n! Can I talk to you?" She asked. "Okay." "Come inside."
I followed her and I arrived in her room. We sat on her bed and she looked at me, I didn't want to look at her so I just look at the wall in front of me. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, a bit dryly.

"Are you dating Professor Malfoy?" "What?" I asked, looking at her with wide eyes. "Is this bitch tells you that?! It's false! You perfectly know me, Elena, you know that I never had my first kiss and I had never been in a relationship. How can you trust her?" "I know, I've been stupid to think that and of course, I know that you can't date him."

"Thank you." I said, dryly. At that point, I just wanted to punch the wall or Hannah's face.
"I wanted to apologize, I know that it wasn't fair to not defend you yesterday, I should've, because you're my best friend." I looked at her with a blank face. "You know how it feels to be rejected by your own best friend? When she prefers to have fun with someone else? Okay, you're allowed to have other friends, but, the fact that you leave me and even stop talking to me, you know how much it hurts?"

As I spoke, tears started to run down my cheeks. "Hey..." Elena stood up and hugged me, that feeling missed me. I missed her. "I'm so sorry, Y/n." She whispered. "I hope you'll forgive me." "Of course you're forgiven." I said, hugging her back.

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