Uncanny ~ Book 2

By Flash_Bastardd

4.1K 124 268

Lorna looked down at her shakey hands, willing them, practically begging for them to do anything - just a fli... More

Updated MCU
Merry Christmas


275 8 52
By Flash_Bastardd

The Mexican Cartel. . . 

The Mexican Cartel. . .  



Lorna is pretty sure she's trapped in her head. All she can think about is Marcos.  

Marcos is in the Mexican Cartel. 

How does something like that even happen? Lorna didn't hear anything else Sal had said. She didn't even know where she was.  


Was Marcos even the same boy from the Hydra Facility?  

The same boy she. . .  

She couldn't finish the thought.  


Waking up to her surroundings she finds herself in the car driving back to the Mutant Underground headquarters.  

John was silently driving, jaw clenched.  


He must hear the change in Lorna because he shoots a quick look at her before his eyes go back onto the road. 


"Lorna, who the hell are we looking for?" John asks and Lorna rubs her hands over her face.  

"My friend Marcos –" 

"Yeah well, your friend Marcos seems to be the Mexican Cartels main interrogator. Which is just a pretty name for torturer." John finishes and Lorna wants to puke.  

"I can't believe he would do something like this. With what we had to deal with–" Lorna stops. She hasn't even shared with Lorna the full extent of what Hydra did to her and Marcos.  


"Lorna. I hate to say this but I don’t think we should continue to look for him. He might even already know if Sal has come. The Cartel always know when one of their own is being looked for." Lorna gulped and played with the fraying of her black jeans.  

"They could find us now." John says and ice goes down Lorna’s back.  

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this John. I. . . I never thought he would do something like this. Honestly. I've never told anybody what happened to us. It was just too ugly. Too horrible. I could never hurt my sister or brother with it." Lorna trails off. Waiting for any hesitation on John’s end. When she was met with silence, she took it for a sign she could continue.  


She takes a shaky breath and starts her story.  


The diner was around an hour away from base so whatever she doesn't finish in time she can tell him later. 


"I was born a triplet; we grew up in a tiny little country named Sokovia." John’s eyebrows raise and Lorna nods. 

"Yes, the country that was just destroyed. It's my siblings and my fault to begin with. But when we were ten, our parents were killed by bombs, bombs made by Tony Stark. And us being young blamed him for their death." Lorna looks at her hands again and smiles softly. 

"I don't think that now, and Tony is one of my closest friends. I realise back then he didn't know his advisor was going behind his back and giving weapons to terrorists. But anyway, back to my miserable life." Lorna jokes and they both smile. 


"After that we were put in foster care but they wanted to split us up, Sokovia wasn't a very wealthy country, not even our parents could properly afford to raise three kids let alone people foster three, so we escaped found a little home for us to live in and it worked. For a couple of years. My siblings were big on protesting and I always joined it because I'd follow them to the end of the universe. That's when Hydra offered us a deal. I knew I should have told Wanda and Pietro 'no' but they wouldn't have listened. If Hydra promised they could avenge our parents they'd do anything.  

And I followed Wanda and Pietro. We joined Hydra and it was the worst decision of our lives.  

They triggered our mutations, which they just called enhancements so they never told us we were mutants until a couple years later." 


"How long were you there for?" John asks and Lorna sighs.  

"Five years but it feels so much more than that." Lorna answers just as they reach the Mutant Underground. 


"Will you tell me the rest?" John asks, and Lorna nods. 

John felt this weird sense of happiness, not so much as being happy, maybe honored that Lorna was telling him this. Not Tony Stark, not her sister but John. Her friend of only a month or so.  

He felt trusted by Lorna which he can tell is a rare thing for the girl. So, he vows never to break this trust.  


They get out of the car and before Lorna's eyes John disappears in a flash of silver.  


"JOHN?!" Lorna shouts and runs towards the base, following the streaking light.  

Bursting into the base, knives at the ready, she is greeted by the sight of John being enveloped in hugs and John smiling at the quick figure.  

A speedster. . . Her heart takes a lurch before she walks towards them, putting the knives away. And finally, the silver streak stops, revealing a young man, who looks a couple years older than Lorna with silver hair and matching jacket. He puts his goggles on his head and grins cheekily. Lorna knows he's a mischief maker by that smile alone.  


"Lorna! I'm sorry, Pete has no respect for anyone." John laughs and 'Pete' turns to Lorna and his mouth drops. 


"Hi, I'm Lorna Maximoff." She says and sticks her hand out to shake his.  

He just stares at her, mouth agape.  


Lorna looks at John with an eyebrow raised. And he shrugs and hits Pete's arm.  

That snaps him out of his shock and he shakes Lorna's hand. 


"Holy shit! You look like my dad." Is all he says and Lorna furrows her eyebrow and John smacks Pete on the back of his head.  

Pete groans and rubs it.  


"Sorry! I can’t get over seeing someone that’s looks like him.” He says with a laugh. “My name is Peter Lehnsherr, nice to meet you. I'm sorry you look like him so damn much!" Peter continues and Lorna laughs with him. 


"That's a little weird but whatever. It's nice to meet you. My uh, brother is a speedster too." She doesn't even pick up on her use of present tense until Peter says she should bring him around for a race.  


"I'm sorry, he was a speedster, he's uh dead. Sorry." Lorna says, her voice thick.  


Peter smiles and brings her into a hug. "It's okay, I'm the one who's sorry." Peter says and let's go before grabbing an energy drink from seemingly nowhere. He was very . . . friendly with strangers. 

John shares an apologetic look to Lorna before conversing with Peter. 

“What brings you back to the mainland?” John asks as Peter downs the energy drink. 

Speedster plus an energy drink can only equal chaos. And Lorna is very intrigued by that. 

“Well, Daddio wants me to collect some more mutants for his husband's school, and Charlie boy found some interesting mutants around these parts so I thought I would come visit my favourite Thunderbird.” Peter says very, very quickly. It was a miracle that Lorna could even understand it. 

“Wait, Thunderbird is your code name?” Lorna says with a laugh, Peter who comes and stands next to her is also cackling as they point towards John, Lorna holding onto Peter as his laugh makes her laugh more. 

“I don’t go by that anymore, it’s Warpath now. Peter, you know that.” John complains which makes the other two mutants laugh again. 

“Yeah. . . well shut up, Quicksilver – like that’s any better.” John says jokingly to which Peter fake cries and to get comfort from Lorna. 

“What about you, Lorna, what’s your code name?” Peter asks and Lorna pauses to think. 

“A few years ago, I was thinking something like Magentrix, but now I don’t know if I like it anymore. Could always go Magneto? That’s cool right?” Lorna says which earns Peter to start choking on his spit? Or on air? And John just laughs. 

“What’s so funny?” Lorna asks and Peter composes himself. 

“Well, Magnetrix is cool and all, but sadly Magneto is taken.” Peter says and Lorna frowns. 

“Oh really? By who?”  

“My dad.” Peter laughs and Lorna joins him. 

“Why you want magnet in your name so much?” Peter asks and Lorna smiles. 

“My mutation, I can control the magnetic spectrum and things like that, anything with magnetism or something on the electromagnetic spectrum I can control. Well, usually control.” Lorna says and Peter sits their dumbfounded. 

“Not only do you look like my dad. You have the. Same. Freaking. Powers. As the man!” Peter says and throws his hands up in defeat. 

“Do I have another sister my father doesn’t know about.” He jokes and Lorna joins him in his laughter. 



Fookin finally guys.

Jebus. I did this in 1 day! Hell yeah!

Say cool guys.

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