My Guardian Demon

By Eevee_gfi

111K 2.7K 23K

My name is Kokichi. Kokichi Ouma. Student from the Mizanaki High School. I'm 16 but I'm by far the shortest b... More

Before we begin... A/N
Please, read...
Chapter 1 : Initially
Chapter 2 : Unfair
Chapter 3 : Perturbation
Chapter 4 : Nako and Cherry
I hope I'll be able to translate Chapter 5 this week
Chapter 5 : Saihara-kun
Chapter 6 : Rain
Oh my god...
Chapter 7 : Sickness
Chapter 8 : Stalker
Chapter 9 : Begging for help
Chapter 10 : Paranoïa
Chapter 11 : Darkness
While waiting for chapter 12...
Chapter 12 : Guardian
Chapter 13 : Attempt
Children, if you ever hear this...
Chapter 14 : Property
Chapter 15 : Baby
Help... ?
Chapter 16 : Abandoned
I challenge you to give a voice to Guardian Demon !! ;-)
Chapter 17 : Doubts
Welp... about my wrist...
Chapter 18 : Betrayal
Chapter 19 : Non-consent (R18)
Chapter 20 : Robbers
I hate you all...
Chapter 21 : Aftermath
Chapter 22 : Love...
Chapter 23 : ...Sick
Chapter 24 : Escape
Bonus chapter 01 : Unwanted child
Bonus chapter 02 : The boy on the train
Bonus chapter 04 : [Seen]
Bonus chapter 05 : The Beginning of The End
Chapter 25 : Finally...
It ends here...
Just in case for Chapter 25...

Bonus chapter 03 : My little Koki

1.1K 36 248
By Eevee_gfi

« How was dinner ? Did you like it, my little Koki ?»

« Yup, it was excellent, thanks mom !» I can hear my beloved's voice from downstairs...

He just finished eating his dinner, he's gonna walk back upstairs... I'll finally be able to admire him...

*tap ! tap ! tap !*

Ah there they are... his footsteps in the creaking stairs... he's getting closer...


« Waaaah... oh it feels good to finally eat... okay ! Time to rewrite my homework... yay...» he yawned and growled a bit before convincing himself to get to work and to rewrite his homework.

Yep, "rewrite". He had already done it, being the serious student he is but his bullies, Kaito Momota and Gonta Gokuhara, destroyed it. This morning, Kokichi didn't have the money those assholes have been asking to him since his mother forgot to withdraw some cash and he hid the little money he had to buy something to eat during lunch time. So, as a revenge, those assholes threw his school bag into a large puddle, destroying his belongings. He even got scolded at by his teacher, Mrs Kitari.

So here he is, rewriting his work because of Kaito and Gonta all while grumbling about them...

« Pffff... if only I could defend myself against them... why does Momota's father have to give such big donations to the school to erase his faults ? I'm sick of being so weak and dumb...»

Oooh Kokichi ! My little Koki (yeah, I stole that nickname from his mother, this is as adorable as him ! I love it !) ! Don't say that, my sweetheart ! You're not dumb ! You're not worthless ! You're perfect ! The world is just too stupid to realize how much you're worthy... but I do know that you're absolutely perfect, my adorable little Koki...

It's been exactly three years, two months and eleven days ever since we've met each other in that train... I've never been this happy to learn that a train line was in works and that I had to use another line...

I started following him little by little everywhere he went. At first, this was only when I had some time to do it ; now I'm creating plenty of times just for him. I followed him in everything he was doing, watching him from afar, him admiring the shops' showcases, getting bullied, buying groceries for his parents...

I always wanted more... so one day, I got into his bedroom through the window his mother had left slightly opened and I searched into his drawers, his closet... I sniffed his blanket and his clothes to get a good grasp of his smell... his whole bedroom is perfurmed with his smell... aaah~...

Time went by and I got used to going through this window and hiding under his bed, using the bed's sheets to hide me so that I could watch him sleep... and give him a good night kiss...

What a joke... I know absolutely everything about him, I love him more than anything else in the world... but he probably doesn't even remember our short encounters in the train... he probably doesn't even know I exist...

He isn't even aware of his biggest fan's existence... of the one and only person in this entire world who truly loves him...

Ah... ah~... I'm becoming excited... I wish I could jump out of my hiding spot, out of from under his bed to go admire his face from closer...

I want more of him... I'm already doing a lot and spending a lot of time with him but it's never enough... I can never get enough... I'm starting to get sick never getting enough...

I can't talk to him or touch him... I must stay hidden and act very discreetly to make sure I don't get caught... I'm starting to get sick of it now...

I'm starting to get sick of never being able to hug him in my arms, to whisper sweet words into his ear, to kiss his cheek, his lips, to lull him, to hug him... I can only watch him sleep...

I'm starting to get sick not being able to touch his naked body or to play with his nipples, nor with his engine, I just have to be content with watching him showering without being able to touch him... this is torture...

And most of all, I'm starting to get sick seeing all of those people, all of those beggars touching him, talking to him, looking at him... each time I see someone touching him... even if it's just for a second...

Even if it's just his mother caressing his cheek... even if it's his professor handing him over his homework... even if it's just a stranger pushing him by accident while walking in the street...

I feel like he gets "marked" by this other person... that he gets dirtied by their disgusting hands... I feel like, every second, those people can dirty him and take him away from me...

I want my little Koki to look only at me... I want him to talk only to me... to think only of me... to kiss only me... to be aware only of my existence... to stay with only me !!

I wanna be all he could think about every single second of his life...

How... ? How could I possibly do it... ?

I mean, I can't just become his boyfriend ! Even if we go out together, he could keep spending time with his family and the other students from his school...

And if I kidnap him to keep him for myself... yeah, sure, I could make sure his disappearance stays unknown and that the police doesn't start any investigation but... knowing me, if I kidnap him... even if I only want to keep him for a short amount of time, I won't be able to control my pulsions once I'll have him in front of me, defenseless... I'd be too scared of him abandonning me too... and I'd lock him up somewhere to make sure he can't leave or see anyone else ever again...

Surely, he would hate me if I did this...

I already hate it whenever I see Kokichi's angry eyes because it's pretty rare and it's destroying his cute adorable little face... but if those angry eyes were directed towards me...

Not only that, but knowing him, he would also beg me to let him go and to see his family again... he would think of other people...


That's not enough... I wanna be the only one for him !! I hate seeing him looking at someone else than me !! Smiling at someone else than me !! Kissing someone else than me !! I should be the only one for him just the exact same way he is the only one for me !!

I love him so much !! I spent literally years worshipping him !! I love him more than anything else in the world !! I love him even more than Danganronpa !! This is normal I ask the same kind of love from him !! He must love me just as much as I love him !!

If I think of him every damn second of my damn life then he should have the right to think only of me !!

He must love me... if we're related through the marriage, if he is my only chance to be loved by someone then he must love me !! Just as much as I love him !!

I won't let anyone else have him !! I won't let him leave me !! I won't let him abandon me !!!

No matter how much it costs me... but how am I supposed to pay for his love... ? Now, that is the question...

« Kokichi ! You have school tomorrow ! Time to go to bed ! »

« Oh please, just 5 more minutes, mom ! Pretty please ! Let me just watch the execution ! »

« You've been on your phone for the last 2 hours, that's enough ! And don't you have homework to do ? »

« I did them the moment I got back home ! Pleeeeaaaaase, my sweet mommy I love so much ! Then I'll turn off my phone and go to sleep ! I promise ! Pinky promise ! »

« Alright... but only the execution ! Once it's over, it's bedtime ! Or I'll keep your phone until tomorrow ! »

« Yes ! Thank you ! »

Oh ! Finally some good news ! I'll finally be able to admire his cute little face sleeping, like every night ! What wouldn't I give to fuck him in his sleep or even... kidnap him and bring him back with me to my home so that he would belong to only me... cover his entire body with kisses and caresses... but it's way too risky... he could wake up on the way home... and he could hate me... and abandon me...

« Oh no !! Satoshi !! Noooooo, this is too sad !! »

He keeps watching the Danganronpa episode. Yeah, Kokichi also likes Danganronpa. I told you he was perfect ! Well, yeah, I'm getting spoiled of the episode but I would give anything to "spend some time" with my little Koki... my little Koki being way more important than Danganronpa...

It's not like I have a curfew or anything anyway. My uncle and his wife don't care at all about me, they don't even have the slightest idea of what I'm doing every night, they don't even know I'm sneaking outside every night.

« Kokichiiiiii ? What did we agree on ? »

« Oh, sorry mom ! I turn it off ! »

Even without being able to see anything from under the bed, I already know very well what is happening : Kokichi puts his phone on his nightstand, takes his Monomi plushie in his arms and gets a good night kiss from his mother...

I can't wait to wipe her disgusting saliva off him with mine... I should be the only one giving a good night kiss to Koki.

« Sleep tight, my little Koki. »

« Good night, mom. »

Yeah... sleep tight, my sweetheart... don't worry, I'll make sure you have sweet dreams, my little baby...

I can hear his blanket moving... I guess he's taking his Monomi plush like every night to hug her in his arms... so adorable...

Hum ? He's sighing ? He must be tired after getting rackettereed once more by Kai-

« ... It must be nice having a guardian angel... I wish I had one too... someone who would protect my family... or just someone who would protect me from Momota... someone... who would watch over me... behind the scenes... »


« ... *sigh*...»




... ...

... ... ...

Kokichi... a guardian angel... ?


Kokichi... oh my little Koki... you are a genius !!

That's it !! That's the solution to make you entirely mine !! It was right in front of me !! How come I didn't think of it earlier ?!

A guardian angel... you need a guardian angel, my little Koki... you being so weak in such a cruel world... you need someone to protect you...

You need someone to protect you from any danger... someone you would be eternally grateful to... someone you'd have no other choice but giving your whole body and your love to as a thanks... someone you would have to obey to any of their orders... someone you would be, for the rest of your life, grateful to...



Stockholm's syndrom...

Ooooh my little Koki... I promise you... I am so clever, I will use any resource, anything I can to twist my every word and act and turn you into my dear puppet... I'm going to mess with your mind so much that you won't even know anymore if the simplest of my words are the truth or another lie... I'm going to put you through such a psychologic shock that your brain will glitch and will be forced to listen only to my voice to protect you from the ultimate despair... I'm going to make you believe... no. I'm going to show you that I am the only one who really cares about you in this world...

You are so weak... and nice... and adorable... I know absolutely everything about you by heart... no one knows you better than I do so I am obviously the only one who can do it... I am the only one who can break you...

I'm going to empty you... from everything... your feelings... your emotions... your rights... I'm going to take everything from you until you finally let me do anything I want to you... until I am 100% sure you will never ever abandon me... until you have no other choice but accepting to be mine...

I'm going to make you mine...

Starting tonight... from now on... this is only a matter of time before you belong to me... forever and ever and ever...

« Uuh... hum...»

Oooh you poor little sweetheart... don't cry, it's okay... this is a necessary suffering for you to reach the best happiness possible in this world... you won't regret it, you'll see... I'll take good care of you... I already know everything about you, how to wash your hairs, your skin, your allergies, your hobbies, your dreams... so I'm obviously the best person to take care of you...

I'm obviously the only person who deserves you...

I'll cook lots of sweet meals I'll feed you myself... I'll offer you anything you could dream of.... I'll cover your entire body with love and kisses...

You'll be happy with me... we'll be happy together... I promise... since you'll love me... and that you'll never ever ever abandon me...

My one and only adorable little Kokichi Saihara...

I may have made a mistake with my parents, acting like a useless child who couldn't do anything right by himself, always asking them for help... but don't worry, I won't make the same mistake with you...

You'll have no reason to abandon me... You won't be able to abandon me... you'll be forced to be grateful to me... and to be mine...

« My poor Kokichi... Oh... don't you worry. If you want it that much, then I'll be your guardian angel. So leave it to me, I'll take care of everything. »

*kissing sound*

« Sleep tight, my little Koki... »

Alright... looks like I have some work to do... starting with organizing a visit to these gentlemen...














































« Hey ! Did you know ? I've heard that the police is coming to interrogate some students and teachers ! »

« Huh? Why ? Did something happen ?»

« It seems there has been an accident yesterday ! When she got out of the changing room after her sport lesson, a high school girl got  hit by dumbbells and got her skull fractured !»

« Oh my gosh !! That's awful !! How is she ?!»

« Sadly, she lost a lot of blood, she may not make it. The doctors even said it was already a miracle she hasn't died yet...»

« That's so horrible !! But how the hell could she have gotten those dumbbells ?!»

« I don't know... the police is coming to ask questions to everyone and know what could have happened !»

« Can't they just look at the surveillance cameras ?! This is Kurume !! The school is well equiped !!»

« That's also what I thought ! But I've heard that the videos were glitching out and that it was impossible to distinguish anything on those !»

« What ?! Okay, this is definitely not normal ! That can't be just a mere accident !!»

Pfff... idiots... you're all just a bunch of idiots...

Of course it wasn't an accident, I completely planned it all. I wouldn't throw a bucket filled with dumbbells by accident. I thought a lot about this.

Danganronpa sure inspired me for this murder. While they were having their sport lesson, I slightly opened the changing rooms' door and placed a bucket filled with dumbbells on it, right on the door scratch, so that it wouldn't fall unless someone actually opens the door.

All I had to do then is leaving the scene and waiting for a poor infortunate soul to open the door and receive a little surprise I've got for them... he he he...

And of course, I hacked beforehand the school's cameras to make sure nothing would witness my actions. I even used it to my own advantage to build up a good alibi, changing the videos order. I made sure the cameras were showing me in the school playground at the time the bucket has been placed on the door.

I must admit I'm surprised it didn't kill that girl, maybe she was pretty strong to resist this but... oh well, her dying or surviving is not what matters... what's really important is the effect this incident had on the school : the creation of a panic mood at Kurume.

This is only the beginning... I'm going to create other "incidents" behind the scenes... I'm going to manipulate those delinquents from the creepy Ypereku district so they come here to bully the students... I'm going to kill and make several students disappear...

Oh, I'm not going to make a genocide route or anothing of the sort either... no, I'm not going that far...

Around ten incidents like that at maximum will be more than enough to "convince" my parents and my uncle that Kurume is not a safe school anymore and I need to go to another establishment...

And... then...

Hi hi hi... Mizanaki... my adorable little Koki's high school... the school he got admitted after Teito... I'll finally be able to go there... I'll finally be able to meet him for good...

I sigh all while caressing the picture I took of him today, dirtied with my white sticky liquid... he's tearing up, scared of Gokuhara who's only trying to warn him about me... I think I should prepare a very special punishment for Gokuhara by the way... kinda similar to that girl's... so he understands he should keep this secret just between us...

Be patient, my angel... this is only a matter of time... in April, when school will start again, you'll have you dear guardian angel beside you to protect you and to cover your body with caresses and kisses... soon enough, you'll be all mine...

Be just a little more patient... my sweetheart... my dear beloved... my little baby... my little sextoy... my adorable little Kokichi Saihara...

Soon enough, you'll sleep in my arms right next to this wall worshipping you covered with each of your pictures... in this house hidden in a dense forest I bought just for you... just for the two of us... just to make sure you can't escape me...

I still remember how I've got this whole house... my parents are pretty rich so money wasn't a problem and having an uncle who's a policeman can help avoiding some annoying paper works...

I just needed a good reason for them to offer me such a huge gift...

And I've got the perfect opportunity some months ago...

I still remember perfectly the scene :

« Merry Christmas, Shuichi !»

Everyone was saying this over and over again with a false-happy tone. I've always hated Christmas and my birthday because my family acts like they care about me while I've known for a long time they don't give a shit. Plus, I couldn't escape them to go watch some Danganronpa or go stalk a bit my little Koki.

But this time... something ultimately good happened...

As I was expecting, my uncle Okohe approached me, looking kind of ashamed...

« Well Shuichi... you'll be 18 in a few months and you're becoming a young mature and clever man. I know we've never really had the time to look properly after you during all these years and we're sorry about that. But just know that we're really proud of you and that we really do care about you. So, as an apology and since this is your last Christmas before you turn 18, is there something in particular you would like ? Anything ? I talked about it with your parents, you can have anything !»

I simply smirked before giving my answer :

« My independance.»


Artist who drew the cover picture :

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