Path to War (The Chosen Twins...

By CourtesyTrefflin

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It's been ten years since Anakin and Aniya Skywalker have seen Padme Amidala, who is now the Senator they nee... More

Chapter 1 - Ansion
Chapter 2 - Across the Plains
Chapter 3 - Plains of the Alwari
Chapter 4 - Padme
Chapter 5 - Danger in the Night
Chapter 6 - Through the Sky
Chapter 7 - Chasing the Assassin
Chapter 8 - Journey to Naboo
Chapter 9 - Arrival
Chapter 10 - Admissions
Chapter 11 - Mystery on Kamino
Chapter 12 - Jango Fett
Chapter 13 - Leaving for Tatooine
Chapter 14 - Across the Desert
Chapter 15 - Discovery
Chapter 16 - Geonosis Factory
Chapter 17 - The Negotiations Were Short
Chapter 19 - The Midst of Battle
Chapter 20 - Aftermath of War

Chapter 18 - Execution

72 2 2
By CourtesyTrefflin

Qui-Gon Jinn

"There's a lot more to this than you're saying," I respond finally.

"If you join me, I'll explain everything," he answers after a moment of hesitation. So back to this offer again. As of now, no I have no intention of joining him. Maybe if this mess gets sorted out, I'll be able to think about this confrontation with a clearer head, but not right now. Besides, there's another problem. I can't shake the feeling that the "more" he won't tell me until I join him has everything to do with how dark he now feels in the Force. Of all people, I wouldn't have expected my former master to Fall, but the evidence is right here in front of me.

"You're joined up with the Sith, haven't you?" I accuse. He's not denying it, I realize. He seems to instead be considering how to diplomatically answer my question. "How could you do that? If not for Aniya, I could have been killed by the Sith. And you saw yourself what they were planning to do to her and Anakin."

"The Jedi aren't treating them a whole lot better," he retorts.

"That hardly justifies joining the Sith and bringing the galaxy to the edge of a civil war," I shoot back, "Or trying to kill off your entire lineage." If something happens to either Anakin, Aniya, or Obi-Wan because of this, I'll never forgive him.

"I know what I'm doing, Qui-Gon," Dooku replies, "Whether you understand it or not. Perhaps in time you will. I hope it won't be too late."

It's then that I suddenly sense more approaching presences. Glancing around, I swiftly dart backwards into the darkness. I need to get out of here and reach the arena to save the four of them. I didn't come here to get in a pointless battle with Geonosians who will probably try to arrest me, and maybe have me executed as well. And if a fight does end up breaking out, I have no desire to duel Dooku. Firstly, it's a fight I probably wouldn't win. He has many more years of practice, and there's few who could actually beat him in a duel. Besides, even through all the anger and betrayal I'm feeling right now, I won't deny that way inside, I do still care about him. I don't want to fight him unless it's absolutely necessary. Which it isn't. Not yet.

Moments later, a group of Geonosians fly around the corner, and begin speaking to Dooku. I'm half expecting him to tell them to come arrest me or something, but he doesn't. After a brief exchange which I don't quite catch, the group along with Dooku moves forwards out of sight down the hallway.

Strange. Dooku knows that I'm going to do something to interfere with the execution, but he's doing nothing to stop me. Either this is a trap, and he has a sinister backup plan, or he's hoping that they won't die. Though whether that's because he actually cares or because he wants to start a conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, I'm not sure.

Either way, I don't have time to consider it right now. As soon as the hall is silent, I head off again. I need to get into position before the execution begins.

Aniya Skywalker

Since the carts they are using to transport us to the arena only have room for two people, Anakin and Padme go in first. I can't hear their conversation, though I have the serious feeling they're talking about something. The sudden intense turmoil of emotion I feel from Anakin is clear proof of that. I'm not watching either, just because I get the feeling I might regret it.

This, this is the same sensation I got through our bond that day we arrived at Lake County, except it's even more intense. Did they... did they just reach a decision on what to do? If they did... I don't even need to ask what it is. If it's a path they walk... I will too, eventually. Because no matter how hard I try, I know my feelings will keep haunting me until I accept them. Jaufre... I'm glad he's not here. I don't want him to face this, even though I want to be with him more than anything right now.

I risk a glance upwards to see Anakin and Padme pulling apart just before they're brought out into the open area. I arrive a few moments later and glance around the area, scanning it hastily. Four giant poles are in the center of a great clearing, with balconies all around for the Geonosians to watch from. I don't know how many creatures are here, but there's thousands of them. And I've seen more than enough for a lifetime.

Anakin is being taken over to one of the four giant poles, the one right next to Obi-Wan, who is chained to the one on the far right. Padme's on the far left.

"I was beginning to wonder if you got my message," Obi-Wan calls.

"We retransmitted it as you requested, Master," Anakin replies as he is chained to the pole, "Then we decided to come and rescue you."

"Good job," replies Obi-Wan, looking pointedly up at his chains. Good job, indeed.

"Hello, Obi-Wan!" I holler as the Geonosians drag me to the pole between Anakin and Padme. Why they chose this spot for me, I have no idea, but at least I'll be able to defend her when the execution begins. I trust the others can take care of themselves until I can rescue them. "Coming here seemed to make more sense than just letting you die, right?" I ask, ignoring the annoying feeling of the chains on my wrists and as they're pulled over my head to be chained to the pole.

"Yes, because now we can all have fun dying together," Obi-Wan remarks dryly.

"I'm insulted you think we'll die so easily. It's always part of the plan." Not really. It was just a last-minute attempt. Hopefully, it'll work. No guarantees, though. I specialize in improvised plans, along with Anakin, but I truly have no promises it'll work.

"The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth," declares one of the creatures.

"Let the execution begin!" commands the one I'm pretty sure is the leader. My eyes fall on the people standing around right behind him. Gunray. And Count Dooku. Anger flares through me at the sight of him again. Maybe looking was a bad idea. I need to focus on the battle I know is soon to come, but I'm having a hard time controlling my emotions right now. I'll never understand how Dooku can do this and act so casual about it.

My attention is brought fully back to the life and death situation we're in now when an enormous gate on the other side of the arena opens and five giant creatures walk in. The first one is a reek. It's red and dark green with three huge horns. The second creature is a green, six-legged creature that looks a lot like a bug. If my memory is serving me correctly, that's an acklay. I seriously sympathize with the person who has to fight that thing. Unless it's me, of course. The third and fourth are nexus, which are gray and brown. They're very lizard like, with huge, very sharp claws. And razor-sharp teeth. Great. It would be awesome to be on the receiving end of those. Not.

"I have a bad feeling about this," worries Anakin as the Geonosians begin chasing the creatures our direction.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," I declare, trying to display a sense of optimism I don't quite have. I glance over at Padme. She somehow has successfully managed to get one of her handcuffs off and starts climbing up the post. "Good one," I murmur. Now she won't be collateral damage in the fight. "I'll be alright down here," I assure her.

From the looks of it, the acklay is headed for Obi-Wan and both nexus are heading for me and an already-escaping Padme. The reek is heading for Anakin. I consider myself lucky for getting the least-dangerous creatures. Unfortunately, however, there are two of them.

"Oh. Wonderful," I comment sarcastically, eyeing the lizard-like creature with impossibly sharp teeth crawling towards me. Anakin gives our brother a questioning and worried look, hoping for advice.

"Concentrate. Use the Force," Obi-Wan supplies, eyes narrowing on the acklay stalking towards him. I contemplate telling them my plan but decide better of it. I don't want anyone to overhear before I whip out my lightsaber to do some major damage.

"What about Padme?" worries Anakin. I smirk. She is already all the way up the pole. I must admit, her climbing skills are surprisingly good.

"She seems to be on top of things," Obi-Wan replies. Anakin follows his gaze, a sigh of relief escaping him.

I wince as the acklay reaches Obi-Wan. He barely manages to avoid being hit by the giant claws. The first reek reaches Anakin second. Of course, in true Anakin fashion, he Force-jumps into the air and lands on the creatures back. He wraps the chain around one of its horns, and it jerks its head hard enough to rip the chain from the pole. My attention from them is distracted as the first of the nexus reaches me.

When it's only a few feet away, I reach into the Force, pulling my lightsaber out of my boot and into my hands. I ignite the blue blade, cutting through my chains, and then swing at the charging creature, narrowly missing its head. The other one is right behind. I Force-shove it backwards so I can focus on the one that's right in front of me right now.

Sensing the danger, the first creature stops charging and lets out a tremendous growl. Then it jumps at me again, its claws waving and mouth open, revealing its huge teeth. I swing the blade, slicing through its right claw and ending in its opened mouth. The creature jumps back with a howl of agony. I Force-shove it further backwards, knocking it over onto its back. With one final swing, I chop off its head. I need to get to the others. Before they get eaten.

A huge crash across the clearing draws my attention in Obi-Wan's direction for a moment. The acklay seems to be very uncoordinated and continuously missing, so in an attempt to catch him, it only knocked over the pole. Obi-Wan takes off before it can reach him.

I glance around the arena. Anakin is holding on to his chains, the end of which is now tied around the reek's horn, attempting to ride it as it charges madly about the arena. At least he's having better luck with that then when we first attempted riding shaaks.

The Force whispers of danger behind me, making me spin around. The danger is far from over. The other nexu appears to have decided Padme would make a nicer meal than me. Probably because she won't burn it's head off. The only reason it lunged at me first was because its nearest meal had already made an escape. By the time I turn around, it's already nearly at the top of the pole. Padme swings her chains at it in an attempt to knock it down.

I'm about to panic. I can't just stand here and watch as she gets eaten. There's only one thing I can do. Taking careful aim, I throw my still-ignited lightsaber at it. The blade spins through the air, cutting into the creature, which falls back to the ground beside me with a ferocious growl. Now, its attention seems to be focused on me. Unfortunately, however, my lightsaber flew off when I threw it, and it landed on the other side of the nexu. Great. So now I'm it's lunch...

I start slowly backing away as the furious animal approaches me menacingly. If it gets too close, I'll just jump over its head and grab my lightsaber. Unless someone else gets it first. Suddenly, a reek bounds up, and stabs its horn through the nexu, killing it. I let out a sigh of relief and raise my head to meet the gaze of my rather amused twin. "Need a hand?" he offers.

"Anytime," I grin for a second as he pulls me up onto the creature behind him. I settle instantly, perfectly content at being right behind him. I take a moment to be glad Qui-Gon isn't here. Or is he? I sense his presence now that I think about it. He must have come right away upon hearing what happened. Ouch. I can't imagine the extent of how he must be feeling right now. If my master tried to kill me or someone I cared about, which is exactly what just happened to Qui-Gon, I don't know what I'd do. It's about the worst betrayal there is.

Anakin rides over to Padme, looking up at her. "You okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine," Padme calls down to him.

"Jump!" Anakin tells her, riding a little closer to the pole. Padme jumps down from the pole, landing right behind me. I'm about to use the Force to grab my lightsaber, but before I have a chance, it flies across the clearing. For a second, I'm afraid that Dooku might have decided to take it before I could get it back, until I see it fly to Obi-Wan's hands and let out a sigh of relief.

As the acklay lunges at him, Obi-Wan cuts off its two front legs. It falls to the ground with a howl. He stabs the blade through its head and the creature falls limply to the ground. I let out a sigh of relief. Clearly, bringing my lightsaber with me was a very good idea. The only living creature remaining is the reek, which is now well under control. Obi-Wan runs over to us, who is closer right now, and climbs up behind Padme. We're all safe. For now. But the question is, how long will that last?

"This isn't how it's supposed to be!" rages a furious Gunray.

"Patience, Viceroy," Count Dooku assures him, "She will die. Maybe this is the way it's supposed to end."

As my worry starts mounting again, I reach back to take my lightsaber from Obi-Wan. I don't have a good feeling about this. We're all going to need it momentarily...

The reek is standing still in the middle of the arena when my eyes suddenly fall on an open gate. Seven destroyer droids roll inside, rapidly approaching us. This just keeps getting worse and worse. There's no way one lightsaber could destroy seven destroyer droids. I might be able to destroy a few before getting killed, but there's no way anyone else would survive.

The destroyers arrange themselves around us, preparing to fire.

All at once, the sudden sound of an igniting lightsaber breaks the silence. All eyes turn to the area Dooku is standing. Windu is standing right behind him, with his ignited purple lightsaber in hand. I never thought I'd ever be relieved to see him. Apparently, I was wrong. If he's here, he wouldn't have come alone.

"Master Windu," greets Dooku, casually turning around, "How pleasant of you to join us." He almost sounds like he was expecting it. My eyes narrow. This isn't good. He must have a plan. What is he up to?

"This party's over," replies Windu.

One by one, lightsabers start igniting. Glancing around, I spot Jedi standing in about every single one of the many doorways in the entire area. There's probably about two hundred Jedi here. And I think nearly the entire Council is here, too. Up on one of the platforms, I recognize both Barriss and Luminara. And Qui-Gon. He's here too. A grin spreads across my face in spite of myself. Of course, he came for us.

"Brave, but foolish, my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered."

"I don't think so," retorts Windu.

"We'll see," replies Dooku smugly. He seems already certain of who will win the battle. I think I already know what he has in mind. My hand tightens around my lightsaber. It's really a good thing I have it with me.

Windu spins around to face the doorway behind him, as the crowds of Geonosians in the area start moving away. Droids begin to emerge, firing blaster bolts at him. His lightsaber spins, deflecting them all. Windu jumps off the area he's standing on, landing down below in the clearing. He continues to deflect the many blaster bolts flying his way.

Battle droids of two different kinds start pouring through the huge entrance. One is the normal kind, which have no intelligence whatsoever making them very easy to destroy, and then there's the super battle droids, which are larger and far harder to fight against since they can withstand far more damage.

All around us, the Jedi jump down from the exits to join the battle. Fisto, one of the Council members, along with nearly all the Jedi present run forwards straight towards the rapidly advancing droid army.

Qui-Gon races closer to us, throwing Obi-Wan and Anakin lightsabers. Obi-Wan's is blue like it should be, while Anakin's is green. Now is not the time to comment on how terrible it looks, but he'll definitely be hearing about it. If we all get out of here alive, that is.

Many of the Geonosians continue to fly away in a panic. They're probably afraid of becoming collateral damage in the battle raging in such close proximity. I find myself wondering if they came here knowing what could happen. The few that remain start firing cannons at the Jedi, which aren't possible to deflect. The best they can do is try not to get killed by the force of the blast. Unfortunately for us, the noise frightens the reek. It rears into the air, throwing everyone off.

Padme and I both land face-first in the sand, of course. Obi-Wan somehow manages to land upright while Anakin lands on his knees and hastily scrambles up. I leap to my feet, igniting and spinning my lightsaber to deflect all blaster bolts headed for me. Padme grabs a blaster which is laying nearby and starts shooting.

I know there's no way I'll be able to keep track of everyone during this battle. We'll all have to do our own thing if we're going to come out alive. Sending a silent request into the Force that this not be the last time I see them, I jump into the midst of the battle.

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