I'm not your Hero, I'm your K...

By Lavender_Storys

76.8K 2.1K 81

Remember Danny? Son of Jack and Maddy Fenton, Jazz' Fentons Brother and best friend of Sam Manson and Tucker... More

Chapter 1 - The baddest news come from the best people
Chapter 2 - Plans and long speeches
Chapter 3 - Empty classrooms full with memories
Chapter 4 - Life is hard, afterlife is harder
Chapter 5 - The worst idea of the year
Chapter 6 - Cookies and more bad ideas
Chapter 7 - Silent nights and shining stars
Chapter 9 - Did you build this?
Chapter 10 - He is not a hero!
Chapter 11 - He is our King?
Chapter 12 - He's a great King
Chapter 13 - I have so many questions!
Chapter 14 - Tiempo Fantomo
Chapter 15 - Well, thank you, Pandora
Chapter 16 - It will never be the same
Chapter 17 - What happened to her
Chapter 18 - Exploring the castle of the dead
Chapter 19 - Unsolved questions and risks
Chapter 20 - The cousin
Chapter 21 - The friend
Christmas Special - Make this Christmas a wonderful one

Chapter 8 - Friday, 7.16 am

2.9K 86 9
By Lavender_Storys

A/N: Hello!! It's me again, did you miss me? XD I don't have much time to write right now but I hope I can continue this story now for a while. Btw I just wanted to say thank you for reading my fanfiction, I hope you like it^^ Feel free to vote and comment :D

Tuckers pov.

Today is the day. Friday. It's currently 7.16 am and Sam and I walk silently next to each other to Fenton Works. We weren't there since Danny was officially dead, I think it's exactly 6 months since he was decleared dead. I still remember the day we got the news, it was the 21st December, that Christmas was by far the worst. Not many people came to his funeral, just the Fentons, Valerie, Sam and me. Even if I always smile and try to lighten the mood, I miss him more than anything. And I know Sam does too. I think she still visits his grave every night when she can't sleep. Her dark eyebags tell me.

Before we reach the front door, Tony joins us and smiles wide.

"Hey Sam, hey Tucker. Are you as excited as I am?" He asks and looks at us, but when we don't react as he expected, he frowns.

"Jo, what's wrong?" I know this is hard for Sam so I try to explain.

"Well... you see, one year ago, Amity was the most hunted city in the world. There were Ghost attacks every day and now we have to go straight into their home..." Of course, that wasn't the whole truth, but I don't want to talk about Danny when Sam is around. She is strong, I know that better than anyone. But Danny's death completely broke her. The first weeks she didn't leave her room. When she started to go to school again, she missed many classes. When I once found her in a Storeroom crying, I wanted to sit next to her and cry with her. And I did. Danny was our best friend, we knew him since kindergarten. Losing such a close friend is hard.

"Oh, okay. Don't worry, we won't get in trouble. The Ghosts probably don't dare to come near us." He smiles at us, but Sam seems to be somewhere else with her thoughts. Probably by Danny.

"Looks like everyone is here now. Follow me, kids. We're going into the Fenton Lab!" Mr. Fenton announces and the group of teens follows him excitedly.

The lab is dark when we go down the stairs, but Maddie turns on the light revealing a cleaned lab. What? Did they actually clean their lab? Oh, no. Look, on this one operation table is still a puddle of ectoplasm or something. I think it's called that.

"And this is the Specter Speeder 2.0" Maddie says proudly of their invention. It looks like a bus without wheels. A really really futuristic bus.

"Okay, get seated everyone. We'll start our excursion in no time!" Jack seems to be more excited than our class, and many people are extremely excited. I sit down, next to Sam. She looks out of the window into nothing. Tony seats right before us, next to Valerie and I hear him asking her:

"Are you ready for the trip?"

"Definitely. I always wanted to go there, the Ghost Zone is so interesting!" She smirks and Tony nods in agreement.

"Yeah, indeed. I hope we can learn more about Ghosts." They continue their conversation, but I stop listening to them. Instead, I look around the bus.
Dash, Dale, Kwan, Paulina, Star, Valery, Tony, Sam, and I. We are the students who came to the Excursion. More people probably wouldn't fit in here anyway, even though the Specter Speeder is big, it's not as big as a real tour bus. Also, a few students are ill and have to stay at home. They are probably jealous of us, but I don't really get why. The Ghost Zone is interesting, sure. But it's also really dangerous and it probably looks creepy.

"Tucker?" Oh, Mr. Lancer's calling my name.

"Present." I answer.

"Da- uh... Tony?"


"Sam?" Silence. He asks again:

"Samantha Manson?" I nudge her slightly from the side and she looks up.

"Huh? Yeah, here."

"Good. Everyone is here. We can start now." Mr. Lancer says to Maddie who stands up and looks at everyone.

"Okay. Students welcome on our excursion to the Ghost Zone! Please do not leave the Specter Speeder without our permission. Always listen to one of us." She points at Mr. Lancer, Jack, and herself.

"The toilet is at the very back and you can put your backpacks into the luggage rack above your heads. Any questions?"

A few hands rise and Maddie looks at Dash.


"Are we also going outside the Specter Speeder to walk through the Ghost Zone?"

"We hope so. We have to see if it's safe outside." She then looks at Valerie.

"Can you show us how to hunt Ghosts?" She asks and Maddie answers:

"Our main goal is to guide you through the Ghost Zone to tell you everything we know. If we have more time we can show you how to hunt a Ghost."

After all the questions were answered, Maddie sat down and started the Specter Speeder.

"Buckle up, kids! The way through the Portal is going to be shaky." Jack says and the engine roars before we enter the Ghost Zone.

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