I Love You, I'm Sorry

By AdellineD

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-A TRAGIC DRAMIONE STORY- Draco Malfoy got blackmailed to capture Hermione Granger after the death of his for... More

Worst Day
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Well Well
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88 2 2
By AdellineD

Should i just dissapear and leave Hermione alone? Or should i continue this job and let my son live? If i leave Hermione alone, Scorpious's life is on the line. Hermione has left my house and her clothes are not in the dresser also, i really want to see her but i know it's just going to hurt me more, because the death eaters never know that i still love her.

God, How could the ministry missed this? If only i could talk with Potter, but how? They've been watching me, probably hacking my fown for god sake. I need to find a way. Should i just face this on my own? If i hand Hermione, I'll be banned and in Azkaban for good. Who will took care of Scorpious, he's still a boy. Lost his Mother and now he's about to loose his Father too?

I need to make sure that i don't look suspicious while asking for help. I need to make sure everything goes by the plan. Hermione keep calling and texting yet i haven't reply yet. She stopped by but i told my house elves to lie that i wasn't even home. How do i live with myself if i kept continuing doing this? I only have three days left.

- Harry's POV

I felt so bad for what happened to Malfoy, first his wife and now his son in the hospital? It's so hurtful. Nobody deserves to feel those kinds of pain. I know this is the headmistress's business but why do i feel like Scorpious's accident is more than an accident, what if someone is plotting something big against him? Is Malfoy targeted by someone? Or is he still part of the deatheater? Or was he blackmailed? This is very confusing.

Something isn't right, just like back in 2nd year when Dobbey puts a charm on the bludger to spesifically targeted me. What if someone wants Malfoy to do something for them and make Scorpious as the bait. What if they make it as if Scorpious accident were just some regular quiddicth accident? They made it as if it was an accident, to get into Malfoy's head. But theese are just theories and accusations, i need more proof, i  need to connect the dots. But where do i start?

Yes i know for a fact that there were still death eaters remained missing, but we've been trying to figure out this since years ago? Why would i think i could solve this in days? But i knew i should do this. Voldemort might be dead but the wizarding world isn't safe until the rest of the missing death eaters are captured.  I heard a knock on the door and an auror came to my office and handed a new file.

"Diagon Alley, this was taken a few days ago, apperently we are certain that this old man is Rodolphus Lestrange, a former death eater, he seem to be following someone, at first we are not sure, but we know that he was always in the same place as this person where we belived Rodolphus is following someone"

"And who is this person is?"

"Draco Malfoy"

"Malfoy? Okay thank you for the information, report to me if there's any new updates"

"Yes sir"

"Rodolphus Lestrange? The sick old man"

I kept looking from files to files, observing whether there might be odds, i called St Mungos to give a file regarding Scorpious Malfoy from diagnosis, medication and treatment needed plus who are the ones in charge for his care, to make sure theese people are actually capable of doing what healers supposed to do. I olwled Mcgonaggal whether she found any info, starting the list of the people on the field. But what if they had the invisibility cloak? You gotta be shitting me.

Before i could talk to Kingsley i needed to gather some concrete evidence so that this case could be put into an investigation. Rodolphus Lestrange are still alive and nobody heard of him since. No records, he's just gone, he could probably die but i knew deep inside that he's alive somewhere, probably plotting some revenge, since Draco told me he's still loyal to the dark lord even though his former wife is in love with the dark lord. Could it be him? After the report given i strongly believe that somehow there's a connection between Rodolphus and Malfoy, probably something more. Once i received Scorpious Malfoy's report where he had an accident on 17th of February, i found out that there are 5 healers in charge of his care,  and a lot of medications and treatment so it must be a very fatal wound. I did background research regarding this healers  too, in order to make sure Scorpious receives the best medication, i also took a picture to send it to Malfoy because i'm not allowed to give the file to him since he's currently not working here. 

And then i heard a knock on the door.

"Any new infos about Rodolphus?" I asked

"No sir but we have another serious case, This was taken on 16th of February, 5 people were attacked near their home by an anonymous person, and they apparated, the attacker and the people who were attacked. They haven't got back since. Here are the address"

"it's dark we couldn't see clearly, can you please do your thing with the computers and make sure maybe we could see the face of the people behind theese attacks, and could you hand the list of the people's address?" I asked.

"These are the address lists and i will try to work on the tape. Is there anything i can do for you, sir?"

"No you're dismissed" 

Obviously theese attacks were related with Rodolphus Lestrange, he's building an army again by brainwashing some of the people. I took a picture of the list with my Phone. These are random addresses, are they starting to kidnap random people again like they used to. I took a pic of the files too just in case. We could put a warrant for theese people but why do i feel like there's something more. There is only one way to find out, and that is talk to Malfoy.

I was walking in Diagon Alley with hope that i would bump into Malfoy here because he could be the answer to my question, i didn't know where i was going with this but i somehow feel like i'm getting into something. I'm so close with connecting the dots. While Ginny were busy with grocery shopping, i explored from shop to shop hoping to see him. Speaking of the devil, i saw him but he seem in a rush.


He didn't answer

"Yo, Malfoy!" He jumped a little while i put my arms on his shoulder.

"Jeez scarhead you scared me"

"Jumpy much?" I asked

"what's up Potter" he said while sipping his cup of tea

"Malfoy, i knew this sounds lunatic but i think..."

"you think what, Potter?" He asked

"That it's happening again" one of his eyebrow raised

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Of course you don't know what i'm talking about i haven't told you yet" i said

"Oh, right" he seem busted on something.

I handed out a picture of an old slouched figure. "Do you have an idea of this man?" He suddenly choked on his tea. His expression changed all of a sudden.

"Relax Malfoy" but something is off about him, he seem busted and scared.

"I'm sorry i have to go" and he suddenly ran

"W-wait" i blocked him from leaving. "Don't you see? This man has still the dark mark and what if he's plotting something? The death eaters in azkaban has lost theirs as voldemort dies but him? And i'm sorry to tell you but i think this person is following you, we need to set a trap to capture him. Im sending aurors to your house for your safety alright?" Malfoy's face changed, he's getting even more terrified, "-he is always there wherever you go, take a look please he's starting to attack witches and wizards and apparate and where the hell do you think you're going I'm not even finished yet???"

"N-not now Potter" he suddenly stormed out and disappeared into the crowd. I should've followed him but i remember Ginny would be barking mad if i left her without her knowing where i go. I was still confused why would Malfoy be in such a hurry?

"What was that all about?" Suddenly Ginny appeared with her hands full of grocery bags.

"I-i don't know. He seems in a rush"

"But something seems off about him don't you think?" She asked

"Yeah only one thing that could describe his expression"

"And that is?" She asked

"Haunted" i stated

It took a minute before i realized something. I handed out my phone to call Kingsley's secretary to ask whether Kingsley's in his office or not. But once i unlocked the phone it went straight to my photo gallery and there are pictures of the victim's address list, at first i didn't realize until i noticed something, why does the address looked familiar? 

Where did i read this address before, then  i take a look at the picture of Scorpious Malfoy's file with the lists of healers in charge and there were address in their basics information section  . Holy shit, the following, the attacks, the sudden incident the next day, now it all makes sense. He's attacking Scorpious Malfoy and He's attacking the healers in charge or Malfoy's son. The healers were there when Scorpious was hospitalized. What if he's switching them with a polyjuice potion while the real healers were held captive. Oh my god Potter how could u miss this?

"He's blackmailing him"

"What was that?" Ginny suddenly asked

"Oh my god, Scorpious is the bait"


"how did i miss this?"

"What? What is it?"

"I think it's going to be a long night in the office dear. It's just i need to get back to the ministry after i get you home. I'll tell you after I'm done"

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