Lost Little Brother TMRxTW

By readytorun00

21.9K 339 74

Thomas is Stiles' older brother he was kidnapped 9 years ago the same time Claudia Stilinski died. Now he New... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chpater 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

472 7 0
By readytorun00

Chapter 18
Derek was in his loft a chess board lying open while he set up the pieces. He was trying to figure out Nogitsune's next move. He had shown them his last move from a chess board so maybe it would help them this time.
Peter walked in watching his nephew study the board. He also noticed the open wound on his back that should have held by now.
"Shouldn't that have healed by now" Peter asked tapping the wound making Derek hiss a little.

"It's from the sword it's gonna take awhile for it to heal" Derek justified.

Peter shrugged. "You know chess is Stiles's game not the nogitsune" Peter said before leaving his nephew alone.

Neither man noticed the fly buzzing around the room. After Peter left the fly went towards Derek land just to the side of where Derek's injury was. Without hesitation the fly plunged itself into the wound Derek rolled his shoulder feeling pain but just figuring his injury was healing.

Allison had just left Isaac's room going to take a walk to clear her head and then head home. Isaac laid in the bed still unconscious. The side of his face slowly started to look better but it was going at the human rate of healing. Another fly buzzed around the room. With Allison gone there was no one to notice it. The little bug that was annoying but this one was different.

The fly flew towards Isaac landing on his arm near the IV. Isaac being unconscious couldn't wave it away. The fly crawled up his arm stopping at the IV entrance. Slipping under the needle the fly entered Isaac. Isaac sat up suddenly with a roar as his eyes flashed their usual beta yellow. then he was up and moving. He took off out of the apartment and followed after Allison. He made it to her apartment first where he waited on the bed for her.

"Isaac," Allison said, noticing him on her bed. She stepped forwards sitting down next to him. He looked over at her. She watched him as he leaned forward kissing her. She smiled at him being here and okay.

"Isaac, does your brother know you're here?" She asked.

Isaac shook his head. He didn't tell anybody that he was out of the hospital. Allison nodded going to get her phone but Isaac stopped her. He pulled her back onto the bed laying down with her.

The next morning Aiden was in the passenger seat of Lydia's car. Lydia took a turn but he was confused as she had just taken them around a block.

'Lydia" he spoke up "You just took four rights w went in a circle"

"I did" She questioned. :I was just following the GPS"

"Lydia the GPS isn't on" He said. She looked down noticing he was right.

She had a feeling this was where they needed to go. It was freaking her out.

"I need to pull over," She said. Aiden nodded.
Suddenly Lydia jerked the car sending it flying towards the sidewalk Aiden and Lydia screamed as the car ended up in a parking lot. Lydia screeched the car to a stop when they noticed something lying in the middle of the parking lot. Stiles was passed out on the ground a cut to his stomach and looked even paler than they had seen before. The two worked together to pick up the boy getting him in the car, calling Scott, and driving to the McCall house. Aiden hadn't noticed but once again a fly was going to enter a person. This one had chosen the former alpha as its target.

It landed on the side of Aiden's head going into his ear. Aiden shook his head a little but continued helping Lydia with Stiles.
Once they arrived at the McCall house Scott ran out to help them with his friend. Aidne and Scott dragged Stiles between them as Deaton and Melissa arrived. They went to place Stiles on the couch and let Deaton examine him. As Aiden went to walk away Stiles woke up. He grabbed Aiden by the throat, choking him.

"Get him off me" Aide struggled. Scott grabbed onto Stiles hand and tried to pull it free but it didn't work. Deaton was the one to get Stiles off.

Stiles's hand fell from Aiden's throat and the fox looked at it confused. He couldn't move his hand at all. The rest of his body followed suit causing him to fall forward. Scott caught him by the shoulders. They pushed him back so he was leaning against the back of the couch.

He then taunted Aiden. "Where's Ethan, I sure hope he doesn't get hurt" Void spoke. Aiden's look flashed with panic.

"He's at the school" Void said he smirked as AIden looked ready to run.

"Go" Scott nodded. Aiden nodded back once before taking off running for the school.
"Hua hua hua hau Oh I hope he gets there in time I like the twins" Void laughed.

"Hey doc you got anything for his mouth" Melissa asked, stepping forward with her arms crossed. As she did this the door opened again and Thomas walked in with Newt behind him. Minho stood on the porch for a moment before walking in as well.

'I sure do" Deaton answers, pulling out a roll of duct tape and sticking a piece to the thousand year old teen.

"AHHHH" Void screamed before snickering. None of the people gathered in the room liked seeing the fox with their friends' faces. All of their thoughts were focused on getting the nogitsune and Stiles separated.

Deaton noticed the dried blood on Stiles's abdomen. "He's healing" He pointed out
"Is that a bad thing?" Thomas asked, kneeling down and looking at the face but not the personality of his brother.

"It means the nogitsune has control Stiles is losing the battle for his mind" Deaton answered. He had Melissa help wrap the spot through the hole in his shirt. Void sat watching them as it was all he could do being paralyzed from the neck down. Thomas stood near Newt watching everything from a distance.

Lydia stood on the other side of the room. SHe knew she needed someone experienced in the supernatural who could help Scott figure out what to do. She did the only thing she could think of, she called Peter.

Melissa was the only one in the room with void rewrapping his abdomen.

"You know I wonder if Scott would want to know what his best friend knows about you" Void remarked. Melissa looked up for a moment.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Why did your husband really leave, you kicked him out, Stiles wasn't supposed to hear it. But the Sheriff held him as he was on the phone with you oh Stiles he heard everything" Void explained having seen that memory. He knew he could use it to help his case.

Melissa finished wrapping as the doorbell rang. She opened the door so she could get away from the monster with her 'sons' face. Standing on the other side of the door was another former alpha Peter Hale.

Allison woke up that morning with Isaac not next to her. She looked around the room seeing Isaac near the weapons.

He was muttering to himself. "It's all their fault. The twins. They're the reason Boyd's dead, and Erica, my friends, My friends need to be avenged, I'm not going to let those two maniacs run loose" Isaac kept speaking softly.

"Isaac" Allison asked. He looked up for a moment before continuing stuffing weapons into a bag. He walked out of the room telling Allison he was getting revenge for the death of their friends.

Alsion went to get uo but felt something tugg at her ankele. She moved the blankets seeing Isaac handcuffed her to the bed when he got up.

"ISAAC COME BACK" She screamed trying to get his attention but nothing worked.
Ethan was at the school practicing lacrosse with Danny. They had finished practicing and were in the locker rooms. Ethan went to wash his face when another fly picked its target. Landing in the water Ethan was going to use it entered him.

"I would try out next year but I think Aiden wants to leave and I guess I'm okay with it" Ethan shrugged.

"It kinda seems like Aiden calls all the shots" Danny pointed out.

"Ya it's always about Aiden. You know what I think I will try out" Ethan said looking back into the mirror. "I'm gonna take a shower"
"Okay" Danny said.

"And so are you," Ethan said, walking into the showers.

"Okay" Danny said standing and taking off his shirt.

They walked out of the locker room saying goodbye when Ethan stopped walking. He turned slowly as a figure stood in the shadows. Aiden stepped into the light.

"You know if you weren't around I could probably be in the pack by now" Ethan spoke "If it wasn't for my brother that has to kill everything in sight"

"Careful Ethan you're the only thing in my sight" Aiden said as they circled each other. As Ethan had his back turned to the hallway he was knocked forward into Aiden as he was shocked passing the electricity though to Aiden. Isaac stood behind them with a stun-gun in his hand.

"This is the part where I say something witty" He said knocking out Ethan with the butt of the weapon "I'm not witty" He said smashing the weapon onto Aiden's head.

Derek snuck into Argent's apartment. He tackled Argent, making him hit his head. Argent woke up later tied on a chair. He struggled with the ninds for a minute before stopping. Derek sat on a desk watching him.
A lighter was in Derek's hand and he dumped a bottle of lighter fluid on top of Argent.

Lighting the flame he held it close to Argent watching the flames dance in his eyes.
Argent quickly blew it out causing Derek to hesitate.

"Your family murdered my entire family so you know what I'm gonna burn this entire house down around you but not yet. I'm gonna wait until your daughter is here to watch you burn with the house" Derek growled walking away from Argent.

That was his big mistake. Argent used the distraction to break the chair getting out of the binds. Derek growled lunging for the man. Argent pulled a gun out from his waistband knocking Derek's claws away from him and holding him with the weapon under his chin. A fatal shot easily.

"Don't make me do this Derek" Argent said pleadingly.

Peter strolled into the McCall house ignoring the multiple glares sent his way. He told them in order to help Stiles they would have to enter his mind. This isn't a battle for his body but control of his mind.

"And how do you do that?" Thomas questioned.

"Oh I can't, only an alpha has this power" Peter said looking at Scott "But I must warn you this would be dangerous for all parties involved. One wrong move with the claws can mean death or paralyzation" Peter warned.

"Tell me what to do," Scott said. Peter nodded.

''You can take one other person in with you Scott, you need to make that choice now" Peter said.

Scott nodded, looking at the whole group each one had qualities that would help them. He wanted to choose Thomas but if something were to go wrong he couldn't let the Sheriff lose both his kids and let Thomas see all of it.

"Lydia" He said. Thomas nodded at Scott telling him that was okay. He whispered to Scott that he would help watch over them from the outside.

Scott stood behind Void and Lydia, both of whom were sitting on the couch. Scott slowly put his claws to the base of their necks. Scott and Lydia were sucked into the mind of their friend.

Lydia and Scott were strapped down to beds they were in Eichen. Scott struggled. He looked to Lydia asking what he should do.

"You're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength what do you think" She said

"Right" Scott nodded, breaking the restraint of one side then pulling off the other side. Then he walked across the room to help Lydia.

Walking through the door of the patient room the two were separated. Lydia was back in the dress she had worn when Allison made her take Stiles to the dance. It was covered in blood.

Scott was pulled into a closet by Allison standing in front of him. He was reminded of the time when this actually happened and they were hiding from Allison's parents. He smiled at her still feeling love for her. He knew in the back of his mind this was wrong.

Allison was all lovey dovey with him again. They hadn't been like that since they first got together.

"Allison," He said, grabbing her wrist. "This is wrong"

"What are you talking about, we're together, this is fine" She justified.

"Allison we aren't together" Scott said
Lydia walked through the halls of the school. She could hear footsteps behind her and see the dark trench coat that Peter wore the night he attacked her. Lydia ran as fast as she could in heels opening doors, getting slowed down by balloons covering the hallway floor.

Thomas watched the three. All of them had their eyes closed and their heads hanging forward. Newt stood next to him to help watch over them. Thomas looked closer at Lydia. He noticed a stream of red drip from Lydia's nose.

"Peter something is happening!!!" Thomas yelled, catching the wolf's attention.

Peter strolled over speeding up when he noticed the blood.

"Lydia," He said, grabbing hold of the sides of her face. She remained unresponsive. "LYDIA'' He yelled.

Lydia heard her name being yelled, she knew it was coming from outside and she remembered the real reason she was there. Scott heard the yell too. Scott walked around Allison And out the closet door. As he did that Lydia burst through the school door:

They saw they were in a white room with a low ceiling and fluorescent lights lining the infinite room. The two ran forward when they saw Stiles sitting on the nematon stump with the nogitsune in it's bandaged wrapped form.
They were playing the game go. Stiles made his move as they watched. Scott and Lydia ran but he didn't get any closer to their friend. He seemed like he got further away from them.

"Stiles!! Stiles over here" Lydia tried but it didn't work. She sighed before coming up with another plan.

"Scott Stiles is a part of your pack right?" She asked.

Scott glanced over confused before answering. "Ya he is why wouldn't he be"

"He's human but he's part of the pack" She clarified. Scott nodded. She sighed when she saw Scott wasn't catching on.

"What do wolves do to signal their pack in the wild?" Lydia asked.

Scott's eyebrows shot up in realization. He put his head down shifting to his beta from. "They howl" He answered before letting out a roar sounding howl.

Stiles finally looked over at the two of them. He saw his friends were there and he wasn't alone like the nogitsune made him believe. He looked defiently at the bandaged wrapped body of Rhys. He took his hands swiping them across the board game pieces going everywhere.

Scott and Lydia woke up from their trances with a gasp. Lydia slumped forward exhaustd so did Scott. Stiles woke up too but he sat still looking like he was struggling for breath,

"Is he okay did it work? '' Scott asked, watching the reactions of the group.

The kanima venom finally wore off and Stiles fell forward. He began coughing and fumbling with the edges of the tape. Pulling the tape off he gagged. Wrappings old and dusty began coming from his mouth. He coughed until a whole pile of the bandages was on the floor.

A hand materialized in the bandages followed slowly by the rest of a body. Scott and Thomas tackled the figure into a chair. "Hold him still" Peter yelled at the two teens who glared back at the man.

The figure began to claw at the bandages. Thomas and Scott helped pull them away from the face revealing a tired and terrified looking Stiles.

"Where's the other one?" Newt asked, looking away from his boyfriend's brother "And where's Lydia" At that moment everyone in the room realized the other Stiles was gone but he had taken Lydia.

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