The Titan in a Quirky world

By CresentMoon69

378K 5.5K 6.8K

I'm not the best with descriptions sooooo... here we go: "Weak" "Worthless" "Trash" "Waste of space" Imagine... More

Izuku Bio
1.The birth of a Titan
2. This is a secret, ok?
3. you'll see
4. Meanwhile...
5.Training, new titans and daughter?!?!
6. A day in the life of Eri and an encounter to never forget
7. The one that punishes: the Reaper
8. Oh crap...
9. Pizza time
10. Co-operation?!?!
11. Fucking cockroach
12. Family fears
13. Decisions
14. Negotiations
Izuku Bio (2)
15. UA
16. Perverts, Quirk apprehension test and confession?
17. Troublesome
New story
18. Feelings
20. The test
21. A well deserved explanation
22. Pink-Haired admirer
23. Excuse me, What?
24. Music!!!
25. The end of one life Is the start of another
26. Music!!! (P.t. 2)
27. Izuku's Mission (P.t. 2) Baby Ereh
28. Music!!! (P.t. 3)

19. Meeting Eri.

10.4K 165 157
By CresentMoon69

~Time Skip~


Izuku had started to function again and now had 4 girls in his harem.

Izuku: 'geez, looks like Eri has a few mothers... oh shit... how am I gonna tell Eri?!'

What Izuku didn't realise is that he said that aloud and the 4 girls were now furiously blushing at the thought of being a mother to Izuku's child... Mina stated to drool a bit.

They snapped out of the trance to see that they have arrived at Eri's school. Izuku looked towards the girls beside him.

Izuku: "soo... you gonna follow me or wait here?"

They say that they're going to wait so that he can explain everything to Eri. He nods and makes his way to the front of the school.

As he walks up, many women look up to him in surprise or lust... mostly lust. The shirt he was wearing was pretty tight and didn't leave anything to the imagination and he was rather tall, something that women tend to like. He ignored the stares and continued his walk to the door.

As he got there, he was looking for Eri until...

Eri: "DADDY!!"

He turned to see a white blur crash and snuggle into his chest.

Izuku: "woah! Calm down snowball, it's only been a few hours!"

Eri: "but it felt like Foreeeeeever!"

Izuku just chuckled and held her hand while walking back through the gates of her school.

Izuku: "so, how was school today?"

Eri: "it was easy for me. We did some multiplication of 3 figure digits and then some reading time. But that's not important, how was your first day at UA?!"

Izuku: "ok, where to start? Well, I scared a bunch of children, absolutely annihilated a bunch of children, expelled a child and," *mumbles* "maybe got a few girlfriends"

Eri: "what was that Papa? It almost sounded like you said that you, someone who shows little emotion except anger and sadism, got a few girlfriends."

Izuku: "well..."

Eri then squealed and started questioning him.

Eri: "who are they? Are they nice? What are their names? What are their quirks? Are they pretty? Do they like you? Mumblumble mumblemumblemumble..."

Izuku just sweatdropped.

Izuku: "Eri you're mumbling again!" 'Huh, just like I used to do at her age.'

Eri then snapped out of it and shyly tugged on her dress.

Eri: "oh, sorry."

Izuku: "it's ok sweetheart. Anyway, they wanted to see you and they are here!"

Eri: *excited* "really?! I get to see them?!"

Izuku: "yeah, they're right around the corne-"

As he was about to finish the sentence, he saw his 4 new girlfriends cornered by the woman from this morning and 4 more women. Izuku was livid, his pupils shrunk and he gained a feral grin. He spoke to Eri in a scarily calm voice.

Izuku: "Eri, you can sit this one out, Papa is going to have some fun~"

Eri: "Ok Papa, don't hurt them too badly!"

He just nodded and took an earpiece from his pocket. He tapped a button on the side and is transformed into his prototype vigilante mask.

He slowly walked up to them and he heard their conversation.

Woman: "oh~ I thought I lost you this morning my sweet, and it looks like you brought your friends aswell."

She licks her lips.

Woman: "and looks like your knight in shining armour isn't here pinky~ mmm, you are so teasing~"

Izuku's eye twitched and constructed further if that was possible.

Izuku: "OH! You have just done fucked up!"

Everyone instantly turned to the source of the noise and saw the man in a mask. The woman's face fell of all colour as she knew what was about to happen.

Woman: "p-please! I-I-I was j-joking! You g-gotta b-believe me!"

Izuku: "oh? Joking was it? Tell me what was the punch line? Was it when you raped them? Or when you died."

He then disappeared from everyone's view and reappeared infront of the woman with a fist covered in blue crystals in her face. The force of the punch instantly killed her.

The other four women shakily looked at his bloody figure as he says something that will scar them for life.

Izuku: "you get out of here right now and say nothing of this moment, and you might just live."

They all furiously nod and run away with their tails between their legs. Izuku just sighed and switched out of crazy mode to concerned mode in an instant. He looked toward his girlfriends with worry evident in his eyes.

Izuku: "you alright girls? Did they do anything?"

They all shook their heads and izuku sighed in relief.

Ochako: "but what about Eri? Is she here?"

Izuku: "yeah she's back h-"

Eri then jumped out from behind a bin and said:

Eri: "I am here!"

Izuku internally flinched as the girls faces turn from one of concern to one of love.

Mo/O/J/Mi: "KAWAII!!!!"

They all start hugging the little girl as Eri just giggles and tries to break free.

Eri: *giggles* Mamas! That tickles!!"

The girls stop for a moment and blush all thinking the same thing:

Mo/O/J/Mi: 'I'M A MAMA!!'

They were about to go into another fit of tickling before izuku stopped them.

Izuku: "alright you give, let's stop there. We need to get back to the dorms before people start thinking that I've kidnapped you."

All 5: "yes Izuku/Papa"

~ king crimson ~

As the 6 arrive at the dorm door, they hear the conversation within the common area.

Tsu: "well I think that Reaper Sensei is pretty mature for how he looks."

They couldn't see it from where they are, but they could assume that all of the girls are blushing at this statement.

Kirishima: "TSU! What do you mean by that?!"

Tsu: "I mean that he is young and has a stable job business and even a daughter. He even has a stable mentality after killing many villains."

Izuku then decided to open the door to announce his arrival... and to make some girls embarrassed.

Izuku: "that is true... but have I actually ever given you my age yet? No, no I haven't."

They girls turn to him in surprise.

Kaminari: "h-how long have you been listening?!"

Izuku: "long enough to make sure that my daughter doesn't get scarred by your conversation. Speaking of my daughter, Eri! Its ok to come in now!"

All the girls turn to see a little girl with white long hair, red eyes and a horn on her head. They all had the same thing going through their heads.

Everyone: 'so cute~'

Eri: "hello, I'm Eri Yeager and my quirk is rewind. I like my Papa, donuts, heroes and anything to do with apples. I don't like people who try to hurt Papa, people who try to take me away from Papa and spiders."

The class then introduce themselves one by one.

Izuku: "now that everyone's familiar, let's put down some rules."

All of the girls get a chill down their spine as they look into Izuku's glare.

Izuku: "rules so that I don't kill you:

1. No swearing infront of Eri,
2. No fighting infront of Eri,
3. No inappropriate stuff infront of Eri,
4. No harm to Eri
5. upset her and you will be in a world of pain.

Any questions?"

The class just shake their head except for one, who just had to open her mouth.

Lida: "I have one, why can't we do anything infront of her? It's bullish-"

She was then bitchslapped into the wall by and irritated Izuku.

Izuku: "you just broke rule 1, and now you've paid the price... any other questions?"

The class shake their heads again.

Izuku: "good, now carry on."


1307 words

I am not dead!! I just got caught up in my other book and it got really good!

Next chapter is going to be about his physical test by Nezumi... probably.

Anyways, see ya nerds!


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