Por onlyshereads

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A DESTINATION (AMBW) Will destiny lead them the same way? How will it happen? Read more to know about a girl... Más

Make Up artist.
Arrest him
The Game
Will U Be My Wife?
Time To Tell Him
A Dad/ surprise party
A Visit
The Truth
Bad News
8 months
Ivy - Adelyn Park

It All Ended/A New News

34 2 0
Por onlyshereads

Jay Park
As I wait in the car I got nervous like something serious happened. I got out of the car to get some air when I got a call from my mom to come inside, I didn't want to go but she sounded not good, when I was going to the room number she sent me I bumped into Nila who was coming out of the same room.
"What happened to her?" I asked Nila.

"This morning I went to her house because she wanted me to come to the gathering with her when I arrived she was bleeding so I brought her here" Nila replied.

"Ohh thank you"

"I know she made some stupid decisions but if you care about her then show it" Nila said and left. I knocked on the door and my mom opened it.

"You should talk to her" my mom said and left before I could say anything, when I entered Jina was sitting there in tears. I took a seat on one of the chairs in the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked after a minute of awkward silence.

"I don't know" she replied wiping her tears.

"Okay, I will take my leave if you are alright"  I said standing up to leave.

"The baby" she said. "The doctor said the baby will not make it, am sorry" she said and broke down crying.

"Ahh, I should congratulate you right? Congratulations" I said with tear flowing down my cheeks.


"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"But I stopped taking the pills, am really sorry" she said crying.

"Can you Stop saying sorry" I said in anger. "Your sorries don't sound genuine to me anymore, do you know how happy I was when you told me about the baby and you took that happiness away" I said and walked out.
The news I was praying not to get, I went back to the car and cried my eyes out.  I got a call from my mom that she was staying with Jina so I left and went for a drink with Cha Cha, I told him all the things that happened but what can he do about it?.  It's been 2 days since I heard the news and I have been sick, everytime I see a baby's picture or anything related to them, I was in my office today when I heard a knock on the door, after I said come in Jina stood in the doorway, she came in and took a seat.
"I see you are doing good" I said walking up to her, I miss her, us dancing together, going on dates etc.

"Not really but am there" she replied. "We have to talk" she added.

"We are talking go ahead" I told her.

"I think we should end this, I can't possibly bring back the baby and I can't go back to change the past, am making things right this time"  she said.

"And you think us ending this relationship is a right thing to do?" I asked her feeling like a bomb just exploded in my brian.

"I don't know, I want to find a new destination for me and I don't want to be in your way and plus ever since I got together with you everything is going downhill for you, I wanted to be a source of your happiness but ruined it" she said tearing up and I did to.

"I never said you ruined anything so why would you think that, Jina this is the 3rd decision you are making about us and I was not part of it" I told her wiping my tears off.

"Yeah, and this is my last one about us" she said and stood up.

"Jina don't do this right now? How come you make decisions that-"

"That breaks us, I know, am going back to the states today, you should take care of yourself, I will miss you" she said walking out.

"Jina! Jina! Jina!" I called out to her but she left before I could catch up to her, I tried calling her phone but she didn't answer. I called Nila who also didn't answer, I got my car and tried to follow her to the airport but I got stuck in traffic so I couldn't make it. How can she make another decision like this?.

Jina Ross
After I arrived at the Airport with Nila I couldn't help myself but breakdown, I don't know what I just did, I again took another happiness away. I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello is this Miss Ross?" A voice said when I answered the phone.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"The hospital you stayed at, we called to apologize to you for a big misunderstanding, the results we showed you at the hospital was a mistake" the voice said when I put it on speaker for Nila to hear it too.

"What does it mean by it's a mistake?" I asked panicking.

"Uhh, the doctor got the wrong person's results, your results came in and it shows everything is okay, nothing happened to the baby" the nurse said when I began to tear up.

"What does that mean?" Nila asked.

"It means she and the baby are fine nothing happened to the baby, we deeply apologize for this situation we will send the results to your email and our apologies to" the nurse said when I ended the call, I hugged Nila tight as I can.

"You are hurting me" Nila said when I moved away.

"This means you are telling Jay right?"

"I don't think it's the right idea, we broke up" I answered while my smile faded away.

"No not another mistake, you have to let him know Jina"

"I know I will tell him when we get to the states, I don't want anything to go wrong again"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I promise"
After our flight landed I went back to my parents house before going to the house I use to stay at, it was empty like how I left it even though it's still clean. I waited for the perfect timing to tell Jay when it was 11pm here I called Jay and surprisingly he answered it in one ring.

"Hello" I heard him say.

"Hey, I know am the last person you want to talk to right now but Uhh I got some good news" I said nervously.

"Are you coming back? Where are you I will pick you up" he said.

"No am not, it's about the baby, the hospital called me and said the report they gave to me at the hospital was a mistake"

"What does that mean?" He asked hurriedly.

"The baby is fine and nothing happened to the baby" I screamed.

"Oh my God, are you being serious? You are being for real right?"

"Yeah" I said when I heard him scream.

"Where are you right now?" He asked.

"In the states"

"Why? Are you not coming back?"

"Jay I still stand by my words we are better off like this, don't worry about that baby I will take good care of the baby"

"Yeah but what about when the baby comes into this world and am not there I don't to hold him/her when they first come into the world?" He said.

"We will talk about this another time, it's late so I will go to bed now" I said and ended the call.

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