The Prince's Love

By V_Jeontaetae

473K 25.1K 5.5K

"Freedom to love whoever you want, no one would interfere, not even the kingdom. Provided that your love shou... More

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New Book
New Book


5.3K 332 45
By V_Jeontaetae



Taehyung took a three day off, his injuries were healed a bit, at least he don't need bandages now. It was the evening of the fourth day when he got back to work, entering the palace passing a sweet smile to the guards at the gates, they smiled back as they know Taehyung now.

He took a turn in the corridor to enter the royal kitchen when he heard someone talking about him.

"Attention seeker." a girl who is dusting nearby said to a fellow server, referring Taehyung.

"Where's the lie." the other one says and they both laughs at him.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung says as he approaches them.

"Yes." the girl said raising her eyebrows as she stands in front of him folding her hands.

"Do you have any problem with me?" Taehyung asks, not liking their attitude at all.

"No." the other one says.

"I think I heard you talking about me."

"Ohh! Don't flatter yourself, you are not as much important as you think." the other one said and they both laughs, sarcastically.

"Did I offend you in any way?" Taehyung is still talking civil, but he won't tolerate anymore if they misbehaves.

"Offend? You did more than offending us." Taehyung frowns in confusion.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Don't behave oblivious. It doesn't suit you, it makes you look more attention thirsty." she says as agitation getting the best of her.

"Listen, I don't know what you want to say, but you don't talk to me like that." Taehyung warns, but they smirks and shrugs.

"Don't know what charms you used to lure the head chef. I've been working here for the last five years and he appointed a newbie like you as the prince's personal server." the girl says raging, pouring her frustration and now Taehyung realises what is the problem with them.

"I don't want to explain anything to you, if I got the job means I deserve the job and certainly not you." Taehyung says mockingly, pushing his hair back confidently.

"Ohh! Shut it, you must have did something, you are such a pathetic bitc--" the girl stops when she hears someone.

"Umji!" Seokjin yells as he appears from behind. Both the girls flinches, surprised and bows to him.

"Never thought you are someone who pick on others." Seokjin says disappointed.

"I-I apologize head chef but he started first-" Taehyung was about to says something but Seokjin beats him into it.

"I heard everything, it's you who started." Seokjin says. She looks into his eyes and straightens her posture.

"Okay, so now that you heard. Tell me the reason why he got choosen and not me?" she asks getting confident.

"I have been working for soo long. Is it some kind of bias? then I must say it is unfair, head chef." she utters.

"Yes, you've worked for soo long but I must say I lived with the young prince for almost two decades, I've seen him grow up, and I know him more than anyone else. And I know who is suitable to do his work, and on that basis I found Taehyung the most fit for the job." Seokjin explains. And she rolls her eyes.

"What wonders he do that I can't that others can't? It's just normal work, anyone could do that." she says and the other girl nods in agreement.

"If it is a normal work then why are you so worked up about it?" Taehyung says as he steps forward slowly, and she grits her teeth. Seokjin hold Taehyung's arm and pulls him back.

"Well, if you are soo skeptic about my choice then I can't help it, I hold the authority to appoint anyone. But if you want to have an experience then I for sure would let you have it." Seokjin says, Taehyung looks at him. Her eyes glows with a sudden surprize.


"Yeah! Next time when Taehyung will be on leave or something, I myself will assigne you to do his work. But--" he stops, she looks at him in anticipation.

"-don't come to me when the prince don't want you there or -- I say-- throws you out." Seokjin completes. Taehyung folds his lips to supress a laugh. And she is too naive to understand, her mind is only focused on the thing that she'll actually get a chance to work for the prince.

"I won't let that happen, I will do everything perfectly, just as he likes." she says dreamily.

This is the only thing that he doesn't like. Taehyung thinks and giggles lowly. She glares at Taehyung.

"I am experienced more than him and I'll prove it." she says pointing at Taehyung.

"I'll replace you." she says looking at Taehyung.

"We'll see to that. All of it." Seokjin says and holds Taehyung dragging him behind. Taehyung passes one last funny look at her, she keeps looking at him with gritted teeths.

Back in the kitchen Taehyung can't stop laughing. Seokjin asks him to calm down and hands him the tray of dinner for Jungkook.

"He is not talking to anyone. Not letting anyone in the room for the last three days, just Jongin and me. So, if you knock and he asks you to go back, don't-don't mind him, just come back then I'll go, okay?" Seokjin says and Taehyung nods confused. He wants to ask why? What happened? But Seokjin just ---

"Don't ask me the reason. I am at no place to discuss any of it. I just want him to come out of the room or talk to other's atleast, that's why I am sending you. Otherwise I myself would have served him." Taehyung nods understanding. Seokjin looked so worried for the prince.

"Don't worry hyung, I understand. I won't mind any of it." Taehyung says with a sweet smile.

"He's just -- he behave like that when he is upset. Won't talk to anyone or even at times don't eat." Seokjin don't want to tell Taehyung the reason. Taehyung nods completely understanding him.

Of course Seokjin knows. After the meeting Jungkook was soo angry and upset. Seokjin got to know from Namjoon that something happened in the meeting and that Jungkook is very upset at the moment. He knows that it is no one else but only Seokjin who will get to talk to Jungkook. So, as soon as Seokjin got the news, he wasted no time and went to the prince.

Jungkook refused to open the door, but somehow the head chef convinced him. He told him what happened at the meeting. About his father. Everything. Seokjin was shocked, he respects the king soo much and when he heard the truth, he don't know what to say, what to do. The prince even doubted Seokjin. He asked him did he know all of this, with a betrayed look - as Namjoon is his brother-in-law and close to him. To which Seokjin simply said that even if Namjoon knows--he do not share work related stuff to him and soobin.

Seokjin talked to him the whole night and Jungkook felt a little less heavy in his heart. At least at the end of the day he have Seokjin with him, always as a big brother.

Taehyung knocks at the door. Once, no answer. Twice, no answer.

"Y-young prince, please open the door." Taehyung says softly.

He hears some shuffling and the door is opened in few seconds.

"Taehyung!" the prince says his expressions unreadable. He looked relieved? seeing Taehyung after three days. Taehyung smiles happily, he expected that the prince won't let him in.

"Dinner." Taehyung says showing the big plate in his hand.

"Ahh- yeah come in." he says and closes the door once they are inside. Taehyung places it on the table.

"Are you alright-- the wounds?" the prince asks worried, as he sits.

"I am completely fine." Taehyung replies, taking a seat in front of him. The prince is talking to him just like he always do, comfortably. But Taehyung knows, the prince is upset and clearly not showing it to Taehyung.

"Ar-are you Alright?" Taehyung asks reluctantly, fidegting with his fingers.

"I am now." the prince whispers passing a gentle smile.

Now that you are here. Jungkook thinks. He felt a calm and relief wask over him from his pent up emotions, the moment he saw him and heard his voice. He smiles to himself.

Taehyung calms me, makes me happy? He asks himself, and resort to the same reason. Taehyung has a friendly and a calming vibe, nothing else, right?
He shakes his head. Taehyung watches him having his own hidden converastion.

"If you are done talking to yourself, please have your dinner, Seokjin hyung made it with soo much love." Taehyung says in a giggle. The prince looks at him flustered.

"Ye-yeah, sure. You ate?" he asks Taehyung.

"Yes, young prince, I had with my family." Taehyung says happily and Jungkook's expression suddenly falls a little at the word family. Taehyung didn't notice.

Taehyung kept him company while he ate. He praised Seokjin's cooking like always and Taehyung agreed with a gentle smile, as he sat in front of him resting his face on his palm.

The prince didn't look upset anymore in Taehyung's presence and Taehyung has this realization. Therefore, he decides not to leave after dinner.

"Do you want to go out?" Taehyung asks. The prince isolated himself for three days, Taehyung just want him to go out and have some fresh air.

"It's late." Jungkook replies and looks like he wants to stay isolated.

"Don't you like .. late?" Taehyung asks with a knowing smile. He wants to bring him out of his little shell that he created for himself. Though, the prince openly talked to Seokjin about everything, but sometimes it is not enough, one must need a little change of the environment too.

The prince looks at Taehyung, who is looking at him for a positive answer. Maybe, the prince wants to go out but was so caught up in his own thoughts that he don't want to come out of his comfort zone. But right now looking at Taehyung's face, he wants to go out.

"Yeah, I do. But I think you don't like to stay out too late?" the prince asks.

"I like early or late, it doesn't matter." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders.

"Then what matters?" the prince asks raising his eyebrow a sweet smile on his lips.

"The company." Taehyung simply says and the prince chuckles.

"I'd love go out." the prince says after a while and Taehyung's eyes lit up.

"Really? I'll just-- give me a minute I'll inform Seokjin hyung and be back in a snap--" Taehyung says as he rushes to take the plate and out of the room. Jungkook shakes his head, smiling.

When Taehyung got back, the prince was ready in his emerald green cloak.

"Seokjin hyung is soo happy to hear that you are going out."
Taehyung says as he enters the room, locking the door behind. Jungkook smiles at him.

"It was ripped?" Taehyung says as he points at Jungkook's cloak.

"I got it stitched." the prince replies.

"Ohh! it suits you." Taehyung compliments and the prince is too flustered to reply. So, he just smiles.

"Here." Jungkook says as he walks towards Taehyung with a black cloak. Taehyung shakes his head, takes it and throws it on the bed.

"I don't need it." he says as he rushes towards the balcony opening the door. Jungkook feels a rush when he feels Taehyung's energy.


And they climbed above the wall, from Jungkook's usual spot, as the prince offered his hand to Taehyung who took it and got off the wall swiftly. They made their way to the night market.

"Where do you want to go, young prince?" Taehyung asks.

"You offered to come out, so I suggest the place must be of your choice." Jungkook replies, as he walks just a step behind Taehyung, who is walking like he is the king of this market. It was noisy but it felt good.

"Of course. I'd love to show you around. Although, you know the market." Taehyung says as he skips on his steps, hand folded at his back.

"I doubt you'll eat the local street food."

"Don't doubt, I'll eat any food you'll say." the prince says. Taehyung looks back and passes a smile at him. Jungkook raises his eyebrows and Taehyung shyly shakes his head, biting his lips as he turns to the front again.

"-- also considering that you just had your dinner, you won't be up for eating anything, So, I suggest we watch some night street shows, the dancing show, what you say?"

"Okay, let's do that." the prince agrees.

"So, I'll just brief you about it." he says excitedly.

"Yeah, go on." Jungkook is talking in his low, raspy voice but Taehyung can hear him clearly. Taehyung feels that if he slows down a little the prince may bump into him, he feel him walking so close.

And now that he noticed, the prince always walks behind him, closely. Always. Be it in the room or anywhere else.

"It happens at the center of the market, there are many talented dancers in our kingdom, and its too amazing, young prince--" He was interuppted mid-sentence by the prince.

"Don't call me that people may hear you."
Taehyung folds his lips and passes a sheepish smile as the prince walks beside him.

"Oww! Sorry." he says and continues explaining about the street show.

Then they enters the crowded area, the prince walks behind Taehyung again as there was very less space. It was too crowded, but Taehyung wants to stand in the front row. He wants to show the prince, the talented dancers and their performance. So, he keeps splitting the crowd and squeezing both of them to reach the front. The prince feels a push from behind and his hands lands on Taehyung's waist. Taehyung isn't surprized, it doesn't feel uncomfortable. And he knows the prince didn't do it deliberately.

Soon, they made it to the front row and Taehyung suddenly holds the prince's wrist and makes him stand beside him. Jungkook was surprized at touch, but feels the tingles, while Taehyung was unfazed. He was lost in the cheerful and casual atmosphere. The dancers getting ready to perform taking their position, everyone cheers for them. And they starts dancing as the musicians plays the music. Soon, the environment hyped, people are singing and dancing with them. Taehyung was cheering and clapping, jumping a little.
The prince liked the show, but he liked Taehyung's energy and happiness more.

The crowd dispersed as the music slowly stopped.

"You enjoyed it, right?" Taehyung asks excitedly, with his heart winning smile.

"It was amazing, Taehyung, just as you said."

"Ummm! Next let's go to one of the most funny place." Taehyung says with a funny smile.

"Funny place?"

"Yes. Let go there and you'll know." Taehyung says as he starts walking, and Jungkook stood still thinking where it could be, what it could be. He shrugs and follows Taehyung.

"There it is." Taehyung says as he stand in front of a dimly lit shop.

"A fortune-telling place?" The prince says confused. Taehyung nods, vigorously. Jungkook chuckles.

"And why is it a funny place?"

"It is because, I don't believe in the prophesies, the predictions. I just want to hear them and laugh over it." Taehyung says.


"Do you believe in it?" he asks the prince.

"I never thought about it."

"Let's get in then, let's see what she has to say about me this time."

"You don't have to come here if you don't believe in it."

"I usually don't, but you know Chim, he drags me here all the time. He blindly believes in destiny and fortune ahhh!" Taehyung says as his hand rest on his waist and other pushes a strand of hair behind his ear. The prince reluctantly takes his eye away from Taehyung.

"Also, the lady knows me, she got pissed last time because I laughed in the middle when she was busy reading Chim's hand." Taehyung giggles, as he remembers.

"So, basically you are going to get us embarrased." Jungkook utters, teasing. He have no problem in getting embarrassed with Taehyung.

"No, instead--ahh-- let's say, taking you to watch a funny show." Taehyung says, pushing the glimmary and big pearly decorated curtains away. Jungkook follows him in. The room was dimly lit with candles everywhere. A lady sitting at the floor in the center meditating, holding a pearly chained necklace, a low lying table with lot of books on it and some yellow pages with something written over them, like talismans was there in front of her. She is aged, her hair complete grey and face had the crinkles.

She stops moving her fingers on the pearls when Taehyung greets.

"Aanyeong Halmoni!"
She opens her eyes and looks at the two of them. Her eyes goes wide. She looked alarmed and suddenly, starts breathing heavily.

The both of them panicks.

"Are-are you alright?" Taehyung asks. She nods and calms herself as she gestures them to sit in front of her.

"What are you doing here? Where is that cute boy?" she asks, looking behind Taehyung.

"I am here to hear another one of your funny predictions. And Chim didn't come with me, meet--" Taehyung pauses as he looks at Jungkook.

"Aanyeonghaseo Halmoni! I am his friend." the prince says and Taehyung's mind freezes at the word friend.

"What a polite boy like you doing with this naughty kid?" she says and Jungkook chuckles. Taehyung whines as he pouts.

"I want you to foretell your predictions about my friend using your funny mystic knowledge." Taehyung says and she hits him with the peacock featherd bouquet. Taehyung giggles.

She looks at Jungkook, only his eyes are visible as his face is covered by the hood of the cloak and the scarf.

"Give me your hand."
Jungkook folds his sleeves as he gives her his hand. She holds his hand and starts reading.

"Here she goes." Taehyung comments. She ignores. Jungkook looks at her then at Taehyung who has his hand on his mouth, suppressing his laugh.

"I felt it the moment you entered, it was soo strong and now I am sure after looking at your hand."

"What?" Jungkook asks.

"You are not a normal boy." and Taehyung laughs. She glares at him and he folds his lips. But the next moment---

"You want to say he is abnormal?" Taehyung says and finally burst in a fit of laughter. Jungkook chuckles looking at him as he laughs holding his stomach.

"Listen to me, Taehyung!" she says in her strict tone. Taehyung straightens and sits with his folded lips.

"You are not some regular, normal person like us." she says and suddenly, Jungkook and Taehyung looks at each other, a little shocked. How does she know?

"You are mistaken halmoni! He lives near my street--" she cuts.

"You have a lot to see, a lot to solve, many things are coming on your way." She utters and continues.

"You would do something big, or something big might happen to you." she says. Jungkook had a surprized expression on his face, as he looks at Taehyung. Taehyung do not believe in these things but when she said that Jungkook is not a normal, local person like them, his disbelieve shaked. The prince was thoughtless.

"You came up with a nice story this time halmoni. But it is not as funny as the one you told last time." He says and tries to laugh but the lady gives him a glare before holding his hand suddenly.
She holds both of their hand and looks at them one by one.

"Both of your destinies are connected. Taehyung would be somewhere near you when things will take turn." she says and Taehyung laughs.

"Well, that was funny now!" he says as he roll over the table.

"Things will take turn?" the prince asks.

"I can't tell you what exactly will happen but something would happen for sure, something that may change things for good or bad."

"Ahhh! Halmoni don't ruin the mood. We are out today to have some fresh air, just say good stories of yours." Taehyung whines.

"Just like I always say, this is real, and not a story, Taehyung."

"No! Not even a single thing you said about me came true."

"But I never said that those things would happen just the next day. What I meant was those things will happen in your lifetime, don't believe if you don't want to."

"Okay!okay! Now just give him your special blessing stone and let us leave."

"Such mannerless boy." she says as she fishes out a pendent with a stone, pearly pink with a gentle glimmer.

"It's a love stone." the prince says.

"Correct. How do you know?"

"From books." Jungkook replies. She smiles, looking impressed.

"You gave me the same." Taehyung says as he take out his pendent and shows them.

"If you don't belive in me, then why are you wearing it?" the lady says and Taehyung was caught off guard.

"Jus-just because it looked pretty!" he stutters and pushes his pendent back.

"No! its because you believe in my explanation behind it." She says as she turns her gaze to Jungkook.

"This is a love stone, it attracts a love that will light you up, the Rose Quartz brings a thousand sweet sparkles to fill your soul to the brim. It attracts the heart of the one you want, the one to whom you are attracted. And once you both find one another, this stone helps to keep alive the love. Evergreen." Jungkook was listening to her very attentively, and he thinks he believes her.

"Huh! And I am wearing it for years and still attracted no love." Taehyung tchs.

"Its a scam I am telling you. She loves telling stories." Taehyung says and Jungkook softly smiles at him.

"I am waiting outside, take your pendent and come." he says as he stand up.

"Don't come to me when you finally find love to ask more about it, Taehyung." She says and Taehyung just bows passes his sweet smile to her and leaves.

"He is such a naughty kid. Anyways, have it." she hands him the pendent. The prince takes it and puts it in his pocket, feeling the soft stone by his fingers.

"Don't hesitate to confess your love when you find it. And about what I said earlier, do not think much about it if it disturbs you." she says with a little smile. Jungkook nods as he stood up.

"Thank you halmoni! I'll try to do what you said. Will come to meet you again when I'll find the one." he says and bows to her.

"My blessing are with you polite boy." she smiles.

Jungkook found Taehyung outside the shop. And he was looking at the sky, counting stars.

The prince lips curves into an adoring smile. Also, excited to go to the next place with Taehyung.



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