The Bakery: A Niall Horan Fan...

Af PenTrouble

22.4K 322 94

The bakery was a place for Emily to do anything, especially when she has her friend Niall. But as they grow u... Mere

WOW!! <3
2- Confined
3- Remembering
4- Turning Around
4 1/2 Whoa!
5- What?!
6- Sister
7- That Look
8- Ice Cream
9- Baking Again
10- Back In Time
11- At Home
(CONTEST!) More chapters coming!!
12- Okay
13- Unlucky
(A message!)
14- In The End
15- Epilogue
(Another message!)
Please read!

1: It was him

4.1K 46 30
Af PenTrouble


The bakery was a familiar place to me. The smells were usually drifting around my head, and the noise was a soft tone in my ears. It was more of a sanctuary to me. My friends pressured me to delay my trip there for a while, to get some time in with my friends.

Though somehow I felt empty with my friends, like I was some extra piece, that didn't belong.

"You should really get out of that bakery. All the weird old people go there," My best friend, Sam, nudged me. She didn't understand. Ever since my mom died, it's still been the place where I can feel her with me. "Come on Emily! Don't you want to go shopping?" I nodded somberly, but wanted to glue my feet to the floor.

I promised myself that this week I'd do whatever my friends wanted me to do. Dad was out drinking so much since Mom's death, that it was pretty much myself to be with at home.


I was finally back. My senses were instantly warmed by the smell of fresh bread and coffee.

Going shopping was nothing compared to this. "Hello, Emily!" The owner, Mrs. Barnett, was a fragile old woman, that thought she was a 20 year old. She walked around the counter and gave me a hug. "Where have you been, child?!" She looked up and down. "You look fine!" I smiled. "Just had some time with friends." She pursed her lips. "Well, we have something new." I looked into the counter. "New type of pastry?" She chuckled. "No, no. We hired somebody new!" I smiled but I was unhappy, because usually the new employees were snobby teenage girls, that hung out in the kitchen listening to music.

"Don't look disappointed. He's very nice." She led me to the kitchen. "Niall!" She cried out. An extremely attractive medium tall blonde man, stood at a table, kneading dough, and smiled up at me. He had the most white, straight teeth- it was angelic. Something about him was familiar...

I wanted to shake myself up from this dream. I grinned and nodded at him. "He's only part time, but he's ,your age," Mrs. Barnett winked at me. "Be quiet!" I nudged her playfully. She hurried off to help a customer, leaving me with Niall, kneading dough. "Hey!" I laughed. He smiled again, blowing me off my feet. "So, you're new?" He continued kneading. "I've heard about you," Niall chuckled. I groaned. "What did Mrs. Barnett say now?" He smirked. "That you're torn from your family, a caring girl that will make time for everyone, a daily visitor, and sometimes- a true pain in the ass." I almost burst out laughing. "You're kidding right?" I covered my face with my eyes. "Nope,"

He laughed some more. "God. I hope that's all you know." I shook my head and started to wash my hands. "What's your name anyway?" I stopped and looked at him. "Emily." He nodded. "Goregeous name." I dried my hands, and grabbed a chunk of dough. "So, you just come in and help?" He asked me. "All the time, but I don't work here. I spend enough time here already. I just enjoy all the sights and sounds of this place. I basically grew up here. My mom used to take me here to do homework." He nodded. "And she doesn't anymore?" "Well, she passed away when I was 11." I heard him sigh. "I'm really sorry," he said, looking into my eyes, and I felt like at that moment, he was the only one that understood and cared. I shook it off. "Yeah- but I still feel her here. And no where else."


Niall's POV--

When she came into the kitchen, I knew I loved her. I don't know what it was- but something just clicked in me. I recognized her. Her hair was like a flowing fountain of golden brown water, and her eyes, were like sparkling stars. Right then and there I wanted to pick her up and make her mine. But I just smiled. And when she started to talk to me, ah, I was in Heaven. Her charisma struck me.

But when she told me about her mom- I snapped. I want her to understand that I care, I really do. But, God, I know she's too good for me. She won't remember what we had..


I returned to the bakery day after day, hoping to see Niall. I took a seat, after getting a chai, and a pastry. "Good morning, dear!" Mrs. Barnett hollered over the counter. I waved a bit. "Niall isn't here yet!" She cried, seeming to read my mind. A small piece of sadness crept through me. I was glad for the book I had brought with me.

Just as I finished chapter 5, I heard the bells ring on the door, and looked up. Niall came in, with a tan bag, and some flour. He rushed to the kitchen. "Niall!" I yelled. He turned around and saw me, and smiled. "Hey Ems!" I blushed. Ems. I reconzied that name from my childhood. But it felt so right when he said it. I grabbed my cup and threw away my wrapper and went into the kitchen. "You brought flour? That's my job!" I nodded at the bag. He smirked. "You said this wasn't your job." I sighed. "Are you always this damn stubborn?" He laughed. "Yes." I held back a grin. "Here," I tossed him a poppy muffin. "What's this?"

"Breakfast! Eat up. This baking business is hard work." I chomped onto a fresh muffin.

He rolled out a sheet of pastry dough onto a pan, and I brought him some sugar. "You must be an expert," he mentioned, clumsily spreading on frosting. "I suppose," I answered. I took his hand and helped with the frosting. He smiled. "Thanks." I held onto his hand a little longer, then went to go get some dough from the fridge.

We laughed and baked all day- and soon it was dark outside. There were few customers outside the kitchen. I began to gather my book and things. "Hey," I heard. Niall was beside me, looking right into my eyes with his frosty blue ones. "I was wondering, maybe you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow- you know, somewhere other than here." He smirked. I nodded. "I'd- I'd really like that," I smiled. He reached for my hand, and entwined his soft fingers in mine. "See you then," I whispered. He nodded.


At 7:30 I was supposed to meet Niall. I got a text from Sam as I was furiously brushing my tangled hair. "So i heard u were goin on a date ;)" it said. I chucked. "I guess so :)" I replied. She told me to tell her about it after wise. I decided to leave my hair down. I picked out a nice pair of jeans and a floral top. I did my make up quickly and drove out to the restaurant.

When I got there, it looked like a black tie restaurant, and I immediately regretted wearing my casual pick of clothes. I walked inside. It was noisy, with some jazz playing in the background. The server cheerily smiled at me. "How many?" She asked me. "I'm meeting some one." I told her. She nodded and I looked around.

Niall was sitting in a booth. I hurried to meet him.

"You could of told me to dress formal!" I laughed. He slid a menu over to me. "You look beautiful, Ems." I scanned the menu. "What do you want?" He asked me. "Hmm, whatever you do!" "How about some chicken?" He suggested. I nodded.

The food was delicious. We ordered some red wine as well. "Man, that was good!" He said. I put down my fork and took a swig of wine. "I need to stop eating- but that was amazing!" I giggled. He took his last piece of chicken and waved it around in my face. "You know you want to eeaatt meee!" I laughed and shoved it away. "No way!" "Suit yourself!" He shoved the whole piece into his mouth.

The ticket came, and we payed. We went outside and he walked me to my car. "I had fun, Ems." He told me. I smiled. "Same here." He put my hair behind my ears. "You're so pretty, Emily." I blushed. "It's true," he whispered. I took his hand and squeezed it. We gazed into each others eyes. I felt his warm breath on my cheek. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer. "Kiss me!" he laughed. I pressed my lips hard onto his. His warmness spread a satisfaction throughtout me. "Come to my house?" His blue eyes burned into mine. I sighed. "I'd love to- but my car!" He rubbed my fingers. "It's okay, we'll come back for it." I got into the passenger side. I was still in shock at what happened- but I felt comfortable with him.

We drove for about 10 minutes, then pulled into a parking lot of a small apartment complex. There were staircases we had to walk up, and we arrived at a door marked 153. Niall opened the door. "Home Sweet Home!" He threw his keys onto a couch, next to a TV that was playing soccer. There were lamps in every corner. "It's cute!" I told him. He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. "Where do you want?" I was confused for a second. "The sofa." He frowned. "Are you sure?" I nodded. I plopped down on it and grabbed a blanket. "You don't look comfortable," he said. "Oh, I'm fine."

He stroked my hand. "You tired?" He asked me. "Yes," I sleepily answered. "Goodnight Ems," he patted my head. "Goodnight Niall!"

There was a furious pain in my back. I sat up, cursing. I realized there was a spring sticking out of the sofa. I stood up, with a blanket and walked through the dim light. I arrived to one door. I entered it, quietly. "Ems?" I heard. "Come here," he said. I felt around and found the corner of a mattress. "Can I?" I felt a pair of hands take mine. "Yes, shhh." I felt Niall's warmness next to mine. "You're so warm," I whispered. "Hmm." He said. His muscly arms wrapped around me. Tiredness took its toll again, and I was asleep quickly.


"Emily! It's morning, boo." I rubbed my eyes. Niall was standing above me, holding out a cup of coffee. "Good morning!" I sat up, stretching. "God, I'm sorry, I probably look like a monster." I took the coffee. "I like it," Niall grinned, sipping his own coffee.

I almost choked. "My car!!" He set down his cup. "Oh shit!" I grabbed onto his hand. "It's okay, I got it." Niall's phone was beside me, with a new voicemail. It was the restaurant. "Well they still have my car!" Niall sighed. "Good. I'll go get it." I smiled. "Thank you." I threw him my keys. He slipped on some shoes and took a jacket. "I'll be here!" I shouted.


I unlocked my phone and got tons of beeping. My dad had called me during the night. I dialed him, hoping he was sober. "Dad?"

"Emily where are you?" His rough voice alarmed me. "At a fiend's, Dad. It's okay." He sighed. "What friend? Do you know them? Do I? Is it a boy? Who are their parents?" "Dad! It's okay!" I turned the volume down on my phone. "Will I see you today's?" He asked. "Be there, Dad." I hung up. I called Sam. "Oh my gosh, Emily, where were you? Are you alright?" I laughed. "Chill, Sam!" She took deep breaths. "So your dad called me to see if you were over here. Where are you?" I said slowly, "I just stayed the night at his house, I'm okay."

"Emmmilyy! On your first date?!" "No, no, no, Sam, not like that. I was just really tired. He's going to pick my car up from the restaurant." She laughed. "Whatever you say, Emily. So tell me about him!" I bit my lip. "Well he's really nice. He really seems to care about me, and my feelings. Nobody has really done that before. Did I mention he's cute?" We giggled. "That's really nice, Emily! Well I gotta go- good luck!" "Bye." I climbed out of bed and went to put away my coffee mug.

I looked around the small kitchen space. I knew I was being nosy- but everything was interesting. I opened a few drawers. Something caught my eye- a doctors note. The letters were scribbled sloppily, so I couldn't tell what it said, but was there something I didn't know about?


Niall returned in a matter of minutes.

I quick shut the drawer, and hurried to the couch. He walked in and handed me my keys. "Here," he said. I caught them. "Thanks." I clenched as his went into the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't find anything out of place. "Do you want some breakfast?"

He took out a couple of bowls. "I was thinking we could head to the bakery instead?" I suggested. "Yeah, ok," he said. I grabbed my bag. I wanted to know what that doctors note said. "Hey, Niall?" He looked at me. "Yeah, Ems?" I shifted in my seat. "Are you- you sick?" A panicked look washed over his face and I regretted asking. He sighed. "No, why?" I shook it off. "Oh no reason." "Come on, let's go." My hair was a mess, and I was wearing my same clothes, but I didn't care. The bakery was my home. As we were driving I still felt bad about being nosy.

"Here we are!" Niall announced. We took the back entrance to the bakery. Mrs. Barnett was in the kitchen, taking something out of the oven. "Hello, kids!" She rushed over to give us a hug, shedding flour all over us. "Come over here," she led us to a counter where there was a large basket full of cookies. "For you!" She handed the basket to us. "Oh! Thanks!" I told her, smiling. Niall and I both grabbed several. I was just about to apologize when his phone rang. I sat back, disappointed. He walked into the back room. I couldn't help myself, so I walked to the doorway, out of view. "Yeah? Tonight? I'm busy," I heard him say. "Fine. I'm fine." I racked my brain. What in the world? "I'll be there," he sighed. "Another dose? What?!" I backed into the kitchen. What was going on here? "Bye." I took a cookie and shoved in my mouth and ran over to the freezer. When he walked in I smiled. "Hey!" He nodded. "Ready to get to work?" I took a bowl of dough out of the freezer and swallowed my cookie. I watched his muscles flex as he rolled up his sleeves and kneaded the hard dough. I took a chunk and did the same.

"What made you come here?" I asked him. He patted on more flour onto his hands. "My dad- took me here when I was younger." I stared at him. "You're serious?" He chuckled. "Yeah." I stood there processing. "Oh my gosh, Niall?" He smiled. "Remember?"


Mom took me into the bakery. I had too much homework to do. She ordered a bagel for me and a coffee for herself. I set all my books onto a table. Mrs. Barnett, a pretty older lady, smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Dad, I'll have a pastry or something," I heard. I looked at a table across the room.

It was a boy, my age, with light brown hair. He had the whitest teeth. He smiled at me and waved.

I turned back to my homework, but soon I heard him come over to my table. "Hi! I'm Niall!" I looked up, and tried to avoid his eyes. But it pulled me. "I'm Emily," I smiled. He nodded at my homework. "Need help?" I flipped to a page. "You know algebra?" He nodded. "Yeah!"

We did homework together, my mom snickering with Mrs. Barnett.

"See you, Ems!" I watched him walk out of the bakery with his dad. I had just been visited by an angel.

-end of flashback-

"Niall?!" I started to cry. He nodded. "Ems." I hugged him. "Still having trouble with algebra?" He smiled. "Yes," I sobbed. He took my hand. "I got you."

I couldn't believe this.


THAT Niall.

That boy that came in everyday with his dad.

The brunette angel.

He was here. Again.

At the bakery.

A river of emotion flowed through my eyes. "Why did you stop coming?" I rested my head against his shoulder. "My dad... He left our family. My mom didn't believe in wasting time at the bakery, so she hired a tutor for me. I was always either at school or at home." He crossed his arms and exhaled sharply. He was holding in tears. "What about your mom, I mean, today?" He flattened some dough. "I told her I wanted to see you again. That if she wouldn't let me go, I'd go myself. So I moved out and quit private school." I was shocked. "For me? How did you know I was still here?" He winked. "I had Mrs. Barnett's number." I smiled. "For me though!" He nodded. "Seing you at the bakery was the highlight of my week. When I came here to apply, you weren't there. I figured you left when I did." "Ahh," I remarked. "My friend week! I was with friends. It was horrible," I laughed. "I though you were gone for good. But when Mrs. Barnett walked in with you.." He stopped and shook his head. "Best day of my life."


I made sure Dad was in bed, then I went to my room and changed into pajamas. I remembered Niall had some kind of appointment tonight. I layed down onto my bed, uneasy. I didn't know what this 'appointment' was about. I wanted to call him- but I stopped myself.

I opened the box of things of my moms. There were scrapbooks, blankets, pictures. I gazed at a picture of us at the bakery. Mrs. Barnett was smiling with us, and there was Niall. I laughed and held the picture to my chest. There was mom, smiling cheesily, like she always did. I inherited her wavy brown hair, that was just below my shoulders. I inherited her crazy laugh, her piercing green eyes. I had so much of her in me- I just needed her. The box stayed open, and I was drfiting off to sleep, until my phone buzzed. It was from Niall. "Hey- can I pick you up?" I texted back, "My dad's sleeping!" My phone vibrated again. "Better- be there in 2." I jumped off my bed, confused. I went to brush my hair. I fought with the rascally curls. My dad snored, which nearly gave me a heart attack.

I heard my phone buzz. "Here!" I snuck quietly out of my room, and creeped down the stairs. I unlocked the door, and walked down the front steps. I walked up to Niall's tiny silver car. "What's up?" I opened the passenger door. He smirked. "We're goin somewhere." I hit him. "Niall! I'm wearing pajamas!" He laughed, "Doens't matter, you look perfect." I shook my head and grinned. He drove down my street and took a right. "So, where are we goin?" I asked him. "A club I know of," he answered. "A club?! If my dad finds out I'm screwed!" He nodded. "He won't."

I took a mental step back. I'm sneaking out and going to a club? Oh my god! But I tried to shake it off. I was gonna be fine, I trusted Niall. But I was wearing pajamas! I took a breath. Niall grabbed my hand. "Calm down, Ems, it's fine." He kissed me on the cheek. We pulled into an alley next to a quiet looking building. He took my hand and led me in. There were plenty of couples, lonely people too. "Hey!" Niall smiled at a couple of guys. "Josh, Greg, this is Emily," he introduced. I smiled at them. "Niall? Is this-- the Emily?" "You betcha!"

They grinned. "Well then! I feel like I know you!" Josh shook my hand. "Niall..." I groaned. "It's okay," he laughed. "I didn't tell them too much." The club was getting busy, the later it became. Niall brought us some drinks, which gave some time alone with Josh and Greg. "Wow, I can't belive its you," Greg said. I nodded awkwardly. These were people I had never met and all ready they knew about me. "I'm Niall's brother, by the way," Greg told me. "I'm just a friend. Weak, huh?" Josh smiled.

Niall came back after a couple minutes of silence. "Bye, guys," Niall smiled at Josh and Greg. "So, Greg's your brother?" He nodded. "Niall James!" I punched his shoulder. He smiled. "What'd I do?" He laughed. "I never knew that was your last name." He smirked. "And whats yours?" I groaned. "I hate it!" He shrugged. "Ok, fine, it's Kloe." "Like, Chloe or Cloh?" "Like Clothes but without the 'thes'."

They music burned in my ears, and the smell of alchohol was strong, but I was enjoying myself. Niall took my hand and led me to the floor, where I got numerous looks at my un-glamourous clothing. He seemed to protect me, His strong arms held me from the world, snapping and bursting. His smile reassured me about everything thing that was mistraught. I allowed his hold, and smiled back.

That's when a familiar guitar/piano intro started. It was my favorite song. My frail, shaking hands grasped his. He knew it too.

'I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget it," he lip sang. I giggled. "Yeah, I, I wanna make you feel wanted," he sang.

"Cause girl, as you make me feel, I wanna make you feel better. Better than your fairytales, better than your best dream, you're more than everything I need, and all I ever wanted." He smiled. and twirled me. I got lost in his milky blue eyes. I leaned against his shoulder for the rest of the song. The club seemed to dissapear, the mocking people vanished. It was just me and him, in an another world.

I went to the bartender and got another glass. "Are you sure you can handle this?" Niall pointed to the glass. "Oh, yeah, two drinks won't do anything." I finished drinking and put the glass back on the bar. My hand fastened to his as I drove him out onto the floor. I danced in my pajamas. It was like a harcore slumber party. That made me chuckle a bit. Niall smiled at me, standing with his arms crossed at the edge. "Come on!" I shouted. He shook his head.

I found myself going back to the bar, and soon my vision consisted of a blue of colorful lights and dragged out music. My sweaty hands searched for Niall. I stumbled around, laughing. "Emily!" I heard. My head jerked back and forth, looking at every moving thing. "Here," I felt cool hands grab my mine. "Let's get you home," a gruff voice told me. It wasn't Niall. His hands clamped onto mine. "Niall!" I yelled, crying. I yanked as hard as I could. I stomped my feet. I screamed. "Hey- get your hands off of her!!" I heard Niall yell. My vision was slowly coming back to me, and I saw a buff, tall guy, smirking at me. Niall was next to him, with an angry face. "Is this wimp your boyfriend?" The guy laughed. But my common sense wasn't back yet. My fist flew up and hit the man right in the nose. "Holy crap!" He yelled. I grinded my teeth. "Get outta here," I grunted. He chuckled and rubbed his nose. "You can have this bitch," he nodded at Niall.

Niall's cool hands rubbed my hands. "Em, lets get some water." He led me to drinking fountain. I splashed water down my neck, and drank some. "Why'd you do it?" He asked me. "Do what?" I answered, foggily. "Stand up to that jerk," he smiled. "That was amazing." I combed through my hair with my fingers. He leaned against the stone wall, hands in pocket. I shrugged. "I don't know, Niall." He looked up from his feet and smiled at me with those perfect teeth. "I guess- I don't like people being douches to you," I told him. He stood straight up and sighed. "I'd do the same for you, you know. Those guys don't even care about a girl's personality, just appearance." He pointed to the water fountain. "Keep drinking, Ems." He watched me. "You're so cute even when you're wasted," he grinned. I swallowed and stopped drinking. "No, really," he said. His fingers weaved into mine, so perfectly. I felt his sweet breath on my neck. He then wrapped his hands around my waist. We were 10 year olds again, laughing in the bakery, doing homework. We were free again. Pure kids.

His lips touched mine slowly. I let him pull me closer. His eyes widened into a crescent shape. I smiled. My teeth gently nibbled on his bottom lip. He took a few strands of my hair and rubbed them between his fingers, before tucking it behind my ears. His kissed traveled down my cheek and onto the top of my neck.

"Niall-" His hands squeezed my shoulders. "Emily- it's okay." I pulled back. My useless paranoia kicked in. "How many girls have you done this to?" I choked. He shook his head. "No, Ems, nobody else." A tear dropped down my cheek. "How could've you waited this long? There's gotta be more-" he cut me off. "No. Only you. You were my absolute life. Still are." I bit my cheek. "You sure?" He nodded and stroked my shoulder. "Emily, you're the only one I could ever want. Please believe me." I rested my head into him. "I do." He kissed my head. "Hey. I love you, Ems." There it was. I looked up at him. "I love you too." He touched my cheekbones and kissed them. "We need to get you home."

"My dad is going to be so mad if he's awake," I sighed. Niall looked at his watch. "Okay, we'll go back to my place." I took his hand. We went out to his car.

The early pink sky was peeking up from the horizon as we got to his apartment. I was exhausted, but I knew I couldn't sleep. "Baby, go to sleep," Niall said. My phone buzzed. Dad. "Hey, Dad, I'm alright I promise." "Young lady!! Get over here right now!" "No, Really, I'm fine," I whispered. "Emily, if you don't tell me where you are I will call the police," he yelled. I sighed. "Dad, I'm at my friend Niall's house." I could almost see his jaw clenching. "A boy, Emily?!" "Yeah." He exhaled sharply and I could hear him get his boots on. "Stay dad," I commanded him. "I wanna meet him!" I told him his address, regretfully. It was 5 in the morning, and I was extremely groggily. Niall was by my side. "Hey, it'll be okay," he reassured me.

I heard a knock at the door. It was my dad. "Hi, Dad." I rubbed my eyes. He stepped in, briskly. "Where is here?" He sniffed. Niall stepped forward. "Hi," he smiled. My dad grabbed him by his shoulder. "Dad!" I cried out.

"How do you know her?" He eyed Niall. "I- The bakery-" he answered. "Emily!" He turned to face me. "I don't want you to ever go to that blasted bakery ever again, or see this boy. Lets go." He let Niall go, and took my hand instead. I tried pulling back. Niall looke at me with a wry smile. That was the last time I saw him.


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