Story of a Failed Writer

By ScarlettSayner

23K 1K 252

(I wrote this little piece about my experiences on this site. If you relate to this, I'll know I'm not a tota... More

Part 2- Second Story, Second Fail
Part 3- Just 'Cuz the Account is Shared, Doesn't Mean The Glory Is
Bonus Material! (No not really)
Part 4- Even You Wouldn't Fan Yourself
Part 5- Identity Check
Part 6- Vampire Royalty-Sure, Writing Royalty-No Freakin' Way
Part 7- How to Copy and Paste
Part 8- To Write or Not to Write
Failed Poetry
Part 9- Mending a Broken Failure
Part 10- Chain Fail
Part 11- Only Technology can Fail More
Part 12- Hey, Nice to Meet You. READ MY STORY NOW!
Part 12 1/2- I Need Ideas!
Part 13- Title Below Because it Was Too Long Too Put Here...
Part 14- Once Again the Title Was Too Long...
Part 15- The End is Near...Maybe
Part 16- You Are Aware That Failure Is Just Lurking Around the Corner, Right?
Part 17- The End

Part 1- High Hopes, Low Reads

3.2K 88 25
By ScarlettSayner

Part 1- High Hopes, Low Reads

When you first log onto this website your ideas most likely sound something like "I'm going to write the freakin' best story anyone has ever written on this website, and I'll have, like, a million fans". You give yourself a bit of a reality check at the moment, but your hopes and dreams probably still rank way up there. As you start writing your story, you're really are writing with those hopes on the page as well. You choose an appealing title and photo shop the perfect picture for you cover to make it even more perfect. Finish the story and read it over a million and a half times, just to make sure everything is exact. Move the cursor over the publish button and press it. Your work is now online, and you think you'll die of extreme happiness.

 Reads start to come, one, two, five. You check to see if you got anymore reads at every possible moment. By the second week, you have fifty reads and a vote from a friend who decides to make you happy and takes pity on you. That friend has over a thousand reads and twenty fans. You wonder how she can be so good. 

By the time a month has passed you have a hundred reads, which hasn't really been rising much lately. You've uploaded the whole story, but so far no success. So you resort to stalking the good writers on the site. All their profiles say things like "Music is my life" and "I'm just an ordinary girl". Ugh. No help. They are all around you age, some younger. Thier stories are totally amazing. You wonder how they can ever be so great.

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