The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are TH...

By nicnicangeline

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What happens when Will and his sister Bec find out that they have a new sister. What's going to happen to the... More

The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are THE COLLECTIVE
Chapter 2
Update Note
EPILOGUE !!!!!!!


134 1 0
By nicnicangeline

~~~ weeks later ~~~


I woke up and I straight away thought to myself that I need to see Cooper again soon. So I thought I might go back to Melbourne with Rebecca to see Cooper and hopefully have time to see his family too because they have always been my 2nd family.

I rang Rebecca and we started talking. "Rebecca stop blabbing on about The Collective, Justice Crew and What About Tonight hahahaha. I need to talk to you and it's serious." "Okay I've stopped. Yes ? I can tell its serious because of the tone in your voice ! What's up ?!"

"I woke up thinking that I should go see Cooper again soon. So I thought hoping can you come with me back to Melbourne so we can see him and hopefully have time to see the family ? And if we can do that today ?" I explained to her. "of course. I say yes to everything you just said !!" She said. Yayyayyy. I really need to see them.

"Thank you so much Rebecca !!" "Nicole it's absolutely fine !!!" "Oh yeah what time do you think we should leave ?"

"We'll it's 9am now do I reckon we'll leave to go to the airport at 10! Okay ?!" "Sure thing !" We hung up so then I text the boys where they were now and they said they're at the park and should be back at like 9:45. I texted Rebecca telling her we have to leave at 9:30 because of the boys and she said it was fine. We only had 15 minutes so I got changed and got a bag ready bi put a pair of pjs in my bag, a bottle of water, a book to read, my iPod, money and some other stuff. I had my phone in my pocket.

I wrote a note saying : 

"Will, Julian, Jayden, Zach & Trent,

I am going to the airport to go back home.

Bye. Love you boys so so so much.  

Nicole xo <3"

It was 9:30 so me and Rebecca were walking downstairs and I heard the boys come in and I thought "they're early". They saw us and Will asked me "Where are you going ?" I told him "For a walk".

They left to go to our bedroom and I knew then they would read the note. I looked at Rebecca and she mouthed "run" so we ran. We here steps coming from inside. I knew the boys were sprinting to catch up to us so we sprinted off to somewhere where they couldn't see us. They ran outside and followed us. Julian kept calling out to me but I kept running.

He eventually caught up and he grabbed my arm while Trent grabbed Rebecca's arm. They turned us around and all the boys stared at us. Julian, Will and Jayden were all staring at me. Trent and Zach were staring at both of us but more at Rebecca. I tried so hard to hold in my tears but I just had to let them out. 

"I'm sorry guys but I have to do this. We should be back here at like 6 pm tonight. Okay !" I said while crying. They all nodded. Julian and Will were giving me death stares and Trent gave one to Rebecca. Zach and Jayden were hugging us. "Seriously Will and Julian ! Stop, you're freaking me out !!" The boys let go of us and Bec screamed out "Run now Nicole. Lets go !!"

We started running and finally they were gone. A taxi was coming past so we called out and the driver took us to the airport.

At 11 am we finally got to the airport. All the boys had texted me "I can't believe you right now Nicole !! How could you do this ?! Text us when you get to Melbourne.  

Love you"

We bought a flight and checked in and we get to our gate and we wait. Our flight is at 12:30 pm.


Me and the boys were walking back to the house. We walked in and Nicole and Rebecca had backpacks on. I asked them where they were going and they told us they were going for a walk.

Me and the boys walked into our bedroom and there was a note for all of us. We read it and it said : 

"Will, Julian, Jayden, Zach and Trent,

I am going to the airport to go back home.

Bye. Love you boys so so so much.  

Nicole xo <3"

We couldn't believe it. We sprinted downstairs and out the door. We saw the girls sprinting away from us but we followed. Julian kept calling out to Nicole.

We all caught up to them. Julian grabbed Nicole's arm and Trent grabbed Rebecca's arm. They tuned around and we all stared at them.

Nicole told us while crying "I'm sorry guys but I have to do this. We should be back here at around 6 pm tonight. Okay !" We just nodded but me and Julian gave Nicole a death stare and Trent gave one to Rebecca. We could tell Nicole was getting a bit scared because of her face and then she said "Seriously Will and Julian ! Stop you're freaking me out !!" They boys let go of them and the girls ran away.

All of us text Nicole saying "I can't believe you right now Nicole. How could you do this ?! Text us when you get to Melbourne."

I was really angry with myself for letting Nicole do this.

~~~ 1 1/2 hr later ~~~


It was 12:30 and we were boarding. I turned my phone off and put it in my back pocket.

We were on the plane and I was really upset that I was doing this to them but I needed to. It's extremely important to me.

"I can't believe we did that. Will's gonna be so angry with himself for letting you do this. You do realise that Nicole !" Rebecca said to me.

"Yes I know but it had to be done !" I told her.

~~~ 1 1/2 hr later ~~~

We got off the plane and I turned my phone on to see heaps of messages. The most from Will and Julian. I didn't want to put up with them. I didn't even text them Im in Melbourne cause knowing them they'll ring me. I don't even think Rebecca's mum knows we're here.

We caught a taxi to the cemetery so we could see Cooper. We finally got there and I had bought a rose from the airport for Him. There his grave is. I miss him heaps. Rebecca helped me get through the day while we were there. It was hard.

After a while I decided we go see Cooper's family and already it was 5:30 pm so I knew I would've be back in Sydney tonight but I didn't tell the boys. So we'll fly back tomorrow morning. We started walking and it's 6 pm. I was getting heaps of messages and calls from the boys and so was Rebecca. I turned off my phone completely and so did she.

We finally got to their house. I knocked on the door and Bailey opened it up. He was shocked. He hugged me so tight and so did they rest of the family. They let me stay the night after I explained what happened. I was sleeping in Cooper's room since Im his only friend that's allowed to sleep in there.

"Thank you so much. It's means a lot !" I told them. "It's fine. You're always welcome Nicole !" I just smiled. I went to bed early. Not even sure of I want to go back home or not.

~~~ Next day ~~~


I woke up looking in thr bedroom to see Nicole still isn't home. I looked at the clock and I have only had 1 hr of sleep. I am so worried about her. Everyone is. We have all been calling and texting her and Rebecca continously. Nicole didn't even text us when she got to Melbourne and she never cam home last night.

Why isn't she contacting us. This is nothing like her. All the boys woke up and we decided to look around for her.


I woke up this morning and straight away ckeck my phone to see so many missed calls and texts from the boys, from WAT, from Bella, from Justice Crew, from Fortunate, Keeda, Veronica, Shiane, Nathaniel, Niki, Sherlyn, Bec, my parents, Samantha Jade and Ronan. So I'm guessing the boys have already told everyone.

I deleted them all and walked downstairs to have breakfast. I realised I was still in my pjs but meh ! I saw Cooper's mum cooking for me, Bailey and Rebecca.


OMG !! We've been looking for the girls ever since breakfast. And still no where to be seen. Thye haven't answered any of our calls nor texts. They didn't text us to say they got to Melbourne nor did they come back last night. Me and Will are so worried. We are freaking out. I'm pretty sure we're all worried and freaking out.

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