EPILOGUE !!!!!!!

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3 years later.

Nicole's POV

You're probably wondering what's happened in these past 3 years. Well just over a year ago I married Julian !!! It was the best day of my life. I'm so glad I finally married the love of my life. Niki married Will, Sherlyn married Jayden, Keeda married Zach and Imogyn married Trent.  

At our wedding the girls were my bridesmaids and the boys were Julian's groomsmen.

Me and Julian had a baby girl. We named her Adrianna. She looks like her father. She is now 5 months old. She is so adorable. Julian is a wonderful father to her. He's been amazing. How lucky I am to have him.

I am now a dancer and Julian is still singing with the boys. I was driving back home from dancing when a car went straight into the side of my car on my side. The last thing I was remember was a bang from the crash. That was before everything went black.

Julian's POV

I was at home with Adrianna when my phone rung. It was the hospital. I answered and they told me that Nicole was involved in a car crash. The car had hit her side. I rung the boys straight away telling them what the hospital had told me. They all said they will meet me at the hospital.

I finally go to the hospital with Adrianna. The boys were there already. They told me the doctors don't know anything yet Since the doctors were working on Nicole right now. Rebecca was there also. She looked after Adrianna for me while me, the boys and the rest of the girls went to check up on Niki since she was in the car with Nicole. They said Niki will be fine which is great news but still no news on Nicole.

We went back to Nicole's room. The doctors saw us and asked for me and Will ! "Umm I'm sorry to tell you this but she lost way too much blood. We tried our best but I'm sorry she's gone". Me and Will both screamed out "NO !!!!!!" We fell to the floor crying. I noticed everyone was crying. Adrianna will have no mum now !!! Oh ma gawd. This can't be happening.

We were allowed to see her. We walked in and there she was. Her pale body!!!! This is too much. I fell into Trent's arms and just sobbed and sobbed. I saw Will fall into Zach's arms. He sobbed and sobbed as well. I've lost my amazing wife and Will has lost his amazing sister !!!!!



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