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Christmas Eve

I woke up and I realised I had to make a decision. Was I going to stay home for Christmas to be with my brother or was I gonna go to Adelaide to have Christmas with Julian.

I got out of bed and did my usual routine. After all that I walked downstairs and Will was cooking breakfast today this time. Me and my brother take turns hahah. "Good morning little sis. I am only cooking breakfast today because I have to talk to you about Christmas !" Will told me when he saw me walk into the kitchen and sit at the bench. "Good morning big bro. Okay !!"

He gave me my breakfast which was bacon and toast !!!! Yummy !!! "Thanks bro" "No worries. Now for Christmas you should be with Julian and he's family in Adelaide. Not here with me. It will be better. At least then you can spend time with them. You see me every day !!" My brother told me. "Ugh okay fine. I'll go as long as you stay safe. Okay ?!" "Yes okay I will. Now go pack."

As I was walking upstairs to pack I text Julian first since he is already in Adelaide with his family.

Text to Julian babe <3 <3:

Hey I am coming to Adelaide for Christmas !!!! 

Nicole bub <3 xo

Text from Julian babe <3 <3:

YEAHYAA !!!! My bubba babe is coming to Adelaide for christmas !!!! Don't worry babe. My family absolutely love you. They're looking so forward to seeing you again. They miss you so much. 

Julian babe <3 xo

I just laughed at his silly attitude on the phone. I then decided to text Niki.

Text to Niki <3:

Hey. I'm going to Adelaide for Christmas. So can you please make sure Will stays safe for me ?!

Nicole <3 xx

Text from Niki <3:

Hey. Aww I'm gonna miss you !!!! Of course I will !!! 

Niki <3 xx

2 hours later

I'm finally at the airport with Will, Niki, Jayden and Sherlyn. Since Jayden lives in Sydney Sherlyn does too.

It was time to board. Everyone was at the gate with me because they all wanted to stay with me. I love them all so much. OMG !!!! First up to say goodbye was Sherlyn and Niki. They were crying. Awww I don't want to leave them. They mean so much to me. We had a long hug. Next was Jayden and Will !!! Oh ma gawd this is too much !!!! I can't leave them. I can't believe I'm flying to Adelaide and leaving these guys. I'm gonna cry. I actually did end up crying.

After hugging. I walked into the tunnel and turned around. I blew them all a kiss and mouthed "loveyou guys so much !!" They were all crying. Oh man this is so hard. What am I doing. I got on plane and listened to the instructions. After that. I relaxed into my seat and closed my eyes. Not long after I fell asleep.

1 and 1/2 hours later

I woke up to a drop. I'm guessing the plane is landing and I was right. I made sure I had everything.

Once we were able to leave. I got of the plane and left. I was walking into the gate. I decided to go straight away to get my suitcase. I got my suitcase and waited around. I was looking for Julian. But I couldn't see him. Instead I saw Julian's parents and sister Miela walk over to me. We had a massive group hug. "It's so great to see you again. We have missed you heaps. Julian won't stop talking about you !!" Julian's mum had told me. I was shocked "Serious ?!" "Yeah totally !" Miela answered me. Wow. "Don't worry Julian should be coming through that door any time now." Julian's dad told me. I put my stuff down and sat down. Me and Miela were talking until she pointed to the door. I looked up and that's when I saw him. My absolutely beautiful and amazing boyfriend. OMG I love him so much. I got up and ran over to him. He stood there waiting for me. When I got to him I jumped in his arms. He lifted me and spun me around. I pulled back and kissed him so passionately. I missed him !!!!

Everyone was holding my stuff when they walked over to us to interrupt us. Hahahah. We couldn't help our selves.

We finally got in the car and drive off to Julian's place. I was so so happy to see him and his family again. I haven't been with Julian for 2 weeks. I missed him like absolute crazy. We got home and apparently I was sleeping with Julian as always. Hahahah not that I'm complaining but in his parents house. As if. That's just awkward kind of. I don't know hahahah. But they said its fine so or well. I'm sleeping with Julian. Okay no worries.

After unpacking. Julian decided to take me around Adelaide so I could see what it's like. We spent hours looking at Adelaide. I gotta admit. Adelaide is pretty good. Every now and then while me and Julian were holding hands. He would pull me close to him and would kiss me and tell me how much he loves me.

We continued walking until we found a park. No one was here and I saw a picnic on the ground. I turned to Julian and he just smile. He walked me towards the picnic. "Julian, what's this ?" I asked him. "I missed you so much and because of how much I love you. I decided to take you out !" "Aww Julian. I missed you so much too. You have no idea how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I love with all my heart. You are everything to me !!!" He pulled me closer and we kissed for 5 minutes straight. We sat down and started eating. I did end up putting chocolate coated strawberries in his mouth and he put some in my mouth as well. It was so romantic. It was getting dark and were lying down on the rug looking up at the stars. I looked to the corner of eye to see Julian just staring at the sky. I leaned on the my side and just stared at him. I put my hand on his chest and kissed his cheek. He saw me and put both hands on my stomach. "Don't you dare tickle me Julez !!!" I squealed. He smirked at me and started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing. "STOP JULEZ. I CAN'T BREATHE !!!!" I said in between laughs. He kept on tickling but pulled me on top of him. I put my hands on his chest so I could get off but he pulled me closer. My hands were still on his chest and since I couldn't get up I kissed him on the lips.

It was now 9:30. So we decided to go back home. I was getting tired so on the way home in the car I fell asleep.

I woke up half asleep when I felt some one carrying me up a staircase. I just closed my eyes again to go asleep. I felt myself slowly laying down on the bed. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Julian saying "Goodnight babe !!!! See you in the morning for Christmas. Loveya !" And he quickly pecked me on the lips.

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