Trust (A SPM Story)


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Luigi finds the worst has happened. He's lost the most important thing in his life, and will do anything to g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 "Familiar"
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 "Trust"
Part 2, Chapter 1
Part 2, Chapter 2
Part 2, Chapter 3
Part 2, Chapter 4
Part 2, Chapter 5 "Dreams"
Part 2, Chapter 6 "Dreams Pt. 2"
Part 2, Chapter 8
Part 2, Chapter 9 "Auld Lang Syne"
Part 2, Chapter 10
Part 2, Chapter 11
Part 2, Chapter 12
Part 2, Chapter 13
Part 2, Chapter 14
Part 2, Chapter 15
Part 2, Chapter 16
Part 2, Chapter 17 "Broken"
Part 2, Chapter 18 "Fixed"
Part 2, Chapter 19 "Epilogue Pt. 1"
Part 2, Chapter 19 "Epilogue Final"
End Credits

Part 2, Chapter 7

67 6 18

Daisy POV

Weeks, it's been weeks! Seriously, I can't believe this.

He can't just, disappear. I've searched I don't know how many towns and have come up with nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. 

I made my way to the next town. Another pointless search.

"Wait....I've been here before."

This was the closest town to the place where we got the Grey Prognosticus. Where....Luigi left me.

It was freezing here. Snow was falling from the sky. It was crazy how the weather changed so drastically in different places. I felt as cold as a popsicle.

"You just have to silently strike like a sly fox preparing to pounce on it's prey."

"Are the similes necessary?"

"Yes. Yes they are. They help me make my point."

I sighed at the memories as I began to shiver, before asking around. Just like everywhere else, no one knew anything.

Useless. I keep running into dead ends. I was never going to find him.

"Does ANYONE IN THIS BLASTED TOWN KNOW ANYTHING!" I cried out in frustration.

"Ma'am, quit causing a scene." A man told me. I turned around. Some guy, who was dressed like a cop or something, was staring at me.

I could feel my face turn red. "I'M NOT CAUSING A SCENE!" I yelled. He crossed his arms.

"I've been getting complaints about a loud girl disrupting the peace here. We aren't gonna have any problems, are we?" 


"Now, Ma'am. Calm down."

I pulled out my sword and held it in front of me. It was freezing here. I was shaking violently. I'm pretty sure he thought I was insane or something.

"Ma'am. Please, put the weapon down." he said a little too calmly.

"AND LEAVE MYSELF DEFENSLESS?? NO WAY!" I shouted, still shaking.

He leaned down and talked into a radio on his shoulder. "I'm requesting backup, the target seems unstable. She's shaking uncontrollably."

I swung my sword at his radio, causing it to fall and shatter. "I AM NOT UNSTABLE! I AM SHAKING BECAUSE IT'S FREAKING COLD!"

He stepped back, slightly uneasy now. "Backup is on the way. Ma'am, please, try to calm down."

Now I was ticked. "No! I have been living on the run, searching for my friend for who knows how long, with little to no success. My other friend is dead, and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" I yelled, tears coming to my eyes.

Then, a few other officers ran up behind me. They grabbed my arms and pulled me backwards. But it didn't matter. I just started crying.

"I don't know what to do....."

Just give up.

They started dragging me away. Great. Now I was being arrested.

"No. Let me go!" I whimpered, starting to squirm again, tears freezing to my face.

I squeezed my eyes shut as they continued dragging me.

"Stop...." I whispered.

Just give up.

I was cold, tired, hungry.

Just give up.

Why do I even try? Luigi acted like he didn't even know me the last time he saw me.

Just give up.

I have nothing left to do.

Just give up.

Just give up.

Just give up.

I let out a sigh, accepting my fate. I was probably gonna be arrested, then once people found out who I was they'd probably lock me up forever. But it doesn't matter.

I was going to give up.


But then, breeze seemed to whisper something. It was so quiet, I was sure I was hearing things. But I could swear, I heard someone say,

"No, not yet."


Suddenly I was dropped. 

It felt much warmer.

"H-huh?" I muttered, opening my eyes and looking around.

"W-what the heck....." I asked as I slowly picked myself up.

I was in a complete different place! And the police were gone! I was all alone again.

"How in the....."

This is weird....

"Hello?" I called. 

No response. 

Again, weird.

Something just.... prevented me from giving up.

I turned around. For a split second I thought I saw someone out of the corner of my eyes, but I blinked and they were gone.

Great. First I was hearing things, and now I'm seeing things. 

"Uhh.....okay?" This was a little to weird for my liking. One minute I was one place, then suddenly I was somewhere else?

I looked over the horizon and saw that town. That town I found Luigi in a few weeks ago. It appeared to be about a quarter mile away. 

Well, perhaps fate wanted me to come here. That's the only explanation I could come up with. Fate didn't want me giving up, and brought me right back to the last place I saw him. I slowly brushed myself off, then started towards the town.

Then suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind. I was about to scream, but they held a finger in front of my mouth and calmly shushed me.

Their hand was grey. Such an odd color. I knocked the hand away. "Who do you think you are?!" I asked, turning around to face them.

They moved and stayed out of my sight, staying behind me and grabbing my shoulders. 

"No. Please don't look at me."

I tried turning my head. All I could see was a dark purple hood.

I shook my head. "You can't just walk up and grab someone!" 

"My apologies. I was saving you." They whispered.

I tried to turn so I could see who this was. But they managed to keep moving out of sight.

"I'm not going to let you see me." He stated. I could tell this was a guy now.

I groaned in frustration. "Why not? Let me go! Who are you?!" 

I could feel his grip loosen on my shoulders.

".....I see you're as feisty as ever." He let me go and turned around. I turned to see his backside.

He had two black boots, each one with a golden rim on the top. Black leggings, and a weird dark purple hooded poncho-like thingy.

"Who are you?" I asked. "And how do you know me?"

I could hear him sigh. "Can I just ask you, do you know where Luigi is?"

I froze. 

"Y-you're asking me?" 

He nodded. "Yes. Do you know where he is?"

I shook my head. "Umm, no. I have no idea where he is. I've been looking everywhere."

He looked down. 

"And.....and what about Dimentio?" He asked.

I felt myself stiffen up.

I looked down. "Dimentio died."

He inhaled sharply.


I squeezed my eyes shut. More tears were falling now. "Yes."

We waited in silence for a moment, before he let out a small laugh.  "Well, hey. He was no good anyway."

My sad expression shifted to an angry one. "EXCUSE ME??"


I could see the guy start to laugh some more. 

"Oh, what, you think this is funny??" I asked, tears falling down my face.

He nodded. "I didn't know you cared about him this much."

I squeezed my eyes shut. "Quit judging me! He died! I'm allowed to grieve!"

The man laughed even harder. I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier. "Who even are you?! And why are you asking about Dimentio and Luigi? Do you want to turn them in or something? HUH? IS THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT??"

He shook his head, still facing away. "Oh, no no no. I do not wish to turn them in. I was just wondering what you knew."

This guy definitely needed to be put in his place. How DARE he insult Dimentio. The only person allowed to do that is ME!

I went to pull out my sword, only to realize it was gone. "W-what? Where's my sword?!" I asked frantically. He shrugged. "I didn't want you to have it. I don't generally enjoy getting stabbed. Don't worry though. I'll give it back."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Y-you STOLE IT!? I need answers, pal. Who are you, how did I get here, and where is my sword?!"

He shrugged. "I'm no one important." 

I scoffed. "Well, yeah. Obviously. There's only two people who are actually important to me. And one of them is dead, while the other is off who knows where. Listen, pal. I don't got time for this. I need to keep looking for Luigi." I turned and started walking, when he grabbed my shoulder.

"No, please don't go."

He was right behind me now. It was as if he just teleported there. He held both of my shoulders.

"Then tell me who you are!" I responded, frustrated.

He sighed. and stepped back.

"Okay. Okay."

I took a breath and slowly turned around.

.....Hmm, I didn't quite recognize.....wait.


My eyes went wide in disbelief. 


In front of me, was a man I though was dead. I could tell it was him by the same black and white comic mask on his face. Plus, the mismatched eyes. Only.....he was wearing different clothes now. And he looked even skinnier. If it weren't for his mask and his eyes, I'd say he's almost completely unrecognizable. 

He smiled and shrugged. I think I could see a tear in his eye. "Surprise."

I smiled and let the tears fall freely now. "DIMENTIO!" I quickly sprinted over and tackled him to the ground with a hug.

"I thought you were gone!" I cried. 

He took a minute before hugging me back. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here."

I was sobbing into his shoulder now. "W-what happened to you?! Where have you been? I-I missed you!"

He hesitated before responding. "I.... missed you too."

I pulled back and grabbed his shoulders. He looked so different, but had those same mismatched eyes.

"I-it's really you! What happened to you?! How are you here?!"

He sharply inhaled. "'s a bit of a long story. I want to know what Luigi told you. I want to know what happened after he got the Grey Prognosticus."

I sighed. "Okay.....well he walked out of the weird building. I asked where you were, and he looked back. He was crying. Then we made our way back to civilization. Once I realized that he had taken the whole book, I tried to get him to put the rest back. But he got upset and ran off. I saw him a few weeks ago, but other than that, I haven't seen him."

Dimentio nodded. 

"Did he say......did he say how I died?" 

I shook my head. "No. He seemed genuinely upset about it though."

Dimentio clenched his fists. "He didn't tell you....of course he didn't. It's probably not something he'd go around saying."

I cocked my head to the side. "What? What happened?!"

He hesitated, before slowly breaking into laughter.

His laughs got more and more hysterical.

"Dimentio? Are you okay??"

Dimentio wiped a few tears away while laughing. "AH HA HA HA, LUIGI! LUIGI HAPPENED! AH HA HA!"

Why was laughing? Was this a joke or something? I don't get it. "What? What do you mean?!"

His laughing slowly turned to crying. "He could have saved me."

"What? Dimentio, tell me what happened."

Dimentio leaned forward and clung onto me. "It hurt. It really hurt."

I was a little scared to be honest. I patted his back. "Shhh, shh, it's okay. I won't let anything hurt you. Just tell me what happened."

He leaned back and wiped more tears away. "Okay.....okay."

"He grabbed the book. The whole book. I was confused, since that wasn't the plan. I tried reasoning with him, tried getting him to put the rest of the book back, but he refused. Then...."

He inhaled sharply. "Yes?" I asked. Dimentio squeezed his eyes shut. His voice was shaky. It was so shaky, it was practically unrecognizable. "Then he told me L was gone. That there was no bringing him back. I was too filled with grief to fight back. So I simply let him take the book. I let him take the whole stupid book!"

I covered my mouth. "Oh no. I remember you telling me about L." He nodded. "Yeah. After that, we started making our way back, and the bridge collapsed. He made it to the other side safely. Myself on the other hand...."

He shook his head. "I....I almost made it. I would have made it. I jumped, and he caught me. But then....." Dimentio broke into more sobs. "Then, he dropped me."

He held his hand up to his face. "He dropped me! He let me go!"

Then he leaned into me again. "Daisy, you don't know how happy I am that I've found you."

I wrapped my arms around him. "Hey, shhh, shh. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen. Alright?"

He slowly nodded.

I couldn't believe this.

Luigi dropped him?? 

"Oh, come on. This is Luigi we're talking about. He loves you too much. He'd never leave you behind."

All that time ago, I told Dimentio he'd never get left behind.

But he did.

I held him tighter. 

Never again. Never again will I leave him behind.

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