Invisible (Higashikata Josuke...

By fallenangel0666

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You're an unpopular girl with a lot of insecurities. Abusive family, bullies in every school you went, it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

543 20 7
By fallenangel0666

So, I casually decided to also drop the second one 😗🤘🏼

Destructive power: 3
Speed: 9
Range: 2
Stamina: 10
Precision: 10
Development Potential: 5

Your stand is more of a defensive type :) I also changed the name to "Angel Eyes", since I really like that song. It used to be named "Invisible Touch" but I'm not really familiar with this song tbh... So I really wanted to change the name.

Back to the actual stand: It's not intended for fighting anyone, reflecting the soul of yours who doesn't want to hurt anyone. It's VERY defensive though and has very good reflexes and incredible speed. It's almost impossible to defeat you, because your defense is almost indestructible. And its precision is very sharp, making it perfect to even catch bullets that are faster than 1000km/h. The only weakness of your stand is your range. It's very low, so if you would want to protect someone else, you would have to approach them. Well enough Explantation, now let's start the chapter! 😁

The time went by and before you knew it, the school was over and it was time to go home. You quickly grabbed your walkman and your headphones and left the class, playing music you liked. You felt your anxiety getting worse and worse by the thought of entering that cursed place again... How would they belittle you today? What humiliating task would they plan to give you? Will they criticize your every step, like always?
Why were you even wondering, you knew how the day will go. You will cry yourself to sleep, like always.

You sighed and left the school building, mentally preparing yourself to enter hell again. You again looked down to the ground and let your thoughts take the best of you. Why did you have to endure all of this every day... Why was fate testing you so much? Did your past life do so many bad things, that your life is getting ruined instead? Or are you using up all of your bad luck for the early years of your life so that the rest of your life will be fine? You didn't know. But it made you feel weaker and weaker. It broke you more and more. Until one day...You would give up-


(Josuke's point of view)

Finally, school is over. I couldn't wait to go back home and try the new game I bought! But then I remembered that Jotaro guy and sighed. I still needed to talk to that guy. I got off my seat, packed my stuff and wanted to leave, stopping at the exit of the class. The shy stand user girl dropped something. Didn't she notice??

I ran towards that thing, only to notice that it was her purse. "Hey, Y/n you dropped something!!" I called her but she didn't bother to turn around. Was she ignoring me?? Pff, not with me!!

I followed her, but as packed as the hallways got from all those students heading home, I immediately lost her. Ahhhh that was the worst timing!! Why is it so packed now?? I sighed in despair and looked for her through the help of Crazy Diamond. But no avail. Where the hell did that idiot go??? It's not like she'd turn invisible- SHIT DID SHE ACTUALLY TURN INVISIBLE?!?! I panicked and ran through the hallways of the school, continuing my search.

Where would she head to if school ended? Of course, she would exit the building! But where the hell was the school exit??? I'm not familiar with that school yet! Ahhh that's so stressful... "Hey, Josuke! You left the class so fast, I didn't find you." Koichi!! I grinned happily and ran over to him. "Hey, Koichi! I need your help, I am looking for that shy girl in our class! She's about this height and has h/c (hair colored) hair. She wears her hair (your hairstyle) and her eyes were e/c (eye colored). ...Or were they blue? (Green for the blue-eyed among you lmao) I don't remember!!" Koichi nodded and laughed a little. "Ok I will help you, but why are you searching for her that eagerly?" Koichi asked me and I showed him Y/n's purse. "She dropped this before leaving the class. She didn't notice and disappeared because of the mass of students in the hallways. There also is a possibility that she's invisible, don't ask why. I could cry, this is so stressful!!"

Koichi nodded and joined me looking for her. We headed to the exit of the school but saw no one who fits her. "Is it her??" Koichi asked and pointed at a girl exiting the school. I shook my head, that girl was way too tall. "She is shorter. And wears a f/c (favorite colored) backpack." I described her fuether and as soon as I exited the school myself, my eyes widened when I saw her backpack and hair. This was her! And her insecure way of walking confirmed my assumption. "This is her, Koichi!! Wait for me, I will give that purse back to her!!" I told him and ran towards her.

"Y/n!!" I called but she again didn't hear me. As soon as I got closer, I saw her headphones. Ahhh was she serious?! I ran faster but didn't notice a stone on my way, which caused me to slip. I stumbled towards her direction and fully crashed into her. While falling, I wrapped my arms around her and turned around with her in my embrace, so that I would crash on the ground and protect her. Her body was really soft, especially where my left hand was. And it seemed like her stand this time didn't protect her. Did her stand notice that I aimed to protect her and left me to do my job?

I then crashed on the ground and hurt myself a little, still tightly holding onto her. At least she wasn't hurt because of my clumsiness! I soon felt her hand on my left hand but noticed how she quickly pulled my hand away from her body. "Who the hell-" She yelled with a very furious voice and stopped as soon as she turned her head to me, recognizing me. "J-Josuke??" She gasped and quickly rolled to the side, getting off me. She stood up and offered her hand to me. I took it and stood up with her help.

"Wow, you're heavier than I thought..." She noticed as she pulled me up and I chuckled. "So I'm fat?" Her eyes widened and she quickly shook her head. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry..." She said and I chuckled. "I just slipped and almost hurt you if I wouldn't have guarded you with my own body. So the person apologizing should be me, not you." I told her and she nodded, looking down again. This time I noticed her red cheeks. Ahhh of course she'd be embarrassed to be in such a situation...

"No, you protected me. Thank you..." She said and quickly turned away, wanting to leave. "Y/n, wait! I actually searched for you!" I called and she flinched. She turned around with surprised eyes and I took her purse out. "You lost your purse when leaving the classroom. And you weren't noticing me call for you." I explained and she cupped her mouth in shock. "Oh, I didn't notice at all... I'm very sorry, Josuke..." she said and I saw the guilt in her face. She carefully took her purse and as soon as she touched my hand accidentally, she quickly snatched it out of my hand. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thank you again...!" She said and quickly ran away. I grinned happily as I watched her leave. "Uhm, Josuke..." I heard from behind and turned around to see Koichi. "Kneel down a little, I have to tell you something..." He said and I rose my brow in confusion. I did as he said and he approached my ear. "When embracing her, while protecting her from falling into the ground, Jokuse... You accidentally grabbed her chest..." He explained and I blinked a few times. "I DID WHAT????" I yelled loudly and blushed madly. I touched her what????? This is why her face was red!!

I covered my face with one hand and dragged Koichi with me. "How many people saw us...?" I asked him and he nervously laughed. "Well, a lot of people were heading home...I'm sure that there might be a whole bunch of people among those who saw you and her..." He explained I blushed even harder. Poor Y/n... I definitely have to apologize to her tomorrow...

(Your point of view)

You quickly ran away from the school, as far away as you could. Soon after 5 minutes of running, you were exhausted. This should be enough distance... You reddened and placed your hand on your breast. You didn't know if that was his intention or if it was an accident but it appeared like an accident. He didn't seem like he noticed where he touched you. You definitely have to apologize to him...

Soon, after 7 more minutes of walking, you stood in front of the villa you lived in. You gulped and your body was frozen in place. If you enter that place again, your day will be even worse... Should you just stay outside? Your family wouldn't even wonder why you were late. They would actually hope for you to get involved in something bad...

You shook your head and entered the villa. They couldn't be worse than they usually are. "Ohhh look who came home, big brother~" You heard your sinister sister sing maliciously and laughed. You avoided her gaze and nodded. "You're ugly, do you know that?" She told you and you heard the steps of your brother. Soon, you felt a liquid flow down your hair and recognized the characteristic smell of milk. "Oooops~ I accidentally dropped my glass of milk on your head~" He said and his sister laughed even more. "That was a good one, big brother!"

He pushed your legs to the side with his foot, causing you to fall onto your knees. "Clean the milk up, loser. Or do you want to get blamed for that when mother gets back home~?" He asked and you didn't answer. You stood up and grabbed a mop to clean the floor. They continued to laugh and left you as soon as you finished. You quickly locked yourself into the bathroom to wash yourself up. You hated those people...You hated them so much...

You took your school uniform off and took a quick shower. After you finished, you washed your school uniform by hand and put it in your room to dry, near your heater. Your room, different from the rest of the villa, was a basic bedroom, only with necessary stuff. Everyone else's rooms were extravagantly decorated with tons of unnecessary stuff in there. You felt most comfortable in your room. Your siblings rarely entered that room, because they were disgusted by your 'basicness'.

You sat down on your desk and unpacked your school supplies, starting to study. As the hated child, you didn't have the luxury to possess a cell phone or a gaming console. The only option for you to kill time was studying or reading books you bought by your own money. Sometimes you even drew pictures. But drawing was rather rare for you to do, because you couldn't bear your siblings or mother destroying your drawings and belittling your skills. At some point, you even started to believe their criticism towards your drawings...

You weren't happy in that place. Yes, you had a place to be...You had food and some money at least. You sometimes also had privacy due to their hatred towards you. You could do stuff without asking your parents, because they didn't care. At this point, you were free, yes. Still, you didn't feel comfortable here. Everyone would dream about living in a villa like that. To daily pass the "golden" section of Morioh, admiring it's beauty on a daily basis. They would feel important for living here. But it was the complete opposite in your case. You weren't important at all. You were a parasite for them.

You sighed as you looked at the clock after a while. You were that focused on studying and deep in thoughts that you didn't notice that it was evening by now. You completely forgot to eat something... You stood up from your desk and walked over to your mini-fridge in which you occasionally bought some stuff for you to make a sandwich if you wanted to avoid your family and stay in your room.

"It's 8 pm in Morioh, right now! Hiroki Nakamura with the news for today!" You heard behind your door and turned to the direction of where you heard the voice. Did one of your siblings forget the radio near your room? You listened to the report for today and learned about the accident in front of the supermarket near your high school. They reported about a man took the owner of the store hostage. According to the report a mysterious man with a pompadour stopped him by punching a hole inside his and the hostage's stomach, so the witnesses. Still both were fine. The reporter guy said that it was a miracle.

The report ended and continued with the weather. You grabbed your bread and some butter, along with some cheese and salad. You put them on your desk and made yourself a basic, yet delicious sandwich. A mysterious man with a pompadour stopped the criminal, hm? They were fine after he punched a hole inside their stomach, they said? You nodded and finally took a bite of your sandwich. There only was one man who would fit this description. It was your classmate Higashikata Josuke who stopped the criminal and soon after healed both him and the hostage with his stand Crazy Diamond.

You looked at your hand. He seemed to know his abilities as a stand user well. Yet you, you didn't. You never even noticed what your stand was and assumed it to be a kind of...thing who protects you, for all these years. He for sure didn't have anyone teach him about his stand. It seemed like every stand user had an individual stand for themselves. With individual abilities that differentiate from other stand user's stands. Maybe you should try to explore your powers yourself?

You finished your sandwich and stood up, walking over to your mirror. You took a deep breath and clenched your fists in determination. "Angel Eyes!" You called and looked at yourself, expecting your stand to appear like Josuke's Crazy Diamond did when you saw his stand appear. But no, yours didn't appear at all...Or did it? It was invisible after all!

You looked around, thinking of how you could make your stand visible for your eye. "Get visible!" You ordered and again looked at the mirror. But no, it didn't turn visible... Hell, you didn't even know if it appeared in the first place!! You sighed and shook your head. How the hell should you know stuff about your stand if it was freaking invisible?? The only thing you knew was that its durability was very good and it had great reflexes, just like Josuke told you today. But how could you learn more about your stand? You needed to ask him after apologizing to him for...well what happened today...

You quickly shook your head and turned to your mirror again. "Angel Eyes!" You tried again but no use. Ahh, that was so frustrating...Why was your stand so weird?? How should you work with a stand that can't be seen by everyone, not even yourself?? You tried to command your stand to do stuff, but it was no use. Everything you tried didn't work. You tried the whole night and didn't give up. Your determination eventually lead to you completely forgetting about sleep. And being awake also protected you from mean plans of your siblings they usually plotted while you slept.


"I can't believe I forgot about sleep!" You whined as you looked at your clock in the morning, which showed you that it almost was 7:30, the time you started to walk to school. You didn't even put your school supplies back into your backpack! You groaned in annoyance and quickly packed your stuff while you put on your school uniform that dried by now. You were too tired to deal with your adoptive family right now, so you glanced to your window. You smirked at the idea that popped into your head.

"Please don't let me down now, you idiotic invisible stand. Or do you want your user to break their feet?" You mumbled to yourself and put your backpack around your back. You walked over to your window and opened it. "Adieu!" You insolently waved towards your room's door, happy that you successfully avoided interacting with your family today. You jumped out of it, immediately regretting it while your fell. "Please, Angel Eyes!!" You prayed for your safety but to your luck, nothing hurt as you landed on the ground. That was a clean success!

You grinned to yourself as you left that cursed place you needed to call your home. "Finally you are proving yourself to be useful, Angel Eyes." You praised your own stand in satisfaction, happily walking to your high school.

"Oiii Y/n!!!" You heard a familiar voice from behind you as you just entered the schoolyard. You turned around, only to see the familiar grin of the weird friend you made yesterday. "Okuyasu, it's you." You noticed and smiled. "Wow, someone's in a good mood today!! But, hey...Did you sleep today? You look terrible!" He noticed and your eyes widened. You quickly searched for some reflection, only to notice that you indeed looked terrible. You had the worst dark circles you ever had!

"Hahahahaha I shouldn't laugh but your reaction was too funny!" Your dear friend made fun of you and you sighed. "As long as you won't bully me, it's ok..." You completely forgot about the fact that every existence on this planet made fun of your every movement. "Hey hey don't get depressed, I didn't mean to bully you, Y/n..." He told you and you nodded with a smile. "Even if you were, I am used to that. I think I have forgotten about the fact that I'm the biggest joke on this planet." You said and noticed Okuyasu who stopped his way to the school building.

"Now listen, you depressed shit. I already told you that I'm your friend, so engrave that into your stubborn head!!" He said and you were speechless. "Even if I would bully you, it's not meant like the other students mean it. In my case, you also are allowed to playfully bully me back. This is how friendship works, idiot!" He explained and you looked down. "If you explain friendship like that, it seems like I never was friends with anyone." You admitted and his eyes softened.

He approached and put his arm around you. "Well, now you have a friend! I will teach you how friendship works!!" He told you with a determined grin and you couldn't help but return that grin. "HAHA YES, THAT'S THE SPIRIT, Y/N!!!" He shouted and you reddened. "You're too loud, Okuyasu!!!" You whispered and he laughed.

"Stop shouting like a maniac, first grader!" You heard from the side and Okuyasu let go of you, turning around. "Do you have a problem???" He asked him with a death glare and you panicked. You grabbed onto his arm and pulled him with you. "I'm sorry, he just learned about a bad exam and is pissed about it!" You excused him and the other student laughed. "I didn't talk to you, loser!" Oh no. Famous sentences spoken before disaster...

Okuyasu overpowered you by freeing himself from your grip and well...Moments later, that poor student's face was flooded with his own blood... You dragged Okuyasu to a sink and washed his hands that were full of blood too. "You're a complete idiot, do you know that? What if someone saw you do that? You would be thrown out of school!" You scolded him and he observed you washing his hands. "But he called you a loser, after messing with me! He went too far!" He tried to excuse himself but you sighed. "You did too. You completely demolished that guy." Okuyasu remained silent and let you finish your job.

"You won't let anger control you like this ever again, Okuyasu. Not at school time at least." You told him and he grinned. "Not at school time, deal!!" He agreed and you shook your head with a smile. "That's a good start, I guess."

Soon, you and Okuyasu went separate ways, since you two didn't share the same class. As you stood in front of your class, you took a deep breath. You were in a good mood. So keep that mood, Y/n. Finally, you placed your hand on the doorknob and opened the classroom door, revealing yourself to those who were inside already. You looked for Josuke so you could apologize for yesterday, but quickly noticed that he didn't arrive at class yet. You sat down on your seat in the back, beside the window and unpacked your school supplies.

"Hello, loser~ Did you finish the homework we needed to do yesterday?" You heard and lifted your gaze to see a girl who mischievously smirked at you. "No, I didn't." You lied, causing her eyes to narrow. You already knew that she hoped for you to be some naive idiot that's easy to be taken advantage of. "Are you sure? Would you mind showing me your folder?" She asked and you sighed. "I would actually. Those are my supplies so I don't want someone to look at my work without me allowing them." You answered and she groaned. "Then I will take it by force!"

Suddenly the door opened, revealing two faces that were pretty familiar to you. It was Josuke, together with his short friend. The girl noticed him too and walked over to him, along with other girls. But you knew something was wrong with him. He either has a bad day today or had a very good day yesterday, which caused him to be as happy as yesterday.

"Please, leave me alone for a while." He kindly explained and the girls worriedly wrapped their arms around each arm of him, causing Koichi to almost stumble. But he didn't fall, which was kind of weird. As you looked at Josuke, you noticed his eyes on you. He smiled at you and sat down, with Koichi beside him. The whole mood of the classroom changed as soon as he entered. And he even told his fangirls to leave him alone. This showed you that he indeed had a bad day. You felt bad for him... But you didn't want to bother him while he had a hard time.

You only knew him for 24h after all...

To be continued...

I don't think I will cover canon fights with enemy stand users in this fanfic because I'm too lazy to rewatch everything while writing this fanfic lmao. Also, I'm not that good at describing stuff, even in german 🗿 There's this thing called "reading and spelling disorder" If I were to translate it by the words. In Germany, it's called "Lese- Rechtschreibstörung". I may not be that problematic when it comes to spelling (I think, maybe some natives here might see some spelling or grammar mistakes lmao) but I definitely notice my reading/wording disability. I'm really bad with words and understanding stuff when reading :') So I'm sorry if you dislike my way of writing, I try to improve myself through writing stories 🤘🏼🥰

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