Sebastian summer in England

By Karenlou22

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y/n is a normal women. running her hotel with her friend Chloe all is normal till MCU book the whole hotel fo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 11

56 0 0
By Karenlou22

back to normal  pov

Sat at the lounge bar having a coffee with Chloe. We had just finished up doing breakfast for what crew was still here and apparently the rest including Seb and Mackie and Emily where due back soon. If i am honest i am dreading it. How am i supposed to act i miss him so much and yes i finally admitted to Chloe i am falling in love with him not the Sebastian Stan the celebrity everyone else see but Seb the real man his sense of humor his kisses and yes the sex. But i want more and he can not give me that.

Chloe's phone starts ringing she looks at the screen confused she shows me the name on screen MACKSTER she answers it and i listen to the one sided conversation.

Chloe '' hello..... Yep she here why.....i dont think so........why whats on know i won't do that........maybe he should be shitting himself......... i know i know but she needs to know.........mack dont be like i will tell her not to look till he can talk to wont work......ok see you later......ok that too''

'' Whats going on''

Chloe'' mmm maybe you should wait till they get here''

'' for the love of god what''

Chloe '' he just told me not to let you go on social media till they get back when Seb can explain''

so me being me opened up my phone to see what could possibly be wrong 


E!NewsOnline Sebastian Stan and Emily VanCamp have been in London this week filming some stuff for marvel. they have been seen getting very close to each and yesterday they where both seen in the center of London drinking and one on looker said they could not keep there hands off each. a source in one of the pubs they went to confirmed that while outside waiting for a taxi the two shared a kiss or two. so have the co stars stared an off screen romance what happened to the girl Sebastian pictured in the country side keep tuned.

I turned my phone to show Chloe. '' What the fuck'' Chloe says '' its ok its not like we are together and i did tell him it needed to stop. yes it hurts but he was never mine and better he show his true feeling now then pretend for another 2 months.''

'' your really ok with this y/n'' she looks and me and says '' yes Chloe not going to lie it hurts he could not wait till after he left and its with her i mean she been here the whole time why start any think with me but its ok i promise'' i reply

'' Right i am going to go get ready so we can have some food and a few drinks tonight as its our night off be back here in a hour dose that  sound good'' 

''yeah'' Chloe replied with a sad look on her face that girl has always been able to read me like a book i guess today is no different.

I get myself changed out of my work gear and into black skinny jeans and a hoodie top not got to impress anyone so might as well dress comfy.

As i get down in to the lounge i realize there are a lot more people about so the crews must be back from London. Taking in a deep breath i walk into the bar area. I find Chloe, Sebastian, Mackie and of course Emily by the bar. Chloe and Sebastian seem to be in a heated conversation Mackie looks up and spots me and hits Sebastian over the head. He looks at him and then looks over to me. time to put your game face on girl i say to my self as i walk up to the group.

'' Hey everyone glad you all made it back safe from London'' I turn and look at Emily who is stood on the outside of the group i nod my head '' Emily'' hoping it did not come out as cold as it sounded '' Y/N'' she replied.

''Y/N'' Seb tried to say but i put my hand up and replied '' nope not now Sebastian i am busy. Chloe are you ready''

i Turn to Chloe who nods and i start to walk out.

Seb '' Your busy your always fucking busy'' Sebastian shouted '' Busy making choices about whats going on between us with out even talking to me. busy trying to avoid me too fucking busy to even text more then one word too me''

I turn and look at him and realize everyone else is looking at us.

'' Are you kidding me you want to stand there and shout at me really you think you got the right to shout at me WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME''

'' the truth y/n i want the truth why did you feel like you had to avoid me cut me off what did i do that was so wrong'' Seb says

Some think snapped inside me all the things i have bottled up came spewing out of mouth and there was nothing i could do to stop it .

'' You Sebastian thats what wrong you. I thought i could do this have a fling a bit of fun i mean your Sebastian-Fricking-Stan why would i say no. but you had to go and be this totally different person smart,caring , funny sexy. You had to be the one man who managed to get me to open myself up again. and if i dont stop now its going to break me. Fuck it , It is breaking me that that you made me feel all this and i know to you this is just a fling. you can just walk away and you will be fine. so you wanted the truth there it is i am just the stupid normal women who starting to feel things for the world famous Sebastian Stan.

Sebastian steps forward and i step back hold me hand up silently saying dont.

'' y/n your wrong i feel ......'' stop i shout not letting him finish that sentence

'' dont you dare try and say you have feelings for me. not when the minute i say i can not do this you run to her'' i point at Emily '' its not what it looks likes'' Emily says '' I dont want to hear it'' turning back to Sebastian'' why start anything with me to start with she was here all along why would you do that . if you like her why act like you did with me''

'' Y/n you need to hear what i am about to say. yes me and Sebastian went for a drink and yes i kissed him. do you hear me i kissed him he turned me down and then the hug was because i then cried not cause he turned me down but because i am having some problems of my own and i just needed a friend but he turned me down and i am glad he did. all he talked about was you he could not understand why you shut him out until i explained it all. and when he saw that article he was sick threw up right there on the street cause he knew he had lost you''

 i turn and look at Sebastian. He steps forward '' I am sorry i made you feel like i did not care. i dont know what is going to happen when i leave but i know i dont want us to end. When i kissed you in that bar in front of every body i realized i dont care who see i just want them all to know you are mine. Your stubborn your loud and funny your sexy as fuck even though you dont think so your beautiful and your eyes are just my happy place  i want this to work'' He leans his head against mine ''  y/n can we please stop shouting at each other and admit that we are some think between us'' he lifts his hand to my face and wipes a tear away with his thumb '' can i please kiss you'' I nod my head '' thank god'' Sebastian leans forward and softly places his lips on mine '' i have missed you'' he says '' i have missed you too

Mackie '' well thank god for that i have missed you too can we please eat i am starving''

We both laugh as Chloe punches Mackie in the arm'' way to ruin the moment'' Mackie rubs his arm '' Oh you going to pay for that women''

we all go and sit in the restaurant for some think to eat Sebastian holding my hand the whole time.

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