Sakata Gintoki x Hijikata Tou...

By Diduassumemygender

3.3K 101 14

There's not many Ginhiji or HijiGin fanfics out here to read so I made this for myself bc I love them. (And f... More

Uh oh
Totato sauce.
Sugar Honey Iced Tea.
My back breaking
My humps my lumps

He rolling he rolling

249 8 1
By Diduassumemygender

Hello thank you all for reading! I'm finally updating this story.

As Toshirou Hijikata ran to the shinsemgumi meeting room, a sudden blast hit his face. He was blown back and his back hit the cold hard ground. He immediately knew who did this.

"Tch. Sougo!" He growled.

"Hijikata-san why are you so late? It's not like you". He said in a lazy tone while holding a cannon that's resting on his shoulder. Multiple footsteps came running to see what's happening.

"What's going on here-". A voice said but stopped.


The commander ran and hugged Hijikata and squeezing him like he was going to make his lungs pop out. Tears were streaming down from his face like a waterfall.

"AHHHHH! TOSSSHHHIIII! I THOUGHT YOU WERENT COMING!!" He said rubbing his tears on the vice commanders clothes.

"Oi! Kondo-san! Stop that! My clothes are getting wet because of your ugly tears". The raven croakily spoke. Kondo finally let him go and looked at him seriously.

"But why were you late? Did you sleep in?"

"You know he doesn't sleep in Kondo-san". Sougo said. Well that's actually what happened.

"That's right. Then did someone hurt you again?"

"Ahh! Hijikata! Are you hurt?" Yamazaki came out of the corner.

"Where did you come from?" The raven asked shocked. He was like a ghost, his face was also pale.

The shinsemgumi was crowding around the demon vice commander and we're all asking questions.


As Hijikata was going on patrols around the streets, he saw in a distance in front of him of a certain silver head being kicked out of a pub. He was nearly naked and only had his strawberry boxers on. He was about to stand up until the madao fell on top of him in his green underwear. He must've been kicked out too. He assumed that he lost at pachinko and that's why he has no clothes on. The raven chuckles to himself, he found it quite funny. He lit a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. He continued to stroll down the streets whilst still looking at what's going on with the perm head. Gintoki had a bit of tears in his eyes and banging on the door and begging for them to let him in again. The madao was hugging his chest and crying while rolling on the floor. His sunglasses were still intact until Gintoki was pushed by the owner and fell on top of it. His heavy weight broke the sunglasses immediately. Madao cried even harder. Hijikata smirked at the scene. He suddenly realise why he was so invested in that scene. He quickly rushed off down the street until he turned the corner.

"That stupid perm head bastard". He said shaking his head. The scene replayed in his head. He grabbed the nearest pole to him and started to bang his head several times until it was bleeding and all he could hear was ringing. Then, his memory flash back to that morning when he woke up right next to the silver head. His velvet eyes staring back down at him and his messy permed hair made his face looked more 'handsome'? 'No no no' he thought. He hit his head on the pole again with more blood spurting out. Why did he think that? Handsome? What? Now that he's thinking about it, he must've been half asleep when he saw that. There's no way he was like that. To him he was an idiot permed head who can barely pay his rent and looses all his money to pachinko and is an irresponsible human being with terrible tastes.

The demon vice commander scuttled back to the shinsemgumi. He went to his office area where all the paper work was. Great. This was what he needed. A distraction. He quickly sat down and grabbed his pen from the table. He started writing on the papers and signing works. He was focused and serious on his work. A little while later, Yamazaki came in with more papers. Hijikata nodded and told him to put it down on front of him. He needed this, he shouldn't be having these strange thoughts. He furiously scribbled and signed the papers until his wrists was hurting. He shook it off and continued writing until late at night he dozed off to sleep.

He woke up to the sound of birds chirping. He looked up and see that he still have more papers to sign. He sighed as he looked at his ragged uniform that he didn't wash. He grabbed his katana and went to train his group.



Yes I know nothings happening yet.

But soon....

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