Uh oh

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Gintoki stared hard at the demonic vice commander. His jaw was dropped and his eyes widened in shock. He didn't know what to do. The demon vice commander noticed his face and smirked while his cigarette was still slightly hanging off his lips.

"Heh? What's the look?" He said in his lazy monotone voice.

"Eh erm... Hijikata". He started.

"Heh... how does it feel to meet the one and only?" He stated.

"Eh hahaha". Gintoki lightly giggled with his head slightly down. 'Shit shit shit. Hurry up and leave you mayora bastard!!'  In his mind he wanted him to go immediately before he recognizes him and laugh at him and tell the whole of the shinsengumi.

"Mind if you poured me a drink?" He said sitting down next to him getting another cigarette from his packet and grabbed his mayo lighter and lights it. He threw out his old one.

"I would've said no but you're already sitting here". The perm head whispered to himself. Gintoki reluctantly poured the vice captain the drink and purposely overfilled it.

"Oi- Oi. That's enough. Don't over fill it". Hijikata said a little loud. Gintoki stopped when he was told to and looked at the V shaped hair dude blankly.

"Ohhh. I'm sorry mister I was nervous." Gintoki said in his high pitched voice acting like a cute woman.

"You know what it's fine so don't worry". Hijikata said.

Gintoki was just sitting there sweating and wondering what to do as Hijikata took a sip.

"You look stiff why don't you have a drink?" The v haired male said looking concerned for his mentality as he saw the permhead shaking his head around.

"Oh sure..." 'Paako' said as he poured himself a drink and drank it all in one gulp. "Ahhhhh!" He relieved. "That was good" he said in his normal voice.

"Oh yea? It is isnt it?" Hijikata said taking his cigarette out to exhale.

Gintoki suddenly realised that he had spoken in his normal voice. He felt like dying inside when thinking he was done for and he knew who he was. 'Shit shit. What the hell do I do?' He said in his head. He had to think quick to try and cover up his mistake.

"H-here take some more". Gintoki said in his girly voice and poured the whole bottle of Pom Derri in his mouth.

"Mmf mmm". Hijikata's eyes widened at the sudden shock and gurgled as he placed his hands on the perm heads face to try and make him stop. He struggled for a while but then he finally put his hands around the silvers head and pushed him off.

"Pwah! THAT WAS TOO MUCH!" He yelled.

"Oh- but- but I thought that you wanted more". Gintoki said pretending he was hurt and making Hijikata be the bad guy.

"Hah?" Said the demon vice commander.

"It's my job to serve you but I see I have failed.." he said looking sad but he was secretly feeling happy on the inside with him making this mayo bastard the bad guy.

"Oi-Oi. Don't make me the bad guy here. If you wanted to serve me then I'll buy another Pom Derri". He said feeling a little bad for pushing him.

Gintoki looked at the vice commander in confusion. Has he still not figured him out? Hijikata noticed his strange look and said "what".

"Er nothing". He said.

Hijikata ordered another Dom Perri and took his cigarette out and exhaled. Gintoki just sat there nervously. He didn't want to be here. He felt like he shouldn't have helped Otae and should've stayed home to read JUMP or could've watched KetsunoAnas latest weather forecast. He feels as if he's slowly dying on the inside. His eyes started twitching rapidly and his lips curved into what looked like a nervous smile. The v haired male noticed.

Sakata Gintoki x Hijikata Toushirou Where stories live. Discover now