Sugar Honey Iced Tea.

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The demon vice commander fell on the floor. The criminal was yelling and screaming still until one of the shinsemgumi had his blade pierced through him. Everyone stared at him.

"Sorry... he hurted our vice commander so I..." he stopped. They cuffed the man and ran towards the injured vice commander. Yamazaki called the ambulance and rushed over. Gintoki stared at Hijikata. Blood was pouring out of the raven head. He watched as the shinsemgumi crew was making a scene of their vice commander. The perm head wondered why the nicotine bastard would do something like that and thought he was an idiot for saving him.

"Stupid mayora bastard, I would've been fine". He whispered to himself. However his perspective changed a little about the vice commander towards him. Before he had always thought Hijikata hated him but now he thinks he must've see him as something as if not an enemy. But he didn't know what. Maybe a friend? Sounds of the ambulance was echoing and coming closer.

"Gin-San!" A voice yelled. Gintoki looked up to see Shinpachi.

"Shinpachi! What are you doing back here?" The silverhead said. Glasses ran down the stairs and ran over to Gintoki.

"It's because I was worried that something would happen after I realise you weren't with us and had went back inside". Shinpachi said.

"Ah well you missed out a lot". Gintoki said. Shinpachi turned his head and see Hijikata lying on the ground with blood pouring out.

"What happened-" Then the medical team came rushing in and took the Demon vice commander on their emergency bed. After that, the night had ended with the shinsemgumi throwing the criminal in prison.

(U may be wondering how did Hijikata faint after he just been shot in the shoulder. Wouldn't he be fine still if he had only been shot in the shoulder? Well let's just say he had a lot of paper work to do last night and he was tired so like he fainted).
1 week later.

"Gin-Chan! Gin-Chan!"

"Huh? What is it Kagura?" Gintoki said.

"Look! Look!" She said holding up a golden festival ticket.

"A ticket?" Shinpachi said.

"Uh Huh". She said. "Can I go?"

"Huh? Where is it to?" Gintoki said picking his nose.

"A festival! It's today!". She exclaimed.

"Where did you get the money to buy it? Wouldn't it be expensive? Did you steal Kagura?" Gintoki asked.

"No. I found it on the ground".

"What kind of dumbass would loose an expensive ticket like this? You must've stolen it". Gintoki said as he yawned.

"I told you no. Whatever I'm going anyways. Tho I'm bringing Sadaharu". She said walking away calling Sadaharu.

"Umm. I don't think you can bring pets-". Shinpachi said but he didn't think Kagura would hear after she had closed the door.

"Uh. Gin-San. What... do we do?" He said.

"Eh. Whatever you want Pachi boy". Gintoki said leaning back on his chair and closed his eyes.

"I'll just go back home and help my sister re-establish our fathers dojo". He said walking to the door. He gently close the door behind him. Gintoki fell asleep for many hours until he woke up after his sleepiness was gone. He stretched and felt like he wanted a drink so he got up and go to a nearby pub that's not the old hags downstairs because he didn't want to be chased again for rent. He went to a pub he knew where he served was an old man. (I forgot the name of the place). He ordered his usual and drank his drink quickly like he had been thirsty for a long time. He sat there for a while until a familiar voice spoke.

Sakata Gintoki x Hijikata Toushirou Where stories live. Discover now