Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

111K 1.7K 710

The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

VIP Mission: Captain's Wife

941 14 17
By aegis1st

Wroclaw, Poland
Ela PoV

I am going to be a Mom! I was so happy but also very nervous, in a few months from this day forward I'm going to meet my child. Despite my happiness, I noticed (y,n) reaction was not what I was expecting, he was looking at the floor his face was showing...regret?

"Honey?" I gently whispered his name in a worried tone. Maybe this wasn't a good idea...

"I haven't thought on a name for our child! I thought this would take longer!" (y,n) suddenly began speaking. After a few seconds of him mentioning a few names and immediately discarding them, he looked at me

"Oh my god Ela this is wonderful news, we must tell your family. I wish I could tell mine but they are dead..." He was saying. I was really happy too but then when he mentioned his dead family his happiness turned into sadness...

"Who says your family is dead? My family is yours too and we have another one coming," I said looking at my belly

"I guess you are right. No you ARE right," (y,n) said then he hugged me tightly

"We have to tell your Mom!" (y,n) said and I nodded.

"Oh yes! We can invite them here, we can have a little party. Well I won't be able to drink because as you can see I can't," I awkwardly chuckled

"Well if we are going to bring our friends might as well shut down the wolves only for tomorrow. Let the boy spend it with their family while we do the same," (y,n) said and I nodded

One Day Later
(Y,N) PoV

(This is your Kitchen)

I was at the kitchen preparing everything so I can take it all to the backyard, yesterday I went and bought a lot of things to make a barbecue, the meat, the coal, and so on. Suddenly Ela came to the kitchen with a man. 

(This what is Ela is wearing) 

"Hi, babe! look this is Mathias, Zofia's husband. He is going to help you," Ela said and before I could say something she left 

"It is finally good to meet you. I never properly thank you for saving my girl," He said 

"You don't have to. I just did what I had to do," I said 

"Well (y,n) what are we doing?" Mathias said changing the topic

"I was about to take all of this outside," I was saying when all of a sudden Reegar joined us 

"Need any help?" He asked 

"Get the beer out of the fridge and take them outside," I said and Reegar went to open the fridge

"What the hell is this?" Reegar said as he showed me the beer 

"I'm not a beer guy but that doesn't mean I don't drink a few ones. This one is the only one that, in my opinion, doesn't taste like piss," I said and Reegar laughed 

"That's fine by me," He said 

We went outside and the girls were already talking and laughing, I was surprised to see Monika in here. We were about to start the barbecue but Zofia asked me to let her husband cook, I wanted to be in charge of that but Zofia said he was the kind of guy who knew more about this kind of thing than me, I didn't say anything because that meant I will get to do nothing and that was fine by me! Ela was talking to her sisters and mother, it is nice that Ela's mother wanted to get to know Laura. In the beginning, when she arrived I thought that would be a problem but I'm glad Ela's mother is mature enough to deal with that.

(This is your Backyard)

"Why would I hate Laura? She can't be blamed for being born," Ela's mother, Roxanna, said. I also was expecting her to have a problem with me because our last conversation wasn't the best. She was angry at me and well I guess I gave her a reason to be mad.

"Ok guys. Now that we are all here I have some news," Ela said then she looked at me 

"I'm pregnant, Mom!" Ela happily delivered the news to her sisters and Mom

"What?! How? Who?!" Roxanna shouted

"I'm the one who got your daughter pregnant. And how...well I guess I don't have to explain that," I said as I placed my hand on my wife's belly

"Oh...then that changes things," Roxanna said then she looked at her daughter

"If he is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then who am I to stop you Elzbieta," Ela's mother said. She was speaking in Polish. Little did she know that I speak Polish too.

"Mom there's no use for you to speak in Polish. He can understand you," Ela said while rubbing the back of her head

"I'm very happy for you both. Having a kid is a blessing!" Zofia said

"Congratulations, Ela," Monika said 

"Our family is getting bigger!" Karina said happily said and that caused Ela to giggle. The leader of the wraith, Raven, didn't say anything, she just went directly to where Ela was and hugged her. That confused me and Reegar and even Ela was concerned.

"I'm very sorry you have to carry the child of such ugly man," Raven said and while the rest laughed I shook my head with disappointment

"I guess I can deal with that..." Ela awkwardly chuckled. After a few minutes, the food was ready, we began eating and keep talking about ourselves, reminiscing what we did to get to where we are now. I saw Raven stand up and left to the minibar we had, I looked at Ela and she nodded. I stood up and when to talk to her. 

"Are you ready to meet your kid?" Raven asked me as she took a sip of her beer. We were watching our family from afar, the kids were having fun and the adults were talking

"I want these nine months to go out fast!" I said

"I don't mind you working from home, to be honest. But you have to go to the base from time to time, a week at least and during that week I can take care of your wife," Raven said and I smirked

"Thank you, Faith..." I said and she chuckled

"Don't call me by my real name. It is weird," She said then we both took a sip of our beer

"Now that you mentioned it. I'm putting the Wraiths on protection duty. While I'm at the base you guys are going to take care of Elzbieta. But let's keep it secret, we don't want to attract any attention," I said 

"You guys. Once we return to base I'm going to give the order," Raven said 

"Anyway...I noticed you got yourself an Alaskan Malamute. Weird, you always struck me as a pit bull owner," Raven said. I noticed she was looking at the kitchen's door, Simba was there so maybe that is why she brought that up

"So have been told...But Ela got the dog without even telling me and getting another one would be selfish," I said 

"Yeah, I understand. Because of all of the 'I am Pregnant' situation," Raven said and I nodded 

"Speaking of pregnancy," The sudden voice of Ryleigh scared the shit out of us 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Raven shouted 

"I hope to see Ela around the base," Ryleigh said totally ignoring the fact that she just scared us 

"For what?" I asked 

"So we can go hunting bees," Ryleigh said but before I could say something she smacked the back of my head making me groan in pain 

"To check on the baby what else!" She said 

"I think the doctors here in Poland can help us with that," I said 

"Man. The doctors here in Poland are for an average person, you are on top of all of them. Are you sure you want your wife to be handle by an average doctor or you want her to have the best care?" Ryleigh said 

"I think we are fine thank you," I said and she rolled her eyes 

"Fine. Have it your way," Ryleigh said then left 

"I guess she doesn't understand she there are better things to take care of than a pregnant woman," I said 

"Well, Ryleigh does have a point. Maybe you should let her take care of Ela," Raven said 

"The last three months of her pregnancy I'll take Ela to the base then," I said 

One Day Later
The Wolves HQ 
Raven PoV 

"I called you here today because right now we were tasked to fulfill an important mission," I said looking at my team. I noticed they were confused and I get it. It has been a while since we were on an important mission 

"What's the mission?" Wraith one Asked me 

"Elzbieta Bosak, The Captain's wife is pregnant. And our mission is to guard her during the week the Captain is going to be here, far away from her. Elzbieta is going to be with her mother during that week but we are going to be there to make sure she is fine," I said 

"This mission strikes me as we should expect the worst, I'll get my equipment ready," Wraith three said before leaving 

"Something else before you leave. During that week the captain expect us to deliver a report on Ela, so make sure you get everything," I said 

"YES MA'AM!" The wraiths said in unison 

Faith "Raven" Olsen 
Report of the First Month of Ela's pregnancy

After finding out Ela was pregnant I told my team that we will be taking care of Ela while the Captain is working at the base. While being with her we also have to write a report to (y,n) so can get an idea of how Ela is doing. Today Ela was going out; her mother was with her but unlike them, I was checking if I had my equipment ready, I am supposed to take care of her without letting her know I am here. I cloaked and started following the Captain's wife to a library which got me confused, I carefully entered and checked on what they were doing.

"Look, Ela, this book helped me a lot when I was pregnant with Zofia," Ela's mother said

"If you have a copy why are we here then?" Ela said before sighing

"I sold it after Zo got pregnant. To be honest, I was not expecting you to get pregnant too," Ela's mother awkwardly chuckled and that made Ela rolls her eyes. Ela got the book and got another one that covered how to be a good Mom.

"This is the kind of book you need Mom..." Ela whispered to herself. I scoffed in amusement because I agree with her.

"Ok. Time to go, home baby," Ela spoke again

"It is time for 'us' to go home," I said correcting her. Obviously, she didn't hear me, but I have to include myself in Ela's plans since I'm here.

 Laura "Nokk" Bosak 
Report of the Second Month of Ela's pregnancy

This month, my sister's protection is up to me. I thought Raven would take care of her during the nine months of her pregnancy but I guess I was wrong. I don't care, this is a good time to spend more time with my sister and hopefully, get to know her better. I have to remain cloaked while Ela is outside but at home (y,n) allowed me to make contact with her because I am her sister.

"So what are you painting now?" I asked the blonde-haired woman.

"I woke up early with a few ideas on how my child would look like. (y,n) said he wanted a boy so I am painting how my baby boy would look like," Ela said, she sounded excited

"Have you considered the possibility that you end up with a girl instead of a boy?" I said then she stopped painting

"I will love her no matter what! Regardless of what (y,n) says," Ela said

"So how are you holding up?" I asked

"I'm hanging in there. This morning I felt sick but I am ok now. I went to the doctor with (y,n) last week and he said I have to start eating healthy, he also gave me a few vitamins" Ela said

"I am glad to know you are doing fine. I am here for you so if you need anything just ask," I smiled at her

"Actually there is something I need you to do for me...This morning Simba made a mess in the backyard; can you help me clean it up? I would do it myself but I am feeling sick..." Ela said. Sounded weak at the end but something tells me she is laying but I already told her that I would help her...

"Sure I clean your dog mess..." I said

"Thank you, Sis!" Ela said happily

I knew she was lying...

Angela "Wraith One" Reyes
Report of the Third Month of Ela's pregnancy

The Captain and Ela are heading to the hospital for a checkup, (y,n) takes Ela every month for a check-up on the "Whatever the hell she is having" I was tasked to be a guard for this week but (y,n) came on short notice when I asked him why he responded that he wanted to know what they were having and if there were more than one. I am glad I got to be here and heard the news too; the team is going to be so jealous!

"Well congratulations (y,n), and Elzbieta you are going to have a baby and as for the gender it's going to be a-" I was at the edge of my seat and I could tell the captain was too but just before the doctor could reveal the baby gender Ela stopped him

"WAIT! I want it to be a surprise for the both of us!" Ela said

"Since when I wanted it to be a surprise? That sounds like a parade I want to know now if you don't want to know it's your problem!" (y,n) said

"Is that how it's going to be? Ok, have it your way!" Ela said. The couple began arguing in front of the doctor who seemed like a painting on the wall in this situation, he had no saying meanwhile I was enjoying the argument. At the end of the day, this is what it means to be married, there always going to be some ups and downs.

"Fine, Ela. We will do it your way," (y,n) said

"It was obvious that Ela would win. She is the one with the upper hands since she is the one that is pregnant," I thought as I left with the couple

I was cloaked but the only one who knew I was around was the captain. I spend the rest of the week disappointed because I didn't get to hear the big news, how can Ela be so selfish! Now I'm going to be bored for the rest of the week!

Jia Li "Wraith Two" Zhang
Report of the Fourth Month of Ela's pregnancy

Elzbieta protection is up to me this week. I was expecting it to be an easy-going week but turns out Ela was invited to a party by her friend Nathalia, lucky for me the party is taking place here in Polish ground, the downside was that to get to the party you need an invitation, I had to call Yun to help me get inside and when she got me into the system under the name of "Zhongli" Since I've never made contact with the captain's wife, she doesn't know how I look like so I just need a dress and enjoy the party. 

I arrived at the party earlier than the target and a few hours later the target showed up I immediately searched for her, people were looking at me but I didn't care, I found the target talking to a man while her mother was getting something to eat, so far everything was going fine until Ela got distracted, the man put something on her drink. I walked towards them and just before Ela drank it I grabbed her hand 

"Drinking soda is not good for someone pregnant," I smiled at her then I looked at the man who was getting nervous 

"It's just one-wait how did you know I am pregnant," She asked me. I rolled my eyes as I took the soda off her hands 

"Is either than or you are just fat and I doubt is the second," I said. I looked at the man who was trying to get away, I was able to grab him before he leaves. I put my hand on her face and with my middle finger and thumb pressed his cheeks as hard as I could until he opened his mouth 

"Make sure you drink all of your crap," I said as I poured the soda into his mouth, he started coughing, and then he fell to the ground. I searched the guy belonging and found the pills he was trying to get Ela to drink 

"Oh my god thank you!" Ela said. By the tone of her voice, she was scared, her mother and friend came. The security came after s few seconds and took the man away, I turned around and Ela groaned. My eyes widened in fear. Did I miss something? No that's impossible...

"Are you ok honey?" Her mother asked then Ela smiled, I was confused now 

"My baby just kicked!" Ela said. Her mother and friend got happy, I sighed in relief. I stayed with them for a few minutes before they left.

"That was a close call..." 

Ada "Wraith Three" Wong
Report of the Fifth Month of Ela's pregnancy

I was watching Ela getting up from the bed, she seemed to be in a lot of pain, but I see her appetite hasn't changed. I knew this mission would be boring but when I heard what happened last month with Zhang I had to change my mind. I also was expecting something else to happen because last month Zhang was lucky to see the child kick. Let's hope the baby gets to do something else before I leave or I'll be disappointed. 

"Wraith four are you there?" I heard the voice of the captain speaking through the comms 

"Wraith four here. Is there a problem?" I asked 

"How is Ela?" He asked me 

"She is doing fine, well aside from the pain she feels every time she sits down, but I guess is because her belly is growing," I answered (y,n) question

"And the baby?" (y,n) asked 

"It's there! it's not doing anything! I want to see him move again!" I said and (y,n) chuckled 

"You seemed more excited than I am," He said 

"Oh look. Ela is heading out, I have to go," I said then cut the comms

Well, I just lied to the Captain...

Christie "Wraith Four" Allen
Report of the Sixth Month of Ela's pregnancy

"Tomorrow (y,n) is coming back from work. I am very excited, I think I'm going to cook something for him," Ela said 

"For me too, please! I am hungry," I thought to myself. 

"What about you my friend? Are you hungry?" Ela said, out of nowhere. My eyes widened in surprise when she turned around, she was looking for me but I wasn't there

"How did she know?" I thought. I didn't answer back and that caused her to shrug and continue doing the groceries. I sighed in relief and when Ela finished buying all the things we went home. I was outside her house guarding it as I am supposed to do when all of a sudden she went out with a plate and put it on the minibar they had. 

"She has become a Mom..." 

Renee "Wraith Five" Blasey
Report of the Seventh Month of Ela's pregnancy

"Hope are you there? I repeat Hope are you there?" Raven contacted me through comms. I sighed annoyingly at her calling me by my middle name 

"What is it? Faith..." I called Raven by her real name 

"Oh, nothing I just wanted to know how you were?" She asked me. 

Four years ago I was part of The Wolves' science team and I came up with the idea of phase tech, a technology that will allow the user to transport to another dimension. (y,n) and Ryleigh let me work on it and I did. I tried it on myself but things went wrong and now I'm stuck with these voices in my head... (y,n) could have easily get rid of me but he didn't. I lost my memories but they helped me to get them back. 

"I am fine Faith. I was working, until you interrupted me," I said. I am proud to serve the Captain so even though taking care of a pregnant woman is something that scares me I will do it because of them. I was watching Ela from afar because even though I feel fine my power is still unstable. 

"Monika 'IQ' Weiss is pregnant. Kal Reegar is the father and well I am moving to their location to do the same shit we are doing with Elzbieta," She said

"Two of the best are getting offsprings. Only you are left, when are you going to have a little Raven," I asked my team leader 

"Fuck you..." She cuts the comms and I rolled my eyes

Today Ela was going to buy a few things for the baby. In a few months, we are going to have two more kids to take care of. Wherever she goes I will go. 

Kasumi "Wraith Six" Goto 
Report of the Eighth Month of Ela's pregnancy

I was standing in front of Ela's door, I knocked at the door and waited for her to answer. I was tasked to escort her to the airport and from there to the base, after a few minutes, Ela's mother answered the door. 

"Who are you? She asked me. Before I could answer Ela came 

"Hi! I suppose (y,n) send you?" She asked me and I nodded. I stood aside and waited for Ela to get out

"Ok..." Ela said then she began walking. 

I had lots of things to say to her but I know pregnant women are moody...and I tend to say the worst things at the worst time. So instead of saying something, I might regret I preferred to keep my mouth shut and do my job. I wouldn't like to get on the Captain's bad side. 

When we arrived at the base I thought my job would be done but I still had to take care of her. I took Ela to her room and put her things on the floor while she sat down on the bed, in that moment Ryleigh asked me to take Ela to the medical bay so I did. Once there we found (y,n). Ryleigh ran a few tests on Ela.

"We are not injecting anything on my baby right?" Ela asked concern 

"If you mean the Chimera, No we are not. Not unless you want to give birth to monsters," Ryleigh said then she showed us the ultrasound and when I saw it my jaw dropped 

"This is why you don't go to an average doctor. (y,n)!" Ryleigh said 

"We are having two kids..." Ela said in disbelief 

"They are having two kids..." I also said in disbelief

"But the doctors said we were having one," (y,n) said 

"Ultrasound can go wrong. The probabilities for that to happen are very low but it can happen. You guys were 'Lucky' that it happened to you. That is why I wanted you to bring Ela to me!" Ryleigh began scolding (y,n) 

"One Boy and one Girl. Consider yourself lucky," Ryleigh said 

"It was supposed to be a surprise!" Ela shouted 

"Well thank you husband for not letting me in charge of your normal checkups," Ryleigh said. I laughed. She does that a lot. 

(Y,N) PoV
Ninth Month of Ela's Pregnancy 

"I'm requesting your permission to add a new operator to Rainbow's ranks," 

I am at my office talking to Harry, I was also appointed as the new director but Harry still is the one getting more people to join Rainbow. I was checking the file of the new girl called "Thunderbird" Just when I was about to answer Riley came running through the door 

"Uncle (y,n). Mom asked me to tell you that Ela just went into labor!"  

When I heard those words my eyes widened in surprise, I didn't even give a straight answer to Harry. I stood up from my desk and left the office, after Harry of course because no one can stay in my office when I'm not around. I was running behind Riley who was leading me to the medical Bay, there I saw The Wraiths sitting on the chairs next to the door, I gave them a confusing look then entered the room, I saw Ela on the bed with her legs wide open letting out a groan of pain.

"How is she Ryleigh?" I asked then Ela groaned again 

"What do you think, idiot!" Ela shouted then continued to push then let out a few short breaths just to keep pushing 

"Come on Ela, you can do this," Ryleigh said then she looked at me 

"Are you going to stand there or what? Go calm your wife!" She shouted at me and I nodded. I was nervous, I didn't know what to do so I went to Ela's side, she tried to reach for my hand and I gave it to her. I thought it would be a nice thing to do but I was wrong...Ela began squeezing my hands, I groaned in pain as I felt my hand being crushed by Ela's grasp 

"Ela come on, calm down!" I said 

"Once I get these two monsters out of me I will!" She shouted then began pushing again 

"Ok...Ela we've got this!" I said 

"We? I am pushing two babies out of my fucking Vagina...What are you pushing? Pushing my nerves that is what you are doing! SHUT UP!" Ela shouted again, Ryleigh looked at me 

"Maybe it would be best if you stay outside..." She said and I nodded sadly. I left the room and saw the Wraiths running away from the door. 

Five Hours Later

I was sitting down on the chair next to the room where my wife was, I was so concerned about how long it has been, the wraiths tried to calm me down by bringing me something to drink with every hour that passes. Suddenly Ryleigh came out of the room, I stood up and she looked at me

"Time to meet your kids, Captain..." She said. I entered the room and there she was. My wife holding my kids, they were already dressed up 

"Look, baby. that's your father..." Ela gently said to the baby she was holding. I noticed another baby laying down on a crib, I slowly approached it

"Is this one the girl or the boy?" I asked shyly 

"The girl...Look I am-" Ela was about to say something but I didn't let her finish 

"She is so cute..." I said

"Come on, you can hold her..." Ela permitted me to do so and I did. 

"I thought about many names for a boy but just one for a girl. If you allow me, Ela, I would like to name her...Lidia" I said. 

"Lidia?" Ela gave me a confused look 

"It was my mother's name..." I said. I noticed tears were running down my cheeks 

"I love it..." Ela said and I smiled 

"Hi, Lidia! Welcome to the world..." I said happily 

"What about him?" Ela looked at the boy she was holding. I was about to say a name but Ela spoke again 

"I was thinking 'Levi' what do you think?" Ela asked me and I chuckled 

"Lidia and Levi. I Love them!" I answered. I am a father now. This is the best day of my life...

Time Skip

"Where is Raven?" I asked the Wraiths standing in front of me 

"I am sorry Captain, today I was on guard duty for Miss Weiss but Raven asked me to stay, she wanted me to meet your kids," Angela said 

"Well on behalf of me and Ela I sincerely thank you. If it weren't for you she wouldn't be here," I said but my eyes were set on Zhang and she nodded 

"You can go and watch them then, CAREFULLY! and after that, you are back to work and maybe when that's done you will get a month off," I said 

"Are we getting paid during that month?" Kasumi asked me 

"Don't push it! now leave before I consider what you just said," I said. When I asked them to leave they all did without hesitation. I turned around as soon as they left and stood up from my chair and headed towards the window. 

"I am a father now Mom, I just wish you were here to see them," I said then smiled 

You too, father. I know you weren't always good at showing your feelings but thank you for watching over me. I hope you can watch over my family too! and thank you for everything I guess...

(So yeah. This is the author speaking. You are a father now, congratulations! Now I know I asked in the last chapter about what the gender of the baby might be and I am pleased to say that no one was wrong you guys got a boy and a girl! but there was only one who said both so congratulations you just won an endless supply of nothingness! Maybe you get a day out with the Wraiths I don't know what you decide! BUT you got nothing just like I said you would. 

I know it doesn't make sense what I just wrote but it's ok. Just a stupid attempt of me trying to be funny. Anyway! Thank you for reading the story again and for staying this far and until the next chapter.) 

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